Belive in Love - Part 1 - I don't wanna be in love

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Four years have passed since I last saw Alex... My name is Matthews, my friends call me Matt, today, I am 20 today. My boyfriend's name, or ex-boyfriend's name is Alex Cruz. We've been apart since we were caught having sex, thanks to that, he had to move out. I kept my promise and kept on texting him, day by day, whenever I could and eventually there was this sudden cooling of relationship. He says he found a boyfriend where he was living and that he didn't want to bind me so he was breaking up.

Well, that left me depressed for 3 weeks or so, I wasn't paying attention to classes and anything. I could only remember what we shared and text him prettending that we never even shared anything. Oh well... I lived that out, but turned out to be colder towards people, I still texted him, sometimes I was sincere, sometimes I wasn't, but hey, it wasn't my fault... I am going through a lot and I even think that I am going crazy... anywhere I go, I seem to think that I saw Alex walking around when it's just some different person.

Mark? Mark is still the same, he didn't change at all, but we don't do anything anymore because it would feel "wrong" or "weird". I was not desperated for attention in anyway... I'm in college, I don't know if it's because I'm cold or because I sit by the window, but people INSIST that I'm a cool guy when what I mostly say these days is "I don't care" "Whatever" and "Die". I changed quite a lot, not enough to be considered a goth or an emo, but I did change.

I'm in college today, studying journalism, I also share a house, and I do work, but I don't think that's important. I live my days like that, mostly alone and loveless, I don't even think that I can love someone ever again after what I've been through... I have some friends that support me, though they are not any angels, but they are cool to hang around with. There's Peter, the pervert. Eddie the Mr.Pig, Louis the Assassin, Matthew the Jesus and Mathew the Elf. You didn't get it? I'll explain one by one... let's start with Peter.

Peter is a cool guy... save for the times he locks himself inside the bathroom with a cellphone, also, never hold his right hand, all of his interests are pretty women and sex. Eddie is kinda overweight, so to save himself from some kind of bullying, he names himself Mr.Pig, so we all call him Mr.Pig... Louis is simply worse than me now, for whatever reason, he hangs around with us, but he is shown to be much darker, serious and well... mortal than I do, I mean, I only get people away with words, if he could, he would get people away, with axes, in fire.... what else.... oh yeah, and he enjoys pain, he laughs like a maniac. Then there's Matthew the Jesus, well... he has a long hair... that's our reason to call him Jesus. And last but not least, Mathew the Elf, he was simply a huge HUGE fan of The Legend of Zelda.

They are nice people but not the people I would tell that I am bi, of course. Now let's talk about today.

It was the last class of the day, the usual crap of everyday... Hey, college seems fun but it isn't actually. I just did the usual and walked to get to my car with my bag, my stare was down to the street's sidewalk, the TV said that the weather was probably going to change to rainy, perfect isn't it? Depressed, Loveless, Raining. My life became a bad story, I keep myself from remembering those days so I just listen to music, you know that music "Bad Day"? It kinda became the song of my life, stop the music and you listen to a guy screaming from the parking lot, great... bullies...

I made my way to the parking lot and saw a guy holding a boy that seemed to be 18 or so by the hair, he was probably a freshmen...

"Just... release me please! Let me go!" he screamed.

"Oh no, I'm thirsty for some sex today, how about not fighting it!?" that other guy said, he seemed to be a Junior... I entered College when I was 18 so I was a senior by now, I know the kind of pain the juniors can be...

"You can't be serious!! Let me go!!" the boy screamed again.

"Shut up before I rip your tongue out!" He said covering his mouth with his hand. That's when I stepped in.

"What's this messing around...?" Turns out I actually knew that guy... his name was George, he was a troublemaker alright... the boy was crying as George pulled his hair, he was blond, it was a nice hair color...

"What do you want here you emo?" He asked me. I sighed.

"Just let him go, I don't want to be more involved into this..." I said.

"And what are you going to do if I don't?" he asked me.

"It's simple" I said popping my joints. "I'll have to put some sense into your head..." he answered nothing.

"What do you say?" I asked.

"Oh forget it...." he said releasing his hair and grabbing his wallet.

"Take the money, but give him back his stuff..." I said.

"Fine fine.... you're such a goodie two shoes..." he said as he took the money and threw the wallet on the floor, he then walked away.

"T-Thanks..." he said.

"Don't mention it..." I said getting near but going through him.

"Why did you help me?" he asked. I pressed a button and opened my car behind him.

"The car you were crying on is mine, I had to do something..." I said, he giggled at my answer.

"Thanks anyway..." he said.

"You better hurry... it's probably going to rain..." I said.

"I... I would but.... he took all my money and... I can't... get to my bus because I'm late now thanks to him..." he said. I actually felt pity for the boy...

"Do you want a ride?" I asked.

"N-No it's not necessary! I can walk home!" he said.

"Don't be an idiot, if you take a bus home, it's obviously not that close..." I said, after that he blushed somewhat hard and got inside my car on the passenger's seat.

"Sorry to be a bother..." He said.

"Nah it's cool, I'm the cause he took your money anyway... What's your name?" I said.

"My name is Luke, how about you?" he asked.

"My name is Matthews..." I said as I drove, we kept in silence for sometime, until I broke the silence... "you do know that you'll have to give me directions right? I don't know where you live..."

"Y-Yeah... sorry... just.... keep going and turn on the first left, I'll give you directions from there..." he said.

"So... why was George picking on you?" I asked.

"I... really don't know... I was walking so I'd get to the bus stop and he just stopped me, he grabbed me and started speaking all that nonsense!" he said, he then started shaking.

"Are you ok...?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah... sorry for raising my voice..." he said.

"No problem... What are you studying?" I asked him.

"I study.... turn here..." he said, as I went right.

"You study...?"

"I study psycology, I'm a freshman..." he said.

"Oh so you're 18..." I said.

"Yeah, I just turned 18 in fact..." he said.

"Well... happy birthday I guess..." I said.

"Thanks..." He said with a small smile. "What do you study?"

"I'm in my senior year of journalism" I said.

"Oh that's cool!" He said.

"I suppose... Where do I turn?" I asked.

"Hum... right... and go straigth ahead, my house is at the end of the street..." he said.

"If something like that happens again between you and George, let me know..." I said.

"I don't... need your protection..." he said.

"It's not that... It's just that... you... remind me of someone" I said as I looked at him, but I saw Alex, not him, that's when I noted that I was getting nuts. I stopped the car and looked at him.

"Are you ok...?" he asked.

"... I'll... see you around..." I said, he opened the door and stepped out of the car.

"Drive carefully and... thanks again" he said as he closed the door, I took off instantly and turned on my GPS, I was in no position to think right now... I drove home, got out of the car, unlocked the door, entered, closed the door and instantly hit my back on the door, slowly sliding to the floor...

"What the hell was that...?" I asked myself. I got up and went to the bathroom and washed my face... I was probably just tired... to see Alex on a closed space... by my side...? And he didn't even have the same kind of personality... but I saw it all... his hair, his eyes, his glasses! My head is tired... I need to sleep... I hopped on bed... and closed my eyes, now that's more like it... try to relax Matt... relax... and sleep.

-=The Next Day=-

I woke up and headed to the kitchen where I saw Louis reading the newspaper.

"Great night yesterday huh?" he asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about..." I said as I got my cup of coffee before speaking again. "Where are the others?"

"Eddie went to buy some new games, Jesus went to his course already, the Elf slept on his girlfriend's house, Peter is working and I was waiting for you to wake up so that I can leave..." he said.

"Good... you can go now..." I said and I got a toast and put it on my mouth and I got up and prepared my things for college.

"I'm leaving..." he said getting up.

"Hang on!" I said running near the door.

"What?" He said, opening the door.

"What's a good bookstore around here?" I asked. He ripped a piece of the newspaper and gave it to me.

"This one... I buy my books there..." He said leaving.

After I got ready to leave, I went to this bookstore and bought a book. It was kind of expensive, but I didn't care... and then I was ready to go to college.

Hours later, during lunch, I sat down and instantly saw Luke waving at me. So I signed him to get closer.

"Hey, thanks for that lift yesterday..." Luke said.

"Don't mention it..." I said.

"So...hum..." he let out.

"Here." I said, giving him a bag with a book inside.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Your birthday gift... or an apology for being rude yesterday... I don't know... see it as you may..." I said.

"Woah... thanks, I guess birthday gift is a good thing..." He said opening it.

"I don't know what kind of book you like, so I got this one, I think it pulls attention from everyone...."

"You got me... the Complete Works of Lovecraft? It must have been expensive!" he said.

"Did you like it?" I asked.

"I... loved it, thanks Matt..." he said.

I couldn't help but give him a small smile, I always felt good helping people and this one was no exception.

"You have a nice smile! You should do that a lot more!" he said,

"I don't really have lots of reasons to smile..." I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"I'd like to keep that for myself if you don't mind... at least for now..." I said.

"Sure, no problem..." He said.

"Do you want a ride home again? We could stop for ice cream on the way maybe?" I said.

"That'd be nice I guess, so..." he said.

"Wait for me when you leave your class... and be sure you stay away from George..." I said.

"That's for sure!" he said laughing.

"Well then..." I said getting up with an empty tray. "I'll see you in 3 hours..."

"Yeah..." he said getting up. "Thanks again for the book..."

"...You're welcome..." I said with a small smile and moved away.

-----To be continued-------

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000