Dolly's first Party (Yorkshire dialect)

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

Its 1932 in Yorkshire England

Dolly's first “Party.”

Dolly were a reet studious sort of girl. She had her heart set on being a high class hooer but she had struggled with her Hospitality degree course at Hull University and eventually failed her finals. Which were actually first time anyone had failed. All she had to do were drop her knickers and let principal screw her but she even fucked that up.

It were a reet bugger. She had to borrow nigh on twenty quid to do course but there weren’t a council in Yorkshire what would turn a blind eye to hooering wi out lass having hospitality degree.

One afternoon she were down Labour exchange when Alex who she knew only by his reputation as one Grimethwaites’ top pimps approached her.

“Thee's Dolly Micklehurst ain't thee?” he asked.

“Aye that's right is that,” she agreed, “And you’re Alex right?”

“Aye guilty as charged,” he agreed, “The word is you failed your exams, how would you like to join us for t' orgy on Satdy.”

“Crikey,” she replied, “That’s forward.”

“Them at Student Welfare said as thee was needin' t'break, chance to do some screwing, maybe help thee wi retakes.

“Well,” Dolly agreed, “YAye Satdy I up for it what time, where?”

“Here’s mi address,” he said handing her a card, “drop me a line an I’ll sent thee details?”

That Saturday Dolly were quite excited as she splashed the perfume she’d had for her birthday all over herself and sat before the mirror to do her make-up. She checked and rechecked the details Alex had sent. She pulled on a nearly new red bra and pantie set, a short, tight, red velvet dress, three sizes too small and her knee high stiletto heeled white leather boots she got for three and six from pawn shop and her black coat and finally collected her hand bag.

It was only three three miles walk to the hotel where the party was being held and she was right on-time as she arrived at reception and the receptionist directed her to the function room.

She took the stairs and when she reached the third floor she reached for the door bell and the door opened. There standing in front of her was one of the best looking Lads she had ever seen. He was maybe six two with short, wavy, blond hair and sparkling blue eyes and dark blue tight denim, jeans that left no doubt as to the size of the huge cock they contained, He motioned for her to enter.

Stepping inside Dolly slipped off the coat, hung it on t'hook by the door, before following him into the function room.

"Hi, I'm John," he said, "Nice to see you, and you are?" he asked as he opened the inner door and the beat of the music hit them.

She looked at him and smiled, "Hi I'm Dolly, I’m champion cheers, its me first time at one of these parties."

John smiled back and said, "That's perfect new girls are more fun because they never know owtt to expect."

Dolly laughed nervously and replied, "Well I suppose you're right, when does this party get started."

"Oh any time around now," John suggested, "Drink?"

"I'll have a Pint of Guinesss wi a whisky chaser," Dolly said above the sound of the gramophone.

"No a proper drink," he replied with a laugh, "A Lady’s drink. This will break the ice!" and he handed her a tumbler half filled with clear liquid.

She smiled awkwardly and took a sip, lemon, perhaps, pimms? What ever it were it were 60 % proof.

Looking around the room Dolly saw three or four girls and six or so chaps sitting around she expected more people to be there, but she was pleasantly surprised when a few more chaps arrived before she had a chance to sit down and soon they were sitting comfortably on couches drinking and chatting amongst them selves. Dolly introduced herself to a hot, petite Lancashire girl, whose skimpy dress made Dolly's look distinctly dowdy.

The girl seemed rather shy so Dolly maneuverred herself to sit beside her so that she could strike up a conversation.

"Is this your first time?" the girl asked.

"Yes," Dolly said, "What happens next, is there a buffet?"

John came across to her, "You don't know?" he asked, "Enjoy the music then drink up, I'll show you." he suggested and motioned to his friend. suddenly the room went dark and Dolly heard someone giggling and the sounds of people undressing.

"What is going on?" she demanded as she felt hands suddenly found her neck and moved downwards to ease her jacket off her shoulders despite her protests and as the jacket slipped backwards and off onto the floor. “What’s thee at," she added as someone lifted her top and popped her pert breasts out of her bra cups.

"Nice and firm," he complemented her as he expertly slipped a hand round behind her and flipped open her bra catch releasing her breasts.

"Ee mind me bra, that’s near new!" Dolly cried, as she felt hands at the waistband of her skirt tugging relentlessly downwards until her skirt and panties were down around her knees.

"How the hell do these boots come off Ray?" the voice asked, "Turn the lights on?"

The lights went back on, and to her horror Dolly found herself just about naked we her jacket and that nowhere to be seen. Her bra dangled uselessly rond her waist and her pants were around her knees. Two Lads stood beside her waiting.

It barely took a second and before she could react a black dog's collar had been buckled around her neck and the jacket eased from her arms and her bra slipped off, "No!" she protested but the beat if the music drowned her protests and despite her efforts to stop them expert fingers had already wrapped elastic cord around her wrists and secured her hands to her upper thighs with more elastic cord.

"Hey fur!" John exclaimed when he saw the tangle of pubic hair and he smiled as he began unbuckling her boots and slipped them off together with her skirt and panties and her stockings leaving her completely naked.

"Mind me shoes, the cost fve bob!" Dolly cried.

"Next time wear something that comes off easy!" John suggested, "Now watch and learn!"

She stared, the Lancashire girl was now naked with her arms bound behind her and gagged with a red ball gag and across the room was another girl, she too was naked except for a dog colloar. Dolly was about to protest when John came up behind, and whispered, "Look, we won't hurt you, we just want you to have some fun."

Dolly started to struggle, and scream but John advised, "Don’t make such a fuss or thee’ll have to be gagged," He hitched a dog leash to Dolly's dog collar and pulled her towards the far side of the room where the Lancashire girl and four other naked girls knelt before a leather couch.

Dolly staggered to her feet, scared she would fall and be unable to save herself with her hands bound to her thighs but she staggered across the room and knelt beside the Lancashire girl on the end of the line.

John took a nice long look at the line of beautiful, helpless girls kneeling before him, he felt his cock twitch in anticipation of what was going to happen, he checked them out while trying to decide who would be the first lucky girl to enjoy his cock, and he stood in front of them with an evil grin on his face and began to speak. "Now ladies, one of you has a decision to make, who wants to go first?"

The girls looked at each other and back at John trying to stay still in hopes of not being chosen.

John continued speaking, "Ok Dolly you decide," he announced, "Who is to be first?"

"I can't choose!" Dolly protested.

"You are the only one not gagged," he suggested reasonably, "No one else is allowed to speak unless given permission, which will never happen," he added.

Suddenly Dolly felt very horny and knew that all the girls were looking at her as if begging her not to make the wrong choice, she stared at the floor silently.

"There are more Lads than girls," John pointed out, "So if each of the girls in this room picks a Lad, and lets him do whatever he wants to her, and I mean anything they want to do, anything at all, that leaves four Lads over, so one girl gets to do five Lads, is that girl you Dolly?" John suggested. "Or can you give the word for one of these other girls to take on five Lads?"

"Oh!" Dolly protested, "I can't do that!"

"So you'll fuck five guys?" John asked, "Including me?"

"No, I don’t know," Dolly said nervously, “Id like to like but I failed me course like.”.

"Just lie back and let it happen, just let us do anything and everything we have ever wanted to do to a girl, anything that won’t do permanent damage," he explained, "You'll love it, and if you're not hot enough you won't be invited again!"

"I'll do it," Dolly said eagerly.

"Choose a guy each then girls," John suggested, "I guess Dolly already chose me!"

Dolly looked at the floor and thought, 'What have I done? I ent certified, what have I got myself into?'

She looked at John and said, "Reet I’ll do it."

John laughed and replied,"Good choice you won’t regret it."

John gently fastened a blindfold round her head, "From now on I’m your Master, and you’re my slave."

"Reet," Dolly agreed nervously, "Master."

"Then let me see you," John insisted and he eased Dolly's knees apart.

"Please," Dolly trembled, "Be gentle with me," but she felt the warmth of a body against her and John's breath on her neck and then his cock was between her pussy lips and she screamed as he began to force his nine inch monster into her virgin cunt.

"Geesus she's tight," John complained.

"Quit whining, fuck her ass if her cunt's too tight," someone suggested.

"It's fine," John replied as he busted Dolly's tight walled cunt wide open,”It almost like it’s her first time.” Dolly screamed, but she screamed silently now, the pain, or was it pleasure, was almost too intense to bear.

"Hey what about us!" Sam demanded, "Roll her over so's I can fuck her pretty little ass hole!"

"Ok, Jose," John laughed, “Give her a minute she probly never had more than one cock afore.”

"Ok but not too long right," Sam protested. John rolled around so he was sitting on the couch with Dolly on top of him but still impaled on his cock.

"No!" Dolly pleaded, “Not me ass hole,” but she was helpless to resist as Sam slipped off his shorts and aimed his six inches of solid muscle at her sweet little virgin ass hole.

“Heybetter use some lard or she’ll never be able to sit down again,” John joked.

Sam grabbed a tub of lard and began to work it into Dolly’s ass hole with his fore finger then he smeared some over his cock as well.

"Dear god no!" Dolly squealed as he gently began to work his cock up inside of her tight little shitter..

"Hey, How about a blow job?" Jimmy asked.

"No!" Dolly mouthed wordlessly as the pain from her stretched ass overwhelmed her.

"Course you do," Jimmy insisted and he worked his way around to stand where she could turn her head to suck him off.

"No!" she repeated but he gripped her jaw and turned her head around so he could aim his large cock at her sweet bright red lips and pale mouth, "No," she protested, "Noooo."

She was helpless to stop him, she gagged violently but he just thrust harder until his cock was deep in her throat.

"You want to get her tits guys?" John suggested and suddenly hands were at Dolly's nipples squeezing and tugging and Dolly knew she was going to cum as John's cock rubbed Sam's cock through the thin wall separating her vagina from her ass hole, she couldn't bear it anymore and she had to have release and as everything went dark yet light and she tried to scream in ecstasy past Jimmy's rampant cock.

“See you’re making three guy’s very hapy and having a good time aren’t you?” John whispered, “You’re definitely going to get invited again.”

Her orgasm drove blokes wild as first Sam then John and finally Jimmy jacked off inside her, Jimmys creamy spunk flowing down her throat faster than she could swallow making her gasp for breath before she passed out.

"She's passed out," John announced, "Stick a cock up her and wake her up, which of you guys is next?"

Olly and Grant looked at each other, "After you lad," Olly suggested, "I had first go last time."

"Is she all reet?" Grant asked, "I don't want to fuck no stiff."

"She's fine," John explained, "You want to fuck her or not?"

"Yer all reet," Olly replied, "I'll fuck fuck some lfe into her,” and he picked up her limp body laid her across the arm of the couch and rammed his cock up her ass, she screamed as she woke with a start..

"See she's fine!" John pointed out.

"I'm fucking dying!" she squealed.

"No you’re not?" John replied.

"Don't you like ass then?" Olly asked.

"No!" Dolly insisted.

"Maybe she’s a lesbian, you want to eat pussy?" Grant suggested.

"No!" Dolly insisted.

"Hey Isobel, get over here Dolly wants to learn to lick cunt," Grant ordered.

"Do you?" Isobel asked, "Mark just fucked me bareback, you want to lick his spunk out of me?"

"No," Dolly pleaded, "I'm not like that!"

"Yes you are," Grant told her, "You sit down Issy, we can do this together."

Issy swung herself onto the couch and Grant gently guided Dolly's head between Isobel's thighs.

"Please no!" Dolly said before her face was crushed against Isobel's hairless crotch.

"Lick me honey!" Isobel invited.

"Use your tongue!" Grant ordered, and Dolly reluctantly began to lick, the cum was fresh and salty, it was bearable, Dolly realised, and she was not about to throw up.

"Good girl," Isobel cooed, "This girl sure is a quick learner!"

"She can suck mine!" the Lancashire girl announced.

"Only when she makes me cum." Isobel retorted.

"Shit, you talking’s maing me cum!" Grant complained as his sticky cum began to ooze out his cock and fill Dolly's ass hole, "Shit!"

"It's ok," Isobel agreed, "You make the bitch clean your fithy cock, I'm getting a hot dog, you want one Misha?"

The Lancashire girl looked around, "Yes, I'll have onions and ketchup on mine, she can lick me out after," she agreed.

Dolly had bare moments between Isobel moving away and Grant extracting his cock from ber behind amd the time when Grant turned her around and aimed his shit streaked cock at her mouth, "It's your shit!" he explained reasonably.

“Hey that’s gross,” John warned, “You wipe that dick before you do anything.”

“Ok, Grant replied. and he grabbed a wipe to clean himself up.

“Open wide,” he chuckled.

She opened her mouth and held her breath trying not to throw up, "Hey there's a free asshole anyone!" John offered.

"My turn," Olly chuckled and he came around behind Dolly as she sucked his brothers cock clean and shoved his cock in her now stretched but very hot ass hole.

"Oh," Dolly protested but her ass was so well lubed with Grant’s cum that there was no pain this time just waves of ecstasy and quite suddenly she felt herself slipping into orgasm once again.

"y hell she’s cunning again!" Olly exclained, "Gees what a slut?"

"Only the best whores at my parties!" John replied, "Here have a hot dog!"

Olly took the hot dog and started munching as he shafted Dolly's ass hole.

"That is sick!" Grant insisted, "Not to mention un hygienic!"

"How’s time doing?" John asked suddenly.

“Half Ten plenty of time

"Sure but what about the whores?" Sam asked, “They’re only booked till Ten.”

"Pay them extra maybe?" John suggested.

"No way man,” Grant suggested, "I aint made of money, send them home all spunked up like real cheap whores!"

They undid her collar, removed her bonds and let Dolly find her clothes, everything except her panties which like all the other girls panties were now pinned high on the reception room wall.

“Hey!" Dolly protested. But they just laughed, fnally they took her down to the lobby toget a tram home.

It was cold and raining. “Why don’t we go back and have some more fun?” she asked.

“No way are we payin’ extra,” John insisted.

“Fuck that. I need the experience if I’m ever going to become a proper professional hooer and not just a common tart.” Dolly said wistfully.

“I reckon we can help you out there,” John said with an evil glint in his eye.

Dolly lay back and dreamed, she knew she had cracked it, get rat assed and lay back and enjoy it, that’s how to make it as a hooer.

And come September she passed her finals at Hull with a 2/2 in Hospitality , wi a diploma in Fellatio and pretty soon she had her own patch outside Timothy Whites in’t high street and were saving up to buy an Austin 7 so she could do parties in Leeds and Halifax at weekends instead of spending week on Tour Bus with Jowett Motors Works Brass Band, what only paid five bob and all the spunk she could drink.

Who says my stories don’t have happy endings?

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000