Miss Brabbingers Downfall pt 2

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Claridge looked up to see Rothby enter the room,‭ "‬They offer the way-leave as dowry Dullard.‭" ‬Claridge suggested.

‭"And which peacock does it endow, " Asked Rothby, "the delectable Adele or the dazzling Francine?"

"Sophia,‭ ‬actually,‭" ‬said the Major,‭ ‬but I suppose.‭" ‬he stopped as Sophia kicked him forcibly upon the shin.‭ "‬I suppose we had better ascertain whether this business proposition has merit‭!"

"Your mother will if she hears of it sir,‭" ‬said Rothby posing as Dullard,‭ "‬I think for that reason alone it is a capital scheme sir,‭ ‬and only query how it is to be done when you are due to return to the Americas next week.‭?"

"Embarkation eh,‭ ‬well I'm still a serving officer," Claridge explained, "I do believe‭ ‬I can sign the forms and just get a Padre along to do the necessary.‭"

It was settled there and then,‭ ‬and Claridge was offered a guest bed-room and Rothby a place in the servants quarters for the night,‭ ‬and so it was in the small hours of the night Rothby set sail for Sophia's quarters even as Spohia sought out Rothby.‭ ‬They met on the back stairs.

‭"I will you." Sophia whispered, "For what you did to me, when your master is away, I shall flay every morsel of flesh from your back and chest and watch the flies devour you in the mid day heat."

"Yes my Lady‭" ‬Rothby agreed,‭ "‬I shall serve you faithfully Madam until that time when I shall pay gladly for my sins,‭" ‬he said as he walked backwards and passing the linen store suddenly he opened the door and pulled Sophia inside.

This time there was no forest of underthings and the night dress rose easily,‭ "‬stay silent madam or your nuptials will be foregone,‭ ‬no Lord may knowingly marry a fallen woman.‭"

Sophia struggled but her night-dress was suddenly cast aside and in naked-ness was she seen at last,‭ ‬her private parts displayed hid only by a mass of dark curls but even yet moisture glistened in anticipation.

And anticipation was short lived as Rothby's manhood was unleashed from his breeches to plunge un hindered,‭ ‬welcomed even,‭ ‬deep into Sophia's innards.

Still the tenderness had to be forgone as Rothby lightly pressed a cloth to Sophia's mouth silencing her as he plunged into her.

This time she could react,‭ ‬and she d him by squeezing his manhood with muscles she scarcely knew she had,‭ ‬squeezing crushing,‭ ‬and she knew from his gasps that the pain was intolerable.

Rothby gasped,‭ ‬amazed first by the ease and apparent preparedness of Sophia's innards to accept him and then the sheer virtuosity of Sophia's musculature,‭ ‬he would have wagered she was a whore of twenty years whoring from the way she controlled him,‭ ‬squeezing him,‭ ‬exciting him,‭ ‬and than as the release point arrived so resting before starting all over again so that minutes passed with them locked together.

Sophia dreamed of the pain she was inflicting,‭ ‬and her mind drifted to a different place,‭ ‬a warm place,‭ ‬free from life's cares,‭ ‬she wondered if her husband would fill her so completely,‭ ‬and for a fleeting instant decided that in default then his servant might serve,‭ ‬but the notion passed as in her lapse Rothby had at last secured release and the fluids gushed and spurted forth with such force she thought they might issue from her mouth.

They lay still for the time it took her to regain some composure,‭ "‬You shall hang for this‭!" ‬she said as sternly as she may but when he allowed her up she found she could barely walk and that with the greatest of unsteadiness.

Rothby grasped her and held her steady then as she retrieved her night-gown he lifted her easily and went to carry her away,‭ ‬he marvelled again at her,‭ ‬her slender but firm body standing tall just a few inches shorter than his own,‭ ‬her long slender legs needing no raised heels for elegance yet he imagined the same with red sandals with wine glass heels and his manhood stirred again.

‭"No" she said.

‭"I shall take you to your bed and no more my lady," he said quietly, "Perhaps I shall serve you further when you are Lady Rothby?"

"Your discomfort at the flogging post will amuse me greatly.‭" ‬she retorted,‭ ‬but she allowed him to carry her aloft,‭ ‬horribly aware of how like her mother she might be and how soon she had cuckolded her husband.

It was morning when Sophia sat down beside Claridge at break-fast,‭ ‬her loins ached with the passion of the night and she winced every time she bent her back.

‭"Lord Rothby, do you love me?" she asked.

‭"Love, yes, I shall love you, indeed I shall." Claridge replied.

‭"Have you a passion for me only I see none in your eyes?" she asked.

‭"Passion is unseemly," Claridge commenced his lecture in the manner of one of Mr Shakespeare's masterpieces, "Passion is for lower orders, take Dullard, Dullard is passionate, but he has not the breeding to deport himself decorously, he will try always to pluck the choicest flower and seduce the most beauteous maiden, heedless that decorum mandates the taking of turns. We of breeding must eschew passion for restrained and lasting pleasures of contentment and companionship, but fear not, I shall perform my duty and you shall have all the ren you desire, fear not on that score."

"Yes,‭ ‬I have no passion‭" ‬Sophia‭ ‬admitted,‭ "‬or desire,‭ ‬but I shall submit to my duty,‭ ‬and in time I hope we may become friends.‭"

"Capital‭!" ‬exclaimed Claridge‭ "‬More toast‭?"

Rothby had caused a stir,‭ ‬he could find nowhere private for his morning exercise so he used the yard by the servants quarters and a solid mass of young maids peered approvingly as he exercised.‭ ‬laying flat then raising himself with his arms till they were straight then dropping and repeating a full one hundred times and then stepping on and off a step on hundred and then he announced he would run to Langley and be back in the hour,‭ ‬he set off running in just his shorts and light boots,‭ ‬his bare chest glistening already with sweat as he ran past the break-fast room window.

Poor Sophia saw Rothby running by,‭ ‬looking like a greek god personified,‭ ‬though she thanked providence he wore short breeches and not a simple fig leaf,‭ ‬and her poor knees buckled,‭ ‬she agonised between hatred and lust and decided that she would have her revenge at some time and place and despaired of knowing when,‭ ‬or how.

It was within the hour that Rothby returned,‭ ‬clutching a note,‭ ‬he rushed half naked into the sitting room where Sophia and her sisters entertained Claridge.‭ "‬Sir we are recalled to the Carribean‭!" ‬he shouted,‭ "‬We must depart forthwith.‭" ‬Poor Adele fainted at the display of overt manliness,‭ ‬the sweet smell of fresh sweat glistening over his muscled chest,‭ ‬and Sophia too had great difficulty hiding her emotions as rushed to her breasts and her private parts moistened in anticipation that they might once again be invaded.

‭"Get out and get dressed you beast." Sophia railed against Rothby,

"Then sadly my nuptials must wait,‭" ‬said Claridge.

But Rothby in his‭ ‬Dullard manner added,‭ "‬No,‭ ‬I seen the Pastor and he'll do the service in the Langley Wharf warehouse this noon so we can catch the One o'clock fly boat,‭"

"I say Dullard you are a fast mover.‭" ‬Claridge noted.

‭"Yes sir, three miles there and three back in." Rothby said.

‭"He was being ironic" said Sophia, "Now get dressed before another sister faints."

And so it was in her ordinary clothes that Miss Brabbinger met her fate at Langley Wharf warehouse with a congregation of bargees and wharfingers,‭ ‬and in a service which featured‭ ‬the most tuneless hymn singing, led by a one legged one eyed squeezebox player,‭ ‬and little solemnity so did Miss Brabbinger become Lady Rothby.

It was contrived excellently,‭ ‬when the Reverend Peasbody asked‭ "‬Do you Charles‭ ‬Esmonde,‭ ‬Balfour,‭ ‬Beattie,‭ ‬4th Baron Rothby take Sophia May Brabbinger for your awful wedded wife,‭ ‬the yokels bellowed in outrageous laughter and Claridge paused,‭ ‬so Rothby posing as Dullard said‭ "‬I do,‭ ‬say I do sir,‭" ‬and that in law was that.

‭"Does anyone have a ring?" the Vicar asked.

‭"Here but we must catch the "Fly" Rothby said handing the ring direct to Sophia, but we must away, sign the book man and quick." but it was Rothby that signed not Claridge, and if any saw they held their tongues, perhaps the Lord did not write or maybe the servant had dainty and neat writing, but that the servant was the Lord no one guessed.

The Horn sounded and the Fly shot away from the berth and stopping only to sample a particularly juicy raspberry‭ "‬Aies‭" ‬the grey retired steeple chase horse which the‭ "‬Fly‭" ‬boat sped it away at a rate approaching three and one half miles each hour‭

The Fly was barely in sight around Langley point as Rothby and Claridge escaped the melee,‭ and ran to catch it up, pushing a way through ‬the throng busily dispatching the tankards and jars of locally distilled liquor procured by Rothby's servant as if they were dying of thirst,‭ and later and decorously ‬through the Melee the Brabbingers emerged.

‭"I don't believe I'm married." Sophia sobbed, "I wanted my love there by the altar and Father by my side and."

"Hush sister,‭ ‬you are a Lady now,‭ ‬it is Francine and I you must think of now,‭ ‬how we might attain similar rank‭" ‬said Adele heartlessly.

‭"You selfish little bitch!" said Sophia!"

"Sophia language!" said the Major.

‭"I am Lady Rothby now, and don't you forget it," said Sophia, and realised it was true.

‭"Then away with you to Rothby Hall, come let us pack you traps and be done with you." her father said as in an instant she had become the epitome of her mother.

‭"I save you the expense of a Dowry and you cast me aside but in truth Father I should go," Sophia replied haughtily.

The Fly was at Dancaster Lock,‭ ‬its back broken by gross mismanagement the bow rope left taut as the waters subsided and the canal stopped up by the wreck.

‭"Seaman, you are noting but a fool!" Claridge berated Rothby, " Pray of what were you thinking?"

Rothby grinned sheepishly,‭ "‬Perhaps we are unavoidably delayed,‭ ‬and the true message shall shortly be conveyed to us‭?"

"And what was the message,‭?" ‬Claridge enquired.

‭"Apparently Monsieur Le Carr has been to see mother to offer his services with a view to ending Brabbingers intransigence." Rothby explained, "Le Carr has been, Caribbean, easy mistake to make."

"And did the fornicator escape your mother's rage,‭" ‬Claridge asked.

‭"If he did it would be the first one ever." he chortled, "she will be so cross when we show her Sophia."

"And what about Sophia,‭ ‬she thinks she married me‭!" ‬said Claridge.

‭"We shall reconcile our differences between the bed sheets," Rothby avowed. "I own she was pure when I first sampled her and yet she milked me like the most practised whore that ever served his majesty's navy last evening."

"If you say so,‭ ‬shall we walk back to Danescombe House.

‭"No, Langley will do." said Rothby and they set forth on foot once more Rothby carrying the Bags and Claridge playing the Lord.

The evening was fraught at Danescombe,‭ ‬Sophia's traps were bundled into trunks and all made ready for her departure on the morrow's Fly boat,‭ ‬though when all her hat boxes and robes were encased there was wonder that perhaps a ten ton barque might be requisite not the slim elegant Fly.

And so it was while Molly again pleasured‭ "‬Lord Rothby‭" ‬the real Rothby stole away in the night to seek his lover.

Sophia waited for him,‭ ‬dagger in hand she stood beside her bed chamber door from ten o'clock when she retired until three in the morning.

Rothby watched through the bed chamber window,‭ ‬hanging easily from the ornamental stone work he waited until she sank gracefully to the floor before prying the latch open and sneaking in through the window,‭ ‬this time he wore only his short breeches so he might feel her nakedness against his chest but when he reached her his needs were too intense,‭ ‬hardly had he lifted her to the bed than his breeches were around his ankles and his prong battering at the route to her womb.

‭"Oh" she said as he stifled her screams with a cloth as she woke but then her body responded and he was within her, but the need was too great and the flow sooner than either desired.

‭"I waited for you, with a dagger." she said.

‭"I waited until you fell asleep." he replied, "I didn't wish to risk your dagger."

"Your time will come,‭ ‬as soon as my Lord claims me then I shall reveal your advances and it shall be your reckoning day.‭"

"He is at Langley,‭ ‬shall you come not and serve him‭?" ‬he taunted,‭ "‬The Fly is wrecked at Dancaster,‭ ‬and Lord Rothby's recall cancelled,‭ ‬or rather a misunderstanding.‭"

"So the rush was for nothing‭? ‬I was denied my wedding day for a misunderstanding,‭ ‬Ahhh‭!" ‬she wailed.

Rothby looked round,‭ ‬a dog barked and he heard movement,‭ ‬so he hauled up his breeches and sprang through the window and ran back to Langley.

It was next morning when Rothby and Sophia met again,‭ ‬the Fly was absent but in it's place Leviathan,‭ ‬the Canal company's massive work boat waited upon the Lady Rothby and her luggage,‭ ‬and so did the Lady Rothby come to sit in an easy chair beside her supposed husband as‭ "‬Dullard‭" ‬expertly manhandled the barge away from the wharf and goaded the triple team of draft horses into rapid locomotion.

Barely fourteen hours later they arrived at the wharf for Rothby Hall near twenty four miles away,‭ ‬and a record for the Canal.

There were the traps loaded onto two Carts and the Lord and Lady mounted a trap and off they sailed to the Hall.

Sophia realised something was amiss at once,‭ ‬the paintings in the entry hall looked nothing in the slightest like her Lord Rothby,‭ ‬and all too much like Dullard,‭ ‬she had an awful sinking feeling in her stomach and then she met Margaret,‭ ‬the Dowager Lady Rothby,‭ ‬her Mother in Law.

‭"Ah is this the girl?" asked Margaret, "I own I expected someone somehow more ah"
she sought for the right words,‭ "‬extra-ordinary,‭ ‬perhaps.‭"

"I am hardly a girl Madam,‭ ‬I am,‭ ‬twenty and one years almost.‭" ‬Sophia insisted.
"But what possessed him,‭" ‬Margaret asked,‭ "‬does he think so little of me that he sells his heritage for a Canal‭?‬,‭ ‬well Claridge,‭ ‬what is he thinking and why are you wearing his Tunic and Cuff-Links.‭?"

"Ah,‭" ‬said Claridge hesitantly,‭ "‬well Madam,‭ ‬I must say in my defence that my Lord instructed every part of my conduct.‭"

Sophie just stared open mouthed,‭ "‬Yes Claridge pray tell exactly what has transpired,‭ ‬I think perhaps my Lord has made fools of us all.‭"

"And indeed where is my son‭?" ‬Margaret asked.

‭"Ah," said Claridge, awkwardly, "He has gone to seek Morkins, and then on with his associate Lieutenant Jenkins to the Metropolis."

"For what purpose‭?" ‬asked Maureen and Sophia as one.

‭"To sell the Canal shares I assume, Morkins bought them at three pence three farthings and with the Wayleave ascribed to Rothby they might fetch five shillings?"

"Five shillings‭!" ‬cried the women again almost as one voice.

‭"But my Lord will sell them in the coffee houses and back streets of West Minster, you see he seeks the unscrupulous, the greedy and dishonest, for whom of any character would purchase shares worth five shillings for the one shilling he charges."

"But why‭? ‬is he mad‭?" ‬cried Margaret.

‭"I suspect he is capable of the basest chicanery," said Sophia, "but I hope I understand."

"Then share the scheme with us‭" ‬pleaded Margaret.

‭"I may have it wrong, let us wait and see what happens." Sophia said, "but is there a room set aside for me please?"

Rothby was already away to West Minster in Lieutenant Jenkins coach and four,‭ ‬no ponderous stage-coach but the light lithe form of a racer intended for a pair but run by four,‭ ‬and in the front seat the disconsolate Morkins,

Woodland and valleys flashed by in the light of the brilliant whale oil lamps with their fine silvered reflections and prismatic lenses,‭ ‬and Jenkins coachman woke the countryside with his blaring Coach horn and fair terrified the keeper of the Feathers at Finsbury Park as they demanded a fresh pair of flyers as their four tired.‭

With a bare three minutes to change horses and shorten the shafts to a pair that the swerves of the Metropolis might be more easily negotiated they were away once more and daylight saw them in the City.

The news had out run them,‭ "‬Rothby secures Canal Wayleave at Danescombe,‭ ‬Langley shall be a Canal terminus no more.

So as Morkins sought to sell his shares at the Coffee houses around Mr Lloyds estabishment for five shillings a reprobate seaman called Dullard lurked in corners and sold shares for a shilling here and as a queue formed he gladly took four and five shillings from those he knew to be sharp operators.‭

Indeed such was the furore that at length Morkins was selling at six shillings,‭ ‬and his money bag groaned with largesse.

Thus even before the great bell of St Pauls was heard to strike nine times so were Jenkins and Rothby bound for home,‭ ‬while at once Morkins was advised that he might wish to find employment in the Metropolis since Rothby was quite sure he could bankrupt the estate soon enough without‭ ‬his assistance.

Sophia fretted as she waited impatiently,‭ ‬expecting at any moment for‭ ‬her man to come for her,‭ ‬and to take from her that which he needed,‭ ‬but he did not come.

‭"And what are you to be called, Lady Rothby, I assume." Margaret enquired,

‭"Sophia for now," Sophia answered, "but if it pleases perhaps I may be Lady Rothby and you Lady Margaret?"

"I suppose that is better than Dowager,‭ ‬but why the for now.‭"

"Our union remains un consummated.‭" ‬Sophia admitted,‭ "‬There I have laid my cards somewhat on the table but,‭ ‬there is more which I feel is something my Lord must answer.

It took the Lady Margaret a very little time to find that she had a very formidable lady sharing her domain,‭ ‬Sophia insisted upon a guest room and that she should be treated as a guest but she was for ever writing notes as she moved around and Margaret turned her thoughts to the Dower House.

Margaret however had a miss-apprehension that Claridge was a Sodomite and in consequence was somewhat less decorous than she might be and asking Claridge to help her as she rearranged her wardrobe as she prepared to move.

Claridge was most disconcerted,‭ ‬Margaret was a formidable woman but her energetic management of the estate had kept her trim and her waist was no larger than when she were sixteen,‭ ‬though it must be admitted her backside had moulded itself to the shape of the saddle upon a horses back long since as she habitually eschewed the side saddle style.

‭"Feel the velvet," she suggested to Claridge as she handed him a corset to pack, "I suppose you wish you too could be attired in silks and velvet."

"No Madam,‭ ‬I seek no such attire.‭" ‬he said.

‭"Oh, tis a shame you could have tried my old green dress, come " she enticed but he slipped away to sit trembling in the servants scullery, his rampant manhood in his hand as he sought relief.

But it was Lord Rothby who arrived dishevelled,‭ ‬breathless and filthy after dinner when the supper trays were already laid up,‭ ‬and was immediately charged to explain himself even before he could wash the dust of the highway from his clothing.‭

Claridge and both Ladies Rothby cornered him and ushered him into the study where they demanded an explanation,‭ ‬but it was when he opened his money bag that they stared with eyes wide.

‭"I sold the lot Claridge, every single Canal share, well Morkins sold a few but we made over four shillings a share, they were three farthings last week."

"And my sham marriage,‭" ‬said Sophia,‭ "‬what of that‭?"

"What sham‭?" ‬asked Margaret.

‭"It was Claridge that accompanied me when the Reverend married us," said Sophia, "Not Lord Rothby,"

"But Lord Rothby said‭ "‬I do‭" ‬said Claridge.

‭"Yes I said, I do, say I do," said Rothby, "and I signed the register, so really Sophia, it is for you to decide, you could return home chastened, or." he looked her in the eye, "We could simply consummate our union."

"Oh no I need something more than that‭!" ‬said Sophia,‭ "‬starting with an apology,‭" b‬ut she saw the look in his eyes and said‭ "‬Oh no,‭" ‬and started to run.

‭"Charles, please" shouted Margaret," At least take your muddy boots off first." but Sophia was running upstairs, she paused briefly to allow the exhausted Rothby to catch her and led him to her room.

He sat on the bed,‭ "‬Oh my I'm so tired.‭" ‬he said.

‭"So rest a while," Sophia suggested, "I can honestly confirm our consummation."

"Indeed you can," he agreed,‭ "B‬ut there is an escape if that is what you wish‭?"

"And have you ravish me whenever you see fit,‭" ‬Sophia exclaimed,‭ "‬No I think not,‭ ‬no I shall ration your attentions to mornings and evenings and shall refuse all advances at Luncheon time.‭"

"No,‭ ‬to have and to hold," He insisted,‭ "‬I shall take what I desire when I desire it but I shall relent in that the Luncheon table and indeed the Dinner time might be set aside for eating.‭"

"Let me help you,‭" ‬Sophia suggested as she started to unbutton Rothby's tunic and then she pulled his boots from his feet as he struggled from his shirt,‭ ‬his breeches came down easily enough and then she saw his manhood curled up like a small animal and reached down to stroke it gently.

Quickly it stirred,‭ ‬expanding and extending until it stood straight up and with a wicked gleam in her eye Sophia slipped down her voluminous skirts and under-skirts and climbed up before sinking down on his manhood.

‭"Just rest a while my husband, I have energy enough for both of us." she cried.

‭"Your teats, I wish to see them." Rothby said.

‭"Tomorrow, you can see them tomorrow," she promised.

Margaret opened the door to Sophie's room‭ "‬Sophie are you‭ ‬Oh‭!" ‬she exclaimed as she saw Sophie bounding up and down energetically upon her son's appendage,‭ ‬and instead she said loudly‭ "‬Goodnight Lady Rothby.‭"

It was morning when they woke,‭ ‬Rothby had woken earlier and insisted that he see Sophia's teats before ravishing her properly and then had they slept again,‭ ‬but with the morning came the inquisition.

‭"When shall you sell the way leave to the Canal Company." asked Sophia.

‭"I shall not." he said.

‭"I shall introduce you to Mr Trevithick and together we shall build instead a Rail Way, and at speeds of twelve miles an hour shall we fly to West Minster."

Spohia realised she had married a madman,‭ ‬but a healthy and lusty madman,‭ ‬and she was content.

It was the After-Noon when Margaret broached the subject of Sophia's lusts,‭ "‬Now speak truthfully,‭ ‬that was not your first taste of carnality was it ‭?"

"No,‭" ‬Sophia said,‭ "‬But you must hear the full tale before you judge.‭" ‬she pleaded earnestly.

‭"I went to Langley in the Coach with PaPa and there we ran down but for a hairsbreadth an uncouth rough bargee or wharfinger, and he grabbed at the bridles of the pair and stopped them so abrupt I was displaced and fell at his feet."

Sophie continued,‭ "‬Then Claridge purporting to be Rothby and this same uncouth man called Dullard called upon PaPa,‭ ‬and when they were told be gone this Dullard remained and when I went to send him hence with my whip he grabbed me so powerfully that there was not one thing that I could do except he ravished me and thrust his mighty,‭ ‬ah,‭"

"Some say Coq after the French‭" ‬added Margaret.

‭"Yes," agreed Sophia, "His Cock deep within me, and spurted such copious fluids that I thought I might drown."

"And what did you do,‭ ‬shout Help.‭" ‬asked Margaret.

‭"No, I own I thought I might ensnare Claridge whom I thought were Rothby," Sophia stated "But when he came again in the night I thought to squeeze his ah, Cock, so hard that he would cry in agonised pain."

"Stupid girl,‭ ‬that is what men like most of all,‭ ‬and this Dullard was my son all along‭?" ‬asked Margaret.

‭"Yes Madam," said Sophia, "I thought to reveal his treachery at a suitable moment."

"And have him take you as his whore in the mean time‭?" ‬Margaret asked in amusement.

‭"Yes Madam" said Sophia.

‭"Well, well and whom for a lover will you take now." Margaret asked seriously.

‭"Lover madam, I am content and more with my Rothby," Sophia continued, "I fall to sleep with his thrusting and wake with the same, as if I am thrusted all the night, but when he is there I cannot deny him, it pleases me too much."

"I envy you a man who desires one so much that he just takes that which he desires," Margaret confessed "That is a true and honest expression of love,‭ ‬or maybe lust."

It was decisive for what transpired that Claridge was passing the door as it was said.
and that evening as Margaret packed more things for her removal to the Dower house she taunted the supposed sodomite Claridge one time to excess.

She chose to change dresses before him,‭ ‬the green brocade for the red velvet and when she was in her underskirt alone he saw the swell of her backside as she bent to retrieve an errant ear ring.

‭"Oh look at me bending before a sodomite, of what am I thinking," she trilled thoughtlessly.

‭"Madam I am no sodomite." said Claridge.

‭"Of course you are, " said Margaret, "Madame Le Genoe assured me you were a perfect Gentleman's Gentleman, a sodomite indifferent to women, only taking pleasure from a Gentleman's appendage in the manner of sodom."

"Madam,‭ ‬you insult me.‭" ‬Claridge avowed,‭ "‬You deport yourself in a manner‭ ‬that could not but enrage any hot ed male and expect me to do nothing,‭ ‬well Madam that I cannot do‭" ‬Claridge cried as he advanced and lifted up the Pettycoat and threw it up revealing Margaret's quivering pink rump and there like a pair of slices of an apple the entrance to Margaret’s womb.

Claridge wavered but his nerve held and through the fly buttons of his breeches his appendage emerged and he grasped it and aimed it squarely at Margaret’s slot.

‭"No!" wailed Margaret, "For heavens sake man use a skin."

Claridge looked perplexed,‭ "‬In the second drawer,‭ ‬hurry before the mood is gone.‭" ‬and with a lunge Claridge seized the skin from within its wooden box and slid it on himself.

‭"You look ridiculous, now take off those trousers and make love to me properly." said Margaret.

‭"I pay the butchers Lad two pence halfpenny on a Friday, shall you want the same?" asked Margaret as Claridge sank slowly inside her, "Or shall you be my butler in the Dower house perform well my stallion and ohhh," she cried. "Easy sir I am not so young as I once were."

"The very prime of life Madam matured like a fine wine,‭" C‬laridge assured her and he set to work to pleasure his mistress to the utmost

"Claridge,‭ ‬you have the tongue of the devil.‭" ‬Margaret assured him.

‭"And you shall feel it madam, licking and caressing." he replied earnestly.

‭To be Continued?

‭Probably not.


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