Three Little Angels: Grad Party Gossip

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

“Gooood moooorning.” Kelly and Haley sing in unison as Steph climbs into the car the next morning.

“Oh my god my head.” Steph replies with a groan while holding her head in her hands.

“Ya how are you feeling? You and vodka were best friends last night.”

“Well did you see who was feeding it to me? I mean come on.”

“Ya let’s be real.” Haley says to Kelly. “It’s Jason. I don’t think ’No’ is part of Steph’s vocabulary when he’s around.”

“It’s so true.” Steph says as she squints against the sun.

“So? Did all that vodka lead somewhere?”

“Oh ya. It led to me bent over a bathroom counter with my panties around my ankles.” Steph says with a smile.

“You lucky bitch.” Kelly says. “How was he?”

“Honestly I barely remember. All I know is I can barely walk and I’ve got bruises on my hips where he held on.”

“God I’d eat dinner off his arms. They’re fucking perfect.” Haley says as she stares into space.

“Ya my ass still stings from the spanking he gave me. He wasn’t very gentle.”

“Did you want him to be?”

“Fuck no.”

“Knowing you you probably begged for it.” Kelly adds.

“Guilty as charged.” Steph replies. “So anyway he said he didn’t have a condom and I just kinda let it happen soooo can we go to the drug store really quick?”

“You didn’t tell him to pull out?”

“No I did, but…. I was cumming at the same time and I kinda didn’t want to stop….”

“You’re such an idiot. When are you getting on birth control?”

“Are you ding? With my dad? Never. And plus Plan B isn’t too expensive.”

“It is when you buy it three times a week.” Haley says with a laugh.

“It’s not my fault.” Steph whines. “I always tell boys to use condoms.”

“And when they don’t have them what happens?”

“Well they promise to bring it next time…”

Kelly and Haley roar with laughter as Steph smiles sheepishly.

“You guys are dicks. Plus you two have no room to talk. I’ll bet you two don’t even know what a condom looks like!”

“I think I saw a picture in health class once.” Haley responds immediately. “But I’m on the pill so it’s okay.”

“You better be on a pretty strong one after last night.” Kelly responds with a chuckle.

“Shut up you slut. You’re just jealous.”

“Jealous of what?” Steph asks quickly.

“Haley was VERY popular last night.” Kelly says.

“What?? Oh tell me tell me tell me.”

“Haley do you want to tell it or should I?”

“You do it.” Haley says while stifling a smile.

“Okay so,” Kelly says to Steph with wide eyes and a broad smile. “These guys came over late last night. They were from East and they said they were basketball players.”

“They were basketball players!” Haley objects.

“No they says they were.” Kelly responds with a laugh. “That was all you needed.”

“What-everrrrr.” Haley replies with an eye roll.

“ANYWAY.” Kelly continues. “Long story short they passed Haley around in the guest bedroom the rest of the night. I found her this morning with her dress around her waist, doing her best impression of a glazed donut.”

“More like a cream filled one.” Haley says with a shy smile. “They kept telling me to ‘Beg for a black baby’ when they were cumming in me.”

“Did you?”

“Of course. I’m a people pleaser.” Haley responds with a wink and a smile. “Oh my god did I tell you about breakfast with my dad?”

“No! What happened?”

“Well I thought I cleaned it all out but I must have missed some cuz we were having breakfast and there was just like SO much dripping down my leg.”

“Oh my god. Did he notice?”

“I doubt it. He’s oblivious. He still thinks I’m tutoring all the football players that come over during the week.”

“I still can’t believe that. Doesn’t he hear it? It must sound like an earthquake up there.”

“Thank god for hearing aids. I have an extra pair with dead batteries that I swap out before they get there.”

“You’re crazy. What did you do at breakfast?”

“Mostly just prayed he wouldn’t notice. I had to pretend to drop my napkin at one point to mop up the puddle I was making.”

“Jesus they must have run a train on you.” Steph says with a slack jawed smile from the back seat. “Did you fuck all three of them?”

“What do you think?” Haley responds, trying not to sound too proud. “By the end of it I was just lying face down on the mattress while they drank from a bottle and took turns.”

“How was it?” Steph asks with wide eyes.

“Unbelievable. Every part of my body was overloaded. It was just a big blur of sweat and skin and sex. I came like twenty times. It was insane.”

“Really?? Oh my god that’s incredible. Did you keep up your “No Holes Unfilled” reputation?”

“Mostly.” Haley says with a depressed sigh.

“Mostly?” Steph inquires.

“The third guy wanted to put his in my ass. But the one fucking my pussy was weird about it”

“Haley was trying to relive her Christmas party days.” Kelly says with a laugh.

“Oh my god don’t even start.” Haley says. “I wasn’t the only one taking it in the ass that night!”

“At least there was only one in my ass. You were a fuck sandwich.”

“If you felt how hard I came you’d do it too. And I wanted to cum that hard again. But like I said, one guy was being a bitch about it.”

“Did they end up fucking your ass?”

“By the end that was pretty much all they were fucking. Once they figured out I liked it they kinda went crazy.”

“How many times did they fuck you?”

“Who knows honestly.”

“Enough to where I had to peel her off the mattress this morning.” Kelly laughs.

“Ya I looked like a fucking Jackson Palock.” Haley agrees.

“Wow Haley.” Steph says, looking amazed. “I’m a pretty big slut but you’re the queen. Long may you reign!”

Haley takes a pretend bow from behind the wheel and smiles at her friends. “Don’t speak too soon though Steph. You haven’t heard about Kelly’s night yet.”

“Oh ya? You can top getting gang banged by a group of strangers?”

“Not quite.” Kelly says, smiling slyly. “Hannah drank way too much last night and got sick. I offered to take her home…”

“Oh my god wait. You’re joking. You didn’t.”

Kelly only smiles more while Haley feigns frustration. “No Steph. She did. She definitely did.”

“No. Fucking. Way. Tell me everything!” Steph says as she almost jumps forward into the front seat. She fidgets and giggles as Kelly explains.

“Okay so like Mr. Owens was like super pissed at Hannah. He kept calling her a disappointing daughter and shit. It was brutal. But she was like passed out and stuff so he’s just sitting in the kitchen being all pissed and like, you know, I came in and helped him calm down.”

“I have never once seen you make a guy calm down.” Steph says with a laugh.

“I did!” Kelly responds. “I sat on his lap and told him he deserved a good girl who wouldn’t cause him all this stress.”

“WHAT??” Steph says from the backseat. “Oh my god I would NEVER. You’ve got balls.”

“No I was just very drunk and didn’t care. Plus I’m like really into the whole angry muscular guy thing he’s doing so I was like ‘here’s my body.’”

“And he just went for that?”

“No of course not. He’s a good guy. He fought it for like two minutes.”

Steph laughs loudly and looks at her friend with slack jawed disbelief. “Unbelievable. I’m so mad. I wanted him.”

“I know I said the same thing.” Haley agrees. “I put a lot of hours into teasing that man. All those bikini slips and living room yoga sessions for nothing.”

“Maybe if you play your cards right I’ll share with you.” Kelly says as she runs her hand through Haley’s hair. Haley smiles back at her knowingly and squirms in her seat.

“Careful you two.” Steph says. “We don’t want to become a viral sensation again do we?”

“No thank you.” Kelly says quickly. “We’ll have to institute a No Cameras rule for sure.”

“You mean I’ll have to.” Haley shoots back with a smile. “You’re the one who can’t keep her clothes on when there’s a camera around.”

“That’s so not true! If anything immature boys like to pull my clothes off in pictures.”

“Very true. But they keep doing it because you have never ONCE been mad about it.”

“I make them delete the pictures!” Kelly says, trying to backpedal.

“No, you tell them to delete them. We both know they don’t.”

“You don’t know shit.” Kelly says with a smile.

“I know for a fact you’re Brad’s phone background.” Haley responds.

“At least part of you is.” Steph adds, laughing.

“Don’t tell me it’s the one where I’m on the hood of his car….”

“Of course it is!” Haley replies. “The only thing he loves more than the thirty seconds he spent inside you is that car.”

“Thirty seconds is generous.” Kelly laughs.

“Um excuse me weren’t we talking about you fucking our friends dad?? How did we get off that subject. I want details Kelly. Details!” Steph says as she bounces in the backseat.

“What do you want to know?” Kelly responds, grateful to change the subject.

“Where did he fuck you?”

“Ummm well we started in his armchair. You know that big one he likes so much? I rode him like my life depended on it. Then we were in the bathroom cleaning up and I kinda got creative about it….

“Aaaaand then we fucked in his bed. And again this morning in his shower.”

“Holy crap. He really went for it huh?”

“Oh no that was all me.” Kelly says quickly. “He was always kind of fighting it. He would say things like ‘I don’t know about this’ and ‘What if Hannah finds out?’ and then I would just put him inside me and he would shut up.”

Steph roared with laughter. “Oh my god you bad bitch. So Hannah never woke up?”

“Not so far as I know. Honestly I didn’t really care. The morning fuck in the shower was so risky. I wasn’t exactly trying to be quiet. Even his hand over my mouth didn’t help.”

“You’re such a bitch.” Steph says with a laugh. “Hannah is like the sweetest girl in the world. And you’re just using her to fuck her dad.”

“Oh get off your high horse. At least I didn’t claim to sleep naked and then go refill my water glass five times a night when I slept over at her house.”

“First of all I do sleep naked.” Steph says with a laugh. “And second of all hydration is very important. I won’t apologize for it.”

“Let’s be honest. We’ve all been using her to get to him. None of us are innocent here.”

“But I am the winner!” Kelly says triumphantly. “Speaking of, guess who just texted me.”

“Mr. Owens?” Haley asked.

“Yes mam.” Kelly replies. “He says ‘Hannah just woke up and is okay. Thank you for bringing her home.’”

“What are you going to say?”

“Well being bold got him inside me once. Maybe it will work again. How about ‘No thank you handsome. Last night was amazing.’”

“Oh my god I can’t believe you. Tell me what he says.”

A second later Kelly’s phone buzzed and she read it aloud. “He says ‘We need to talk about that. It was wrong. I should have stopped you. You’re my daughters friend. This can’t happen.’”

“Wow. So much for on board with it.”

“He just needs a little convincing “ Kelly says as she started typing. She dictated for her friends as she did. “‘It didn’t feel wrong. It felt amazing. It felt so good having you inside me. Didn’t I feel good too?’

The response was slow this time. “He says ‘You did feel good Kelly….”

“Fatal mistake.” Haley says from beside her. “You’ve got him.”

“Now it’s just time to reel him in.” Kelly agrees.

“What else did he say?” Steph says, leaning over the seat.

“He just gave a bunch of reasons why it was still wrong. It doesn’t matter. He admitted he liked it. Now it’s time to play.”

Kelly: You’re right Mr. Owens. This is wrong. I’m being naughty. I think I need a spanking.

Mr. Owens: Kelly stop it. I need you to take this seriously.

Kelly: I am serious. I need a spanking. I seriously need you to bend me over, pull up my skirt and spank my little butt until it’s red and sore. I’ve been a very bad girl.

Mr. Owens: Kelly stop it. What would Hannah think?

Kelly: Are you planning on telling her? Because I could think of much better uses for that mouth of yours ;)

Mr. Owens: I’m almost twenty years older than you. This relationship can’t work.

Kelly: Relationship? I don’t want a relationship. I want your cock.

Mr. Owens: I have a wife.

Kelly: And now you have a horny girl who wants to fuck and keep it a secret. Lucky you.

Mr. Owens: You have to keep it a secret. You can’t tell a soul.

Kelly: It’d be a lot easier if you put something in my mouth…..

Mr. Owens: You’re a very bad girl Kelly.

Kelly: And now I’m your bad little girl. Does this mean you’re going to spank me? :D

Mr. Owens: You definitely deserve it. Hannah has practice at five. Come through the back door.

Kelly: Only if you return the favor ;)

Kelly put down the phone and smiles proudly at her friends. “Only took me eight texts. Bow before your new queen!”

“Ya and all you had to do was make yourself look like a piece of meat.” Steph mocks

“Well with any luck he’ll treat me like one.” Kelly says with a smile. “Steph can you keep Hannah busy after dance practice? I want a couple extra hours with daddy.”

“Why just me?” Steph asks.

“Because Haley is coming with me.” Kelly says with a sly smile.

“Yay!” Haley squeals from the drivers seat. “You’re going to share?”

“Of course I am.” Kelly replies. “I still owe you from that concert last year. You let me have the lead singer AND the guitarist. I’ll never forget that.”

“Oh please. I was working the bouncer anyway. But thanks sis. I love ya.”

Kelly kisses Haley on the cheek while Steph pouts in the back seat.

“Don’t you think Mr. Owens will freak out when I show up with you?” Haley says. “I mean you LITERALLY just told him you were keeping it a secret.”

“Oh most definitely. I think it’s best if you show up after his pants are off. He won’t object to shit after that.”

“Like any man has ever objected to a threesome.” Haley laughs. “Want to do the same thing we did with Mr. Larson?”

“That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’ll make sure the door is unlocked. What should we wear?”

“Something fun. I want to get him drooling.”

“Do you still have your old cheerleading outfit?” Kelly asks.

“I think so. Do you?”

“I’m sure I do. What do you say we take a trip down memory lane?”

“If we can fit into them. I grew quite a bit since then if you know what I mean.”

“That’s what I’m counting on. Those uniforms will barely be able to hang on.”

“He’s gonna think he walked into a porno.” Haley giggles.

“We should drink a little first. I basically just served my ass up on a platter. I’m gonna need it.” Kelly says with a nervous smile.

“So true. I think I have some shots left.”

“God bless flavored vodka.” Kelly laughs.

“What am I supposed to do?” Steph asked as she pretends to sulk.

“Isn’t your brother having friends over tonight? Last time I checked making them drool is one of your favorite games.”

“It is. But it gets boring when it doesn’t go anywhere. I can “accidentally” drop my towel a million times and somehow they’re all still virgins.”

“Not like you’d do it anyway. You told me last week you’d die before you let one of those geeks inside you.”

“Ya but they don’t know that!” Steph giggles. “Let them dream.”

“Oh I’m sure they dream about you all the time.” Kelly laughs.

“Gross.” Steph replies. “No, I think I’m going to go see Mr. Chan.”

“Our old volleyball coach? Didn’t you get him fired?” Kelly asks.

“He got himself fired.” Steph replies. “If you’re going to jack off to pictures of your students in your office, you should at least lock the door.”

“He’s still smarter than Gretchen’s dad. The computer you share with your wife is no place to keep nudes.” Haley says, eyeing Kelly.

“They weren’t nudes!” Kelly replies quickly. “He needed ideas for Christmas gifts and I offered to model some cute clothes Gretchen might like. If anything I was trying to help her out. Did you see the top my dad got me for Christmas?”

“Christmas gift ideas??” Haley replies with a roaring laugh. “Since when are lingerie and slutty halloween costumes good gift ideas for your daughter?”

“They’re great ideas! I would personally LOVE to get lingerie for Christmas.”

“From your dad??” Haley asked.

“Well not from MY dad.”

“Oh so these were gift suggestions.” Steph says. “Just not for Gretchen.”

“Whatever.” Kelly replies with a smile. “You’re just jealous. How many of our friends dads gave you Christmas gifts?”

“Do dick pics count?” Steph replies quickly.

The girls all laugh before turning back to Steph. “So Mr. Chan huh? Are you sure he’ll be happy to see you?”

“Why wouldn’t he be?”

“Well let’s be real. You destroyed his career and his marriage with the snap of a camera.”

“Only his career.” Steph replies quickly.

“He’s still married??” Kelly asks with wide eyes.

“I know right? Talk about a forgiving woman.” Steph says.

“You better hope she’s not home.”

“I mean technically she’s never seen my face.” Steph says with a grin.

“She’s seen everything else.” Haley responds quickly. “I still remember your little bathroom photo shoot on my birthday.”

“Makes one of us.” Steph replies with a laugh. “Plus she’s on a trip.”

“Why am I getting the feeling this isn’t a spur of the moment thing?” Kelly asks.

“I don’t have the faintest idea what you’re talking about.” Steph replies, blushing.

“So what’s your plan? Show up naked on his doorstep with a bow on your head?”

“Maybe. Do you have a bow?” Steph asks.

“No, sorry.” Kelly laughs.

“That’s a shame.” Steph replies. “Any ideas Haley?”

“Send him some more pictures.” She says with a sly smile. “I think his front porch would be the perfect backdrop.”

“Ooooo I like it.” Steph replies.

“Do you still have his number?”

“I do but that’s his wife’s phone now.”

“That’s sinister.” Haley says.

“Ya that bitch is mean. I heard a couple other of his admirers walked into that fun little trap.”

“Really?? I wonder who they were. I always just assume we’re leading the slut charge at school.”

“Oh please. Becca’s practically been living in the boys bathroom. I heard Damon bought her knee pads for Christmas.”

“Ya and did you hear about Megan? Apparently she’s basically a good luck charm for the soccer team.”

“I doubt that. Isn’t she a virgin?” Haley asks.

“Only in the way the Bible mentions. There aren’t any commandments against sucking dick and taking it in the ass.” Steph laughs.

“How do you know?”

“That’s what Father Tom always says.”

“Father Tom? Excuse me what? He fucked your ass?? How did I not know about this?

“I thought priests were celibate?” Kelly adds.

“They are. He just liked to hear about it. I actually started to look forward to confession. He squirmed like he was hooked up to a car battery.” Steph replies.

“See you in hell girl.” Haley giggles.

“Can’t wait.” Steph responds. “That’s where they’re sending the perverts right?”

“Ya it’s gonna be quite the party.” Kelly laughs.

“Plus I’m not going to hell. My daddy says I’m a little angel.” Steph says with a smile.

“Your daddy hasn’t seen you after a few shots of vodka.”

“Ya, everybody is your daddy after that.” Haley agrees.

“Birds of a feather much?” Steph responds, rolling her eyes.

“Good point. Do you want us to come into the drug store with you?”

“No stay in the car. I guess I might as well buy two Plan Bs. I’ve never met a married man who has condoms on hand.”

“You could always buy some.” Kelly suggests sarcastically.

“But then how will I afford the Plan B?” Steph responds with a broad smile as she walks off towards the store.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000