Step 1 To Gaining Connections: Fucked

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She laid there on her stomach motionless, taking in the scent of clean linen in this same familiar hotel room that they always came to. She was letting Jake do his thing. She wondered how many time it's been that they've done this. The same routine, feeling nothing. And Jake just trying to get himself off. His thrusting felt dry and passionless. She had dreamt so many times of a sex that would drive her on edge and make her body squirm in ways she couldn't imagine. But for now, she needed Jake, even if the sex was bland. See, they had a bargain, and she wasn't planning to be the first one to break it. After all, she was in desperate need of his financial support. And he on the other hand, just needed someone to be there for him to stick his dick in when he wanted to.

Jake always said it saved him trouble from emotional ties and having to please someone. Plus, he didn't come often. Just when he was passing by in town, he'd come over for what he's been investing in. She gave him what he wanted out of obligation. Just plain old sex. No foreplay, no cuddling, no emotions. Just sex, and then he would leave, before reminding her about the next time he'll see her, and for her to remember that he's paying back the debt she racked up.

The only condition was that he was the only man she was allowed to have sex with.

Out of desperation, she agreed at the time. Counting, she realized it's been nearly three years since the arrangement. She wasn't much experienced when she met Jake, but even now she hasn't gained much experience either. He hasn't taught her much. If she had known she was going to be stuck with boring sex for the rest of her life, she would have found someone else. But then, at least he wasn't one of those sadist. Plus, when she met him, he seemed so cool, so in tune with himself. Every lady wanted to be with him. Money, charm, and good looks. But apparently his charm's run out on her. Now it was just money and apparently his good looks wasn't doing anything for her.

She woke up, not knowing when she fell asleep lost in her own thoughts. The last thing she remember was him leaving a note. She glanced over at the bedside table to read it. Jake wouldn't be back until next month, she noted to herself. An almost sexless life. She could do it. Sex wasn't all that important anyways. Dozens of people do it all the time. She rationalized with herself.

But she soon frowned at the thought that only Jake was getting off. She was left feeling absolutely frustrated. Even though she didn't want him last night, her body had seemed to react differently to it. She checked herself for wetness. She thought about having some "alone time" to herself but quickly dismissed the idea as soon as she saw the time. It was already past 11 a.m. She was going to be late for work again.

She tossed on her clothes as quickly as she could. She was the curator at a small museum. That's why she's been staying so faithful to Jake. Even if there was no love or satisfaction. She knew that he could destroy everything she's worked for in a second. All her loans were racked up by trying to open this place. She had big dreams for it, even though it didn't look like it at the moment.

She had been planning to meet a Mr. Thomas Jennings for quite some time now. He had good connections with people who had the resources, even though he wasn't well off himself. He got around, was a roamer, and quite knowledgeable with his arts. She attempt to straighten herself in her office, to give her a few moments without feeling rushed. She sat back in the oversize chair trying to own it, being the boss and all. She had to show this man that she was worth the trouble of investing his time in. She waited. Five minutes passed. Ten minutes. Fifteen.

She was getting frustrated and anxious from having to wait for so long. She quickly stood up from her chair and headed outside of her office where her just hired assistant, Stephanie, was sitting. Stephanie quickly looked up nervous, being her first day of working anywhere at all.

"Steph, my 12 o'clock?"

"Sorry, Miss Bell, Mr. Jennings just called to say he'll be late," replied Stephanie timidly like she's done something wrong.

"It's Adelie. Miss Bell is a little too formal for me," replied Adelie trying to make Stephanie feel a little more welcomed and comfortable. "Well, Steph, I'm going to take a walk around the museum, please call me when Mr. Jennings arrive."

"Yes ma'am!" Stephanie quickly shot out with a determined look on her face.

Adelie smiled at her enthusiasm. It was one of the reasons why she hired her, despite her having no work experience.

She wandered along the empty halls. The walls still empty with no art, and only her heels echoing throughout the building. She liked taking these routine walks. She would try to imagine how the museum would look like, once it's filled and has its own sponsors. Hopefully, that's how it'll happen after the meeting today.
Her train of thought quickly stopped as she grew startled by running footsteps coming from behind her. She looked to see who it was only to find she didn't recognize the man and there were two of her security men chasing after him. As he ran towards her, he grabbed her hand and pulled her with him. She followed him, not wanting to fall flat on her face from trying to resist. She wasn't quite sure if the man either didn't know who she was or maybe she was just blocking his way.

She noted how he looked from behind. He had short but yet shaggy black hair. A faded blazer over a white t-shirt, paired with worn out jeans and white sneakers. He pulled her into what she saw was one of their storage rooms as they hid behind a heavy curtain that was waiting to be used for an arriving exhibit.

Her heart was racing, standing so close to him. The only other man she's ever stood this close to was Jake. He pulled her in closer as they heard the security men's footsteps come into the room, but she paid no attention to it because she was too focused staring at his neck, since that was the only thing she could see and look at. Plus, knowing the boss couldn't get in trouble did ease her trouble mind a little.

Adelie didn't know why she was playing along, but she could smell his cologne, being pressed against his chest. It was intoxicating and made her almost weak in the knees. She fought the feeling by trying to think of Jake in the back of her mind. But it just made her will even more weak to fight against the feeling of actually being close to someone.

"I think they're gone," he finally spoke, as their footsteps disappeared. His voice was deep and soothing to her ears.

He looked down to meet her eyes, finally seeing her face for the first time. She was beautiful and he couldn't resist but to kiss her after seeing her eyes filled with a glare of innocence, yet wanting. He kissed her lips deeply, in a way that sent shivers throughout her body. Adelie didn't remember how long it's been since she's been kissed this way. He brought his hand to caress her face, but she quickly jumped to her senses and tried to put her arms between them to separate their lips from touching. He was quicker than her though, he had already wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

Her weak attempt at resisting was soon pushed to the back of her mind as she felt herself surrendering to his kisses. His kisses moved down her neck making her shudder, making her want him even more as he began to undo the first few buttons of her clean white blouse until her breast were exposing. Her hands made their way underneath his shirt, feeling the warmth of his chest against her hand. He pulled her hips in closer. She could feel him growing against her, driving her crazy with lust.

He kissed the top of her breasts as he made an attempt to slide her bra straps off her shoulders. She wrapped her arms around his neck, loving every moment of this. He then tugged her bra down, as he caught a glimpse of her full breasts and began to tease her nipples by flicking his tongue against them. He sucked on it hard. It hurt her a little, but she didn't want him to stop because it felt so good at the same time. She let out a soft gasp as he continued sucking while his hands made their way to pleasure her underneath her skirt. He rubbed her over her panties. He could feel how wet she was since it was soaking through.

All she could think about was how long has it been? How long has it been since she's been pleasured this way? It felt so good. She didn't want it to stop, she wondered is this what she's been missing out on?

Her body shudder at his touch against her clit even though it wasn't direct. She didn't realize her body could feel so sensitive. She wanted him so bad. She wanted to just feel him inside her. Just the thought of his warm, hard cock inside her made body feel like it was about to melt. She couldn't help herself. She had to do it. She wanted him to move faster. She slipped her panties off, letting them fall to the floor. He moved in to kiss her lips again, teasing her. She hated it, but loved it at the same time. She tugged at his pants, unzipping it to pull his cock out.
She wasn't too experienced. She wasn't sure if she should ask him to fuck her or if he would just know and do it out of routine.

But she knew herself all too well. Once a thought crossed her mind, she only knew how to blurt it out instead of keeping it in her mind.

"I want you to fuck me," she said with pleading eyes, filled with lust. He simply grinned at how turned on she was and how much she wanted him. Regardless of if she had asked or not, he was too far gone to not finish what they started.

He pulled her in closer, lifting up one of her legs as he entered her. She was so wet that he entered with ease. But to Adelie, it felt so good. She doesn't remember ever feeling this wet with Jake. He thrust in and out of her and she couldn't help but to grind her hips against him, trying to get him in deeper, trying to meet him half way. She rested her head against his shoulder. Her soft moans echoing into his ears.
Her mind could only think about how good it felt. Her body numbed by the pleasure. She then said, "Please, fuck me harder."

His thrust became faster, slamming his cock into her. She tried to soften her moans by trying to stay quiet as she grabbed handfuls of his shirt in her hands. His cock inside her was an indescribable feeling. Her body began to shudder without her wanting it to, as she couldn't take it anymore to hold her moans back.

He loved the way her body moved against his as he sped up even more. She felt so warm and moist around his cock. He thought about if there's a next time, he wanted to watch his cock enter her in and out, over again, and all the things he would do to her and make her do to him. The thought of it was too much for him. He couldn't take it anymore. His load exploded inside her. She could feel the warmth of it being released inside her pussy.
He released her leg from his grasp. She couldn't help but to fall against a wall, too weak from the pleasure to support herself from standing. He re-positioned her bra and buttoned her blouse for her. She was embarrassed by the kind and caring notion. He then zipped his pants and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips to bid her farewell. She was in awe. Not knowing what to expect. She picked up her panties but didn't put them on, since she still felt wet and icky down there. She would have to clean herself up first.

As she was on her way to the ladies room, she received a call from Stephanie. It was to let her know that Mr. Jennings had arrived. Adelie didn't like being late so she quickly stuffed her panties in her pocket and made her way to her office.

"He's already inside," whispered Stephanie as Adelie walked by her desk. She simply gave her a nod with a smile to show that she heard.

She opened the door to find herself somewhat in shock. It was the same man. She nervously muttered, "Mr. Jennings..."

"It seems we've already met, Miss Bell," he said with a smile as he walked over to her to close the door behind her so that they could have a more private conversation. He then quickly graze his hand underneath her skirt to feel her pussy still wet from before.

Adelie's face flushed with embarrassment as she made her way to her chair. She wondered how could this have happened? Jennings would probably never give her an opportunity now since he just fucked her and she allowed him to. She hid her hands underneath the table so he wouldn't be able to see how nervous she actually was.

"Mr. Jennings, I hope our prior engagement won't impact the decision of you choosing to invest in something that can become great," she attempted. Her voice was quiet and timid. It sounded so much better inside her mind. And now that she was sitting and he was standing, looking over her, She felt even smaller compared to him.

"Now, Miss Bell am I really the kind of man that would let a little misunderstanding get in the way of a business opportunity?"

He smirked. She hated his confidence at the moment as she replied, "I don't know, sir."

"How bad do you want my connections?" He asked with a polite look on his face.

"My business would be dependent on it. It would open new doors for us," She replied trying to stay as professional as she could without trying to look down at his cock and remember how good it felt.

"So, then you'd be willing to do anything, wouldn't you?"

"Mr. Jennings, if you're accusing me of using sexual advances to gain your interest, I swear I didn't know who you were until I saw you standing here in my office!" Adelie was determined to prove her innocence.

"I believe you Miss Bell," He had a polite smirk as he looked deep into her eye, "I'll join your conquest under one condition."

"Just one?" asked Adelie, quite amazed and surprised he was willing to agree so easily without having to hear her presentation.

"You have to do everything I tell you to do to gain sponsors. If I tell you to fuck someone you're going to do it, you got that?"

His voice was so polite. Adelie was shocked and unsure if Jennings just said what she thought he said. She simply reply, "What if I don't agree?"

"Then I guess I'll just have to tell everyone about our little incident, and when word gets around to Jake Higgins. I don't know..."

"You wouldn't dare!" Adelie frowned, upset that she was so naive, only now realizing that Jennings had known who she was from the start.

"I would and you'd lose everything," he whispered into her ear. Her eyes felt as if they were about to pop out of her socket, out of disbelief. Adelie remained quiet, not wanting to ruin anything even more.

"Miss Bell, I'll be bringing the contract on Monday. I take it, you'll have about three days to make up your mind. I hope you agree, It'll be the start of a great relationship."

Adelie laughed nervously as Jennings exited the office. Maybe it was her only choice. If she agreed, Jake would never have to find out. And if she agreed, yes it would really indeed be a great relationship, much better than if she doesn't.

She only has one choice. She didn't need three days. But somehow stirring deep inside her, she knew she would enjoy it. The growing of this new experience that might bring her some satisfaction she never felt with Jake.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000