Turning the Wheeler Family’s Lives Upside Down Part 2: Just lIke mommy!

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Ted wheeler starts his new job as the house maid by stripping his marriage bed of the sheets Karen had ruined during an afternoon of fun with Lonnie Byers and Billy Hargrove.

The white comforter was stained extensively from where two men had tag teamed his trophy wife. Cum, sweat, makeup and cigarette ash littered the once pristine blanket. Ted scrubs at the stains with a stiff brush in the laundry room, trying desperately not to remember where they had come from.

Upstairs he hears his wife Karen and his daughter Nancy giggling together. Instantly his stomach turns over. Before today sounds like that meant someone was trying on a fun outfit or had told a clever joke. But now he shudders, trying not to imagine what is getting them so giddy. Against his best efforts he remembers the afternoon in quick flashes.

Karen on her hands and knees, naked and swaying between Lonnie and Billy.

Lonnie, dropping cigarette ash on his wife’s ass while she bounced against his hips.

Billy’s cum dripping down Karen’s chin as she shook against Lonnie’s thrusts.

His daughter Nancy, tucked underneath Lonnie’s arm, licking her lips and admiring his body.

Looking into his daughter’s eyes while his wife taught her how to stroke Lonnie’s cock.

Ted shakes his head violently, trying to clear his mind. Absently he adds the detergent to the washing machine and makes his way back upstairs. Along the way he notices the dirty floor, undone dishes and messy rooms. As the new house maid he would have to take care of that soon. But first Lonnie said he had a job for him.

In the bedroom Ted finds Lonnie lying naked on the bed, nursing an erection, with a bundle of sheets at his feet. “About time Teddy boy! What took you so long? Washing machine a little confusing for you?”

Ted, flushed with embarrassment, responds in a whisper. “There were a lot of stains….”

Lonnie booms with laughter and hops off the bed, grabbing the sheets as he does. “You’re damn right there was Ted! I’ll tell ya buddy, that wife of yours is something else. This summer has just been one big workout!”

Lighting a cigarette he tosses the bundle of sheets to Ted. “Now get the bed ready Ted, it’s gonna be a BIG night.”

Ted catches the sheets Lonnie tosses him and walks slowly to the bed. With care he stretches the fitted sheet over the mattress he used to share with Karen and smooths out the wrinkles.

“Great job Ted.” Lonnie smirks. “See? I knew deep down you could do something useful Keep it up and maybe I’ll let you give your daughter a kiss goodnight? Huh? How does that sound?”

“Uh…. I would like that.” Ted mumbles.

“Well you gotta earn it.” Lonnie continues, crossing the room and picking up a video camera off the dresser. “You ever use one of these Teddy boy?”

“Ya once or twice.” Ted responds, taking the camera and looking through the viewfinder.

“Well take a couple minutes to get used to it. Tonight you’re going to be my camera man, catching all the action. So you better keep an eye on the focus Teddy. I don’t want any blurry shots!”

Ted nods silently and beings familiarizing himself with the device. He practices moving and adjusting the focus, keeping everything in crystal clear quality. Behind the closed door of the bathroom Nancy and Karen are giggling together again. Ted looks knowingly at his marriage bed, now bare except for a fitted sheet and an old naked pervert, and shamefully, feels his penis grow in his pants.

Before Ted can hide his shame the door of the bathroom swings open and Karen steps out. Like earlier she is naked except for fishnet stockings and black high heels. Unlike earlier the thick cake of cum, spit, sweat and cigarette ash left by Billy and Lonnie’s brutal fucking has been scrubbed away, leaving her skin glowing and pristine. She steps to the side of the door, making sure Lonnie has a good view.

“Loooooniiiieeeee.” She calls playfully. “I have somebody that wants to meet youuuuu.”

Lonnie leans forward, eyes wide with anticipation as the bathroom door is filled with the small figure of Nancy Wheeler. Nervously she walks out of the bathroom with small, timid steps and looks around with wide eyes.

“Dear god.” Ted whispers in horror as Karen leads Nancy to the center of the room.

Nancy, like her mother, was wearing nothing but black fishnet stockings and black high heels. Her long black hair was done up in loose pigtails which cascaded down her shoulders and stopped just short of her tiny breasts. She crosses her arms over her tiny waist and looks nervously at Lonnie.

“Oh my god baby girl.” Lonnie whispers, rolling off the bed and approaching Nancy. “You look sooo beautiful.”

He gasps for effect and pulls Nancy into him. Her small naked body is instantly swallowed up in his big muscular arms. Squealing quietly with delight, the young girl buries herself in Lonnies tattooed chest and smiles from ear to ear.

“You really think so? You really think I’m pretty?”

“I think you’re breathtaking.” Lonnie whispers as his hand wanders down Nancy’s back and begins groping her tiny ass.

Nancy hums playfully and then takes Lonnies twitching cock in her hand. Slowly she begins pumping Lonnie’s shaft, just like her mom had taught her earlier. Lonnie groans in approval and leans in to Nancy. The young girls eyes flutter closed as the looming man kisses her passionately. Lonnie’s tongue explores Nancy’s mouth while he shamelessly gropes her ass.

“Mmmmmmm oh daddy.” Nancy coos as he breaks off the kiss. Panting and smiling as she savors the taste of Lonnie in her mouth. She looks to her mom and is relieved to see her smiling and happy.

“Is this okay mommy?” She asks as Lonnie starts planting long, sucking kisses on her neck.

“Oh yes baby. That is more than okay.” Karen responds, taking over jacking off Lonnie while her daughter is distracted. “You said you wanted to be just like mommy right?”

Nancy breaks off another passionate kiss with Lonnie and nods, smiling bashfully. “Just like you mommy…. Just like you.”

Karen beams and takes her daughter by the hand, looking deep into her eyes. “You’re a good girl Nancy. Now let’s all go lie down and we’ll show you how to be like mommy.”

Lonnie practically skips over to the bed, jumping into the center and resting up against the headboard. Grinning maniacally he touches himself and watches as Karen leads Nancy to him.

“Mommy I’m nervous.” Nancy says suddenly, stopping short of the bed and looking up at her mother with wide eyes. “Does it hurt? I’ve seen you doing it before. They’re so rough with you mommy and I’m so small. It’s going to hurt me.”

Karen pulls her naked, trembling, daughter into her chest and holds her close.

“It’s okay baby.” She whispers. “I know it’s scary. But you know what? It’s also really fun! And it feels really good too. You like feeling good don’t you honey?”

Nancy looks up from her place between Karen’s plump tits and nods quietly.

“I know you do.” Karen whispers. “And you know what else? I’m going to be there every step of the way. I’ll be right there with you.”

Nancy detaches from her mother’s embrace looking a little more confident. “Promise mommy?”

“Cross my heart baby. Now come on, let’s go play…..”

Sharing a smile, mother and daughter depart to join Lonnie on the bed. Karen jumps with enthusiasm onto the mattress and curls up under one of her lover’s arms, grabbing his dick and beginning to stroke out of habit. Nancy is more hesitant, she rounds the bed slowly and only climbs under Lonnie’s outstretched arm after a reassuring smile from her mother. Her hand joins Karen’s and once again mother and daughter are working together to keep Lonnie hard.

“Alright Ted, how’s the focus? Can you see everything? Be sure to zoom in. I don’t want to waste an inch of frame.” Lonnie instructs from between them.

Ted stands at the foot of the bed, squinting through the viewfinder and adjusting the image until his family fills the frame. Ted gives Lonnie a thumbs up and then shudders, realizing what he has done.

“Nancy baby.” Karen starts, reaching over Lonnie to take Nancy’s free hand in hers. “Have you ever been with any boys?”

“Not really…” Nancy replies, shooting a worried look at Lonnie. “I let a boy touch my boobs once.”

“Did you like when he touched you?” Karen asks, unconsciously fondling her own chest.

“Not really.” Nancy replies.

“Do you like when I touch you?” Lonnie asks, reaching around Nancy’s body and cupping one of her breasts.

Nancy smiles sheepishly, blushing and then nodding quickly. Lonnie returns the smile, digging his fingers into Nancy’s chest and groping her roughly. Nancy squeals and twists in his arms, giggling as Lonnies grabs at her small body.

“Why do you like it when Lonnie touches you?” Karen asks as her daughter squirms and squeals with delight.

“He’s not scared.” Nancy replies through giggles as she continues to fight off Lonnie. “He just takes it you know? I know he really wants it.”

Lonnie, viewing this as an invitation, pushes Nancy’s arms apart and buries his head in the young girls chest, sucking and licking like an animal. Nancy gasps and giggles loudly, pushing her chest towards Lonnie’s mouth.

“Now Nancy, when you were in the closet, were you touching yourself?” Karen asks as her hands trace along the inside of Nancy’s pale thighs.

Nancy blushes and nods, her body twitching as Lonnie sucks her chest and her mother’s fingers begin to drift up her leg.

“Did watching me fuck your mommy turn you on?” Lonnie whispers as he kisses and licks up Nancy’s neck.

“Yes.” Nancy whispers, breathless.

“Show mommy how you do it honey.” Karen whispers, taking Nancy’s hand and guiding it between her legs. Nancy’s fingers find her virgin pussy and, after a reassuring nod from her mother, begins to touch herself.

“Look at me.” Lonnie whispers. Nancy obeys, playing with her slick pussy while she stares with wide eyes at the naked, muscular man looming over her. Nancy is careful, delicate and modest as she touches herself in front of everyone. She traces over the folds of her sex and moans softly as she gently rubs her wet slit.

“Does it feel good baby?” Karen asks, as her hands unconsciously drift towards Nancy’s.

“Yes mommy.” Nancy gasps, rubbing herself a little harder.

“Let mommy help you baby…… Let mommy show you how….” Karen whispers as her hand meets Nancy’s and brushes against the young girls wetness.

“Mmmmmmm.” Nancy moans as her mothers fingers glide over her now quivering slit. Karen explores her daughter with a careful calculation, playfully seeking out the places that would make her daughter twitch. Nancy stares up at her mother, moaning louder and pushing her hips into her mother’s fingers, craving more.

“Oh honey.” Karen whispers as she slips a finger into her daughters, now soaking wet, pussy. “You’re so wet for mommy. Do you like it when mommy makes you feel good?”

“Oh yes mommy.” Nancy pants, biting her lips and grinding her hips on Karen’s finger. “Please mommy. Please touch me more. Please. Please.”

Nancy had always been delicate when she touched herself. Never anything more than a little rubbing and a lot of imagination. Now her mother was barraging her body with waves of pleasure. Karen’s slipped another finger inside Nancy’s tight pussy and wiggled them both wildly, making the young teen buck violently on the mattress.

“Oh mommy! Oh my goooood. Oh moooommmmyyyy.”

Ted keeps the whole scene in frame, capturing in video quality as his daughter has her sexual awakening at the hands of her mother. To his shame Ted’s penis is rock hard and he breathes heavily as he continues to watch.

“Yes mommy. Yes. Yesssss. Touch me mommy. Touch meeeeeee.”

Nancy bucks and moans, her body heaving as her mother pleasures her. She pushes her hips into her mom’s hand, urging the wiggling fingers deeper. She thrusts her body towards Lonnie, desperate for more of his touch. She feels something coming, something building inside her. She cries out, shaking and spasming as her mother’s fingers wiggle faster inside her.

“Oh my god what’s happening mommy! Something’s happening! What’s happening mommmyyyyyy!” She moans, eyes filled with fear and excitement.

“It’s an orgasm baby.” Her mother says in a soothing voice as she stares into her daughters bulging eyes. “Let it come baby. Let mommy make you cum. That’s it baby. Cum for me honey. Cum for mommy.”

Nancy does as she is told. Grabbing on to Lonnie’s arm tightly she surrenders herself to the touch of her mother and cums for the first time in her life. The young girl thrashes and moans like a cheap whore as wave after wave of mind bending pleasure crash over her. Karen smiles and continues playing with her daughter, struggling to keep her fingers in Nancy’s pussy as the teen thrashes on the mattress.

“Oh my god mommmyyyyyyy. Ohhhhhhh moooommmyyyyy yeeeeesssssss.” Nancy squeals, digging her nails into Lonnie’s arm.

“Damn Ted!” Lonnie laughs as Nancy bucked violently next to him. “You sure know how to raise a World Class whore around here!”

“Mmmmmmmmm goooooddddd ohhhhh mmmmmmm.” Nancy coos as the orgasm subsides. The teen shivers as aftershocks of pleasure continue to course through her tiny body. She smiles broadly and runs her hands over her shaking body, drunk on her first orgasm.

“Ohhh myyyyy gooooood that was amaaaaziiiiingggg” She moans with her eyes closed and her hands wandering.

“Now Nancy don’t be rude.” Lone smirks. “Say thank you to your mother.”

“Thank you mommy!” Nancy squeals, throwing herself at her mother and planting kisses all over her face. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you mommy! Thank you thank you…”

Nancy stops abruptly and looks up, finding herself inches away from her mother. For the first time she notices how full her mom’s lips are. She admires her fair skin and the way her back curves when it gets near her ass. She leans in, holding her breath, as her mom pulls her closer. Nancy’s eyes close as her mother’s lips meet with hers, warm and wet.

Nancy has never kissed her mom like this before. She had barely kissed a boy like this before. Karen’s tongue slides around Nancy’s mouth, exploring playfully. Nancy pulls herself closer to her mother and their tongues start dancing. Lost in each other’s touch they kiss passionately as spit grows on both their lips.

“Oh god damn.” Lonnie moans, jerking himself off as he watches mother and daughter embrace.

Nancy finds her hands exploring her mother’s body. Her timid touch is gone, swept away by the feeling of true pleasure. Her small hands grope her mother’s full tits greedily, making Karen’s nipples hard. She knew she should feel shameful, even sinful. But she only feels turned on. Mommy makes her feel so good. She wants mommy to make her cum again. She needs to come again. She needs it.

“Can you touch me more mommy?” She whispers, breaking the kiss and grinding her hips into her mother’s hand. “Please?”

“Soon baby.” Karen replies, kissing her daughter again and nibbling on her lip as she pulls away, leaving Nancy panting.

“Getting to cum is a reward for being a good girl.” Lonnie says. “If you’re a good little girl then you get to cum all you want.”

“All I want?” Nancy whispers, looking to her mother for confirmation.

“All you want baby. And all you need…” Karen replies as she slides her hand out of her daughter’s pussy and guides it back to Lonnie’s shaft. “….is a big strong man with a big hard cock.”

Lonnie smiles and grabs Karen as he swings his legs over the side of the bed. “That’s what makes your mom so great Nancy,” he says as he pushes the housewife down between his legs, “she lives to make her man happy. Is that what you want Nancy? Do you want to make me happy just like your mommy?”

“Yes daddy.” Nancy moans, already touching herself again.

“Good. Let’s start by teaching you how to suck cock. Have you ever sucked a cock before?”

Nancy shakes her head shyly, embarrassed by her lack of experience.

“That’s okay. Your mommy is going to teach you. Get down there Nancy. Right next to mommy.”

Nancy dismounts the bed and Karen holds her hand as she gets down on her knees. Karen squeezes Nancy’s hand lightly and places an arm around her waist. Her daughter’s’ eyes dart nervously to the tall veiny monster standing before her.

“Will it fit in my mouth?” She asks meekly, looking out the side of her eye at her mother.

“Well let’s find out baby.” Karen replies, taking Lonnie’s cock by the hilt and holding it upright. “The first things is you want to do is play with the head, that’s this part right here. Put it in your mouth and suck on it like you would suck on a lollypop. Okay sweetie?”

Sheepishly Nancy approaches Lonnies cock and opens wide. She looks to her mom for reassurance as the mushroom head disappears behind her lips and her pigtails fall onto Lonnie’s thighs. Instantly the oversized head fills up most of her mouth. Just like her mommy instructed she sucks the head like a lollypop, wetting it with spit from her tongue and then sucking it up with her lips.

“Oh man.” Lonnie groans, resting back on his elbows. “Damn Nancy you are a natural cock sucker.”

Nancy removes the now slick cock head from her mouth and beams with pride. A small giggle escapes her lips as she reinserts Lonnie into her mouth eagerly.

“Very good baby.” Karen compliments, watching Nancy closely as she gives her first blowjob. “Now take your lips and move them up and down his shaft. Nice and slow. Good baby. Be sure to keep your lips nice and tight on it.”

Nancy’s head starts bobbing in Lonnie’s lap and loud wet sucking sounds fill the room. Lonnie reaches down and places his hand on the back of Nancy’s head, motivating his new toy to go deeper. Behind Nancy her mother’s hand slips between her legs once again. Whenever she sees her daughter doing a good job she rubs and probes Nancy’s dripping pussy. Nancy learns quickly.

“Use your tongue honey.” Karen instructs. “Lick him all over. Whenever he’s in your mouth you like him everywhere okay?”

“Okay mommy.” Nancy responds, twisting her face in concentration as she tongue slithers over Lonnie’s shaft.

“Ted!” Lonnie calls, as Karen continues coaching her daughter. “Come on over here and get a closeup of your little princess!”

Ted, meekly, walks over and films Nancy from the other side of the bed, over Lonnie’s shoulder. In the frame Nancy looks up at Lonnie, working for his approval on her knees.

“Mommy it tastes….. glugglugglug…..salty.” Nancy says with Lonnie’s cock hanging out of her mouth.

“That’s pre cum baby. Do you like how it tastes?”

“Kinda…..glugglugglug…. is that weird?”

“Not at all baby. Mommy looooves how it tastes.” Karen replies as she guides Nancy’s mouth back to Lonnie’s dick, “AND if you do a REALLY good job….. daddy will give you lots of cum to drink.”

“Really?” Nancy asks, looking up at Lonnie with wide, excited eyes.

“Oh yes baby girl.” Lonnie replies. “Now put it back in your mouth baby. Come on Nancy, make daddy happy.”

“Lonnie?” Nancy asks meekly.

“Yes princess?”

“When Billy was here and mommy was making him happy they were doing it different. Can we do it that way?”

“What way?” Lonnie asks, confused. Karen however, understands. With a prideful smile she strokes her daughters face and plants a kiss on her cheek.

“Billy was face fucking me Lonnie. Nancy saw Billy face fucking me.”

“Oh!” Lonnie exclaims, eyes wide with excitement. “You want to try THAT Nancy?”

“Yes please!" Nancy giggles, leaning back and opening her mouth as wide as she can.

“Now Nancy.” Karen interjects. “Getting face fucked is different from a blowjob. It’s very rough and only something for big girls. If Lonnie fucks your face do you think you can be a big girl?”

“I can do it mommy. I can be a big girl.” Nancy replies confidently. “Just like you.”

“Like mother like daughter….” Lonnie mumbles as he stands up and looms over the young girl. Eagerly Nancy scoots towards him, letting his hard cock rest across her smiling face.

“You are going to make a great whore Nancy.” Lonnie whispers as he grips his cock by the hilt and pushes his shaft into Nancy’s gaping mouth. Karen sits close to Nancy, one arm wrapped around her while the other holds her hand.

“Okay baby.” Nancy whispers as she rubs Nancy’s back. “Now hold your mouth wide open for Lonnie okay? Nice and wide baby.”

The young teen feels the pulsing monster slide past her lips, over her tongue and scape against her throat. Slowly Lonnie begins pistoning in and out of her mouth, dragging spit onto her chin as his pace increases.

“You’re doing so good baby.” Karen says, moving her hand down to Nancy’s pussy and beginning to play with her. “Keep that mouth open baby. Keep it nice and wide for daddy.”

Nancy, wanting to be a big girl, squeezes her mom’s hand and stays tough as Lonnie’s cock starts striking the back of her throat. She fights back the worst of the gagging and holds her mouth open wide as Lonnie grabs a hold of her hair. Growling, the muscular man pulls her pigtails behind him and buries his cock ever deeper in her spasming mouth.

“Oh yes baby.” Karen whispers as she pushes her fingers deep inside her daughter. “You’re doing so good Nancy. You’re making mommy so proud. You can do it baby.”

Nancy gags continuously and violently as Lonnie hammers her throat. Rivers of spit and precum pour off her chin and drip down her bucking body. She bucks from the cock pounding her mouth, she bucks from the hips hitting her face, and she bucks for her mother as her fingers wiggle faster.

“Get the fuck over here Ted! Nancy look at the camera!”

Nancy looks sideways, her mascara stained face bobbing in and out of the shot as Lonnie’s cock slams into the back of her throat over and over. Ted, stoic and dead inside, films his daughter being violated with a quiet professionalism.

After a few minutes Lonnie lets Nancy up for air. He removes his cock, slick with precum and spit, and slaps Nancy repeatedly in the face with it. The young girl twists her face is confusion and then laughs, opening her mouth wider and letting Lonnie slap her tongue.

Karen looks at her daughter and laughs. “Oh Nancy you look so beautiful.” She says as she admires the thick coating of spit and precum covering her daughter. “How was it?”

“I liked it…..” Nancy pants, trying to catch her breathe. She looks right at Lonnie before positioning herself in front of him once again. “I like it when you’re rough……”

Lonnie smiles a devilish smile and then plunges his cock back into Nancy’s mouth. At her encouragement he is savage with her. He slams her head into his hips over and over again as his cock slides deeper and deeper into her throat. Nancy gags and bucks as Lonnie routinely buries his cock deep in her throat and then holds it there, closing her airway.

“This is what you wanted Nancy.” He growls, holding the young girl in place while he seals her airway with his shaft. “This is how you make daddy happy. Make your daddy happy. Open your throat Nancy. Open your throat for daddy’s cock.”

“It’s okay Nancy.” Karen says as she fingers her daughter’s wet slit with one hand and rubs her back with the other. “Hang in there honey. You’re doing so good. So good baby. Mommy’s proud of you baby. Mommy’s so proud.”

After a few more minutes of Nancy officially looks the part of a whore. Her whole front is covered in spit and precut, which drips down her like a river onto the floor. Her hair is a tangled mess, her face is flushed red from the lack of oxygen and her mascara is nothing but black rivers running down her cheeks.

“You feel that Nancy?” Lonnie growls. “I’m in your fucking throat Nancy. It’s so tight. Your throat is so fucking tight baby. Oh god yes. Yes. Yes you whore. Take it. Take my cock. Take it.”

Gagging, twitching violently and almost out of oxygen the young girl groans with relief as Lonnie’s finally slides the cock out of her mouth and tosses her trembling body back onto the floor.

“Oh….. my…… god…… daddy……”. Nancy pants, her small chest heaving for oxygen.

“Mommy you should be proud. You’re raising one hell of a whore here.” Lonnie remarks as he stands over Nancy, his cock dripping spit onto the carpet. Karen kneels over her daughter as she lies in a heap, kissing her softly on the slick cheek and squeezing her hand as she whispers reassurances.

“I’m very proud of her.” Karen whispers as Nancy smiles up at her with a makeup smeared face.

“Thank you….. mommy….” Nancy pants as she slowly pulls herself back onto her knees and positions herself in front of Lonnie.

“You want more you little slut?” Lonnie laughs as he smacks Nancy’s face with his wet cock.

“I want to make you happy daddy.” Nancy replies with her hand buried between her legs.

“You really want to make me happy?” Lonnie asks. “Then get up on that bed and spread your legs nice and wide for daddy.”

Karen exchanges an excited smile with her daughter and then leads her by the hand to the bed. Nancy, while casting nervous looks at Lonnie, lays back on the edge of the bed and spreads her legs, exposing her dripping wet pussy.

“Get behind her Karen,” Lonnie orders. “Rest Nancy’s head on your knees and keep her spread wide for me.”

Karen does as she is told. Nancy looks up nervously as her mother grabs her by the knees and pulls her legs back, spreading her wider for Lonnie.

“Zoom in on your daughters face Teddy boy.” Lonnie says. “I want a close up of the moment I smash through her hymen. I think it will make a great Christmas card.”

“Are you nervous baby?” Karen asks her daughter.

“Yes mommy. Is it going to hurt?”

“Just at first baby. You’re gonna have to be a big girl. Can you be a big girl for mommy?”

Nancy nods silently and bites her lip as Lonnie steps between her legs. The sweating, tattooed man drops his cock on Nancy’s flat stomach, reaching past her belly button. Laughing to himself he slaps Nancy’s stomach with his shaft, wondering how it could possibly fit inside her.

“Are you ready baby?” Karen whispers, looking deep into her daughter’s mascara streaked eyes.

“Yes mommy. I’m ready.” Nancy’s smile is nervous and . As the head of Lonnie’s cock probes the folds of her quivering pussy she twitches, unsure about the intruder.

“Okay then baby, look at the camera.” Karen instructs, turning Nancy’s face towards her father. She stares with wide eyes into the unfeeling lens and gasps loudly as the head of Lonnie’s cock pops past her wet lips and stretches her insides.

“Oh mommy it’s big. It’s big. It’s big. It’s bigggg.”

“I know baby.” Karen replies softly. “Be a big girl okay? Be a big girl.”

Nancy bites her lip and breathes in heaving gasps as Lonnie pushes his massive cock deeper. The large man leans his weight into the young teen and his shaft sinks slowly into her tightly stretched cunt.

“Ahhhhhhh!” Nancy squeals, diligently staring into the camera as her body is ripped in two. Fresh tears join her already mascara stained face and she reaches back, grabbing at the body of her mother for help.

“Shhhhhh. Where’s my big girl? Where’s my big girl?”

Nancy, through trembling and tears purses her lips and tries to lie still.

“That’s a good girl.” Karen says, smiling down at her daughter. “Just like mommy.”

Lonnie pushes further, little thrusts gaining him mere centimeters are he bores deeper and deeper into the young girl. After a couple of thrusts he hits an obstruction and smiles.

“Alright Ted!” Lonnie calls over his shoulder. “Close up on her face! Nancy baby? Look into the camera honey!”

Nancy’s eyes meet the lens right as Lonnie grabs her hips and plunges deep inside her. The young girls hymen shatters as the oversized intruder tears past it and slides, with sudden movement, deep inside her cervix.

“Aaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeee!” The young girl screams at the top of her lungs as her insides rip apart and nine inches of hard cock suddenly appear inside her once virgin pussy. Her body bucks and thrashes in pain as her pussy stretches to its limit, trying to contain the monster.

“Oh my god yessssss. Virgin fucking pussy oh my godddd….” Lonnie, oblivious to Nancy’s agony, groans as her tiny slit grips his cock like a vice. “Mmmmmm yes baby. Squeeze daddy’s cock. Squeeze it tight.”

Nancy’s only response is barely held back screaming. Her hands claw at her mother’s back as Ted moves in for a better angle.

“Quiet now baby.” Karen says, looking down at her naked, thrashing daughter. “Big girls don’t scream.”

Nancy, her eyes wide as dinner plates, bites her lip and pushes down the screaming. Her pussy is on fire and her entire body is shaking from the pain. But it is also shaking from something else. Beyond the pain Nancy feels something. Something rising. Something familiar.

“Oh my god you’re so fucking tight.” Lonnie growls as he digs his nails into Nancy’s hips. At long last Nancy’s pussy is beginning to allow his cock to move. With little movements he begins to thrust, dislodging his pulsing dick from her vice-like pussy a centimeter at a time.

“Oh Lonnie!” Nancy cries out as she squirms. “Oh Lonnie it’s moving! I can feel it! I can feel it!”

With a slow methodical pace Lonnie begins pistoning his cock in and out of Nancy’s swollen pussy. Lonnie moves more and more, his shaft in and out of Nancy’s impossibly tight hole. Pleasure slowly creeps up on Nancy. The tingling grows inside her until moans begin to escape her dripping lips.

“Oh daddyyyy.” She gasps as the pain recedes and the pleasure grows.

“Look at that Karen,” Lonnie sneers. “I think our little whore is starting to like it.”

“Mmmmmmm yeeesssss daaaaddyyyyyy.” Nancy coos, trembling as Lonnie’s cock slides in and out of her quaking pussy lips.

“I told you baby.” Karen said, spreading her daughter’s legs a little wider. “I told you it would feel good.”

“Oh yes mommmyyyyy.” Nancy moans. “I loooove it oh my goooood I looooove iiiiiiiittt.”

“I knew you would.” Karen replies with a proud smile. “Now it’s time to fuck like mommy. Are you ready?”

“I think so.” Nancy says breathlessly, grinding her hips as Lonnie thrusts back inside her. “I’ll be a big girl mommy. Don’t worry.”

Lonnie needs no further convincing. In one swift motion he grabs hold of Nancy’s hips and drives his dick inside her with all his might. Nancy yelps loudly as Lonnie huge cock stretches her pussy to the limit and lodges itself deep inside her cervix.

“Oh ya baby.” Lonnie growls before slowly sliding his cock out of Nancy’s dripping pussy and then driving it back in again. Over and over he slams his cock into the girl with all his weight, loosening up the young girl.

Soon his cock is moving at a slow pace. Then it moves at a steady pace. And after that Lonnie’s cock begins to glide between Nancy’s legs with a quick and brutal rhythm. Shockwaves shoot up Nancy’s small body as the growling man empties and fills her twitching pussy continuously.

Lonnie bounces off the young girls hips, leaning forward to let gravity give him an assist. Nancy’s now gushing cunt welcomes him in a warm, wet embrace, offering no resistance to his steady pace. The young girl’s chest is heaving and her eyes are begging. But Lonnie wants the real thing.

“Tell me you want it harder.” Lonnie growls at Nancy. “Beg me to fuck you harder. Beg me. Beg me Nancy.”

“Fuck me harder daddy.” Nancy gasps as she looks at him. “Please daddy. Please fuck me harder. Fuck me like mommy. Please daddy. Please. Please.”

Lonnie obliges her and Karen’s eyes widen as she watches his pace increase to something frantic and brutal. His thrusts slam into the young girl with loud cracks, throwing her whole body into Karen before dragging her back for another unforgiving impact. The whole bed creaks and moans as Lonnie treats Nancy’s hole like a cheap toy.

Nancy doesn’t feel the pain any more. Her pussy is an ocean of wetness as the older man hammers his cock in and out of her. Twitches of pain and squeals of discomfort have turned into writhing moans of pleasure. Desperately she raises her hips to Lonnie, trying, desperately, to get him deeper inside her.

“Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god please. Lonnie. Fuck me more. Fuck me hard. Fuck me. Fuck me.”

“Ohhhh babyyyy.” Lonnie moans. “You’re sooooo fucking tight. I’m going to fuck you every mother fucking day!”

Nancy squeals in delight and looks up at Lonnie drunk with lust. Behind her Karen looks on longingly, her own pussy tingling from being ignored. Her hands want to dig deep inside herself while Lonnie fucks Nancy. Even more she wants Lonnie deep inside her. But her job is to hold Nancy’s legs and so she looks on in savage jealousy.

“Mmmmm yes you fucking whore.” Lonnie grumbles under his breathe, slamming into Nancy as hard as he can. “I’m gonna cum inside you. I’m gonna fill up that fucking pussy.”

“But daddy….” Nancy moans. “I’ll get pregnant!”

“There are pills for that baby.” Karen says, looking down at her daughter. “Besides baby. We’re here to make daddy happy remember?”

“Yes mommy.” Nancy moans as Lonnie buries himself deep inside her one last time.

“Oh my god I’m cummmming!” Lonnie roars as his dick begins to spasm inside Nancy. His girth has filled her little cunt so completely that she immediately overflows. Waves of cum splatter out of her twitching pussy like an explosion, coating her legs and pooling in a large puddle on the sheets.

Nancy closes her eyes and smiles in delight as she feels her daddy empty his balls inside her. Warm sticky cum splashes inside her cervix before immediately being pushed out to make room for more. Lonnie’s balls pulse steadily, filling the young girl with wet sticky seed.

“Mmmmmm daddy I love feeling your cummm…..”

Lonnie can barely speak. Reluctantly, and with an audible “pop”, he pulls his cock from Nancy, unplugging her hole and letting loose a river of cum that turns the puddle between her legs into a lake.

“Jesus Christ.” He gasps, collapsing onto the mattress. “Holy fuck Nancy.”

“Did I do good?” Nancy asks, looking up at her mother.

“Yes you did baby. You made mommy very proud.” Karen replies, kissing her on the forehead.

“Karen get your ass over here and clean this up.” Lonnie barks as he lights a cigarette. Impatiently he motions to his cock, which looks like a glazed donut from its time inside Nancy’s overfilled cunt. “And when you’re done you’re go gonna clean up your daughter. She made a real mess of herself.”

Karen looks down and sees that Lonnie isn’t lying. Her daughter’s mouth and chest were already caked in spit from Lonnie’s face fucking. Now Nancy’s pussy looks like someone had shot cum at it with a supersoaker. The gallons that Lonnie had deposited inside her daughter had overflowed violently, coating Nancy’s pussy and the bottoms of her thighs.

“NOW Karen.” Lonnie calls, snapping his fingers.

Karen snaps back to reality and obeys. Pussy still tingling from watching Lonnie deflower her daughter she crawls across the mattress and gets to work cleaning him. She sucks and slurps the thick layer of cum that coats his cock before licking every inch of him clean. Lonnie seems not to notice. He pays Karen no attention as she diligently works between his legs. Instead he stares shamelessly at Nancy, watching her tiny battered body recover as his imagination runs wild.

“That’s good baby. Good job.” He says, pushing Karen off him and in the direction of her daughter. “Now it’s Nancy’s turn.”

“I made a mess mommy.” Nancy whispers as Karen kneels between her legs.

“You most certainly did honey.” Nancy replies, studying the large pool of cum that had pooled beneath Nancy’s ass. “Mommy has her work cut out for her.”

Like a true professional Karen pushes her daughter back and begins slurping at the puddle. In seconds she has gulped down the sticky white pond and is licking the sheets clean. Satisfied she grabs Nancy’s hips and drags her forward. The loving mother spreads her daughters legs wide and licks her lips before diving into Nancy’s cum soaked cunt.

“Mmmmmm oh mommy. Mmmmmm that’s nice…..”

Karen buries her face between Nancy’s legs and begs lapping up the cum like a dog. Nancy giggles as her mom licks still warm cum from her legs. But her giggles soon turn to moans as Karen moves on to her daughters battered pussy.

Nancy’s lips are swollen and red from the . Karen kisses the folds gently at first, before dragging her tongue across them. Mindlessly she devours her daughters leaking slit, coaxing every last drop of salty goodness from her still twitching hole.

“Every drop Karen.” Lonnie says menacingly. “You miss one drop and I won’t fuck you for a week.”

Karen, filling with sudden panic, dives deeper between her daughters legs. She digs her tongue inside Nancy’s pussy, scooping and sucking out mouthfuls of Lonnies sticky cum. Unsatisfied she tilts her head back and pushes Nancy’s pussy up higher, causing fresh cum from deep inside her daughter to pour out. Lonnie laughs from beside them as he watches Karen bent over beneath Nancy, gulping loudly as she drinks from her daughter’s cunt.

“Oh my god mommmyyyyy.” Nancy writhes on the bed, twisting and panting as her mother laps at her battered pussy. “Mmmmmmmm yessss mommmyyyyyy.”

Ted dutifully does his job, capturing in perfect focus as his wife slurps up the leftover cum from his daughters freshly fucked hole. As he stares through the lens he silently thanks god that he wore jeans today, so nobody could see how hard he was.

Nancy’s pussy is clear of cum but Karen is having too much fun with her little whore in training. She continues devouring her daughter’s quaking flower, assaulting her with her lips and tongue. Nancy writhes in heat on the mattress, grabbing her moms head and pushing it deeper between her legs.

“Yes mommy, yes mommy, yes mommy. Oh my god mommy. Oh my god. Oh my god. I’m going to cum. I’m going to cuuuuu…. I’m goin….. Ohhhhhh mmmmmmoooommmmmyyyyyyy……”

Nancy’s body doubles over in violent spasms as her mother brings her to orgasm. She bucks violently, grinding her hips into Karen’s mouth as she loses herself in waves of pleasure.

“Oh mommy. Oh mommy. Oh mommy. Oh my god mommy oh my gooooooddddd.” Nancy groans as her body finally stops thrashing. Still shaking she smiles broadly and giggles as her mom continues planting little kisses on her quivering clit.

“Stop it mommy.” She squeals in delight. “Stop it mommy that tickles!”

Karen finally lifts her head from between Nancy’s legs and wipes her chin as she addresses Lonnie. “All clean baby.”

“Good Karen. That’s a good whore.” Lonnie gets up from the bed and walks up to her. With a touch of love he raises her up off the ground and plants a passionate kiss on her lips. The housewife falls into his arms instantly, grinding her naked body against his, begging to be used.

“Easy now Karen.” Lonnie whispers as he slides two fingers into her pussy. Karen instantly shakes violently, overloaded with anticipation and lust. “You’ve been such a good whore today Karen.”

“I just want to make you happy baby.” Karen pants as she kisses his neck and ears.

“You made me very happy. You’re my favorite whore Karen.”

Ted’s wife beams up at the naked tattooed man with glee and satisfaction. “Thank you baby. That means so much to me.”

“In fact.” Lonnies continues, wiggling his fingers and making Karen shake. “You’ve been so good that I’m going to give you a present.”

Karen lights up instantly. “A present?? What is it?”

“Well I don’t want to ruin the surprise!”

Karen giggles and Nancy looks on, excited.

“Do I get a present too?”

Lonnie laughs. “Of course you do princess. But not yet. You have to be like your mommy to get these presents. But if you work hard and keep learning from her, maybe you can have one too some day.”

“Okay!” Nancy replies, filled with determination.

“Alright Karen, go get yourself and Nancy cleaned up. Ted get downstairs and get some dinner together.”

Ted carefully returns the video camera to the case and turned to leave.

“Wait!” Lonnie yells, stopping Ted in his tracks. “Teddy boy? Do you have a BONER?”

Suddenly flush with embarrassment Ted cannot bring himself to speak. Suddenly three pairs of eyes notice the bulge in his pants. Given the size he can’t blame them for not seeing it sooner. Karen looks at him with venom.

“You’re hard?” She yells. “You? You’re never hard. Never. God knows I tried.”

“Not for you….” Lonnie mumbles, glancing over at where Nancy lay, freshly fucked, on the mattress. “But maybe….”

“Oh my god!” Karen screams, making the connection. “You’re hard from watching him fuck our daughter! That’s what gets you hard? Nothing from me though right? You watched me get fucked too didn’t you? Didn’t you! I can’t say I’m fucking surprised. You’re sick Ted. I should have known.”

“No it isn’t that….” Ted starts but is cut off by Lonnie.

“Oh come on Karen you’re being too hard on the man. Nancy come here a second.”

Nancy, still smeared in spit and makeup bounces up to Lonnie and waits for instruction.

“Nancy do you think Ted did a good job today?”

“Ya I think my dad did….”

“No, no honey.” Lonnie interupts. “I’m your daddy now remember? That’s just Ted.”

“Oh right.” Nancy replies, embarrassed. “Ya I think…. Ted…. did a good job today.”

“I do too. In fact, I think he did so good that he deserves a reward!”

“A reward?” Nancy repeats, hesitant. “What kind of reward?”

“Well….” Lonnie starts. “Ted might not be a much of a man but he is technically still one. And how do we make men happy Nancy?”

“Ew.” Nancy replies. “Do I have to? He didn’t do that good of a job. And plus, I’m still sore.”

“Yes you do Nancy.” Lonnie responds sternly. “And you’re going to be sore a lot from now on honey. You need to be a big girl about it okay?”

“Okay….” Nancy says, looking embarrassed.

“Plus,” Lonnie adds, “you’re not doing that. That’s something that’s just for daddy. And like you said, he didn’t do THAT good. No Nancy, I think Ted deserves to see what a world class cock sucker his daughter is becoming.”

Nancy simultaneously gags and blushes. Nervously she looks to her mother, who nods reluctantly and then looks away. Unable to find any other outs Nancy slowly kneels in front of her father. As if she was touching something foul she undid Ted’s belt and pulled down his pants, exposing his penis.

Ted’s daughter laughs loudly as his tiny member poked out from underneath his fat flab. Nancy squeals with pure delight as she pinches the small head between her fingers, watching the small snake struggling against her father’s fat flab as it rose.

“It’s so small!” She laughed. “Mommy look how small it is!”

“I know sweetheart.” Karen sighed. “I know.”

Nancy rolls her eyes and puts the tiny penis in her mouth. Her lips look pursed as she slides them up and down her father’s thin shaft. Even erect Ted barely reaches halfway down her tongue. Nancy tries to push him deeper and finds herself smothered in Ted’s squishy stomach.

Overcome by the smell she gives up and settles for sucking on the tip. Like mommy had taught her she wets everything down with her tongue and sucks it off with her lips. She does this three times before her father erupts into her mouth.

“Ohhhh my gooood Naaannnnccyyyyy.” Ted wails as his body doubles over in pleasure.

His daughter, caught off guard, looks up with wide eyes and bulging cheeks as her father empties his load into her mouth. Dutifully she swallows the salty globs and cleans his cock before removing it from her mouth.

“Wow!” She said, giggling. “That was fast! And it tasted gross too.”

“I hope you don’t have to get used to it honey. Ted is a sprinter but your daddy….” Karen purrs as she strokes Lonnie’s chest”… your daddy is built for marathons.”

Nancy, eyes filled with lust, brushes her fingers longingly over Lonnie’s cock as her mother leads her to the bathroom. Ted, eyes filled with embarrassment and face red with humiliation, slowly makes his way downstairs to the kitchen to make dinner for his tormentor. Lonnie lights another cigarette and removes the tape from the video camera, studying it.

“Hey Teddy boy? Do you know how to make copies of tapes?”

In the bathroom Karen helps Nancy clean up from her first time. The girls giggle and gossip about Lonnie and then draw a hot shower. At first they argue about who should go first before finally getting in together. Amid soap, suds and steam they pick up where they left off earlier. Nancy, for the first time, tastes her mother and Karen, for the first time, cums from a woman. From downstairs in the kitchen Ted listens as Lonnie joins the girls in the shower and the house is filled with the sounds of depravity once again.

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