The Penis Mightier than the Sword

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The Penis Mightier than the Sword? To mis quote Cardinal Richlieu. But it makes a interesting title.

Many years ago when East ‘Virginia’ became 'Virginia’ there was an administrative error and
Maidstone County, East Virginia, was left off the list of counties in the new state.
They only realised this when the old county records were computerised.

Roy Hanks, the local Sheriff takes up the story.


Ten years ago we found we found Maidstone County was not legally a part of the United States. Seems like we stayed part of East Virginnia, which is not a state of the union instead of becoming part of the State of Virginnia. It ain’t no big deal. There’s just Praedsville and a bunch of farms basically. Two thousand folks or thereabouts.

Walt Parker our town clerk figured out if we weren’t part of the USA then we could save a heap of money by not paying federal taxes and better still we could make our own that was what we done.

So we got gun laws, nobody goes out at night without one.

We got speed limits, though you’d have to be plum loco to do more than 90 down main street and get a ticket, and we got laws about whoring, no more than $25 a short time.

And we got laws about getting laid.

Pastor Jenkins started it. One Sunday he gave a sermon about the ‘demise’ of the ordinary American. We were dying out. We just weren’t having enough s. Hell in a hundred years there wouldn’t be any ordinary folk left! “Go Forth," he said, “And Multiply!" I figured he been on the communion wine but folk respected him for some reason I could never figure and they started getting on at me about it.

Anyway I called a town meeting.

“See the way I figure it we got to out breed these immigrants,” I said. “Some French guy once said ‘The Penis, Mightier than the sword’ and he weren’t wrong.”

“So what you going to do about it?" Zeke Petersen asked, “You can’t make folk fuck as don’t want to.

“It ain’t about fucking its birth control,” Sam Robertson chipped in, “We should ban condoms and contra-ceptive pills."

“That’s a start,” I said.

“So how about we copy the Koran and say wives ain’t allowed to say no,” Gerry Mundt suggested.

“So you’re legalising ?” Elenore Wright the local spiky haired les-been suggested.

“If that’s what you want,” I said.

“I was being sarcastic,”she said all affronted like.

“With your film star looks and grace and charm,” I said sarcastically, “I don’t reckon you got anything to worry about.”

“The women will just divorce us!" Slim’ Francombe suggested as he stood up, all beer belly and nigh on two fifty pounds. “Or turn Les been!”

“Guess we will have to ban girl on girl action,” I said as I fixed Elenore Wright with an icy stare.

“What about the young girls, they won’t get married,” Tom Reilly chipped in “They’ll just go to University and get a job in a big city.”

“Hey what about we say no girl goes to university lest she’s already pregnant.” Sam Thomas chipped in.

“What if she hasn’t met the right man?” Gerry Halderberg asked.

“Right or wrong don’t matter long as he got a cock and some spunk,” Old Dan Daniels chipped in.

That got a laugh.

Poor old Dan, he must have been around seventy years old but he didn’t look a day over two hundred. He had around three teeth and when he washed his face once it turned out he was actually a white guy after all.

“What about the old ladies?” someone suggested.

“I don’t know,” I said, “How’s about this, every woman between eighteen and forty who lives in Pradesville has to be fucked bareback at least once in every Calendar month?”

“Get Pre - verts by the Greyhound bus load,” Sam Hanks chipped in, “Got to keep it to townsfolk.”

“Hey, I could sell licenses,” Jenna Foulks suggested. She ran the Drugstore on Main Street. “Like a Driver’s Licence.”

“I guess,” I said.

“What about if a woman can’t get laid, maybe you should fine any guy who refuses?” Miss Drake suggested hopefully, “$100 maybe?”

There was a lot of talk, “So what do you say, all in favour?” I looked, half the hands were up. A couple of old biddies were put out about the 40 bit but when I asked who was against there weren’t nobody.

So we brought in the new law, right there and then. April 1st. Jenna sold licenses in the drug store, $10 per month, which seemed fair as she lost a heap of sales of condoms and the pill.

It never bothered me over much. I had gotten used to being on my own since my hood crush married Dan Parker instead of me twenty and more years ago..

It was around June when I realise the Licenses were a success. Seems 98% of guys over 18 had signed up. Nigh on every girl got married on her 18th birthday but it was too soon to say if there was any more s being started.

“You don’t have a license Roy,” Jenna at the Drug Store pointed out.

“Nope,” I said, “I ain’t no one to do nothing they don’t want.”

“No but you should have,” she said, “Just in case,” and she handed me one she done earlier. “On the house.”

Like a credit card. My name and Maidstone County Special License wrote on it and my picture alongside.

Then complaints come in. Franck Blombfeld complained that Ellie-May Parker wouldn’t let him sex Angela, her daughter.

I near laid him out there and then. He was just a red neck. Ellie-May Parker was my teen crush. Angela was the sweetest little angel you ever did see. Since her husband Dan walked out Ellie-May just about kept Angela under lock and key except when she went out to high school.

So I figured I had to do something, .

I went round the Parker place. Ellie-May came to the door all demure like. Black knee length skirt, white sweater.

“Hi Ellie-May,” I says.

“Roy, what brings you here?” she said with a big smile.

She looked great.

“You wouldn’t let Franck date Angela?” I suggested.

“No,” she agreed.

“Look Ellie-May, its the law OK," I explained.

“I know,” she said pleasantly. “Actually I had been expecting you.”

I went inside, “See by law Angie should have been laid by now.”

“And so should I,” she said provocatively.

“Ok but no one is complaining,” I pointed out as I laid my hat on the table and sat down on a couch.

“I am,” she said.

“This ain’t about you,” I said. “Its about Angela.”

“Oh really,” she said, “Are you saying I don’t matter.”

“Now look,” I said, “Of course you matter, but.” I stopped. She stood up and dropped her skirt to the ground. She was bare from the hem of her sweater to her stocking tops.

Her downy pubes were trimmed to heart shape, her slit glistened invitingly. My tool woke up.

“You were saying?” she asked. “About the law?”

“Now Ellie-May Parker!” I says. “Hold your horses!" My tool was getting painful now, caught in my shorts.

“Would you really rather pay a $100 dollar fine than bed me Royston?” she asked.

“No Ma’am, if you put it that way,” I replied as I put a hand down my shorts and rearranged things.

“Good, shall we?” she invited.

We got as far as the kitchen. She hopped up on the unit. I dropped my pants.

My tool reared and her little snatch was sooo hot. Hot and wet and willing. My fingers slipped right in her. “Just do it!" she whispered.

I never needed no second bidding, I just aimed my tool at her snatch and he slipped right in, no kissing. No foreplay. Bang. Like screwing a fifty dollar whore on the waterfront, but ten times better. I forgot just how good bareback felt.

I never even took my jacket off. I just humped her with my pants around my ankles as she sat on the kitchen unit.

It was all over before I knew. I went straight to heaven and back. Floating on clouds to a fountain of cum. Man did it feel good.

“Oh Roy you needed that badly didn’t you?” she cooed as I shot my wad deep in her snatch.

“Oh fuck.” I sighed, “That wasn’t part of the plan.”

“No,” she agreed as she pulled her skirt back on. “Coffee?”

She smiled. I smiled. Then I realised, she was smiling because I had shot my bolt and Angela was safe for another night. I was too shattered to argue, but I would be back.

I went round again two days later. Ellie-May was ready for me. She invited me in. This time she wore a long yellow dress with a white front opening cardigan top.

“I came to see about Angela?” I said.

“Do you remember the school prom?” she asked.

“Sure,” I agreed.

“I wore this ball gown,” she said, “Do you remember?”

“I guess,” I agreed.

“But I had smaller boobies then,” she said. “And now,” she unbuttoned the cardigan. “I have to wear it backwards.” she pulled the top open and there were her magnificent tits. Bare. No Brassiere. She had the open back of the dress round the front. Jee.

My tool sprang up like a startled rattlesnake.

“Down Tiger,” she said.

We never even made the kitchen. She just sat back in her arm chair and I buried my face in her tits. Then she undid my pants. My tool was rock hard and she hung her legs over the arms of the chair, spreading herself wide.
Her dress was around her waist. She was so wet it was unbelievable. She just guided me and I slid right up inside her. Her nips was like bullets digging in me. Her legs were around me
. Her hands pulled my ass to push me even harder inside her. Man was it good. I just floated on cloud nine as I started humping and fucking her right there in her arm chair. Every little thing was just perfect and then I cummed like Old Faithful Geyser up in Yellowstone park.

I was absolutely finished, you know washed up weren’t in it.

“Gee!” I said as I climbed off of her.

“Would you like a coffee?” she asked.

“Uh, No. I should be getting back,” I said.

I gave it a couple of days before I went back again.

“Hi Ellie-May.” I said when she came to the door.

“Why Roy. what an unexpected surprise!” she lied. “Please come in.”

“It’s about Angela.” I said.

“Oh yes, Coffee?” she asked.

“No. this is serious.” I said as I followed her inside.

“I’m sure it is,” she said.

She wore a blue housecoat. Fastened with a cord.

“Roy,” she said, “Do you like my new rings?”

She pulled the cord and the coat fell open.

She was completely naked, her big tits with the dark circles around her nipples. Neatly trimmed pubes. And a gold ring through her clit.

“Gee Ellie-May Parker, what you have that done for?” I asked.

“Why for you Royston.” she said, “For you.”

I stared at her, her flat belly and gorgeous tits. Her heart shaped pubes. Her moist slit.

I never needed no second bidding. My shorts was off and my tool was rigid as an iron girder.

Hell we never even made it to the chair we just fucked right there on the floor.

She had this sort of triumphant smile when I finished up.

“You want a coffee?” she asked.

“I ought to be going,” I said. I was shattered, I needed a lie down.

“Oh, I thought maybe?” she asked.

“No,” I said, “Another time maybe?”

I gave it a few days before I tried again.

Ellie-May wasn’t waiting. She came to the door in a grey knee length skirt and a grey sweater. She didn’t have any make up on. Her hair wasn’t done.

“Hey Ellie May what’s wrong?” I asked.

“It’s no good Roy, I give up, you win,” she said.

“What do you mean?” I queried.

“I can’t compete. Sooner or later you’ll bed Angela.. I won’t prostitute myself any longer,” she said.

“I don’t understand?” I admitted.

“Having to pretend to be excited. I had to use lubricant. That horrible ring, it was so embarrassing having it done, and I was getting a tattoo.” she said sadly.

“Hey Ellie-May, you don’t need no lube, you just need some loving,” I said reassuringly.

“Really? When you just use me without a care?” she said. “Just somewhere to dump your load?”

I was shocked, I guess my jaw dropped. “I never thought about it that way,” I said.

“Prostituting myself,” she sighed.

“Ellie-May it was not like that, you were hot for me,” I reminded her.

“Oh yes, after dressing like a whore and using whole tube of 4X jelly,” she sighed, “I hate it Royston.”

“Well,” I said, “I got a boner already.”

“I’ll fetch Angela,” she said.

“For you Ellie-May,” I said.

“Oh no Royston, I have had enough of being used,” she insisted.

“Hell Ellie-May I thought you had the hots for me, hell I got feelings for you.”

She looked confused, “But you just used me! You never so much as kissed me!”

“I guess,” I said, “Maybe we can kiss sometime? Have a date maybe?”

“It’s too late Roy,” she said sadly.

“I guess,” I said, “So I’ll just fuck you again and be on my way.”

“Ok, I can’t stop you I guess.”

She just stood there while I pulled her sweater off. Never flinched when I pulled her skirt down. Looked out the window as I undid her brassiere and let it fall. She looked right past me as I pulled down her pants, but she gasped when I kissed her neck.

“Royston!” she said, “Stop that you’re making me tingle.”

“That’s what I want Ellie-May,” I said. “All tingly with your titty buds all hard and your lady parts all soft and wet and hot and willing!”

“Roy, please, it was an act, don’t you understand?”

Her mouth said one thing, her tits said different, “Ohhhhh,” she gasped as I eased a finger into her slit, “Please!”

I’d found the soft moist spot. I eased a finger inside her, then two. Three, Four fingers slipped inside her, “Oh no, Royston, please!” she pleaded as she stood there naked except her hold up stockings, while I was still fully dressed.

“I got feelings,” I explained and I sat her down in her arm chair and stuck my face in her snatch and started licking her slit and nibbling her clit ring at the same time as I squeezed her tits. I was a bit out of practice you understand, but she soon juiced up real nicely.

“Ohhh no!” she protested, “Please don’t!” “Stop!”

I eased my pants down, my tool was good and ready. “I want to take you to bed Ellie-May,” I said.

“No, Just do it!” she gasped.
“No we do it my way this time." I insisted.

“Oh, well if we must,” she sighed.

She led me upstairs. Her bed was all neat and crisp with white sheets and a checkered cover sheet.

I stripped right down and slid between the sheets beside her. I took her head in my hands and kissed her, “I got feelings for you Ellie-May,” I said “Strong feelings.”

“It’s not right,” she replied.

I settled down with my knees between hers. I guided my tool into her. It was real good. Crisp clean sheets. Warm soft woman. Real good.

I figured I owed her something. I just wanted to make her cum. I started gentle thrusting. Kissing occasionally. “Just relax Ellie-May,” I said quietly, “Relax.”

“Royston,” she replied, “Don’t play with me.”

“I just want you to cum,” I told her.

“Then do something,” she said, “Harder!”

I didn’t need no second bidding, I just started pounding into her ripe womanly body, man did it feel good. “Ohhh,” she started moaning. “Oh that’s sooo good.”

“Good, I feel so good,” and then I started to cum just shooting my load and everything was right. I just lay there and after a while I rolled off of her. I must have fallen asleep.

It was dark when I woke up. I was in her bed beside her. I sat up. Her clock said 6:30
“Shit!” I said out loud.

“Go back to sleep,” she said quietly.

“Got things to do,” I said.

“Royston Hanks, if you have feelings for me I think you should show me, don’t you?”

“What?” I asked. I felt her fingers on my tool.

“Ellie-May?” I queried.

“It’s best in the mornings,” she whispered.

“Gee, I ain’t sure I can,” I confessed but my tool didn’t have doubts. He stood right up like some ram rod. “I can try I guess?”

I was looking down at Ellie-May’s face, fucking her before I was even properly awake. I figured I died and gone to heaven it felt so good. Just fucking nothing fancy a good plain old fashioned fuck.

Next thing I knew it was noon.

I heard sounds of someone clearing up downstairs. I got up and pulled my pants on. I headed downstairs, “Hi, you’re awake then?” Ellie-May laughed.

“Gee, sorry.” I apologised.

“No don’t apologise,” Ellie-May continued, “You’re out of condition, Royston. I’d better feed you up, give you some stamina.”

I saw Angela sitting there in her tight top and jeans, “Is Sheriff Hanks going to sex me Momma?” she asked.

To be continued.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000