The Hotel Concierge

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

I'd never thought about going to work for a hotel but being out of a job after 5 years because the CEO was arrested for fraud left me with bills to pay and the need to eat was pretty strong too. The prospect of having to move 3000 miles to go back and live with my parents was a pretty strong motivator too so I applied and didn't hear back for ages. With my savings fast dwindling I took odd jobs fixing computers to keep me afloat but I didn't go out, just stayed in and browsed my dating app on my phone.

One night out of the blue a girl messaged me, I wasn't seriously looking and usually a girl messaging me through the app meant she wanted me to go pay for her nudes or pay to view her on cam but she seemed 'real' so I played along. I sent my usual questions to weed out the spammers.

'I swear I'm not a bot!' She said after a few of my questions.

'Sorry, I just get a lot of messages from bots wanting me to go to a pay site.' I replied.

'Well would a bot know that the company logo on your shirt, 3rd picture, no longer exists since the boss went to jail?'

'Uh, that's kinda specific, I guess not.'

'Well I really do think you're cute.'


Our chats went over a few nights, she really seemed fun. One night she came online, said she was drunk.

'Hey cutie, sorry, I just got a promotion today so I've been celebrating.' She said.

'Why would you be sorry, congratulations!!' I replied.

'Well I get like super flirty when I've been drinking.'

'I see.'

'You should totally take advantage of that.'

'Lol, I'm not like that, I told you.'

'Well I'm going to treat you, you've been so nice, most guys would have asked for pics of my tits by now.'

'You said that I will see your face when you're ready to show it and I accept that.'

She went quiet for a few minutes then I got a picture, it was of a really beautiful pair of breasts. I mean really beautiful, I felt myself getting hard at the sight of them.

'Well those are just perfect.'

'Still not getting my face though, lol.'

'You got me all excited.'

'Nuh uh, lemme see.'

'You want to see my cock?'

'Yea, right now so I know you're being honest.'

I stroked myself a few times and took a picture but was hesitant.

'Heather, I really don't like sending these, so many guys do and I hate it.'

'You'd be answering my request, not sending it uninvited, that would get you blocked. Are you shy sweetie? lol.'

I sent my picture.

'Oh my, that's pretty. I would like riding that.' She said.

I got a few more pictures of her breasts then she signed off. The following day I was pretty busy with helping my landlord in exchange for an extension on my rent, Heather messaged me a brief 'sorry for last night' that I got later that night but didn't reply to my messages. A week later she deleted her profile. I sighed, accepted my friend's explanation that she was likely married and was just toying with me out of boredom.

I got a call that week for an interview at the hotel I'd applied at, I figured it would help distract me from the online woman and headed to the meeting on time. The manager was pretty cool, he told me about the pay, was really vague on the job but offered to have me start that night.

"I uh, the pay sounds fantastic, you said it comes with a room too?" I said.

"Yes, makes it easier. You do get your full days off but during the duty week you may be on call." He replied.

"You didn't really go over my duties, what exactly would I be doing please?"

"Well, is kind of hard to explain, if you'd like to come back this evening and my night manager will go over that with you. Oh, did I mention the $2000 signing bonus?"

"You did. Sure, I'll accept, with the pay I'm sure I won't be washing dishes." I said with a grin.

"Oh no, you definately won't."

I managed to take a nap and turned up that night to meet the night manager, Colin. He was pretty nice, maybe in his 50's but pretty down to earth and greeted me with a firm handshake.

"So, you'll get paid for this shift and if you accept your sign on bonus will be in your account Monday. I know Steve was really vague on your role but it's not really something we can put on paper. You're single right?" Said Colin.

"Yes Sir." I replied.

"Good, helps keep things less complicated but the hours are not so great anyways. When did you shower last?"

"About 20 minutes before I came here."

"Good. Change into this and come see me in my office." He said, handing me a small bag.

The bag he gave me just had a t-shirt and cotton pants and a pair of house shoes my size, I put everything on and went to his office. It was pretty spacious and had a large computer monitor with a few security camera feeds on it.

"So, this hotel is not like any other you will work in. Oh, sign this non disclosure before I start rattling on." He said.

"Non disclosure?" I asked.

"Yea, anything you see, hear or do in this place goes no further. No social media, blogs or any other crap like that okay?"

"Sure, I can live with that." I said, signing the paper.

"Good. Right, the hotel. It was founded by the current owner's great great grandmother, we do host regular guests but most are repeat visitors that pay a lot of money for their rooms and what they offer. After initiation you will start with one floor and when you're more experienced you'll be given more. Eventually you'll take over from me so I can retire."

I was still no closer to knowing what I'd be doing.

"Retire? That won't be for a while right, you barely look over 40." I said, being honest.

"Oh I'm older than I look my friend." He said with a wry smile.

"So you've not really told me what my job is."

"Well I'm about to show you, I just got paged. It's easier to show you."

Colin led me to the 4th floor and to one of the rooms, he stopped just before and touched his keycard just below one of the lights. To my surprise a hidden door opened up and he took me inside. It was a small dark corridor that led to a chair facing a huge 2 way mirror. On the other side I could clearly see a naked woman rubbing her pussy, she looked at the clock then got onto all fours on the bed and just waited. She was really sexy too, seeing her had my cock growing in my shorts.

"Sit here and watch, do not jerk off, do not make a sound." He said then left me.

The door closed quietly behind him then he appeared in the room with the woman. He didn't talk, just took off his clothes and after briefly touching her pussy to make sure she was wet, got onto the bed behind her and pushed his hard cock inside her and began to fuck her. I'd never watched anyone fuck before, sure I'd watched porn but watching it live, watching a man I'd just been talking to was wild and the urge to jerk off was overwhelming. I managed to resist and watched as Colin fucked the woman really hard. He lasted for ages, the woman came about 4 or 5 times then one last time when Colin pushed in deep and gasped that he was cumming. He stayed inside her until he was spent then pulled out as the woman collapsed breathless onto the bed. He got up, wiped his cock with the towel on the bed, dressed then left. A few seconds later he came into my hidden room and led me back to his office, still catching his breath in the elevator.

"I can see your questions all over your face, let me catch my breath and we'll talk. Grab me a water from my cooler would you please." He said when he sat in his chair.

I took him the water and sat in wonder.

"So, when a guest requires company, I am paged. I'm given instructions on what they've requested, Mrs Fredrick who I just had is a regular, she only ever wants a good hard fuck but others like to be eaten first or made to feel wanted. You've been vetted, you'll soon be doing the visits, I just don't have the stamina I used to, even with my bracelet. Questions?" Said Colin after a few drinks of his water.

"Um, I have a few." I replied.

"Lets hear em."

"You said Mrs Fredrick, she's married? What about her husband? What do you mean bracelet? You didn't put anything on, is she on the pill or anything?"

Colin let out a hearty laugh.

"Mrs Fredrick owns a few restaurants and other businesses, she is happily married but can't always bring her husband and she loves sex. He knows and doesn't interfere or worry. How open minded are you?"

"Very, wait, in what respect?"

"Well, if I told you this bracelet I have on lets me get hard up to 6 times a day, stops my cum from ever making a woman pregnant or from catching anything if I had anything would you believe me?"

"I... I don't know."

"Well you'll see soon enough. I have to wash up, you can wait here."

Colin came back a few minutes later, he was looking at his pager.

"Come, another page, this one is another regular, similar story, just wants to be fucked then left alone."

Colin led me to the 6th floor, let me in the window room then went to see the 'client'. The woman was stunning, she was laying on her back on the bed, legs open and rubbing her pussy until she seen Colin. He stripped, was already hard and just climbed onto the bed with the woman. Once he was inside her she wrapped her legs round his back and pounded her like it was his first time, only cumming when the woman had about 3 or 4 times. He pulled out, cleaned his cock, got dressed and left. The woman rolled over, drank a glass of water then just went to sleep.

Back in Colin's office he showered then sat in his chair smiling.

"So, think you could handle days like this?" He said.

"I've been single a while but even my ex wouldn't give me sex twice in a week never mind a night." I replied.

"Well the night is young, I average 6 women, on a quiet night, the occasional guy but that's not often."


"Right, that's why the personal questions on your interview. You said you're bi, was that the truth?"

"Yes it was, I prefer women but I fooled around with guys in college."

"So if I needed you to suck a guys cock to prove it to me would you?"

"I uhm, sure, yes."

"With everything I'm trusting you with today and further if you stay, I need to be sure. You seem a little wide eyed and quiet, normally I'd take most men's word but I've had one or 2 in the past who wouldn't commit. Give me a minute."

Colin typed for a few minutes on his computer then a short time later someone knocked on his office door then entered. A guy about my build came in and closed the door behind him.

"Marcus, this is Eddie, his wife had surgery not to long ago and since he's not cleared for our job I can't just let him have a customer but he's clean, showers every day when he gets to work and is a good man. Anyway, I owe him a favor for helping me last week and would like you to give him a blowjob." Said Colin.

"Right now?" I replied.

"Yes, he won't mention it outside this room, I promise you that."


Eddie didn't say anything, he undid his belt then let his pants and boxers drop to his ankles and let his cock just hang there. He was pretty well hung, by how much his balls sagged it had been a while too. I got on my knees in front of him and took him into my mouth and emulated everything I enjoyed being done to me, I got him hard pretty quickly then after a while he came, pulsing his seed down my throat as he quietly groaned in pleasure. I let him go when he got too sensitive, he pulled his pants and boxers up and thanked me before leaving. Colin had a soft smile on his face when I looked at him.

"Well, now I owe you one but that will come later. If you let that be a regular thing until his wife is good you'll earn a good man to have on your side with Eddie." Said Colin.

"Don't see why not, he has a nice cock." I replied.

"Good, I'll let him know. Oh, boss lady is coming over." He said after pausing to look at his screen.

When the door opened a minute later Colin stood up almost at attention, he looked at me with a 'you should stand' look on his face so I got up too. 'Boss Lady' as he described her was our shift manager, a tall sexy redhead, insanely beautiful and a stunning curvy body. I had a hard time giving her eye contact with her low cut blouse.

"Hello, you must be Marcus, I'm Janice, I'm one of 3 night managers. I'm sorry I couldn't make your interview but I was told good things. I'm sure if Colin hasn't sent you to work in the front of house by now he likes you." She said with a smile.

"Is very nice to meet you Ma'am." I replied.

"Mmm, manners, good. Your first appointment today sent her compliments Colin, she had a terrible day and said you were wonderful as always. We do have a new customer just passed vetting, do you think he's ready or do you want her." Said Janice.

"I have full confidence in him but I've not gone over most of it, he's just been observing and we talk after." Said Colin.

"Well keep me posted, you should be getting paged, pay attention to her sheet though, she may not be standard. Marcus, I look forward to working with you, I hope to see you soon." She said then left.

"Why would she hope to see me soon?" I asked when she'd left.

"Well, I have the final say whether you start training or not, today is just introduction but so far you're making me happy. Come, I have a new customer, lady has just cleared background and wants it good and hard for her first time." He said.

Like the previous times I was dropped off at the observation room while Colin went inside. She was a pretty brunette and was already on all fours waiting. Colin fucked her really hard, had her cumming a few times before he came. She actually sucked their juices off his cock before laying back on the bed with a grin.

After Colin had got out of the shower his phone rang, I only got one side of the conversation.

"Wasn't it explained to her? I know but I'm not allowing another shift to step in Lisa, she's Premier class and I won't allow it. No, I need an hour. Fine I'll talk to Janice." He said and put the phone down.

"That didn't sound good." I said.

"Well, new customer is kinda needy, she was told she can have a visit once a night but said she needs more tonight, I need my rest time. Come with me."

Colin led us to the back office, Janice was just putting the phone down when we walked in.

"She's already called me Colin, I have your back. What do you think, is he ready?" She said.

"I haven't found any negatives but he's not initiated and he doesn't have a bracelet." Said Colin.

Janice looked at me for a few seconds.

"Colin, close the door please." She said.

"Do you want me to stay?" He replied.

"Yes. Marcus, take your pants and boxers down please."

I blinked a couple of times but slowly stood up and did as she asked.

"Hmm, little gun shy, I noticed you liked these, I want to see you excited." She said.

Janice stood up and opened her blouse and un clipped her front clasp bra, her magnificent breasts spilled out before me, I was in awe and my cock started to grow.

"Mmm, good. The first time you cum with the bracelet on will feel very different, I'm going to put it on you and suck your cock, once you've cum your cock will stay hard and your balls will feel like you haven't cum at all. Your second load will be for our new guest in 519, she'll not request a 3rd visit after you." She said.

Just the thought of being in her mouth had my cock get like steel but Janice went to her safe and took out a really ornate wooden box. She was chanting something as she took out a small copper bracelet which she put on my wrist then locked in place. I felt a tingling run through my body but it passed quickly. Janice then sat in her chair and had me stand before her then leaned forward and took my cock in her mouth. She was amazing, her tongue felt really good and before I was really ready I felt myself ready to cum.

"I.. I'm getting close." I gasped.

Janice responded by looking up at me then pushed a finger into my ass as I started to cum. I barely managed to stay on my feet, my cock felt like it was a fire-hose of pleasure and my job was to drown her but after I'd given her everything my world came back to normal and I stood catching my breath as she licked my cum from her lips. She slowly pulled her finger from my ass.

"Now, take a glass of water and you'll find you can get hard again." She said.

She was right, once I'd drunk my water and took one look at her chest again I was hard and didn't have the usual ache from repeat erections within the hour.

"Good, now, I want you to use your keycard, copy what you watched Colin do, just go in, fuck her hard until she cums then cum in her. When you're spent, clean yourself off then leave." She said, handing me a keycard.

"Yes Ma'am." I replied.

"Oh, I'll say this once with the gravity it needs, Do not fucking lose this or take that bracelet off okay?"

"I won't."

I was led to the room but this time Janice and Colin went into the viewing area and I went into the room. I was a little nervous but walked in with confidence. The woman was on the edge of the bed, already waiting with her legs open and smiling at me as I approached. I stripped off and admired her body, she was even sexier up close but from Colin's advice I had her flip over and got behind her, eased my hard cock inside her and began to thrust.

"Oh wow, if I'd got you the first time I may not have needed more, your cock feels nice." She said breathlessly.

I didn't respond, just kept up a pretty hard, steady pace, holding her waist as I slammed into her. Her pussy felt amazing, even if I didn't have some mystical bracelet on or recently came down a woman's throat I knew I wouldn't have lasted but I managed to last through 4 of her orgasms before it got too much. I pushed in deep then erupted, groaning and shuddering as my cock pulsed and sprayed my seed deep into her pussy. Once I was spent the woman collapsed forward onto the bed, a huge grin on her face as she caught her breath.

"Th...thank you, that was wonderful." She gasped.

"You're welcome." I replied.

I cleaned my cock with the towel on the bed, dressed then left the room and headed back to Colin's office. Janice and Colin followed maybe 30 seconds later, Janice had me go with them to her office.

"Well, you're a natural, there will be times where your instructions will change, give the woman oral first or she wants anal but is mostly like that. Think you could handle that every day?" Said Janice.

"Every day? Uh, sure." I replied.

Colin laughed.

"Look at that face, of course he can." He said.

I spent the night shadowing Colin, it was more of what I'd already watched and I think I spent the whole time with a boner, anticipating being the one doing the fucking that he was. When his shift was over he took me to see Janice, led me inside then left.

"Well, Colin has given me his approval for you to begin initiation and training. Tomorrow you'll meet Louise, she's your mentor and lead until you're ready then you'll be taking over Colin's shift when you're ready. You should be proud, we've had 4 other men that have trialed for this position, none of them got to assist with a client the first night or got a blowjob from me. Do you have any questions?" She said.

"I don't, I'm very thankful for the opportunity." I replied.

"What's your current living situation?"

"Renting, my bonus will help me get current."

"Well I'd like you to take your room here as soon as possible, who's your landlord?" I gave her the agency, she looked it up online and called them.

"Hi, this is Janice with the Grand Overlook hotel, I have just employed one of your tenants, Marcus Black from apartment 1219 and his position comes with accommodation, I'd like to pay off his current arrears and any termination fee for his contract please."

Janice wrote down a figure, checked with me that it was accurate, negotiated it down to half and paid it with a credit card. I was stunned.

"Now that too is between you and me, I have that discretion as a manager but I won't do it for just anyone. My team will move you out this weekend okay, Colin has your keys for your new place, he'll explain how to get in and out. Feel free to bring some personal stuff in before the weekend. I look forward to working with you Marcus." Said Janice as she walked me to the door.

Colin showed me my new place, it was in a separate building next door and had several private walkways between the apartments and the hotel, the apartment itself was amazing, bigger and much nicer than the one I was renting. The building had it's own gym and swimming pool too so I was happy to move in as soon as I could. Colin gave me a tour, showing me the amenities and staff entrances.

"These apartments are restricted to concierge's like us, you'll see a few women floating about but they'll be visitors, staying with staff. You'll like it here, we have our own entrance with doorman, he's a good man and we can get groceries and other stuff delivered." Said Colin, handing me my key.

"This is great, much nicer than my old place!" I replied.

"They are great, I will surely miss staying here. We're both done for the day, I'll see you at 5pm tomorrow."

I drove home and grabbed everything I'd need for my first night in the new place and slept like a baby that day. Next day I was ready at Colin's office by 4.45pm but was picked up by Louise. After introducing herself she led me to the top floor then into a huge penthouse suite. She took off her jacket and put it on a hanger by the door.

"So, I'm going to be your mentor until you're passed by Clara and Amber but from what I've heard on your performance yesterday I don't have a lot of work to do with you, Mrs Fields left a glowing review. Do you like eating pussy Marcus?" She said with a straight face.

"Uh, yes I do." I replied.

"You seem a little nervous with me, what was explained to you about what I'd be working with you on?"

"I wasn't told anything, I've been kept in the dark a lot."

"Well great. It's fine. Getting this far means you've impressed someone enough to get you through to training. The fact Janice put a bracelet on you tells me you have respect and can follow instructions but today you and I will be fucking, a lot, and I will be guiding you in areas that will need to improve for our customers. Did you shower before you came over today?"

"Yes Ma'am, every morning."

"Good, try not to wear cologne or use soap that's too strong, you smell pretty good so stick with that brand. Come, lets break the ice and have some fun." She said and led me into the bedroom.

Not knowing what to expect with her had made me put up a 'professional filter', basically blinkers to the sexy as fuck woman before me. She was maybe a few years older than me, shoulder length straight black hair and was really pretty. When she started to undress before me I was in awe, she clearly worked out a lot but her slim body was accentuated by a beautiful pair of d cup breasts barely being held in by her white lace bra.

"Are you just going to watch or are you going to strip too?" She said with a smile.

"Sorry, I was just admiring the view, you're very sexy."

"Oh I like flattery." She replied with a smile.

I stripped off as she took off her bra and felt my cock start to get hard as her breasts spilled out. She wasn't wearing any panties so stood naked once she took off and folded her pants. I was delighted to see her pussy was shaven too.

She walked over to me and gave me a passionate kiss, running her hands down my back and grabbed my ass. She then led me over to the bed and had me climb up with her then got on her back. I got on top of her and kissed her neck then slowly kissed a trail down her body to her nipples then sucked each one in turn until they were hard then slowly kissed my way down her body. I teased a little, kissing her inner thigh getting closer and closer to her shaved and already glistening pussy but I was also teasing myself. I licked her with a broad tongue then gently parted her lips, tasting and exploring her as she quietly moaned in pleasure. I gradually worked my way closer to her clit and when I could hear she was aroused enough I rasped it with my tongue, slowly increasing my pace until she arched her back and let out a loud moan then shuddered as I kept licking. Once she'd cum a few times she pushed me away, gasping for air as she climbed further up the bed.

"Holy shit, that was amazing." She gasped, still catching her breath.

"My ex really loved having her pussy eaten, she would make me eat a few times a day, often without letting me fuck her so I had plenty practice." I replied.

"And she left you?"

"Yea, turned out I was the 'see if I really am gay' boyfriend and she left me for a woman. I'm okay with it, she told me I almost changed her mind."

"Well I just love it as a starter, how about you fill me with that nice hard cock."

I climbed up her body, stopping to suck her nipples again then slowly pushed my cock inside her after she put me at the entrance of her pussy. She felt amazing, I savored her tightness then started a nice steady pace. She was cumming again after a few minutes, I held out as long as I could but with her pussy practically milking my cock I pushed in deep then erupted, my cock swelling as I filled her with seed. Once I was spent I rolled off her and gazed at her chest as she caught her breath, I felt myself getting hard again after barely getting soft.

"Go get a glass of water, you'll be hard again in no time." She said, smiling.

Each time I came in her, she had me drink a glass of water and it was like I hadn't cum, I lasted eight times over the six hours she had me with her then I couldn't get hard anymore.

"I'm sorry, I'm really spent. You're really sexy but I've never cum so much in my life." I said after spraying into her ass.

"That's okay sweetie, I don't think my poor pussy or ass can take anymore. Lets take a shower then relax okay."

Showering with her was fun, we dried off, dressed in just the hotel robes then snuggled on the spacious couch.

"So, I think you're going to be a great replacement for Colin. You take direction well, you have a wonderful cock and know how to use your tongue. Colin told me you're bi too, that will open up more clients for you." She said as she rubbed my leg.

"And this bracelet is what's keeping me hard for so long?"

"There's more to it than that but on a basic level, yes."

We chatted for a few more hours, Louise told me about all the rules of my job but I basically had to follow instructions on my sheet, service the client then leave. Since the guests weren't paying for sex we lived in a pretty grey area but the hotel and the way it was ran had been around for over 200 years without any trouble.

"Well, I should get back to my husband, I look forward to working with you Marcus." Said Louise after a while, putting her clothes on.

"Wait, husband?" I replied.

"Yes he knows and it's fine, you'll soon see that this life has a lot of couples with partners who understand what goes on here."


Louise put her hands on my cheek and kissed me.

"I'll see you tomorrow, I'll be giving my report to Janice but you've nothing to worry about there. Remember your way back to your apartment?" She said.

"I think so."

"Well goodnight."

I slept really well that night, next day I reported to Janice's office a few minutes early and Louise was already there.

"Well talk of the devil, come on in Marcus." Said Janice with a smile.

"I was just telling Janice how wonderful you were yesterday." Said Louise with a smile.

"Well thank you." I replied.

"So, to make Louise happy with one session is a green light to work, I'm starting you with a few regulars and will gradually build up your day, Colin is going to shadow you and will give you pointers, you're alone on this first one though, room 517, she likes oral before sex." Said Janice.

I have to admit I pinched myself before I let myself into the room, almost again when I walked in, sitting on the side of the bed naked was a stunningly beautiful woman, shoulder length blonde hair, really pretty face, breasts to die for and the body of a model. She smiled when I walked in and got up onto the bed opening her legs as I undressed.

"I'm honored I get to be your first official client." She said, watching me as I stripped.

"Well the honor is mine Ma'am." I replied.

Just by looking at her I was hard by the time I stripped off, I got up onto the bed and per my instructions, got straight to eating her pussy. She was shaven and had a beautiful pussy to match the rest of her, I gave her my very best and felt pride when she arched her back and moaned in pleasure as she climaxed. She came twice before stopping me, breathlessly pleading with me to stop.

"Th.. that was amazing. You can fuck me now." She said, still catching her breath.

I had to put myself in a zone when I entered her. Looking down at her pretty face, her beautiful blue eyes looking back at me was mesmerizing and coupled with how tight her pussy was and how her amazing breasts bounced as I fucked her I knew I was going to struggle to last. Thankfully though, my oral efforts had her in a good place and after about ten minutes of deep thrusts I felt her pussy tighten more as she came. Her moans and facial expressions pushed me over the edge and I gave her one more deep thrust as I exploded, my cock swelling as I filled her with my cum, my climax setting her off again. I stayed inside her as long as I could then rolled off her to catch my breath.

"Y... you were incredible, thank you so much." She said, cuddling into me.

"Sorry I didn't last too long, I hope you were satisfied." I replied.

"Oh I am, a lot of men don't last long with me because of my looks, I've not cum so hard in years."

"Well good. I will give you your space." I said, trying to get up but she stopped me getting up with a hand on my chest.

"You don't have to go, I have a confession to make to you."


"This is planned, you're mine for the day but I want you to be inside me when I tell you, I'll help with that."

The woman took my cock into her mouth and started sucking me, her tongue felt amazing and I was hard in no time, I credited my bracelet for the usual ache not being there. Satisfied I was hard enough she straddled me and with her pussy still dripping my our juices, took me inside her and impaled herself deep on my cock. She gave a few thrusts then just leaned forward to talk to me.

"So, I can see the worried look on your face but this isn't a bad thing. I am Heather, when I messaged you on that app I wanted to test you and you passed, you're just what I was looking for and you haven't disappointed."

"What you were looking for? What do you mean?"

"I'm looking for a partner, someone to spend my life with and someone who can keep up with me."

"Is the job even real?"

"Yes sweetie, you'll spend your shift giving pleasure to the women and sometimes men in the rooms then if you want me, you'll come home to me."

"You'd be fine with me making love to other women?"

"I sent you to Louise to take her all day, I know you sucked Eddie, I know Janice sucked your cock and I know I will be in some of the rooms you're sent to. A life with me will be very different than you could ever imagine but I promise you will want for nothing." Said Heather, moving slowly.

"Why me, you could have any man you wanted." I asked.

"And I want you. You're kind, you're funny and you have a nice cock. I want to get to know you more but I already know you're going to make me very happy."

"I still can't get my head round this, you want me but you bring me to a world where I'll be having sex with many women every day."

"But you'll be coming home to me. This is my world, my family started this hotel and I couldn't imagine not being a part of it. Having a man who isn't in this world would be crazy."

"I would be insane to turn you down, I was really sad when you vanished from the app, I thought we had a wonderful connection."

"I felt that too and I just hope it relates in person."

Heather and I made love and chatted for hours, everything we'd chatted about in the app came back and I found myself falling for her. After we showered together she kissed me passionately then sent me to see Janice for my shift, I half expected to wake up from a dream but I knew it was real.

"Questions?" Said Janice after she invited me in.

"No Ma'am." I replied.

"Well I expect Heather wore you out a little but we still have clients, I'll page you in about an hour, go take a nap in the break room.

I spent the rest of the day with just 3 more clients, they were more what I'd seen Colin do, women already on all fours waiting to be fucked then left alone. When I got back to my apartment Heather was waiting for me, she was wearing a blue summer dress and looked amazing.

"I hope you're hungry, I'm taking you to dinner." She said.

That weekend, Colin retired, we had a beautiful ceremony, he handed in his card and after a few incantations, Heather removed his bracelet. I watched him visibly age about twenty years before my eyes, I was pretty shocked. He came and shook my hand.

"Enjoy your life here young man, I know you'll do well, especially with Heather snatching you up. I've been here 50 years and haven't regretted a single day." He said.

"Thank you for your advice and guidance." I replied.

It's been five years since I started working at the Hotel. Heather and I moved in together, she will sometimes stay in the rooms to be visited by me for what she calls 'quality control' but the truth is she can't get enough of me. I've lost count of how many satisfied clients I've had but I love my job and hope to have the same kind of tenure Colin had...

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