Jessica Chapter 9b - What goes around, comes arounb

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.. continued from chapter 9a
“Look, you can just sit here and watch the others parasail. It’s like watching TV.” Abe said when Jessica looked unhappy.
“We’ll keep you company.” Leah said as she, Amanda, Justine and Sara came to join Jessica and Abe.
“Thanks.” Jessica said. She tried to smile at the girls but she looked down at her hands instead, guilt sweeping over her again. She felt like she’d been talking behind their backs.
Abe looked at Jessica, surprised by her reaction. Looking at the girls he found them studying Jessica’s lowered head. Leah nodded at Abe to indicate things were okay, and then motioned for him to feed Jessica.
“Josh sure doesn’t like heights, does he?” Leah asked laying back onto the blanket beside Jessica and watching as he sailed into the air but looked really tense.
“No, he’s terrified of them.” Jessica said while chewing. “Um Abe, I’m really not hungry. My stomach is kind of upset.” She added when Abe glared at her.
“Is this the stress induced stomach upset?” Amanda asked and smiled when Jessica flashed her eyes up at her in surprise. “We know Jessica, all about the conversations you’ve had with Caleb, Don and Quinn.”
“We all know.” Abe added when Jessica looked at him. “Especially the part where you don’t think you have an eating disorder. Sorry,” he added. He’d said it more sharply than he’d intended and Jessica shrank a little, “I didn’t mean it to sound quite like that. What I meant was that we know that you don’t feel like eating and when you’re stressed you vomit. That could be part of an eating disorder you know …”
“I guess.” Jessica acknowledged and reluctantly took another bite of the sandwich that Abe held up for her.
“The question,” Amanda said, “is why you feel stressed. You’ve been looking at us,” she said indicating Sara, Leah, Justine and herself, “like you’ve hurt us somehow and don’t know how to apologize. We’re on vacation, you should be happy, relaxed.”
“Jess?” Sara prompted when Jessica didn’t look like she was going to respond.
“I guess I’m worried about you Amanda, and about Mark and Chris …” she added flicking her eyes between Justine and Abe, “I know about that … I’m not sure who else does …”
“Just me.” Justine said quickly and looked panicked for a moment.
Jessica nodded. “That’s why I feel stressed.” She said when Abe, Leah, Sara and Amanda looked between Justine and her with curiosity. “I feel like I know things that maybe I shouldn’t and I haven’t had time to talk to you about it. It feels awkward.”
“Like you’re the middle man?” Justine asked.
Jessica nodded.
“We’re a family Jess. We don’t have secrets from each other, remember?” Justine asked. “Whatever Mark and Chris tell you is okay with me. It’s just like they don’t mind me talking to you about them. So, don’t be upset or stressed about it. Okay?”
“Okay.” Jessica said.
When Abe, Leah, Sara and Amanda kept looking at Justine in anticipation she sighed. “Alright. Fine. It’s my fantasy to see the two of them have sex. We were talking about fantasies last night and I made the mistake of telling them that and they freaked.”
“Shit.” Abe hissed.
“Mark and Chris?” Leah asked. “You know Chris will never do that …”
“That’s why it’s called a fantasy.” Justine said in a defensive tone. “I said it before I thought it through. I wish I hadn’t, trust me.”
“Did Mark tell you that he’s not getting over the ?” Jessica asked.
“Yes. And that’s where I made my second mistake. I thought that since Scott helped you with sex, maybe Mark and Chris doing it would help Mark.”
“Justine!” Leah exclaimed. “Chris is a homophobe. How would him to have sex with Mark make anything better?”
“I know, I know.” Justine said. “And you can stop looking at me like that.” Justine snapped at Abe, "It was stupid. I was desperate, what can I say?”
“What can you say about what?” Chris asked. Jessica, Abe, and the girls looked up to find Chris, Mark, Caleb, Don, Quinn, Jim and Angus.
“About our … situation.” Justine said.
“Oh.” Chris said and turned red. Mark paled.
“Situation?” Quinn asked and did a double take when Chris turned even redder.
“Why don’t you have some lunch.” Jessica said desperate to break the awkwardness and spare Chris the humiliation.
Chris smiled at Jessica, “Always trying to protect people, aren’t you?”
“This isn’t something we need to be talking about right now.” Jessica said, “And it makes you uncomfortable … you’re turning red …” she added when Chris raised an eyebrow.
“Kind of like you did when I let everyone listen to you have sex?” Chris asked. “I think I can handle a bit of humiliation Jess. Justine has a fantasy about Mark and I having sex.” Chris said turning bright red and looking at his feet.
“I shouldn’t have said anything …” Justine muttered in despair.
“You were being honest.” Jessica said when no one said anything. “That’s what we’re supposed to be. And you shouldn’t be embarrassed about your fantasies but there are other ways to experience your fantasies without having to actually act them out.”
“How’s that?” Chris asked.
“Well, you can imagine them.” Jessica said. “Someone’s fantasy doesn’t have to be acted on exactly.”
“That’s true.” Mark said, relief evident in his voice.
“So, we’ve talked now.” Leah said, “Are you less stressed? Can you look us in the eye again?” she asked Jessica, indicating the other girls and herself.
“Um., well there’s still you Amanda. I’m worried about you. Starving and purging doesn’t count as a diet regime. I really think you need to stop.” Jessica said.
Amanda nodded. “Okay.” She said. “And now that you have no more stress, you can eat, right?”
Jessica hesitated. She didn’t believe for a second that Amanda would stop vomiting but she didn’t feel this was the right time to pursue it. She’d find a better time to push the point. Eyeing the sandwich in Abe’s hand with dread she said “It doesn’t taste good.”
“The sandwich?” Abe asked in surprise, “Why didn’t you say so, I can give you something else.”
“No.” Jessica said, “Nothing tastes good. Everything tastes like sand.”
“Maybe sand got in the food …” Abe said.
“No. She means food in general.” Angus said, “It’s not tasting right for her. We’re going to get Doc to check it out.”
“In the meantime she has to eat something.” Abe said.
“Agreed.” Jim said lowering himself to the blanket, “Jess, can you eat it anyway? Just half the sandwich and that’s it, okay?”
Jessica nodded. Angus sat behind Jessica on the blanket, and she leaned back against him. Everyone else made themselves comfortable on the blanket and ate.
Jim, Abe and Angus distracted Jessica by having her watch the other men and the boys sail through the sky so they managed to get the whole sandwich into her.
Soon the others came to eat, including the employees from the parasailing company. Now that they were all together and had time to observe, it was clear that if the parasailing employees hadn’t believed Amanda about the polygamous relationships before, they did now.
Justine and Amanda went out of their way to emphasize that they were with each of their men and it earned them some looks that ranged from uncertain to disapproving.
Jessica just seemed to go with what felt natural to her. Not overdoing her displays of affection between herself and her men, but not avoiding or hiding them either. She received the same kinds of reactions as Justine and Amanda but they seemed more muted. If Jessica noticed the reactions she gave no indication of it. Amanda and Justine for their parts became more and more defiant, seeming to get angry about any indication that someone disapproved of their relationships.
After lunch they went back to the parasailing and the rest of the afternoon was spent parasailing or swimming. Justine and Amanda managed to reign in their hostility but they made every effort to flaunt their relationships. Despite this tension the day went by quickly and everyone had fun.
They made it back to the hotel in time for dinner and to get the boys to the club for the evening and by seven o’clock everyone had gone their separate ways again, this time Jessica and Riley were heading out together.
“Are you okay?” Jessica asked Riley when he kept staring at her as they walked.
“Better than okay.” He said pulling her closer to him. “You know I’m impressed with how unembarrassed you are about our relationship. But don’t you think that being openly polygamist will hurt your career plans?”
“If I decide to be President of the United States, or a supreme court judge, yes.” Jessica said, “but lawyer, local or state judge or governor, no.”
“President of the United States …” Riley said stopping and looking down at Jessica, “Do you want to be President of the United States?”
“Maybe someday when polygamy is legal.” Jessica said.
“And if it’s never legal?”
“I don’t want a job that won’t let me be me.” Jessica said.
“Good.” Riley said pulling her into his arms. “I wouldn’t want you to resent the limitations that our marriage may put on you in regular society.”
“Riley …” Jessica said bringing her hand to his cheek. “I’ll never resent our relationship. Please don’t be sad.” She added, running her thumb over his lips, tracing the slight frown they formed.
Riley locked eyes with her and smiled, “If you’re happy, I’m happy.”
“Then we’re both incredibly delirious with joy right now.” Jessica said lifting onto her toes to bring her lips to his.
“I don’t know if delirious is a strong enough word for it.” Riley said, pecking her lips several times before slipping his tongue into her mouth and locking his lips on hers.
“Jess …” Riley said, resting his forehead on hers … panting. “We’d better stop … for now.”
Jessica nodded.
“So, I thought you may enjoy participating in a mystery at the castle.” Riley said after clearing his throat and gaining some control. “It’s a giant role playing game. We get parts to play and if we solve the mystery we get a prize.”
“I read about that!” Jessica said clearly very excited. “Let’s do it!” she said patting his chest with her hands.
Riley chuckled, “I love how excited you get about everything.” He said and taking her hand he led her to the castle.
“Are you two here for your honeymoon?” one of the mystery facilitators asked when she handed Riley and Jessica the package with the information about their characters.
“Yes.” Riley said.
“It’s easy to tell, you look very much in love.” She said. “I’m Virginia. You have fifteen minutes to read the information. All the guests are detectives in the game. The idea is to solve the mystery before the others. I’ll come and get you when it’s time to start.” Virginia said pointing to a couple of oversized lounge chairs available for them to sit in.
“Detective …” Riley commented as Jessica sank onto his lap and he pulled her close, holding the information booklet in front of both of them. “What I always wanted to be …”
“You always wanted to be a dick?” Jessica asked and burst into laughter when Riley’s eyes widened in shocked surprise.
“And where did you learn such language?” he demanded in mock anger.
“You forget that I love mystery novels.” Jessica said kissing him. “I read about dicks all the time.”
“Ah, that kind of dick. Gotcha.” Riley said. “So then I can rely on you to win this game … I’m not sure my dicking abilities fall into this particular category.” Riley added with a wink causing Jessica to laugh again.
“I like your … abilities …” Jessica said, “but I’m pretty sure you’ll be a big part of solving the case. Oh look, your name is Donald, and I’m Candice. Donald and Candice, not very imaginative.”
“Candy …” Riley said leaning back to better observe Jessica, “I can see you as a Candy. Especially if I picture you in your bikini on a surf board, chewing gum.”
“Like what ev …” Jessica said in a cheery, valley girl voice, and twirling her hair.
“Oh my God.” Riley said laughing, “That’s you alright.”
Jessica swatted his chest and looked back at the booklet. “Come on Donny, we have work to do.”
“We’re at a political convention …” Riley said reading the information, “is that foreshadowing or what, Madame President?”
“And there’s going to be an assassination.” Jessica read. “Do you think there will be a grassy knoll?”
“If there is then there’ll be more than one gunman. This could be a tough case to crack.” Riley said.
“Nothing is too tough for Candy and Donny …” Jessica said.
“Donny …” Riley said cringing.
“I’ll call you D, how’s that?” Jessica asked.
“Better.” Riley said.
“We’re ready.” Virginia said and led them to the game room.
Two hours later they’d narrowed the suspect down to two possibilities.
“I think we need to just pick one.” Riley said after they reviewed the evidence for the thousandth time.
“Maybe …” Jessica said watching Chuck, one of their suspects chatting with another of the detectives. “Chuck was the right hand man to Gerald, the victim, right?” Jessica asked as she watched Chuck’s assistant come up and hand him a pen and paper. Chuck looked the paper over and signed it, and then turned back to chatting with the guests. “Talk about ironic.” Jessica said bolting upright and grabbing the packet of information from the table in front of her and Riley.
“What is?” Riley asked watching her flip through the pages.
“That is …” she said pointing to a paragraph and handing the papers to Riley.
“The gunman was left handed.” Riley said and looked at Jessica with a blank expression.
“Yup. And when we interviewed Chuck, what did he tell us?”
“To get lost …” Riley said.
“After that. When you strong armed him into answering our questions.” Jessica said clearly still impressed with Riley’s ability to get information out of the suspect.
“He said he loved Gerald like a father and would do anything for him.” Riley said.
“And what did he say about being right or left handed?” Jessica asked.
“That he was right handed.” Riley said.
“And what hand did Chuck just sign those papers with?” Jessica asked.
“Holy shit.” Riley exclaimed, excitement playing across his face, “That lying bastard.”
“Let’s fill this in.” Jessica said. The answer form requested the name of the er, the reason you thought it was him and the reason he ed the victim. “So, we know who, and how to prove it …” Jessica said, “but why did he him?”
“I know why …” Riley said picking up the packet of information and flipping through the pages. “He said he loved Gerald like ‘a father’. Gerald had an affair about thirty years ago. Remember? There was a that was given up for adoption? What did Chuck say about his hood? He’d grown up poor. Struggled through life, made something of himself. Remember that witnesses said that Chuck and Gerald fought a few days prior to Gerald’s death? What if Chuck was Gerald’s son. What if Gerald was less than happy to hear from him? After all, the affair had almost cost Gerald his marriage at the time. What would happen if the son from that affair suddenly showed up?”
“Amazing!” Jessica said staring at Riley, obviously impressed.
Riley kissed her, “Let’s win this thing. I want to go somewhere where we can be alone for a while.”
Jessica nodded, scribbled the motive on the sheet and handed it to Virginia.
“Congratulations to Candy and Donald, Sally and Jeff, Anita and Ralf.” Virginia said twenty minutes later as Jessica and Riley stood with Virginia and two other couples at the front of the room. “We had several people determine that the er was Chuck. Some had the correct motive and the wrong evidence, or the correct evidence and the wrong motive but these three couples got all three correctly. You’ve won a voucher for the jewellery store. You can go and pick an item for yourselves. Enjoy the rest of your stay.” Virginia ended to a round of applause.
“Do you see anything that you like?” Riley asked fifteen minutes later as they browsed the jewellery store.
The voucher was for a certain price range but Riley said he’d pay the difference if there was something that Jessica really liked.
Jessica looped back to the items that fell in the price range of the voucher.
“I like that magnifying glass charm.” Jessica said pointing at a small magnifying glass made out of gold.
“You don’t have to stick to this price range Jess.” Riley said looking at the magnifying glass.
“I know. But it reflects what we did together. Detectives use magnifying glasses. I want something that symbolizes that. Please?”
“Sure. Whatever you want.” Riley said and minutes later they walked out of the jewellery story with the magnifying glass in Jessica’s purse.
“Where to?” Jessica asked, hooking her arm with Riley’s.
“Well, I booked the top of the Eiffel tower for us tonight.”
“Really?” Jessica demanded. “I love it.”
“Me too except I’m afraid I might not be able to keep my hands off of you when we’re alone. We might end-up, you know …”
“I don’t want you to keep your hands off of me.” Jessica said pressing against him, “I don’t want to keep my hands off of you.”
“Good.” Riley grumbled. Holding hands they ran to the Eiffel Tower.
“This is so beautiful.” Jessica whispered, standing at the huge window in the top room and looking down on France.
“You’re so beautiful.” Riley growled into her ear, his hot breath sending tingles down her spine. Jessica turned to face him and he pulled her against him, brought his lips down to hers. As they kissed Riley slid his hand under her shirt, under her bra, pulled her nipple. Jessica rubbed her hands on his chest, his abdomen, slid her hand down his pants and grasped his erect cock eliciting a moan from Riley. He hastily undid her pants, pulled them off, pushed her against the window, lifted one of her legs and stroked her clitoris while he kissed her. When Jessica came he lifted her up onto him, and she wrapped her legs around him. Slamming her back against the window he thrust into her, harder and faster until they both came.
Turning Riley carried her to the centre of the room where a picnic basket sat, a blanket on top of it. With one hand he spread the blanket as much as he could on the floor and lay Jessica down on it. Leaning back on his knees Riley looked at her, and then brought his hands to her tits. After teasing her nipples to erection and eliciting louder and louder moans from Jessica, he lowered his mouth to a nipple, licked, bit, pulled it, then the other while his fingers stroked Jessica’s wet pussy causing Jessica to arch against him.
“Your mouth …” she whispered, her hands resting on his head and pushing him toward her pussy, “Eat me out … please …oh my God, now, please …” she said urgently, arching even more.
Frustratingly slowly Riley kissed his way from her tit to her soaking and aching pussy. As soon as his mouth made contact with it Jessica thrust her pussy up and pushed Riley’s head down maximizing the contact, and she gyrated her hips.
“Oh my God, oh my God!!!” she kept saying, getting louder and louder until she ended with an explosive scream. Riley licked her pussy as it convulsed and he licked until Jessica lay limp and her legs twitched before pulling her to him by her waist and plunging his cock into her. Jessica wrapped her arms and legs around him as he pumped into her and after a moment she moaned and urged, “Harder … harder Riley, yes, like that, oh my God!” Riley thrust so hard he wondered if he was going to poke a hole into her cervix. Jessica pumped with him and soon she was screaming again while her pulsating pussy battered his cock causing him to growl, head back, at the top of his lungs.
“Christ Jessica.” Riley said collapsing on top of her, nipping her neck as she nipped his. “You make me so horny … I feel like a fucking teenager.”
“Ditto.” Jessica murmured.
“You pretty much are a fucking teenager.” Riley said with a laugh, pushing up on his elbows to look at her. Jessica kissed his lips.
“Age has nothing to do with it.” Jessica said, “Horniness isn’t measured in physical years …”
Riley lowered his lips to her tit again. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re odd. Sexy as hell, but odd.” He laughed when Jessica crossed her arms over her chest with a humph. Unfolding her arms from her chest, Riley kissed her tit again, “It’s one of the things I love about you baby.” Looking up at Jessica, Riley’s eyes twinkled with amusement before he tilted his head toward the picnic basket, “I had the hotel send a basket with some food, and wine. And there’s an audio guide that will tell us about all the landmarks that we can see from here …” Riley said, “but I want to keep you naked Jess. No one will be coming up here with us and I want to watch you, touch you, fuck you at will.”
“Okay.” Jessica agreed in a breathy voice, unable to hide how excited she was by the idea.
Riley kissed her all over.
“Wine?” he asked finally rolling off of her and opening the basket.
“Please.” She said sitting up and rocking onto her knees she kissed the tattoo on his arm, then moved to his back, kissed down his back, his butt cheeks.
“Jess …” he muttered as she pushed him forward so that he was on his hands and knees. She reached between his legs, stroked his cock, fondled his testicles, and slid her hand up to join her other hand in parting his muscular butt cheeks. Jessica lowered her face between his cheeks and licked his asshole, slid her tongue in it. “Jesus …” he panted. Jessica licked down his crack, put her head between his legs and took his balls in her mouth, one at a time. Riley’s moaning became louder but when she pressed her thumb in his asshole he lurched forward.
“What are you doing?” Riley asked.
“Trust me.” She said and tried to press her thumb in again. And again he tried to move forward. Jessica got on her feet, circled her arm around Riley’s waist and said, “Trust me Riley. You won’t be sorry.”
Jessica began inserting her thumb again. Riley went stalk still, but he didn’t try to move away. He could have easily. But he waited, gasping in discomfort several times, but eventually Jessica was able to get her thumb in far enough and got a good rhythm going and in minutes Riley felt pleasure beginning to grow. He began to rock with it. Five minutes later he yelled, gasped, shook.
“Holy fuck.” He panted turning around and pulling Jessica down on to the floor with him.
“That was your g spot.” She said running her hands over his chiselled chest, resting it over his heart, feeling it pound hard and fast.
“I heard about that from Scott and Angus. What a weird fucking feeling. Is it like that for you?” Riley asked.
Jessica nodded.
“Except you ejaculate and I don’t.” Riley said, “That’s just strange … cumming without ejaculating.”
“Mhmm.” Jessica said as she kissed his neck, his chest, his nipples. Riley slid his leg between hers and she began to rub against it with her pussy.
Riley ran his hand down the length of her body, cupped her butt cheek, kneaded, squeezed, and then he took her knee and rolled her onto her back, spreading her legs out and up.
“Your turn.” He breathed into her ear, nipped her earlobe, nipped her neck and rammed his fingers into her, pounding away at her g spot harder and faster. Jessica panted, moaned, begged, arched her body against his, pressing her tits hard against his chest before screaming and ejaculating. It took several minutes before Jessica calmed down and they lay together.
“I love it when you make a mess.” Riley whispered in her ear.
“Did I at least get it on the blanket?” Jessica asked.
“Mostly.” He said and chuckled when Jessica looked worried and tried to sit up. “Just ding.” He said kissing her cheek, nipping it, then her lips. “We didn’t mess up the floor, promise.”
Jessica relaxed, sighing in relief and then pressed harder against Riley.
“I love you.” She said.
“I love you.” Riley replied while grasping her tit. “How bout one more time.” He said, “Before we take a short break for food, drink, and audio tour?”
“You promise it’ll be short, right?” Jessica asked as Riley brought his mouth to her tit. “The break I mean, not the sex.” Jessica added causing Riley to make a throaty chuckle.
“I promise …” he said and kissed his way down her stomach only to find Jessica’s legs and pussy lips spread wide for him as his mouth moved below her pelvis. “I love it when you’re so wet …” he mumbled as he lapped her up.
When Jessica came she immediately got up on her knees pushed Riley back and took his cock in her mouth but before he came he pushed her back. “Turn around.” He said, “Put your ass up, that’s it …” he growled and taking her by her hips he slammed into her asshole cumming after several thrusts and then collapsing on top of her.
“Am I crushing you?” he asked.
“A little.” Jessica squeaked. Rolling off of Jessica he pulled her to him.
“Sorry.” He said kissing her.
“If I have to be crushed by something or someone I want it to be you.” Jessica said.
Riley chuckled, “Well, I’m glad I could oblige. So listen, do you want to have that wine and some food and listen to the tour? Maybe we can get through some of it before I want to devour you again.”
“Okay.” Jessica agreed and sat up when Riley did. He passed her the glass of wine he’d poured.
“We have gs, cheese, apple, some bread …” Riley said.
“I’m okay with wine for now.” Jessica said taking a sip and getting up.
“Not so fast …” Riley said grabbing her ankle before she could walk away. “Five gs, two pieces of cheese and a slice of bread. That’s the going rate to see the tour.”
Jessica nodded and sank back down to the floor. Riley fed her the food and Jessica tried to enjoy it but it all truly tasted bland. And her stomach threatened to turn itself inside out again.
“You’re turning green …” Riley observed.
“I can’t eat anymore … sorry …”
“You did okay.” Riley said. “Come on.” He added after standing and extending his hand to her. Pulling Jessica to her feet, he went to turn on the audio tour. There was a button by the door. Jessica moved to the window and looked out.
Riley watched Jessica for a moment and got an instant erection. He decided to leave her alone so she could get something out of the tour but within thirty seconds or so Jessica was looking for him. And when she saw his erection she moved to him, dropped to her knees and took him in her mouth. Riley couldn’t bring himself to stop her. Instead he placed his hands on her head and thrust into her mouth. When he finally came, he lowered himself to his knees, slid his hand between Jessica’s legs and fingered her to orgasm.
“Let’s try that again.” Riley said against her lips. Jessica nodded and the two of them went to the window. Riley pulled Jessica against him and they made it through fifteen minutes of the tour before they had sex again. And it went that way for the rest of the tour. Finally a voice came on over the speaker warning that the tower was closing in fifteen minutes.
“Shit.” Riley said suddenly sitting up from where he and Jessica lay together after their latest coupling. He reached for his cell phone. “It’s one in the morning. I lost track of time … sorry Jess.”
“Don’t be.” Jessica said her head lolling to the side, “I love the way you lose track of time …”
“The guys are going to me.” Riley added, “I completely tired you out.”
“It was the wine. I’ll be fine when we get to the hotel.” Jessica said, barely able to keep her eyes open.
Riley dressed Jessica and then himself. “Come on baby, I can carry you back. I’ll get the hotel to come get the basket and blanket tomorrow.”
“I … can … walk …” Jessica said quietly, but as soon as Riley had her cradled in his arms she was asleep.
At the hotel Riley knocked on the hotel suite door.
“What happened?” Jim asked in alarm when he answered the door.
“A lot of sex. Sorry guys but I wore her out.” Riley said carrying her to the bedroom the other men following him.
“I’m okay …” Jessica mumbled when Riley lay her on the bed.
“We’ll get you in the morning.” Josh said crawling onto the bed and lying beside Jessica.
“I lost track of time otherwise I would’ve brought her back earlier or at least called.” Riley said, “Sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Angus said, “That seems to be a common thing when it comes to being with Jessica.” The men arranged themselves around her and fell to sleep.
Jessica bolted upright, cutting off a scream a moment before it escaped her. She climbed off the bed and went for a shower. Fifteen minutes later she was in her pajamas and opening the suite door to find Rick, Abe, Chris, Mark, Justine, Caleb, Don, Quinn and Amanda in the hallway.
Amanda and Justine looked pretty tired, “We made them promise to wake us up if they got up.” Amanda explained. “We wanted a night with you too before we go home.”
They headed to the room at the end of the hall. Mark got Jessica, Amanda and Justine a cooler each and the whiskey for the men.
They turned the sofa and the chairs to face the window and opened the blinds so they could see the replica of France twinkling in the night.
Amanda, Caleb, Don and Quinn took the sofa, Justine sat on Mark’s lap on a chair, Chris sat on the floor in front of them and leaned on the chair between Justine and Mark’s legs. Rick, Abe and Jessica each sat in an oversized chair.
“By the way Jess,” Justine said, “I was finally able to convince Mark and Chris that I don’t really expect them to sleep together. We wanted you to know so you don’t worry about it.”
“Good.” Jessica said and it was easy to see that Mark and Chris were far more relaxed than they had been earlier. “Thanks.”
“I can’t believe that tonight is our second last night here.” Amanda said.
“Me neither.” Jessica said, “It’s gone so fast.”
“What should we do?” Rick asked.
“We should play a game. I can go down and get the cards.” Don said.
“We play cards any time at home.” Abe said, “We should play something else. Something different.”
“Like what?” Amanda asked.
“I don’t know.” Abe said with a shrug.
“Any ideas Jess?” Rick asked. Jessica looked between Rick and Abe and wondered how they met. She suspected that they wouldn’t tell unless they had to and she knew exactly how to make them.
“We could play truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat.” Jessica said.
“Huh?” Caleb asked.
“Justine and Amanda, you must know this one.” Jessica said looking at the girls but they seemed as oblivious as the men.
“One person offers the option of truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat to another player. The person picks one and then the original person can ask a question that needs to be answered truthfully if the person picked truth, or they have to do something that they are dared to do … they can pass on a dare but not a double dare, or they have to repeat something. Usually that’s something really embarrassing, like having Quinn say, ‘I wear women’s underwear.’”
“This is a real game?” Justine asked.
“A famous game.” Jessica said with a nod.
“You start then.” Mark said to Jessica.
“Okay. Rick, truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat?” Jessica asked.
“So I have to pick one?” Rick asked.
“Yes and once you do you can’t pick it again until you’ve gone through the others.”
“Okay.” Rick said thinking, then he shrugged and said, “Truth. Why do you look so happy?” Rick demanded when Jessica straightened up, clearly excited.
“How did you and Abe meet?” Jessica asked.
Rick stared at her, “You set me up …”
Jessica nodded and giggled.
“For someone who can’t lie, you’re pretty sneaky.” Abe said, a bemused look on his face.
“Answer the question.” Justine said, “I want to hear this too.”
Rick looked like he wasn’t thrilled about answering but then he just sighed and downed the rest of his whiskey. “Through mutual friends.” He said. “We soon realized that we had the same mission in life, same goal. It made it obvious that we should be partners. Why are you looking at me like that?” he demanded when Jessica, Justine and Amanda stared at him in a dreamy way.
“So you knew right away?” Jessica asked with a sigh.
“Well, yeah …” Rick said.
“That it was true love?” Amanda added.
“Rick is about as romantic as a rock.” Abe cut in when Rick stumbled over his tongue trying to deny that love had anything to do with it. “But yes, it was true love.” Abe said and looked really amused when Rick glared at him.
“You’re their romantic hero right now,” Quinn said to Rick with a laugh, “Enjoy it.”
“So, is it my turn?” Rick demanded. “Abe, truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat.” He said it in a tense voice.
“Promise to repeat.” Abe said, and had to repeat multiple times that he was an asshole.
And the game continued. At one point Justine had to go downstairs to get her make-up so they could put it on Don as part of a double dare. They laughed so hard while they did it that even Don had to laugh eventually.
Finally Jessica picked truth.
“What is your best memory of your family.” Abe asked and suddenly everyone got quiet.
“What kind of a question is that?” Chris demanded.
“What’s wrong with it?” Abe asked, “We all wish we could give Jessica her family back but we can’t. The next best thing is her memory of them. Good memories are never a bad thing.”
“But if you don’t want to answer Jess, that’s okay.” Justine said, glaring at Abe.
“It’s okay.” Jessica said, “But I have so many great memories … I don’t know if I can pick just one.”
“You and your family seemed to be really close.” Caleb said, “That’s a good memory I’d think. I don’t think any of us really know what that’s like.”
“I’d say we’re pretty close right now, as a family.” Jessica said.
“That’s true.” Caleb agreed, “I meant with relatives.”
“Your best memory?” Don prompted.
Jessica nodded. “We were close. Really close. My brothers were the best. We called ourselves the four muskateers. We made it kind of a club and our friends joined too. We went everywhere together. That was great. Probably my favourite memory.”
“The four muskateers. Roaming around, helping people.” Rick said and he seemed to really like the idea.
Jessica looked at him and giggled, “I don’t know that we helped a lot of people but we did roam around together. A lot.”
“Knowing you Jess, and the story you told about that boy and the drugs, I’m sure that you helped people.” Mark said. Rick flashed Mark a smile clearly happy that Mark was on the same page as him.
Jessica shrugged and looked down at the cooler bottle she was holding. “Not the same kind of helping that happened with Trex.” She said quietly, “Besides, helping almost always seems to result in someone getting hurt. And not always the helper.”
“That sounds like a story to be told.” Don said.
Jessica shook her head.
“Jess you know I’m going to ask about it the next time you get to truth so you may as well just tell us now.” Amanda said.
Jessica sighed. “One of my brother’s friends was really into motorbike racing. Like we were. Well, it seemed that he and I had a stronger affection for it than my brothers did. When my parents forbade my brothers and I to go to these illegal races, my brothers listened. But, um, Brandon and I, not so much.”
“So you were sneaking out of your house with this Brandon guy to go motorbike racing … without your brothers?” Justine demanded.
Jessica nodded.
“And how old were you?” Justine asked.
“Thirteen.” Jessica said.
“Jesus Christ Jessica, what the hell were you thinking?” Caleb demanded.
Jessica shrugged. “It was fine. Brandon was with me and if for some reason he wasn’t one of the other guys from our club was. And Stew, the track owner was really nice. Actually, everyone at the track was really nice. That’s why I felt so bad when my parents shut it down.”
“Your parents shut down the track?” Mark asked.
Jessica nodded, “It was illegal anyway. But they didn’t want me going there.”
“How did they find out that you were going?” Rick asked.
Jessica shrugged. “I told them.”
“You told them.” Rick repeated. “Just out of the blue you told them you were going?”
“No, of course not. If I had it my way they’d never have known … sorry.” She added when she received unimpressed glares from everyone. “It was omission more than lying.” Jessica said.
“So what happened?” Rick urged.
“Brandon was having an inappropriate relationship with his teacher.” Jessica said. “One night the teacher’s husband was ed. The next day the teacher conveniently told the police about the relationship and that she had no idea where Brandon was the night when her husband was stabbed to death.”
“Shit. Really?” Quinn asked.
Jessica nodded. “If my brothers friends were an extension of our family at the level, the police and FBI were an extension of our family at my parents level. We knew them all. Really well. They were at our place all the time. Took me to the movies, for ice cream. They were great …” Jessica’s voice faded.
“Jess …” Rick prompted after a minute of silence.
“So, of course we knew Brandon was in trouble right away. The thing was that I knew where Brandon was the previous night. The whole night. We were together, racing. I told the police, my parents flipped. It cleared Brandon but my parents shut down the track. Luckily there were so many high quality riders in the club, Stew managed to go pro. I think that’s part of the reason he was so quick to forgive me.”
“You asked for forgiveness from the track owner?” Caleb demanded.
Jessica nodded. “I felt so bad. But he was really nice. He said he would have come forward when he heard of the charges if I hadn’t. ‘No good sending someone up the creek to protect something as stupid as racing’ he’d said.
“And what happened to you?” Rick asked.
“Nothing really.” Jessica said.
“Oh, come on.” Justine said, “Do you expect us to believe that your parents let that slide?”
“They grounded me for a month.” Jessica said.
“That was it?” Rick asked.
“No.” she said in a small voice and suddenly sounded like she was going to cry.
“What else did they do?” Rick urged.
“Lay off Rick.” Amanda said moving to kneel in front of Jessica and take her hands. “You don’t have to tell us if it upset you so much.”
“Did your father whip you?” Chris asked and he looked like he was remembering a personal experience.
“No, not at all, my parents weren’t like that.” Jessica said. “They never hit any of any of us, ever.”
“So what did they do?” Abe asked.
“I had a horse. He was just like Ebony. Big, beautiful, wild. My parents had let me keep him because I promised to be safe on him. Only ride when they were there. Have him trained properly. My parents said that they couldn’t trust me to do that anymore, since I hadn’t listened about the track. So they sold him.” Jessica began to cry and Amanda threw her arms around her, Justine did the same from behind.
“They sold your horse.” Chris stated. “I think I’d prefer the whipping. Somehow, it seems less mean.”
“Did you ever see your horse again?” Justine asked when Jessica stopped crying and sniffled while she dried her eyes.
“No. It wasn’t until a couple of years later that they’d buy me anything that wasn’t one hundred years old and as slow as molasses.” Jessica said. “And even then it wasn’t the same as Star.”
“Didn’t your parents do anything to reward you for saving your friend?” Don asked, “They seem like the type that would be proud of that.”
“They were proud of that.” Jessica said. “And they praised me a lot for that, but they were really disappointed that I’d been sneaking out. And I’m not sure that I ever made that up to them …” Jessica began crying again.
“Jess …” Scott said and Jessica looked up in surprise. He was kneeling next to Amanda.
Jessica threw herself into his arms, and any restraint that she’d had was gone. Tears soaked his shirt as he rubbed her back, kissed her head and murmured reassurances.
Jessica was suddenly aware of Riley, Angus, Jim and Josh around her too. At least one of them was also rubbing her back.
“What kind of game are you playing?” Riley demanded, “Are you wearing make-up?” he directed at Don.
Amanda explained the game.
“This was a double dare.” Don said pointing at his face, “I couldn’t get out of it.”
“You look real pretty.” Josh said with a laugh.
“Thanks.” Don grumbled.
“Jessica was telling us about another time she helped someone.” Rick said.
“We know.” Angus said, “We came in when she started and didn’t want to interrupt.”
“We should get Jess to bed.” Jim said when Jessica was unable to stop crying.
“Sorry Jess.” Rick said when Scott scooped her into his arms. Rick kissed her head, “I didn’t mean to upset you so much.”
“It’s … okay …” she managed to mumble out. Everyone kissed her good night and Scott carried her back to bed where the men arranged themselves around her.
“Go ahead and cry Jess.” Scott said pulling her to him. “I guess we know one of the reasons Ebony was so important to you.” He added.
Finally Jessica reigned in the tears and turned onto her back so she could get as much contact with all of the men at once as possible.
“Your parents were pretty tough.” Josh said, rubbing her foot in his hands. “Selling your horse was pretty drastic.”
“They had to be.” Angus said locking eyes with Jessica when she looked at him, “Obviously they realized what they were dealing with … someone with no boundaries, no sense of self-preservation, no obedience. Don’t’ start crying again Jess, I’m not saying that to be mean. It’s just a fact. That’s just you.”
“And we love you.” Riley said casting a look at Angus, “Everything about you, even those characteristics that make keeping you safe a challenge.”
“Exactly.” Angus added.
“It should be easy.” Jim said stroking her leg. “Given how transparent you are. But it’s impossible to know what you’re going to do in any given situation. It makes it complicated.”
Jessica sniffled. Angus and Riley had begun stroking her stomach, Scott her other leg. Scott and Jim were working their way higher on her legs while Riley and Angus worked their way lower on her abdomen.
“Could we have sex now?” Jessica asked.
“Try to stop us.” Scott asked moving his hand the last couple of inches to her pussy making Jessica arch, bringing her tits into Riley and Angus’ waiting mouths.
By the time they passed out an hour later Jessica’s throat was raw from screaming. Jessica slept better than she had in a long time and it was almost eleven by the time she and the men woke up.
“The boys …” Jessica said sitting up.
“Relax Jess. I’m sure someone took them to the club.” Scott said, “But why don’t we get cleaned up and then we can call down to make sure.”
“I’ll call.” Josh said, “And I’ll be there in a second.”
“The boys made it to the club.” Josh said climbing into the shower and taking Jessica’s leg from Riley. Scott was busy eating Jessica out. “And Justine is going to pick them up at one. Everyone will be here for lunch around that time too.”
“Thanks.” Jessica panted just before screaming as pleasure overtook her.
“That give us two hours to play.” Angus said. “Are you up for it?” he asked Jessica while cupping her tits.
“Yes … please don’t stop.” She urged when Angus took a tit in her mouth, Josh brought his mouth to her pussy, Jim to her asshole. Riley fed his cock into her mouth and Jessica took Angus and Scott’s cocks in each of her hands and stroked.
By the time the two hours were up they were all overly relaxed. They snoozed for fifteen minutes, got dressed, and waited for ten minutes in the hotel suite before there was a knock at the door.
Jessica stood looking out the window wrapped in Scott’s arms. But when the door opened the boys charged her and Scott and the next two hours were filled with chaotic conversation, laughing, and eating. The boys were so full of amusing stories about their last morning at the club that Sean and Abe managed to shovel food into Jessica without the use of the TV as a distraction.
Eventually they all went shopping.
“Would you put this painting up at home?” Jessica asked her men, pointing to a beautiful night scene of Paris.
“Of course.” Scott said, “But don’t forget we’ll be leaving home soon. We can’t be sure we’ll be able to take it with us.”
“I know. But until we leave, it can remind us of our trip.” Jessica said.
“Buy it then.” Riley agreed.
“I’m going to pay for this.” Abe said holding up an Eiffle tower statue, “I’ll go with you to pay.”
“Okay.” Jessica said. She and Abe moved to the cash while everyone else continued to look around.
“I’ll pay for the painting.” Abe said.
“You don’t have to do that …” Jessica said looking back at him and bumping into someone.
“Excuse me … are you okay?” a man said, placing his hands on Jessica’s shoulders and righting her.
Jessica looked up at a middle aged man. Handsome and in good shape, Jessica blinked at him. He had a movie star look to him that made him look familiar.
Jessica studied his face for a moment.
“Oh dear, you really have to watch where you’re going.” A woman appeared at his side. Also middle age, but gorgeous. She linked an arm with the man but put a hand on Jessica’s arm, “Are you okay my love?” she asked.
Jessica looked between them certain that she had bumped into a pair of celebrities. She felt like she should be taking advantage of the situation but for the life of her she couldn’t place them.
“I’m truly sorry.” The man added looking up at Abe. He seemed to blanch. Jessica noticed the woman do the same. Jessica looked over her shoulder. Her heart dropped when she saw the expression on Abe’s face. He was furious and it showed. He looked dangerous. Very dangerous.
“It’s okay.” Jessica said quickly turning back to the man and the woman, “It was an accident. Excuse us please.” Jessica said, took Abe’s hand and dragged him behind her past the man and woman.
“What is wrong with you?” Jessica demanded.
“People should watch where they’re going.” Abe said looking back in the direction of the couple who for a moment returned the look and then hurried away.
“It was an accident.” Jessica said. “Geez, what is it with you clan people? Were you raised in barns or something?”
Abe seemed to give his head a shake.
“Jess, if you had a chance to go back to your life. Right now. Would you take it?” Abe asked.
“What? No.” Jessica said.
“You wouldn’t?” Abe asked. “You could do everything you’ve dreamed of. School, work …”
“This is my life.” Jessica said, “I’m happy with my new family.”
“So you wouldn’t even try?” Abe asked.
“If I could have both I would. But that’s never going to happen.” Jessica said and began walking toward the cashier again. Abe followed but didn’t say anything else.
They paid for the their items and found everyone again and still Abe hadn’t said anything else.
“Excuse me for a few minutes.” Abe said as they all moved to the next store. “I’ll be right back.”
It was half an hour later when Abe returned and he still looked upset about that couple. Jessica tried to talk to him about it but he seemed to be avoiding her. She couldn’t get a moment alone with him.
Eventually he seemed to relax and Jessica gave up on talking to him and concentrated on shopping with the boys.

By six they were back at the hotel eating dinner.
It seemed a somewhat solemn affair, everyone realizing that it was their last dinner at the resort.
They dropped the boys off at the club at seven and Scott took Jessica’s hand as they said goodbye to everyone.
“Are you ready?” Scott asked as they walked down the street.
“For what?” Jessica asked.
“To throw self-preservation out the window?” Scott asked and laughed when Jessica’s face brightened. “I can’t believe I’m going to do this.” Scott added. “The guys will me if anything happens to you.”
“What are we going to do!” Jessica demanded pulling on Scott’s arm.
Scott leaned in to her ear and whispered, “Jousting.”
“Yes!” Jessica yelled, pumping her arm in the air. “I heard they had that here! Let’s go, come on!” she demanded pulling on Scott’s arm.
Scott laughed the whole way to the castle. Jessica was deliriously happy the whole way there. In the arena they spent an hour learning the art of jousting without a horse, another hour on a horse, and by the third hour they began the competition. They didn’t knock people off as part of the competition. Instead they used paint to indicate who got closest to a hit to the heart. This seemed to disappoint Jessica but she got over it quickly and proceeded to skewer many of the competitor that she played against. Of course, the competitors were other guests many of whom barely knew how to ride a horse so it wasn’t a surprise when Jessica and Scott won many of the competitions. When it was Jessica’s turn to compete against Scott, she refused.
“Jess.” Scott said riding over to her, “It’s a game with paint. We’re not going to hurt each other. Come on, it’s fun.”
“Doesn’t it feel weird?” Jessica asked. “Playing against one another?”
“A little.” Scott agreed. “If you really don’t want to we can stop.”
“I want to stop.” Jessica said. So they forfeited their turn. But even with that, Jessica and Scott were one of two couples that had the highest scores, so they won.
The prize was a voucher for the jewelry store.
“I know what we should get.” Jessica said pulling Scott by his hand to the store. “I saw it the other night when Riley and I got the magnifying glass.”
“Whatever you want …” Scott said, laughing as he followed her. “It’s perfect.” He added when Jessica marched them up to a display case and pointed at a charm in the shape of a knight on a horse, his lance pointed forward. It was made of gold and had some gems in it.
“It costs more than the amount of the voucher.” Jessica said, disappointed.
“I’ll pay the difference.” Scott said and he did.
“Do you make jewelry alterations here at all?” Jessica asked the sales man.
“We resize rings, yes.”
“Is there any way you could add charms to this necklace?” Jessica asked touching the heart that hung from her neck.
“I think so.” The man replied.
“By tomorrow?” Jessica asked.
“I can put a rush on it.”
Jessica pulled the heart shaped stone, magnifying glass, and car from her purse and placed them next to the knight on the horse. Undoing her necklace she handed it to the salesman, “How much will it cost?”
“That doesn’t matter.” Scott said pulling Jessica closer, “I’ll pay or it.”
“Thank you!” Jessica said kissing him.
“Come back tomorrow morning around 11, it should be ready.” The salesman said.
“Now for the next part of our night.” Scott said when he and Jessica left the store, “And again, the guys are going to me for this.”
“What is it?” Jessica asked, perplexed when Scott stopped in front of some lockers. He produced a key, opened a locker and pulled two canvass bags and two suit bags out of them.
“This is for you.” He said handing one of the canvas and suit bag to her. “There’s a wig, make-up and a dress in there.” He said, “I have a wig, fake mustache and a suit.”
“Are we going to the casino?” Jessica asked, “Please tell me we’re going to the casino!” she said getting excited.
“How’d you figure that out?” Scott asked.
“What else do we need wigs for? And a fake mustache? Come on, let’s go!”
“Okay, okay …” Scott said, laughing. They each went into the castle bathrooms and when they met in the hallway they barely recognized one another.
“That mustache actually looks good on you.” Jessica said.
“Not one for facial hair I guess?” Scott asked.
“Not usually.” She said sliding into his arms and stroking his mustache.
“Better not do that.” Scott said, holding her at arms length and looking her up and down. “Or we’ll never make it to the casino. I mean as much as I like you with that dress on I’d rather see you without it … and that hair. Red suits you baby.”
“Thank you.” Jessica said with a smile.
“Just remember.” Scott said as he hailed a cab, “No card games for you. Stick to games that are between you and a machine … at least the machine can’t see right through you.” He added when they climbed in a cab and Jessica looked at him with a perplexed expression.
At the casino they had so much fun. Scott did well at the card games, Jessica won some money at the slot machines, and it was one in the morning when Scott slid onto a seat at the penny slots next to Jessica.
“Jess, the guys and I have a surprise for you. We want to role play with you. Now. Are you up for it?”
“Yes!” Jessica said excited.
Scott chuckled, “I thought you’d like that. So two things. First, we have to pick a scenario. I thought of three possible ones. You could pick one of the three or come up with one yourself.”
“Pick your favourite one.” Jessica said, “And keep the other two as a surprise for next time.”
“I don’t have a favorite.” Scott said, “I don’t think I could choose so pick a number from one to three.”
“Two.” Jessica said.
“Good choice.” Scott said with a sultry cock of his brow, as he pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed.
“Hey.” Jim said, Scott hitting speaker on his phone, he held it between him and Jessica.
“Hi.” Jessica said smiling up at Scott.
“Hi baby.” Jim said, “We’re all here. Where are you? It sounds busy.”
“We’re at the replica casino.” Scott said and winked when Riley growled, “You’re where?”
“The casino but don’t worry we’re wearing disguises. You won’t even recognize Jess when you see her.” Scott answered. There was silence at the other end of the phone but after a few moments Riley muttered, “I hope you’re fucking right.”
“I believe I have a pretty good track record.” Scott said with a laugh.
“So Jess picked scenario two. You guys know what to do, right?” Scott asked into the phone.
“We’re all set.” Jim replied.
“Riley and I may need some sidebars.” Angus said, “I’m not sure how good I’ll be at this.”
“It’s okay.” Jessica said, “It’s just for fun. There is no right or wrong way to do it.”
“K Jess … we’ll do our best.” Riley added.
“I will too.” Jessica replied.
“K, we’re heading back to the hotel now. Taking a cab, we should be there in about fifteen minutes.” Scott said and hung up the phone. Jessica grasped Scott’s hand in both of hers as they waited for a cab. She was so excited she bounced with eagerness next to Scott for the whole cab ride back to the hotel. Even the cab driver, who had seemed anything but impressed to be working, was smiling by the end of the ride.
In the elevator Jessica pressed against Scott. She played with his mustache. “I wonder what that would look like after you ate me out.”
“Probably like a drowned rat, but there’s only one way to find out for sure.” Scott said in a throaty voice.
“Mmm, I can’t wait.” Jessica said as the elevator door opened on their floor. Scott guided her out of elevator but rather than go to their main hotel room, where Jessica had expected her men to be waiting for them, Scott turned right and went to the room at the end of the hall.
At the door Scott gave Jessica a mischievous grin and said, “The rp starts now.”
Jessica gasped as Scott pulled her in front of him suddenly, forcefully, and pulled her arms behind her back. Swinging the hotel door open Scott pushed Jessica inside the dimly lit room. Following her in, Scott tightened the grip on her arms, bruising her, as he kicked the door shut behind them.
Jessica looked around the room and gasped. With Scott propping her up, Jessica’s mouth hung open and her mind was slow to comprehend what she saw. Amidst the flickering candle light of several dozen well placed candles, stood her men. Stock still. Wearing leather. Black, studded, chained, leather. They looked so dangerous. Sexually, and in every other way, they were terrifying. And Jessica loved it. And just as her mind began to come to terms with her men and what the sight of them was doing to her body, it turned its attention to the room and what the men had done to it.
They had moved all of the furniture out of the way except for a large, heavy, and ornate desk. Behind it stood Jim. He held a large, spiked gavel in his hand as he stood statue still and stared at Jessica. On either side of him stood Riley, Josh and Angus. Along the walls of the room stood five devices. The same ones they’d seen at the museum. Jessica’s mind went blank as her pussy exploded soaking her undies, her pants. It squeezed, hard, her clit quivering hard. Her tits suddenly felt too large for her bra as her hard nipples pressed against it … goose bumps covered every surface of her body as the men gave a collective groan, cumming in their pants.
Jessica moaned, whimpered, she wanted her clothes off, her men on her, in her. She wanted to feel those studs and leather on her skin … ultimately their flesh on hers … she wanted their cocks in every hole she had, stretching her, pounding her, filling her. As if reading her mind Josh stalked toward her and without a moment’s hesitation he tore her shirt open, ripped her bra and pants off. In seconds Jessica was naked before them, and Jessica was certain he’d be in her but instead he moved back to his place next to Jim. Jessica whimpered with need. Back in his place Josh seemed be fighting the urge to return to her … Jim, Riley and Angus strained toward her as if they too intended to take her. But much to Jessica’s disappointment they stayed where they were, chests heaving from the effort. Scott pulled Jessica back against himself, hard and Jessica could feel his cock straining against his pants pressing into her ass cheeks. She was about to beg the men to take her when Jim slammed the gavel onto the desk three times. Each strike made a noise so loud that Jessica jumped, startled.
“Court is now in session.” Jim’s voice boomed. He locked his eyes on Jessica’s “You stand accused of sexual witchcraft. We will hear evidence today of your sorcery and if found guilty, you will be given a suitable punishment. But before we begin I will advise you that should you need to stop at any time, you are to say ‘mercy’. It will stop everything, immediately, do you understand?” Jim paused and in his regular voice he said, “Okay Jess … if anything hurts too much, just say mercy and we’ll stop.”
Jessica nodded, “Okay.” She said in a breathless whisper.
“Very well.” Jim said resuming his deep, loud, voice and Jessica was impressed with how convincing he was as a judge. “I call as the first witness, the Mayor of our town, Mr. Joshua.”
“Wait.” Angus said, “Before we start …” he stalked over to Jessica. Muscles rippling under the leather … he looked so sexy … they all did, Jessica felt like she was going to explode. “Great disguise babe,” he said playing with a few strands of the hair from the wig, “But do you mind if we take it off? I want to fuck you when you look like you.”
Jessica nodded and Angus pulled the wig off, the bobby pins in her hair, out, and fluffed up her hair.
“Thanks baby.” He growled. “Fuck you soon.” He added and moved back to his spot leaving Jessica vibrating with need.
“Mr. Mayor.” Jim prompted.
Josh took a step forward, locking his eyes on Jessica. “As the Mayor of this fine city my integrity is beyond reproach. You can imagine my surprise when I found myself drawn to the stockade quarters and to the accused in the middle of the night. Once there the accused, through her sexual witchery, made me find her pussy. With my fingers at first. Her spell had me fingering her very wet hole … stretching it, preparing it. She made my cock hard and then she made me …” Josh paused, covering his face with his hands and shook his head, very convincingly conveying embarrassment.
“Mr. Mayor, what did the accused make you do?” Jim prompted.
Josh lowered his hands and locked his eyes on Jessica, “She made me take her pussy with my cock. She was so wet, so tight … your honor, she made me cum in her.”
“My apologies Mr. Mayor,” Jim said, “but I am having a hard time visualizing the events in your testimony. Re-enact them.”
“Yes your honor.” Josh said and moved to one of the devices by the wall. He lifted it and brought it to the middle of the room. Jessica’s pussy squeezed as she watched him place the stockade on the floor.
“We bought all of these devices.” Scott whispered in her ear, his hot breath sending shivers of anticipation down her spine. “We each picked a favorite since you liked them all. The stockade was Josh’s. You can pick one too baby, we’ll buy it.”
Jessica tilted her face into Scott, “Okay … thank you, this is so hot.”
“Mmm, it’s going to get hotter.” Scott said with a sexy laugh.
“The prisoner was in the stockade.” Josh said, “Serving her sentence for some minor offense.”
“Place her in the stockade.” Jim said to Scott, who silently dragged Jessica to the wooden devise, her to bend over and locked her in by her head and hands.
“Continue with your testimony Mr. Mayor.” Jim said when Scott moved away and Jessica stood shuddering with anticipation in the middle of the room.
“Thank you.” Josh said from behind Jessica. Suddenly, without warning, he landed a stinging slap on Jessica’s ass cheek, and then the other.
“Oh!” Jessica gasped, feeling her ass cheeks turn pink and the sting from the slaps seemed to travel down to Jessica’s pussy making it squeeze hard and into her pulsing pussy Josh rammed two fingers … and Jessica came, squirting onto his hand.
“Oh fuck …” Josh moaned, panting filled the room and Jessica’s knees felt weak as she shuddered even harder with anticipation.
“Your honor,” Scott said in a d voice. Jessica tried to see Scott, he stood just beside her but far back enough that she couldn’t see him. She was so restricted by the stockade in fact that she suddenly realized how vulnerable she was. Had she really been serving a sentence naked and alone in a stockade, anyone could help themselves to her. Inexplicably that turned her on, a lot. It made the pit of her stomach ache with need.
“Yes Father?” Jim replied.
“As one of the highest ordained priests in the land, I too am a man of honor. And I can collaborate the Mayor’s testimony about this young, sexy, witch and her enticing ways. I too was beckoned from my bed in the rectory, late at night. And she led me to her tight, pink, asshole. Making me part her sexy asscheeks, like this …” Scott said and Jessica felt his hands prying her cheeks apart, “I was compelled to suck on her asshole. Your honor, look at that hole … how can one resist that?” Jessica moaned, as she heard movement around her and she realized that the men had moved to stand around her, looking at her asshole.
“That is a beautiful, pink, puckered hole.” She heard Angus say in a low, guttural growl.
“And it tastes so good.” Scott said, “It’s so tight that it takes a lot of dedicated work to draw it out.”
“Did she make you play with her clit Father?” Angus asked, his voice so throaty Jessica’s pussy clenched. “As the foremost business man in this community, I was very surprised to be summoned to her in the middle of the night. She made me part her pussy lips, wide and suck her already swollen clit between my teeth, gnaw it, over and over, as she nearly drowned me in her juices making my face slide against her pink, quivering meat.”
“Oh!!!” Jessica screamed as her pussy convulsed and she came hard squirting all over the floor, the men cumming seconds later . They must have worked their cocks out of their pants because Jessica felt cum shoot onto her back and tits.
“She made me play with her clit.” Riley said as he moved into her view. Locking eyes with her, Riley moved closer, his cock, covered in cum and hard again, vibrating as he brought it to her lips, tracing them with his head. The other men moved into view also and Jessica’s breath caught. The leather outfits accentuated every rippling muscle in their bodies … the leather crotch of their pants showing of their huge balls even as their cocks hung out. “As the head of police here in town, I am above reproach in my behaviour, but I somehow found myself with my cock in her mouth one night after eating her pussy out. It was like I was in a trance … unable to resist fucking my cock deep in her throat. And when I came … she ate it. All of it. Swallowed my cum as if it were milk.”
Riley dipped the head of his cock between Jessica’s lips and pulled out … teasing her, and when Jessica tried to take more he pulled back. It was easy to see by his expression that denying her his cock took a lot of effort. His dark eyes flashing with need never left hers eliciting whimpers of frustration from Jessica.
“You won’t tempt me again young witch…” Riley said in a husky voice. “Beware your Honor,” he added, and Jessica could see Jim from the corner of her eye. His cock, hard and vibrating, stuck out from his leather pants and he was rubbing its tip. “She will lure you into her wickedness also and once you’ve been in her you have to go back. Over and over. It’s an addiction,” Riley continued in a low, hypnotic voice, his expression softening as he watched her, “the feel of her on you. Her taste … it will take over your life.”
In the flash Jessica could see the whole story.
“Please sir,” she whispered, eyes still locked on Riley’s. “I beg of you, let me go. If you care about me at all, let me live a normal life.”
“Care about you?” Riley asked as the other men moved closer and Jessica scanned their faces before returning to Riley’s. They were curious and she could see a hint of uncertainty creeping onto Riley’s expression. She nodded encouragement. Clearly the men had a storyline in mind. They could pause the game and compare ideas, Jessica and Scott had done that early on in their role plays. But they later advanced to the point of making it up as they went along and it was far more rewarding that way. For a moment she worried that she would shake Riley, Angus, Josh and Jim’s already fragile confidence in their abilities to be creative but then Riley returned her nod and seemed back on track when he said, “How could I, Chief of police, upstanding citizen, care about a poor peasant girl, put in the stockade for stealing a loaf of bread. Using some dark powers to lure my distinguished colleagues and me to her at night to perform unspeakable acts?”
“I know you cared because you gave me pleasure.” Jessica said, her voice shaking with need. She was so turned on. She shifted her eyes to Angus, “You all did. While the other men would come and take what they need never once caring about my satisfaction, you men began to take your time with me.” She slid her eyes to Josh, “Stroking my clit.” She looked to Scott, “Fingering me … sucking my nipples, pinching and pulling … making me squirt. That was the first time I was in the stockade two years ago. You never let me see who you were, so when I was released I was so nervous about every man I saw. Never knowing who had taken me. I’d tried to leave town and somehow I’d been accused of stealing and ended up back in the stockade.” Jessica paused to catch her breath. She was so wet and horny, and the men were moaning, cocks vibrating in her face. “And you came to me again, telling me never to leave town. When I was released again you began taking me whenever you could catch me alone. Always coming up behind me, blindfolding me. And that was okay for a while. You would feed me, make sure I had clothing, a roof over my head. But you could never give me what I really wanted, a relationship. A husband. A family. And I understood that. You had always told me you would never give up your lives for me. But when I wanted to leave, start over somewhere, have a family of my own, I ended up here. Please,” Jessica added, sweeping her eyes back to Riley, “Let me go.”
Jim cleared his throat. “Is this true gentlemen?” he asked.
“It was you too.” Jessica said looking at Jim and catching her breath … the studs on the crotch of his pants made his cock look even more appealing, if that was possible. His head oozed pre-cum and the veins in his cock seemed to bulge more. “I recognize your voice.” She added when Jim looked taken aback. “You like to spank me as you take me from behind …”
“You are a witch and you made me do those things.” Jim replied.
“I’m not a witch.” Jessica replied, “I’m an innocent girl who wants nothing more than to start a new life. Please let me go and I won’t breathe a word of this to anyone. I promise.”
“We can’t.” Scott jumped in. “Someone saw us with you in the square. We must protect our reputations … there must be a trial.”
“But if you can prove you are not a witch, you will be free to go. If not … you will be in the stockades for the rest of your life. Understood?” Jim asked with a moan. Jessica shuddered, so close to cumming.
“How can I prove I’m not a witch?” she managed to ask.
“There are tests for that.” Josh said and from the tone of his voice Jessica knew that the tests were going to be extreme. She couldn’t see the other devices but she remembered that the ones she’d seen around the room were some of the most scary ones featured in the museum.
“Tests?” Jessica whispered.
“Tests …” Riley growled and moved alongside her where Jessica couldn’t see him. Suddenly his fingers were parting her pussy lips. “Pussy tests.” He added as he slammed three fingers into her, “A witch can escape the pain … a normal peasant girl can’t.”
“Oh God!” Jessica exclaimed and came, soaking Riley’s hand, her pussy squeezing his fingers hard.
“Fuck!” Angus growled as he joined Jim, Scott and Josh in spraying their cum all over Jessica’s face. Moments later Riley exploded, covering Jessica’s tits and belly with his cum.
Jessica heard movement around her but she couldn’t open her eyes. Cum caked her eyelids. She heard a scuffling sound and knew the men were moving something heavy around. Suddenly her hands and head were free and she was pulled upright by the neck. A huge, strong, hand gripped her neck and gave her a slight shake.
“Wipe your eyes.” Josh commanded in her ear, “With your fingers … and lick them clean.”
Jessica did, and made sure to lick her fingers in the most suggestive manner she could. She was rewarded with Josh’s low growl in her ear. When she could see again she saw that the men had dragged over a device that looked absolutely terrifying. It looked like a wide saw horse with two large stakes sticking out of it. The stakes were covered in bristles and to the front of the first stake there was what looked like a pin cushion with many tiny pins sticking out of it. Protruding from the back of the sawhorse was a post and from it protruded a metal pole with a tray resting at the end. Suddenly Jessica was lifted between Josh and Riley and carried to the device. Jim had lowered the body of the sawhorse, much to Jessica’s relief, and she soon found herself straddling it as it lay at her feet. Angus pushed her back against the upright pole and Scott fastened a harness that Jessica hadn’t noticed around her, effectively pinning her to the post.
“I love when your tits are covered in our cum.” Josh said, giving her right tit a small slap. “That’s what peasant girl tits are for … covering in cum, and slapping.” He added, slapping her tit again, only harder. He paused and examined Jessica’s expression. “Baby,” he said leaning in closer, “You’re sure you’re okay with this?”
Jessica nodded, “I am Josh, I promise I’ll say mercy if I don’t like something. Are you okay with it?”
“Maybe too okay with it.” Josh said and caressed her right tit, now pink from his slaps, “There’s rough and then there’s rough. This may end-up being more than any of us expected.”
Jessica looked around at the other men who seemed to be second guessing themselves also.
“I want this. It’s a game I want to play with you. And I like rough … I trust you.” Jessica said. “I know you’re acting and I will be too. Anything that is real will be prefixed with mercy. Otherwise, it’s acting.”
“Okay.” Josh said when the other men nodded agreement. “So,” Josh said, back in character, “Are you prepared to admit that you are a witch?”
“No.” Jessica replied and a chill ran down her spine when the expressions the men wore simultaneously shifted to dark, seductive, sadistic, delight.
“Very well.” Jim said and nodded to Angus and Riley who ducked down behind Jessica. There was the sound of gears turning and the sawhorse as well as the tray above it rose up several inches closer to Jessica. Jessica shuddered as she realized that the tray had about a hundred tiny pins sticking out of it, tips up.
“This should be a little higher.” Scott said and raised the tray until it was at Jessica’s belly button height. “And these,” he added, crouching near the stakes, “should be aligned with your holes …” he paused as Angus pried Jessica’s ass cheeks open. Scott moved the stake until he seemed satisfied with its location, and then with his one hand he spread Jessica’s pussy lips wide open, and moved the other stake until it aligned with her pussy hole. He then moved the pin cushion closer to it. “Every time you refuse to admit you are a witch, we will raise these parts of the machine. Eventually these stakes with their rough and pointing bristles will be in your pussy and asshole. These pins will be pressed into the pink flesh of your pussy,” he added running his fingers over the pins on the pin cushion, “and these pins will be pressed into the underside of your tits. The only way to avoid being skewered is to admit that you are a witch and that you seduced us into fucking you.”
“Never …” Jessica whispered.
“That deserves raising these two notches.” Riley said and growled in anticipation as he and Angus raised the sawhorse and tit tray two more levels. Then added another. Jessica gasped. Suddenly the bristles at the tips of the stakes were pressed against her pussy lips and ass cheeks.
“You’ll notice that we left your hands untied.” Scott said, “And that’s because you are expected to keep them behind your back at all times. No matter how painful things get, your hands are not to move forward to protect yourself. And conveniently, they are available to provide relief for us. It is stressful testifying against you.” Scott added while sliding his hard, vibrating cock into Jessica’s hand. Riley put his in her other hand. Jessica clutched them, moaning as she gave a short, fast flick of her wrists, twisting and stroking their cocks near their bases. She was so happy to be touching some part of them that she gasped with pleasure. It didn’t take more than a few strokes before Riley and then Scott came. Their cocks were quickly replaced by Jim and Josh’s. Jessica stroked them and then Angus and as Angus came Jim began lifting the stakes and tit tray higher. And he didn’t stop. Jessica felt her ass cheeks spread apart by two strong hands and realized it was Riley, and suddenly the prickly bristles on the stake were entering her tight asshole and pussy. Throwing her head back, Jessica cried out as she came … hard. Soaking the stake in her pussy. Jim kept raising them and soon the stakes were almost fully in her holes, the nails dug into her tits, and the pin cushion parted her lips as it pressed into her meat. Crouching next to her pussy Josh spread her lips and the pulled them down over the pin cushion, pressing them onto it and Jessica had a moment to realize that she was glad that neither the nails or the pins were real … they were modified versions of themselves. Pointy enough to cause discomfort but not sharp enough to do real harm. And the men had lathered the bristles in lube. She may not have noticed in her pussy as much but she definitely did in her bum … and then one of the men must have pressed a button because the stakes began pistoning into her, like the fuck machines had back at home. The pin cushion vibrated and suddenly she was cumming, screaming long and hard as the bristles rubbed against her cervix and clit. It wasn’t until she sagged in post orgasmic bliss that she realized that the men had cum too, spraying her.
But the men didn’t take time to ride out their orgasms. Jessica found herself removed from the stakes and carried over to a large metal x that had materialized in the center of the room. It was upright and Jessica realized that this was ‘the wheel’. Women were to be tied open on the x, hands and legs spread. But the men were altering things and Jessica found her arms tied to the top of the x and then her legs spread and raised, her ankles tied next to her hands. Her legs were pulled so far back that her pussy and ass were horizontal to the floor and open to the men. Jessica could see them. Riley and Jim pushed her knees flat against the arms of the x and tied them as well, making Jessica’s pussy and ass into table top.
“Perfect.” Scott said delivering a stinging slap to her pussy. Her lips were parted because her legs were and the slap landed on her soaking wet pink meat and clit. Jessica moaned as her pussy quivered. “Just what we’ve always wanted.” Scott continued, sliding his thumb into her pussy and giving her gspot several hard, fast, jabs. “Our own human candle holder.” And he chuckled when Jessica gasped and gave him a worried look.
“Maybe rather than the stockade we’ll just mount you on the wall like this.” Angus added, “Bent like a pretzel, pussy out, ass out, mouth …” he said shoving his fingers into Jessica’s mouth, “out. Tits,” he added organizing her tits so they were fluffed out in between Jessica’s legs, “Available …” he continued with a growl, pinching her nipples, pulling and twisting them.
“Oh!” Jessica screamed and came, a fountain of her juices spraying out of her pussy straight up into the air.
“Mmm … our own water fountain.” Josh add and opening his mouth wide he covered Jessica’s pussy with it and slurped. Sealing his lips around her pussy lips, he sucked. Jessica felt her clit, her meat, her hole, getting suctioned into his mouth and she came again, screaming as Josh gulped down her juices.
“Holy … fuck!” Jim exclaimed, the other men growled and Jessica felt their hot cum spraying her thighs and sides.
Josh lifted his head from Jessica’s pussy and his face was glistening wet. Licking his lips he said, “You are delicious.”
“She is.” Scott agreed. “Best pussy I’ve ever had.” He slid his fingers in Jessica’s pussy, bent them and turned them inside her. Pulling them out, slick with her juices he smelled them, inhaling deeply before sliding them into Jessica’s mouth. “Taste yourself.” he said as Jessica sucked his fingers clean. “You taste good, don’t you?” he asked when there was no more of her cum to clean from his fingers. Jessica nodded.
“So good,” Riley said lying his hand on Jessica’s pussy and leaning in closer to her, “that we’d be crazy to let it go.” Riley’s voice was sinister and the way he stared at Jessica caused shivers to run down her spine. “No one saw us fucking you. And we know you’re not a witch. But you, trying to leave, is unacceptable. This is your punishment. And when we’re done, that will be your new home.” Riley turned to point at a cage that stood tall and narrow by the wall. “There are access holes to your mouth, ass, pussy and tits. You will be available to us twenty-four seven.”
Jessica shuddered, her pussy squeezing.
“That’s right.” Scott agreed. He was holding a candle in his hand and looked from it to Jessica as the fingers of his other hand spread her pussy lips wider, “And maybe we’ll still put you out at night in the stockade for the other men in the village to use. And if you ever think of leaving again, remember what we’ll do to you …” Scott ended, a dark, hungry expression on his face as he locked eyes with Jessica and tilted the hand that held the candle. Jessica screamed as the hot wax landed on her clit. Head back, eyes closed, Jessica struggled to escape the heat. Scott righted the candle and as the severe heat began to fade Jessica worked to catch her breath, her clit vibrating under the wax. Her heart pounded, adrenaline rushed, and she was surprised by how much she liked the feeling. Opening her eyes Jessica saw the red, melted wax on her pussy, and something about it turned her on so much. A moan escaped her. Looking up at Scott she found him watching her with concern. Glancing at the other men she found them doing the same. But their cocks were rock hard and vibrating. So tantalizingly close to her but she couldn’t reach out and touch them, suck them, or slide onto them. That frustration coupled with the pulsing of her clit made Jessica’s pussy explode. The suddenness and intensity of it had Jessica’s head back as she screamed uncontrollably, her body tensing, her pussy squirting.
“Fuck!” Josh yelled. And the next thing Jessica knew the wheel was lowered and Scott was straddling her, his cock slamming into her pussy, behind him she could see Josh and she felt him fucking into her ass. Angus pulled her head back by her hair and slammed his cock in her mouth, deep down her throat, and Jim and Riley slid their cocks into her tightly bound hands and fucked in and out as Jessica gripped their shafts. The room was filled with the sounds of moaning and Jessica thought she was going to explode out of her skin. As the men pounded into her harder they began making noises that had Jessica’s pussy and ass squeezing her so hard it almost hurt and when Riley and Jim began slapping her tits, Jessica came undone. Screaming hard on Angus’ cock her whole body convulsed and then the men came. Snarls filled the room and Jessica gasped as Jim and Riley’s hands constricted on her tits, squeezing hard. Angus’ hands, which held her head in a vice grip, squeezed so hard that Jessica wondered if her skull would crack. Scott’s hands on her sides, Josh’s on her ass, all bruising her. And she loved it … as the men’s cocks jerked and sprayed into and on her, Jessica came again. She screamed long and hard and her pussy, ass, mouth, hands milked the men’s cocks so hard it was likely they’d be as bruised as she would.
Neither Jessica or the men knew how long the screaming and cumming continued but eventually there was nothing but the sound of panting. Angus pulled out of her mouth and crouched by her head kissing her neck, cheek, lips.
“Fuck baby, sorry I fucked up the role play. We had a bunch more shit planned but I just needed to be in you.” Josh said. He was still in her ass, caressing her cheeks with his hands, and he looked over Scott’s shoulder. Jessica had lifted her head when Josh spoke so Scott leaned down to kiss her but he paused over her tits.
“Shit baby, Riley and Jim squeezed the shit out of your tits … they’re still blue.” Scott said.
“God … sorry Jess.” Jim said, kneeling next to her now he kissed the tit nearest him gently, “I kinda lost control.”
“Fucking understatement of the year.” Riley added kissing the one nearest him, “Sorry baby.”
“Don’t be.” Jessica said in a voice hoarse from screaming. “I loved it. You made me cum so hard … thank you.”
“I fucked the shit out of your throat baby, are you okay?” Angus asked caressing her neck.
Jessica nodded, “I think I just lost my voice from screaming.”
“You screamed a lot,” Scott agreed looking at her with appreciation, “The wax wasn’t too much?”
“No,” Jessica said shaking her head, “It was hot.” Jessica giggled when Scott cocked an eyebrow at her double entendre. “It reminds me of the hot water game.”
“Good, we’ll do it again then.” Scott said with a smile. “I’d planned to completely cover your pussy in wax, wait for it to harden, and then peel it off with a knife … there’s something appealing about digging around in your pussy with something sharp.” He added, his voice guttural again. “But I think this was good enough for the first time.”
“You really like that idea.” Angus commented when Jessica’s breath caught and she shuddered with anticipation.
“God you’re so fucking hot.” Josh said when Jessica had nodded enthusiastically.
“Fuck yes.” Jim said, grinning at Jessica.
“You guys are too.” Jessica said, “You’re great at role playing. I had no idea you had such great acting ss.”
“I don’t know about our acting ss, but it was fun baby. We have to do it again, but I think we’ve done enough for tonight. It’s late, we should get you cleaned up and to bed.” Riley said.
Jessica nodded, “Can you show me the other devices first? Did you really buy them?”
“We can, and we did. We thought you may like them as a souvenir of our trip.” Jim said as he and Riley worked to untie Jessica’s hands and feet.
“Oh, wow, I do. Thank you.” Jessica said as Angus scooped Jessica into his arms.
“No baby, thank you for letting us use them on you. You’re a lot of fun to play with.” Angus said kissing Jessica when she gave him a flattered smile. “So this is the cage that Riley mentioned.” Angus said carrying her over to the tall metal apparatus that stood by the far wall.
“Not much room. Once you’re in there you’re pretty much held in place.” Scott said. “Hole here for pussy access.” He added sticking his hand in an opening in the bars. “One for your ass, and one for your mouth.” He continued.
“And this is for rope play.” Josh said standing next to what looked like a miniature crane. Angus brought her closer, and Jessica looked up at the crane perplexed with how it would work. “You hang from it.” Josh said with a chuckle, “In a million different ways. Horizontally gives us the best access to all your holes. Rope tied tight around your tits, hands behind your back, suspended by your chest and ankles. Bent backwards, trussed up for our use.” Josh said in a deep, aroused tone. “We can even hang you by your tits from it while we spank your sexy ass.”
Jessica imagined that, remembering the exhibits in the museum that illustrated similar uses for the device.
“Fuck I can’t wait to get our new house with a sex room. Set these fuckers up and play in there a lot.” Riley said.
“God yes.” Jessica agreed.
“When we do, we’ll buy another one of your choosing.” Angus said. “But right now we should wash our spunk off of you and get you to bed before we degenerate into another fuckfest.”
“It’s okay if we do.” Jessica said.
“Baby, you can barely keep your eyes open.” Riley said, “We told the others not to come up here tonight but just in case …” Riley added d a housecoat over Jessica.
“How are we going to take these things home?” Jessica asked as Angus carried her to the door.
“Riley and I’ll clean up and take the devices to a storage facility. Don’t worry baby, they’ll be waiting for us and our new home.” Angus said.
“Tonight?” Jessica asked with incredulity. Pushing up from Angus’ chest Jessica looked between him and Riley.
“As soon as your asleep baby.” Riley replied.
Jessica looked back at the devices. “Why don’t we help you? It’ll go faster with all of us helping.”
“We’ll be fine.” Angus said continuing out of the room, down the hall and into their main hotel room.
“What time is it?” Jessica persisted, “It’s late … please let us help you.”
“Josh and I will help.” Jim said, “It’s Scott’s night with you anyway. How about he washes you up, puts you to bed, and the rest of us will take care of the toys.”
“Sound fair?” Scott asked Jessica as Angus transferred her to him.
Jessica nodded as she snuggled into Scott’s arms. She was surprised to find Scott shirtless. He had stripped down and Jessica sighed with contentment as she traced his muscles with her fingers.
“Good distraction.” Josh said with a chuckle and leaned in to kiss Jessica’s forehead, “Good night baby. Can’t wait to fuck you in the morning.”
The other men kissed her too and disappeared into the hallway.
“Shame that cum can’t be a fashion accessory.” Scott murmured as he carried Jessica into the hot tub and lowered both of them into the hot water. “I love seeing you covered in it.”
Jessica giggled and kissed Scott’s chest before her head lolled back on its own. Struggling to keep her eyes open Jessica murmured, “I love being covered in it.”
“Mmm … you always will be baby.” Scott added as he slid his hand along her stomach, between her legs, and cupped her pussy. “You really liked that wax on your pussy didn’t you?” he asked slipping his finger between her lips and gently caressing her clit, “You really have no limits … unfuckingbelievable.”
Jessica fought to stay awake, “Did your other girlfriends have limits?” she asked in a groggy voice. Scott’s finger stilled and Jessica whimpered her dissatisfaction, managing to rock her pussy on his hand.
“I didn’t have girlfriends baby … just fuck buddies.”
“Oh yeah …” Jessica murmured, “Did they have limits? Oh nooo.” Jessica complained as Scott’s hand disappeared from her pussy entirely.
“Jessica, look at me.” Scott said his fingers cupped her chin and tilting her face toward him. Jessica struggled to open her eyes and when she did she found Scott looking at her intently. “I’ve never role played before you. Never. Never role played, never made love, never was in love, and never wanted anyone as much as I want you. You’re my first in so many ways Jess, I want you to understand how unique you are in my life. I have been with many women in the past, that’s true, but baby, none of it has been like anything with you. Do you understand?”
The seriousness of Scott’s voice pulled Jessica out of her sleepy haze.
“I do.” She said bringing her hand to caress his cheek. Scott’s eyes, so deep brown, and swimming with emotion mesmerized Jessica. “I love you Scott. With every fiber of my being, every part of me, I love you.”
“I love you too.” Scott said and brought his mouth to hers. He kissed her fully but gently. “Let’s get you cleaned up. I’d love to fall to sleep after making love to you.”
Jessica nodded and they fell into silence as Scott washed Jessica. Her hair, every part of her body. Every touch of his strong fingers was an erotic pleasure and it only intensified when Scott laid her back on the bed all pink, warm and clean. Crawling over her, Scott lowered himself on Jessica, his mouth taking hers again while his cock slid into her pussy. Jessica wrapped her legs around him, tight, and they became one, their bodies moving together in silent waves that intensified as they both felt the strange orgasmic sensation growing. As it washed over them they clung together silently shaking and shuddering, sleep over taking them as their orgasms tapered off.

Jessica awoke with an orgasm. When she opened her eyes she found Scott and Jim holding her arms above her head and nipping and sucking her tits. Angus had his ass in her face, straddling her, eating her out.
“Good morning.” Riley said when she opened her eyes and backed over her face on his knees and slid his cock in her mouth. Josh was busy licking and prodding her asshole.
“We have about half an hour.” Riley said when they’d all cum, “Before we need to pack and leave the room.”
“So we have a lot to do to you in a really short period of time.” Angus said.
“It’ll go faster if you keep your hands to yourself till we say otherwise.” Josh added, “Okay?”
Jessica nodded.
“Good.” Riley said, “then get on your hand and knees.”
Jessica did, and gasped when she was quickly invaded in every orifice. Angus wrapped his fingers around her tits and squeezed.
“Who says we need elastics?” Angus muttered just as Jessica screamed with pleasure.
An hour later they had packed, eaten breakfast with the rest of the family and now everyone milled around in the lobby as Riley and Sean took care of the bill. Jessica and Scott had gone to the jewelry store to pick up the necklace. They’d done a great job of adding the charms to the necklace and Jessica couldn’t stop running her fingers over them as they hung around her neck as she stood in the gift shop looking through postcards.
“Excuse me.” A man’s voice said. Jessica looked up to see the man and woman she’d bumped into the other day. “We just wanted to apologize again … make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m fine, thank you.” Jessica said. When the man and woman were silent, studying her, Jessica began to feel uncomfortable. She put the postcard that she’d been looking at away. “I really should go.”
“That man you were with.” The woman said, “Seemed very angry. He didn’t hurt you at all?”
“Abe?” Jessica asked in surprise. “No. He’d never hurt me. Um, excuse me please, I really should go.”
“I’m sorry. It’s just that we feel like we know you somehow.” The man said, “Have we met before?”
Jessica looked at the man and the woman and suddenly an image flashed in her mind. This man, this woman, at her house. They were friends of her parents. She knew them alright.
“Um, excuse me.” Jessica said and rushed out of the store. Looking around she saw the boys, the girls, Chris and Mark but no one else from her family.
“Hey Jess … what’s wrong?” Leah asked when Jessica linked arms with her.
“We have to go.” Jessica said.
“What?” Leah asked.
“Now. We have to go now. Find Sean and the others, I’ll tell Chris and Mark. We need to get on the bus and go. I’ll explain later.”
“Okay. I’ll take the boys, meet you at the bus.”
Jessica nodded, looked at the reception desk and felt panic growing when neither Riley or Sean were there.
“Chris, where is everyone?” Jessica asked.
“Outside. Sean and Riley paid. They went out to load the bus. What’s wrong?” Chris said.
“Jess?” Mark prompted when Jessica looked around the room with a terrified expression on her face.
She grabbed Chris’ hand, Mark’s hand and dragged them over to Justine.
“Let’s go. Now. Are Rick and Abe outside too?”
“Everyone is.” Chris said.
“Come on.” Jessica said.
In the parking lot Riley, Angus, Scott, Jim and Josh were on their way back to the hotel, worry etched on their faces.
“What’s going on Jess?” Riley asked.
“I’ll tell you once we’re driving. There’s no time, please, let’s go.” Jessica said.
Jessica paced the aisle of the bus as Riley drove. She kept looking out the windows and it wasn’t until they were on the highway with hardly another car in sight that Jessica dropped onto a seat and exhaled.
“Can you tell us now?” Riley asked, looking into the rear view mirror as he drove.
Jessica nodded. “It was Senators Bernard and Delia … the man and the woman I bumped into.” Jessica said to Abe. “They’re friends of my family. I ran into them in the gift shop again and they thought they recognized me from somewhere …”
“Wait, you bumped into someone?” Angus asked looking between Jessica and Abe.
“It’s more like they bumped into her.” Abe spat. “I knew that was suspicious. Damn it.”
“When did this happen?” Sean asked.
“Yesterday at the store where Jess bought the painting.” Abe said.
“And you didn’t think to tell us about that?” Corey demanded.
“No … I didn’t. Sorry.” Abe said.
“It’s bad, right?” Jessica asked looking around at everyone, terror evident in her expression. “Do you think they called the police? Are they going to hurt you?” Jessica continued, grasping Angus and Jim’s arms.
“Shhh, shhh.” Jim said and pulled Jessica onto his lap. “Everything is okay. Shhh, relax, okay? Just breathe.”
“Jess, did you get the feeling that the senators knew who you were? “ Riley asked, “Or did they just find you looked familiar?”
“I don’t know.” Jessica said, “I guess they didn’t know who I was or they probably wouldn’t have let me go … right?” she asked suddenly brightening and sitting up straighter on Jim’s lap. “I mean, if they knew who I was, they would have stopped me. So they can’t know …”
Silence hung in the air as everyone evaluated Jessica’s relief.
“Jess. You could have gone home.” Josh finally said, speaking what everyone was thinking. “They would have taken you home…”
“I am going home.” Jessica said but then she understood what Josh meant. “I could never, ever, do that.” She said quietly and looked around at everyone. Even the boys looked burdened. “We have an oath.” Jessica said looking at her men, “And a pledge.” She added looking at everyone else. She felt tears come to her eyes, “I told you that I don’t want to go back.” She added looking around at her family but when they didn’t look convinced she added, “You wouldn’t abandon me would you? If your families came back?”
“I don’t think any of us would consider it abandoning.” Leah said reaching out to stroke Jessica’s hair. “If you returned to your world.”
“We know you love us.” Justine answered, “And we love you. It must have been a surprise, to see friends of your family like that. No one would have blamed you if you’d gone with them.”
“I don’t ever want to leave you.” Jessica said glancing around at her family, tears filling her eyes. “Ever.” She repeated when she looked at Jim, Josh, Scott, Angus and Riley when he glanced in the rear view mirror. “I don’t think I could live without you.”
“I know what you mean.” Riley said locking eyes with Jessica in the rear view mirror. “Come here.”
Jessica made her way to the front and when she was standing next to Riley he wrapped his arm around her. Jessica hugged him back.
“You saved us again baby.” Riley added with a wink. “When we get home I’ll express my gratitude to you properly. Now go get some rest. You look really tired.”
“I’m okay.” Jessica said.
“Will one of you guys take Jess for a nap?” Riley called back.
“Come on babe.” Angus said coming up and taking Jessica’s hand. Jessica followed Angus to a seat at the back of the bus. Angus leaned his back on the side of the bus, put his legs up on the seat and pulled Jessica down so she was lying on him.
“I won’t leave you.” Jessica mumbled against his chest.
“I know babe. I know. Go to sleep now.”
Jessica fell to sleep for an hour and then went to sit with the girls.
“We came up with a ton of designs for the dress we want you to wear to our wedding.” Sara said, waving her notebook at Jessica, “We thought you could pick which one you like.”
“Is that a new necklace?” Justine asked reaching to pick up the heart around Jessica’s neck.
“Josh gave it to me.” Jessica said, “And I each of these …” Jessica said lifting the other items one by one, “are from each of my nights with the men. The jewelry shop put them on as charms for me.”
“That was a good idea.” Leah said. “What do you have?”
Jessica walked through the charms beginning with the diamond that looked like a heart. The girls sighed dreamily when they looked at it.
“I can’t believe they all fit onto your necklace.” Angus said. Jessica looked up in surprise. She hadn’t realized that the audience exceeded the girls but it seemed like everyone was listening.
“They did a great job, and now I can keep reminders of the trip with me always.” Jessica replied.
“This was quite a trip.” Corey said.
“Busy.” Sean agreed.
“And the weddings are next!” Jessica said, clapping her hands.
“We have so much to do!” Sara agreed and the girls went into detailed planning. Jessica chose her dress from the sketch pads and spent a lot of time looking at the dresses the girls were making for themselves.
Finally they pulled into their driveway.
“I know it’s not a resort.” Jessica said standing with her men looking at the house. Scott and Josh each with an arm around her, all of them with a suitcase in hand. “But I missed it. It feels good to be home.”
“Amen.” Riley said, “And you know what? It’s early and hot enough that we could go to the pond for a while.”
That was met by a chorus of cheers.
They spent the rest of the day at the pond. When they came home Jessica and Scott hung the painting from Paris in the living room. That evening they had a bonfire and jammed late into the night.
When everyone went to bed the men went to the studio with Jessica.
“Do you have plans for tomorrow?” Riley asked Jessica as he slid his hand under her shirt, grasping her tits and pushed her back against Josh.
Jessica nodded, “Visit Elsie …” she gasped as Riley pulled her shirt off and took her tits, one at a time, into his mouth. Josh and Scott pulled her pants off, Josh sliding his fingers into her butt crack. Riley moved to the side, hitched up one of her legs and took her tit in his mouth again. Scott did the same with her other leg and tit. Jim knelt down and began licking and nipping her pussy, removing his mouth long enough for Angus to dip his fingers in her and then slide his fingers, covered with her juices into Jessica’s mouth.
“Then we’ll have to be aggressive in order to get you enough time to sleep.” Riley said and came when he saw Angus slide newly wetted fingers into Jessica’s mouth. The others came as well, including Jessica with a resounding scream. “I said I’d show you my appreciation when we got home.” Riley whispered into Jessica’s ear, “My appreciation of you. Well, it begins now … I need you over the back of the couch.”
Jessica nodded and tried to move to the sofa but she found herself hovering over the ground instead. Scott and Jim had a leg each, Josh and Angus an arm, and Riley shoved his fingers in and out of her mouth as they carried her to the sofa.
“On her back.” Riley said and Jessica found herself laying over the back of the sofa on her back, her legs held wide open by Scott and Jim, her tits mauled by Josh as he slid his cock into her mouth, Angus was sliding his fingers into her asshole and Riley lowered his mouth to her pussy.
“Keep your hands behind your back.” Josh said, “No matter what happens.” And is if to prove the point he pinched her nipples, hard. Jessica stopped herself from bringing her hands up just as a huge orgasm rocked her.
“No time for leg twitching.” Riley said stroking her sensitive clitoris and nipping her thighs when they twitched. “Come on baby, control your legs, and cum again.” He said stroking her clit harder. Jessica gasped and twitched and worked hard to keep her hands behind her back as her asshole, tits and mouth were poked, prodded, and stretched beyond their means. And within minutes she was screaming in pleasure again.
The men had to carry Jessica back to the house, she was completely spent.
“Let’s see if she gets up in the middle of the night now …” Angus muttered before falling to sleep.
Jessica slept until morning.

The next morning Sean and Abe barely had time to get food into Jessica before she was running out the door. Mark went with her so he could see the therapist if the therapist would see him.
Jessica visited with Elsie and Mark got an appointment but it would be an hour later, so Jessica left him at the home and went to town to get wedding gifts for the girls.
“How’d it go?” Jessica asked Mark as they drove home.
“Good. Really good.” Mark said. “I don’t have to give any names or information about the specifics of what happened. I think Dr. Sanders will help a lot. How about you? What did you get for the girls?” Mark asked.
“I had the pics that Scott took of each of the girls and their men blown up.” Jessica said handing an envelope to Mark. “I got frames for them too. I want to get something else too but I need some ideas.”
“These are great.” Mark said looking through the pictures. “The girls will love them. As for more gifts I think this is enough. You’ve given us the best gift already … happiness.”
Jessica smiled at Mark. “Thanks.”
“So when do you plan to see the therapist?” Mark asked.
“Me?” Jessica asked in surprise.
“We did say we’d both get therapy.”
“True. I don’t know.” Jessica said, “Maybe when we get away from the clan.”
“Jess, you’ve been through a lot. You need to talk to someone about it.” Mark said.
“I can talk to you.” Jessica said in a super sweet voice and batted her eyelashes at Mark.
“I meant a trained professional.” Mark said in exasperation, but he smiled despite himself. “You’re cutesy antics may work on your men Jess but they sure as hell won’t work on Abe and Sean. Don’ t make me drag them into this.”
“Okay, okay,” Jessica said in mock fear, holding a hand up in surrender as she drove, “Pull out the big guns why don’t you.”
“I’m serious.”
“I am too. Okay, I’ll make an appointment the next time we go see Elsie. Is that good enough?” Jessica asked feigning anger.
“Yup.” Mark said with a laugh and a shake of the head, “Why do I feel like I just strong armed Bambie?”
“Bambie?” Jessica demanded slapping Mark’s arm. “Did you just call me Bambie?”
“Just drive.” Mark ordered, laughing as he dodged another swat.
“Fine Thumper.” Jessica said with a humph as they pulled into their driveway. “I guess it’s time to decorate the pond for the weddings.” Jessica said noticing the strands of lights that the girls were on the lawn untangling. “Are you nervous?” she added when Mark gulped.
“I’ve never been married before, so yeah.” Mark said, “And knowing Justine, Sara, Leah and Amanda, they’ll plan something really out there. Something us guys won’t even understand.”
Jessica laughed as she and Mark got out of the car.
“Thank God you’re here.” Leah said, “Mark, the men and boys are at the pond. They need your help landscaping for the wedding.”
“Landscaping?” Mark asked and gave Jessica an ‘I told you so’ look.
“And Jess, if you can help with these lights real quick, we need your help inside picking patterns for the men’s suits. We’ve decided to make them.” Sara said, and Mark groaned.
Jessica couldn’t help but laugh, “Going traditional, excellent.” She added and laughed even harder when Mark groaned again.
“Do you have something against suits?” Justine asked Mark in a teasing way while going into his arms for a kiss.
“You looked superhot in a suit for dinner at the resort.” Jessica said in her innocent voice, batting her eyelashes again, hardly able to contain her laughter.
“I can be superhot in a speedo.” Mark said, “And it’s way more comfortable.”
“Speedo!” Justine exclaimed in mock disgust, swatting Mark on the chest.
“Okay, okay,” Mark said raising his hands in surrender, “I’m just the groom, what do I know. I better go, I can hear the men calling me.” He added cupping his hand to his ear and moving to the barn quickly as Jessica and the girls broke into a fit of giggling laughter. When they finally stopped laughing they spent fifteen minutes untangling the lights and then moved into the house.
Justine, Sara and Amanda were at the sewing machines working on dresses while Jessica and Leah sat at the dining room table scouring over magazines and patterns of suits.
“I know you don’t want to use the suits the men wore for dinner.” Jessica said eventually, “But there was something about the jacket of the suits my men wore that I liked and can’t find in any of these magazines.
“Oh yeah?” Amanda asked moving from her sewing machine, “Be right back.” She added heading down the hallway to the bathroom.
“They were nice.” Justine agreed.
Leah shrugged, “Yeah but I don’t remember them enough to see a difference between them and what we’re looking at.” She added pointing at the magazines before her and Jessica.
“The men have them in our room, I can get one if you want.” Jessica offered.
“Oh yeah, get it.” Sara agreed so Jessica went to get one of the jackets and as she was passing the bathroom door she heard the sound of someone vomiting.
Trying the doorknob Jessica found it locked so she pounded on the door, “Amanda?”
“Be right there.” Amanda replied in a strained voice.
Jessica stared at the door and wondered if Quinn, Caleb or Don had called Doc. Moving to her room Jessica grabbed the suit jacket and then dialed Doc on her phone.
“Lass,” Doc answered almost immediately, “All okay?”
“Hi Doc. Yes, fine. But, um, you offered to give me a physical once. Any chance you could do one for all of us? No one here has ever had one and there seems to be an eating disorder issue here … plus I’m having trouble keeping food down.”
“You’re sick?” Doc asked.
“Not exactly.” Jessica replied, “At least I don’t think I am. But Amanda is. Doc, she vomits up her food on purpose, to lose weight.”
“Right. No problem. There’s nothing urgent at the moment correct? Because I will be busy over the next few days. I can come by next week.”
“Busy?” Jessica asked as a chill ran down her spine. Doc usually wasn’t busy unless Paul was.
“Oh no lass,” Doc said getting the gist of what Jessica was thinking, “I’ve got some seminars to attend. Can never stop learning in the medical field.” He added with a laugh.
“Oh, okay.” Jessica replied trying to imagine the conversation between Paul and Doc when Doc asked to go to the seminars. “Have … fun.”
“Not likely.” Doc said with a laugh, “See you next week.”
“Thanks Doc.”
Back in the living room the girls inspected the jacket Jessica brought out but Amanda wouldn’t look Jessica in the eye. The girls finally agreed that the jacket was a certain style of cut and found the patterns that used it. With that narrowed down Leah and Jessica easily found a pattern that they liked and the other girls liked it as well.
“The guys are lucky they have these suits. We can get sizes from them, otherwise they’d be our pin cushions.” Justine said with a laugh.
Jessica tried to laugh but she was concentrating on finding a way to bring up Amanda’s latest vomiting incident. Finally she just blurted out, “I called Doc. Just now. He’ll be here next week for our physicals.” She locked eyes with Amanda as she spoke.
“Why can’t you just let this drop?” Amanda demanded, “Puking up your food is working just great for you too. What’s the big deal?”
“Amanda!” Jessica gasped, her jaw dropping. “I am not puking on purpose! I’m asking Doc to look me over to find out why I’m vomiting so I can stop. You’re a beautiful woman, why are you doing this to yourself?”
“Yeah, right. Whatever.” Amanda said.
“Manda, do you honestly think Jessica is lying about that?” Leah asked, “Really? Have you seen her play poker?”
Jessica flinched. At least being transparent had its uses.
“Fine.” Amanda snapped and glared at Jessica, “If you say so. Why don’t you just leave this alone. You don’t have to fix everything Jessica, especially not things that are none of your business.”
“You’re really not thinking this through are you?” Leah demanded.
“And you’re being rude!” Sara snapped, “If Jessica kept out of things us girls would all be back home, single, disrespected and miserable. What is wrong with you Amanda?”
Amanda nodded. “I’m sorry Jess. I do appreciate what you’ve done for us, but you didn’t grow up in the clan. You can’t possibly know what it’s like.”
“We grew up in the clan.” Justine said, “And we’re not puking up our food.”
“But you’re skinny. All of you are skinny.” Amanda said and swung her eyes on Jessica, “Do you know what it’s like to be a fat person in the clan? Have you seen any fat people in the clan? No. Because there aren’t any. They all skinny up or wither away. You want to be invisible in the clan … be fat.”
“You’re not fat!” Jessica exclaimed appalled that Amanda would feel she was and that the clan would create such an environment.
“I’m not now but I have to be very careful. And I used to be. As a girl.” Amanda looked to Leah, Sara and Justine, “Remember? You three were always skinny as twigs and I was always fat. Fat and ignored.” Amanda continued, swinging her eyes back to Jessica. “You know the guys ignored us when we were s but when I was fat everyone ignored me. Even you.” Amanda added, looking back at the girls.
“Oh, Amanda.” Leah said in a voice filled with emotion, “I’m so sorry.”
“Being ignored isn’t as awful a thing as you may think it is Amanda.” Justine said quietly, “There were some people I wished ignored me. I just assumed they did the same to everyone but I guess you were spared.”
“Spared?” Amanda demanded, “I don’t think I’d call it that.”
“What people?” Leah asked Justine.
“Kevin.” Justine said and shuddered.
“He was such an asshole.” Sara agreed.
“Um,” Jessica said unable to stifle a shudder even though she had never met Kevin, “What did he do to you Justine?”
Justine shrugged, “Things.”
“Like.” Leah prompted.
“He’d touch me and make me touch him.”
“Oh no!” Leah groaned.
“He said he was teaching me. Since I didn’t have a brother to teach me, like you and Sara did.” Justine said to Leah, “He said it was his duty.”
“Oh ew!” Sara exclaimed, “Corey never, ever, ever, did that to me.”
“Sean neither.” Leah said.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” Jessica asked.
“No one would have believed her.” Leah said, “At least not anyone who would have the power to stop him. Kevin was being groomed to be the head of the clan. He could do no wrong.”
“There was that.” Justine agreed, “But Kevin told me he’d my parents if I told. He said no one would even know he did it, it would look like an accident.”
“Oh my God what an asshole.” Leah exclaimed.
Justine nodded, “He even proved it to me. Remember when my dad’s legs got crushed under the car he was working on?” She asked looking at the girls.
“No!” Sara said.
“Yes.” Justine said in a hushed voice. “He brought me out to watch. No one else was around, Dad was under the car, couldn’t see … Kevin said if I warned him he’d have the car come down on Dad’s head instead of his legs …” Justine continued, tears running down her cheeks now, “and then he flipped a lock on one of the car jacks holding the car up and the car fell … it knocked the other jack out from under it … Dad screamed so loud. I never forgot that. Never.”
“Oh Justine!” Leah exclaimed tears running down her face. She pulled Justine into her arms and the other girls converged around them in a group hug. Jessica, Amanda and Sara were crying too.
“What’s going on?” Jim’s voice broke into the sniffles and sobs.
“Jess?” Josh added.
“Justine?” Chris asked.
The girls looked toward the door in surprise. All of the men stood just inside it looking sweaty, dirty, and worried. As Quinn swung the door shut Jessica could hear the sounds of the boys playing shoot ‘em up outside. Jessica moved into Josh’s waiting arms and felt incredible comfort when he closed them tight around her. Justine’s story created a knot in her stomach that threatened to expel any food she had in it. She took a moment to bury her face in Josh’s chest and when she looked up she saw Chris pull Justine into his arms, Mark rubbing her back, Amanda move into Don’s arms, Quinn and Caleb looking confused as they moved closer, Sara melt against Sean, Leah against Corey. Moments later her view was blocked by her men.
“Why are you all crying?” Riley asked in a bewildered tone, cupping Jessica’s chin and turning her face toward him.
“The girls have to tell you, I can’t.” Jessica said between sniffles, “It has nothing to do with me.”
“Leah?” Corey asked.
For the next ten minutes the girls reiterated the conversation they’d been having and at the end all of the men looked like they’d been kicked in the balls.
“That motherfucker!” Chris thundered.
“Fuck.” Sean swore, “Shit. I think our mother knew.” He added looking at Leah with a stunned expression. “Right after Glen’s accident she made me and my dad swear that we wouldn’t let Leah date anyone in the clan. She repeated it over and over almost every other day after that.”
“That’s why you wouldn’t let me date?” Leah asked in astonishment. “Then I take back all the times I thought you were an asshole.” She added and shrugged when Sean gave narrowed his eyes at her.
“I can’t believe it.” Riley murmured, “After Kevin’s father disappeared Glen practically adopted him.”
“Your parents did too.” Angus added, “Took care of him like they did me.”
“Well he had a funny way of showing his gratitude.” Justine sobbed, “He wasn’t the least bit sorry about breaking my dad’s legs … he smiled at me the whole time. And then he had the nerve to brag about it to Paul.” Justine added.
“Paul?” Mark asked. “Paul who?” Mark continued grasping Justine’s chin and lifting her tear soaked face from Chris’ chest.
“Paul!” Justine said.
“That’s impossible.” Riley said, “Justine, that can’t be right. You were what, twelve, when Glen had his accident? That was a good five or so years before we ever even heard of Paul.”
Justine shook her head and managed to get her sobs under control, “I saw him.”
“How?” Chris demanded.
“I was in the car. Kevin took me for ‘a ride’ as he often did.” Justine said with contempt in her voice, “Paul pulled up alongside us on the road,” Justine continued motioning her head toward the road, “And Kevin told him that my dad’s legs snapped like twigs … even laughed about it.”
“What did Paul say?” Abe asked. He and Rick had been hanging back near the door and both looked as stunned as her men.
“Good.” Justine said.
“That’s all?” Abe asked.
Justine nodded. “Good, and he drove away.”
“What does this mean?” Scott asked. He looked around the room, “Aside from the fact that Kevin isn’t the person we thought he was. Why was he talking to Paul? Kevin would’ve only been nineteen, Paul, what, forty-five, forty-six? What possible reason would they have to know each other much less be meeting on side roads?”
“Only two ways to find out. Kevin is in prison … not really accessible. That leaves Paul but I doubt we’d get the truth.” Riley said.
“Give me that pain enhancing drug we used on Earl and a knife and I’ll find out.” Chris said in such a sinister voice that Jessica shivered. Josh pulled her closer and Jessica snuggled in to him. It was clear from the reactions around her that the connection between Kevin and Paul was significant and worrisome. And if something worried her family, especially her men, Jessica couldn’t help but feel the seeds of fear begin to grow in the pit of her stomach.
“Even you have to admit that there are some people and circumstances that warrant violence.” Chris said to Jessica, misunderstanding her reaction.
All Jessica could do was nod. She wondered if she could ever again justifiably condemn violence. To do so after what she’d done and allowed, was beyond hypocritical. Dropping her forehead against Josh’s chest she looked up when his strong fingers tilted her chin up. She managed a feeble smile in an attempt to make the worry in his eyes disappear but it didn’t seem to work. Glancing at the other men she saw them watching her too.
“Baby.” Riley said the expression on his sedingt her from Josh’s arms to his. She cupped his cheeks and looked up at him blinking back fresh tears.
“Are you okay?” she asked her voice laced with fear. Riley’s skin was ashen, clammy.
“Baby … baby … I’m okay. Shhh … listen.” Riley said. “Something is very, very wrong with this picture. Before my parents went to jail they insisted that there was a clan member destroying the clan from the inside. They warned me to be careful. I ignored their warning after … after it seemed as though my mother was the insider. And then your Godfather … you said that he believed someone inside the clan was having clan members arrested and then ing them off in prison. Now we find out that Kevin staged an accident and he was talking to Paul. Baby, we have to find out the truth.”
“Riley …” Jessica began but let her voice trail off. She had no idea what she wanted to say.
“We have to find out if everything that has happened over the past nine years could have been avoided. Our families jailed and ed, your family …” Riley continued, “I know you’ll say it’s the past and it won’t bring back any of the dead, but baby, Paul is still alive. Alive and planning something. Maybe we can stop further shed. And I’m not suggesting any change to our plan for leaving the clan and getting immunity. We will turn Paul over to the police, as planned, but let’s get some information out of him first.”
Silence fell as Riley and Jessica stood looking at one another.
Jessica nodded but she couldn’t hide the sadness she felt at the fact that everyone in the room seemed to be missing the biggest point about the story. Both Justine and Amanda’s parts. She understood why the men were focussing on Kevin and Paul and the mystery around their connection, but it seemed like that was all they were paying attention to.
“Don’t look at him like that Jess.” Chris said, “It wasn’t his idea it was mine. I’m sorry I’m not the pacifist you’d like me to be but sometimes, as you well know, there are times when you have to check your conscience at the door and do what’s unconscionable, but right.”
“Yes. Of course.” Jessica said quietly, “I agree, answers are required. I am completely on board.”
“Really?” Angus asked, “Then why are you looking at Riley, and us, like we’ve completely disappointed you.”
“I am?” Jessica asked looking back at Riley with a bewildered expression on her face.
“Yes.” Jim said when Riley only stared back at her, “you are.”
“I guess I am disappointed.” Jessica said, “But not because you want to the truth out of Paul.”
This time Riley looked bewildered, “Why then?”
Jessica shrugged and glanced around the room. “You’ve heard two very painful accounts from two girls in your clan and rather than pay any attention to that you all jump to the part about Glen’s broken legs and Kevin and Paul knowing one another. No one seems to care that Justine and Sara suffered, that Justine still pukes to keep her weight down so no one ignores her, that Beth was likely telling the truth about Kevin her and she suffered incredibly pain being shunned by Angus and the clan, that Pam ed herself and no one knows why. Given what I’ve just heard I’d say it’s very likely that something horrible happened to her and Josh what you did to her was awful, yes, but I really doubt that it alone contributed to her death. I guess I’m incredibly disappointed in the fact that despite how good you all are to me, you’re still misogynists. And no,” she added glancing around at the shocked expressions on her men’s faces, “Being my Masters during sex, tying me up, hot wax, none of that stuff is what makes you misogynists. I like that too, I participate … it’s play. But when you can’t take the vulnerability of women in your family seriously, there is a problem. And it’s sad because despite what you’ve done in your lives, despite the people you’ve ed, you are, at your core, good men.” She paused before extending her eye contact beyond her men to the others. “And on top of all of this, even the girls don’t value themselves. It’s a miracle they ever stood up to you Sean, way back when you tried to send them home.” Jessica swung her eyes back to her men glancing between them. “I’m going to the studio. I could use an hour alone … to think. Maybe find a way to get the drug from Doc because there is no way he’s just going to give it to us. If you want to come too,” she said looking around at her men, “that’s okay, but I’d prefer some space.” And with that Jessica weaved her way past everyone to the door. Outside she waved off the boy’s requests for a game of shoot ‘em up, and climbed up to the studio. Once inside she was surprised to see that her men hadn’t followed her.
She grabbed her guitar and sank onto the sofa. Strumming it absentmindedly, Jessica was surprised by how affected she was by Amanda and Justine’s revelations. She knew that the disappointment she felt was unfair. Every male in her family had come so far in the way they treated the females in the family. They were respectful, loving, kind. It only took her a few minutes to shake off the disappointment and turn her attention to the more complicated matter of Paul and the truth. Jessica gnawed her lip and tried to think of a way to get the serum from Doc and answers from Paul. She was roused from her thoughts by Jim saying her name. Looking up she found her men in a semi-circle before her.
“It’s been an hour.” Josh said and Jessica nodded. Standing she made room for Josh to sit on the sofa and she settled on his lap.
“I’ve got that.” Jim said holding his hand out and nodding at her guitar.
“Thanks.” She said handing the guitar to Jim and snuggling back on Josh’s lap. “I have a couple ideas about Doc and Paul.” She said but her voice faded when she looked up at Scott, Riley and Angus who were still standing. She glanced back at Josh and then at Jim as he returned from putting her guitar away and sat next to her and Josh on the sofa. “I really did need to be alone. Thank you for letting me.”
“You’re welcome.” Angus finally said when none of the men had responded and Jessica’s eyes kept landing on him. He looked ashen, much like the others, but there was something else in his expression that gripped Jessica’s heart. She had hurt their feelings, she could tell. But there was something more for Angus and it worried Jessica.
Jessica slid off of Josh’s lap and went into Angus’ arms, cupping his face in her hands. “I’m sorry that I mentioned Beth. I shouldn’t have. I know you were hurt too … badly. You felt betrayed and how could you know any differently … please forgive me.”
“Jess …” Angus said and he shook his head when his voice cracked and his eyes, already rimmed red, seemed to water, “You never need to ask me for forgiveness. You could rip my heart out of my chest and tear it to pieces and you’d never have to ask for forgiveness. No, please Jess, let me talk.” He added when Jessica was about to protest, “I’ve apologized to the girls. I will apologize to Beth … a real, sincere apology. Not the half assed thing I did to get her to come and see you. And despite my desire to fuck and dominate you during sex, I will worship at your feet for all eternity. Even during sex if you’d like. Just tell me what I can do to stop being an asshole.”
“No …” Jessica said and sniffled as tears filled her eyes, “You’re not an asshole …”
“And now I’ve made you cry … yes I am.” Angus replied.
“No, you’re not.” Jessica countered and wrapped her arms around him, pressing her face into his chest and hugging him as hard as she could. Angus wrapped his arms around her too, pressed his face into the side of her head and bear hugged her. They stood that way for a long time. The room was silent except for Jessica’s sniffles so Jessica was surprised to see that Scott had got the Kleenex box and held out a couple of tissues to her.
“Thank you.” Jessica sniffed. After blowing her nose she blinked up at Angus. “If you were an asshole Angus you wouldn’t reflect on things. You would never admit you were wrong, and you wouldn’t change. You’ve done all of those things, several times … all of you have.” She added looking around at the other men, none of whom looked any happier than Angus.
“Only after you point things out to us.” Riley said.
“And I hardly think that counts.” Jim added.
“We’re sorry Jess.” Scott said.
“It counts to me.” Jessica said and moved into Scott’s arms. She ran her hands over his chest. “You’re only human. Humans need things pointed out to them.”
Jessica was relieved when Scott nodded and said. “Human and male … I think you may need to hit us over the head with it. Several times.”
Jessica smiled when Scott’s mouth shifted into a small lopsided grin.
“Sometimes violence is warranted.” Jim added and the slight twinkle in his eye confirmed to Jessica that she had heard humor in his tone. Jessica pecked Scott on the lips before moving into Jim’s arms.
“I’ll be gentle.” Jessica said, melting against Jim.
“Baby, your gentle carries a far bigger wallop than any hard I’ve ever experienced.” Riley said, “I don’t think I can handle much more of your gentle.”
Jessica kissed Jim and moved to Riley. “You like it rough do you?” she asked in a playful tone and was relieved when Riley laughed. He shook his head as his eyes ran over her face.
“You don’t do rough baby even when you should. It probably wouldn’t hurt if you let us feel like shit for a while you know.” Riley replied as he pulled her to him and cupped her ass in his hands.
“Nah, that goes against my strict don’t let my husbands suffer rule.” Jessica countered.
“I’m not surprised.” Josh said with a snort, “But Jess, babe, I think that may be one rule you should bend every once in a while.”
“No.” Jessica said kissing Riley and moving to Josh. “The penalty is very severe.”
“Severe? Ahuh.” Josh said with a laugh and full on smile. “Good luck getting any one of us to administer that.” He added pulling her in for a kiss.
“It’s a by-product of your suffering. You don’t need to administer anything.” Jessica said when the kiss ended. Josh still bent over her, his lips lightly brushing hers. Jessica ran her fingers over Josh’s cheeks her eyes taking in his expression, clearly relieved to find him happy. But when her words sank in, Josh straightened in surprise.
“Fuck … Jess.” Scott exclaimed. “You know we never want to hurt you …”
“Excellent.” Jessica said with in a cheery voice, “Don’t be sad and you’ll have achieved your goal. And I know exactly how to make you happy …” she added in a sweet voice, sliding her hand down to Josh’s cock, rubbing it over his pants, doing the same to Scott.
“Yup, you do.” Scott moaned moving closer to Jessica as she lifted onto her toes and kissed Jim.
“Take off your pants.” She said to Jim, Riley and Angus.
“Fuck, I can’t believe I’m going to say this.” Riley groaned, “But fucky, fucky, happy time will have to wait. There’s a bunch of unhappy people back at the house Jess. I think they want to apologize.”
“Oh.” Jessica said, dropping her hands from Josh and Scott in surprise and looking in the direction of the house, worry returning to her expression.
“Argh, I’ll never get used to how you can switch directions so fast … fuck.” Scott grumbled and doubled over.
“Oh, sorry … um, maybe I can get you off real quick?” Jessica said reaching for Scott’s zipper.
“No, no, no, it’s okay.” Scott said grasping Jessica’s hand and sliding his fingers between hers, “Let’s go back to the house. We need to plan how we’re going to get our hands on Paul. I’m glad you have some ideas cause I came up with squat.”
“Um, are they mad at me?” Jessica asked nodding toward the house as she let herself be pulled along to the ladder by Scott, holding one of her hands, and Jim who had taken the other.
“I don’t think so.” Jim said, “I think they were more confused than anything … we had to google ‘misogynist’.” He added with a laugh.
“But they want to talk to you.” Riley said, “Abe fed the boys early so they’re out playing again … we won’t be interrupted.”
“Oh.” Jessica said as they walked to the house. Jessica watched the boys run around and part of her felt like an interruption might be very welcome.
Angus led the way in the door and Jessica followed Scott in to find everyone waiting. They’d arranged the dining room chairs around the sofa and they were sitting when Jessica and the men came in.
“I made supper." Abe said when Jessica stopped in the middle of the room clutching Scott and Jim’s hands. “It’s keeping warm in the oven … if you get hungry, it’s ready.”
Jessica nodded, “Thanks Abe.” She said nervously and glanced around at her family. She was relieved to see that they looked serious but not furious and she was beginning to recognize that Sean’s incredibly stern expression usually meant he felt misjudged. Abe and Rick sat off to the side a little and to Jessica’s surprise looked ashamed of themselves which Jessica couldn’t quite understand since they’d had no part in the girls’ lives.
“Sit down Jessica.” Sean said and indicated the sofa with the nod of his head.
Jessica moved to the sofa and felt oddly relieved. As firm and commanding as Sean’s tone had been Jessica was certain that he wasn’t mad at her. And if he wasn’t it was unlikely the others were. Jessica let Scott sit first and then wiggled onto his lap. Once she was settled Sean leaned forward and planted his elbows on his knees.
“Get enough time away from us?” he asked.
“I wasn’t trying to get away from you … ” Jessica said looking around at everyone in earnest, “I just needed some time … to think …”
“Stop Jess, stop.” Sean said holding his hand up, “It’s okay, I know you wouldn’t try to get away from us … I just meant, did you get done what you needed to?”
“Oh … yes. Thanks.”
“K. Good. I’m curious to hear what you came up with, but first … about what you said about the girls and us …”
“Wait.” Amanda interrupted. She had been sitting on Caleb’s lap, between Quinn and Don, holding their hands, but she slid onto her feet. “Before anyone says anything I have to apologize to you Jess. I was rude to you. Very rude. I should have known you only had my best interest at heart, and I’m sorry.”
Jessica opened her mouth to respond but she found herself unable to speak. Instead she went to Amanda and hugged her. They hugged for a long time.
“Hey you two, save some for me.” Leah said with a laugh and when Amanda and Jessica looked around they found Leah, Sara and Justine standing next to them, sniffling. They hugged and the sniffling subsided.
“Thank you for standing up for us.” Sara said when they finally parted, “Somehow you always do and we really appreciate it.”
“It’s just too bad that it always us men she needs to protect you from.” Corey said and to Jessica’s relief he looked more perplexed than angry. “I’ve never pretended to be a saint,” he continued, “but I don’t know how I turned out to be such a dick. No, don’t say it Jess.” He added when Jessica was about to protest. “Don’t try to sugar coat this in the way you always do. Sometimes hard and blunt is a better way to deliver a message than subtle and gut wrenching. Not that I have a right to complain but just as an fyi, in case you’re looking to make changes.” He ended with a slight smile.
“Noted.” Jessica said smiling back, “But I’m not sure how to do hard and blunt.”
“Get some lessons from Abe.” Rick interjected causing laughter around the room as Abe gave Rick a dirty look.
“All of this to say,” Quinn jumped in, “that we’ll try to do better with the girls, okay? And if you see us slipping up tell us. Years of being misog … misogin … whatever the fuck that was, don’t just go away overnight.”
“Deal.” Jessica said with a smile.
“Now, for the plan.” Don said looking at Jessica with anticipation while rubbing his hand together.
“Not that I should be surprised at this point,” Mark said with a wink, “but you really have a plan?”
“I do.” Jessica said.
“Hey, do I get you back?” Scott asked from the sofa, holding his hand out to Jessica just as she and the girls looked like they’d be happy hugging through the whole conversation.
“Oh, yes, sorry.” Jessica said giving each girl an extra hug before returning to Scott’s lap and the girls to the laps of their men.
“So,” Rick prompted, “The plan?”
“Right. To get Paul we lure him with something he apparently wants.” Jessica said.
“And what’s that?” Angus asked.
During the ensuing silence, Jessica looked around the room. With the exception of Scott’s arms tightening around her, there was little reaction. Everyone seemed to be thinking, and casting glances at her men. Soon Jessica joined them. She couldn’t decipher their expressions, they seemed to be incredibly neutral.
“It seems like the most obvious and logical option.” She finally said, the silence getting the best of her.
“It does Jess.” Jim said, “It’ll work.”
“I’m clinging to the term ‘lure’ in your suggestion.” Riley finally said when another few minutes of silence ensued. “That implies that you’d never be in any real danger.”
“I am too.” Angus said, “Is that what you meant?”
Jessica nodded. “It’s easy really.” Jessica said, “You guys,” she said glancing around at her men, “tell Paul that you don’t want to wait for the job he wants you to do before releasing you from the clan. You want out now and you’re willing to give me to him in exchange for your release from the clan. Maybe mention that I’d be a good bargaining chip with my Godfather or something like that. If he really wants me to replace Stasia then he should jump at the chance … Right?” she asked when her men simply stared at her.
“First of all, I don’t think Paul would believe for one second that we’d give you up.” Angus said, “But even if he would, I could never pretend something like that. I’m sorry Jess. I just couldn’t.”
“Oh.” Jessica said as her other men nodded their agreement and they looked hurt that Jessica would even suggest that they could. “I didn’t think it through that well.” Jessica said, her heart melting as she realized how upset they were. “I’m sorry.” She said kissing Scott before moving through her men, pecking their lips and finally settling on Angus’ lap, “I honestly didn’t stop to consider what asking you to do something like that meant. I know you’d never give me away … honest.”
“So assuming we find a good story to get Paul to think he’s getting you, then what?” Sean asked.
“Okay,” Jessica said, “We still have a few vials of the drugs we were using for Angus when he was ... after Earl. We get Paul to a private meeting, stick him with the needle and tada, he’s ours. As for the drug … Doc is coming next week to give us physicals. If I can get you his bag would you recognize the drug?”
“Fuck yeah.” Corey said.
“Okay. That’s the plan. Of course once we’re done with Paul we’ll have to turn him and the rest of the clan in to the police.”
“Right. We have a property that no one in the clan knows about.” Sean said, “we can take Paul there in case his men come looking for him.”
“And why don’t you let Rick and I arrange things with Paul.” Abe said, “He’d be more likely to believe that we’d give you up Jess then your husbands. We can make it look like we’re trying to get back in his good graces.”
“So next week, after Doc comes for the physicals and we have the drugs you need,” Jessica said, “Rick and Abe can suggest the ‘deal’ and we can get some answers from Paul. But, um, maybe we should wait until after the weddings. Paul would be a real downer … to most of us.” She added when Sean and Corey looked like it would be anything but.
“Weddings happen next weekend no matter what.” Riley said, “Don’t worry, we’ll work around them.”
“Great.” Sean said. “Now that everything is settled, can we eat?”

Dinner had come and gone. Jessica had eaten hardly anything but much to Amanda’s chagrin and Jessica’s pleasant surprise, Sean and Abe expanded their feeding effort to include the girls. Unfortunately Amanda was able to use it to her benefit and make Jessica the lowest common denominator. Once Jessica was unable to eat more Amanda stopped also. Both Sean and Abe voiced their frustrations but Jessica was rendered speechless. There was nothing she could say without eating more herself. So she’d slouched down in her chair and hoped Sean and Abe wouldn’t decide to raise the feeding bar.
They’d spent the rest of the evening working on wedding preparations. Amanda, Sara and Justine sewing. The men, with the exception of Abe, and Leah and the boys were back at the pond continuing with landscaping and hanging the lights. Abe and Jessica hung out together doing what Abe found absolutely hilarious, and Jessica had to grudgingly agree was ironic. They huddled around the laptop scouring the internet for wedding recipes. Jessica had to repeatedly concur with Abe as he often and loudly pontificated on the fact that the one person most adverse to food in the family had been nominated to be his helper. So in addition to the fact that Jessica loved her men and loved to be with them, she was extra relieved when the night wound down and she found herself in the studio with them.
She slid into Angus’ arms and looked up at him in confusion when he chuckled. “What’s wrong baby? You’ve been looking us over like we’ve sprouted horns or something.”
“It’s just odd,” Jessica said sliding her fingers into his short, wet, hair, “You all showered, and …” she added lowering her hands to run over the dress shirt covering Angus’ chest. Looking left and right she glanced at Riley, Jim, Josh and Scott who had equally wet hair and were dressed up equally formally. Dress shirts … slacks. “You’re so dressed up.”
“And how is that odd?” Josh asked as Angus twirled Jessica into his arms.
“You don’t usually shower and dress up when we come to the studio.” Jessica said with a small shrug.
“True.” Riley said taking her from Josh. “But we were all sweaty and dirty from working at the pond.”
“Well, I like you all sweaty and dirty …” Jessica said rocking her pelvis against Riley’s and sliding her hands around to squeeze his ass.
“We know you do … and you well know our fondness for dirty, dirty, dirty, little slaves.” Riley said, giving Jessica’s pussy a sudden thrust from his hardening cock and squeezing her ass cheeks thoroughly before twirling her to Scott.
Jessica was panting and fully wet by the time Scott pulled her into his arms and held her hard against him. “But tonight we thought it would be nice to take our wife dancing. Here … at the studio.” Scott said just as slow, romantic music began to play around them. Looking around Jessica saw Jim adjusting the volume on the stereo system.
“But I didn’t dress up.” Jessica said rubbing the material of Scott’s shirt between her fingers.
“No worries baby.” Jim said as Scott guided her into his arms, “You don’t need to dress up to be beautiful to us.”
“Thank you.” Jessica said giving Jim a bashful smile. “And I do love dancing, especially if it’s with my handsome husbands.” Jessica added, kissing Jim.
“Mmm,” Jim murmured, “an evening of romantic dancing followed by romantic love making. As a group.” Jessica just had time to kiss Jim again before she got twirled back to Angus.
“That sure does sound romantic.” Jessica said giving Angus a kiss also.
“Are you okay baby?” Angus asked, “You don’t seem thrilled.” He asked catching Jessica’s chin before she could pull away from the kiss.
“I am … I am thrilled.” Jessica said looking back into Angus’ searching eyes. “It’s just … just … um, do you want to make love because of what I said today?”
“God no baby girl, don’t you worry.” Angus replied with a sexy laugh, “We’ll fuck you every which way every night after this. Rough, hard, dirty, sex. We know you wanted to save making love for special occasions but tonight we just feel like it.”
“But if you’d prefer,” Josh said as he pulled Jessica into his arms, “we could strip you down and fuck you hard right now. I’m happier than shit to go either way.”
Jessica gulped as Josh brushed her tit with his hand as he slid it down behind the waistband of her pants to press on her pussy over her undies, “You’re good and wet baby, if that’s what you want we can switch gears and do romantic tomorrow night.”
“N … n … no.” Jessica stammered although it took all the willpower she had not to jump Josh, “I’d love romantic tonight. Just promise that tomorrow it’ll be rough, please.”
“It’ll be so hard that both your pussy and ur ass will be red.” Riley said as Jessica slipped from Josh to him, “But tonight …” he said gently, taking Jessica’s head in his hands and tilting her face up, “tonight we express our love to you. All of us, together. Baby, you’re special to me … to us. I hope you really know that.”
“I do.” Jessica whispered just barely getting a kiss from Riley before being gently shifted over to Scott.
“And baby, we know that you like it rough. You like to play. But we need you to know, really know, that we respect you. You’re the kindest, smartest, most compassionate person we know. We respect your ideas, your mind, your body, all of you.”
Jessica nodded. “I know you do. And I respect yours. And honestly, I wouldn’t enjoy what you do to me as Masters if I thought you didn’t like me as well as love and want me. My mom told me once, you can love someone but not like them. I’ve never known it to be true as much as I do now, with all of you. I like and love you, and I know you like and love me too.”
“Good.” Scott said just before twirling her over to Jim.
“Hi.” Jim said with his sexy, double jointed, expression.
“Hi,” Jessica said in a hush. She was so happy to see his smile but his sad eyes disturbed her. “Jim … all of you,” she said glancing around at the men standing in a circle, big, still, waiting for her, “When I said you and the other men in the family are … were … misogynistic, I didn’t in any way refer to the way any of you treat me. For some reason that I still can’t fathom, all of you are … were … very respectful and caring to me and completely dismissive of the other girls. But I’ve seen some changes tonight and I’ll make sure the others understand, I in no way meant you were misogynistic in the way you or they treat me.”
Jim nodded. “That comment did have a part in our desire to make love tonight Jess, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t. But the truth is we just want to. It just feels right. After the last night at the hotel, fucking you last night, tonight seems like a good making love night.”
“Will you be able to relax and enjoy it baby or should we switch it to tomorrow?” Angus asked as Jessica slid from Jim’s to Angus’ arms.
“Yes I can relax. I want to make love to you too. This is all very romantic, thank you.”
“Glad you like it baby.” Josh said as he twirled Jessica away from Angus and moved her around the floor. “And we have a special surprise for you.”
“Oh?” Jessica said, “What is it?”
“Patience baby, it’ll come in good time. For now just relax and dance with me.” Josh replied pulling her close. Jessica wrapped her arms around his neck, rested her cheek on his chest and let him lead her around the floor.
Jessica made two more rotations through the men, and she couldn’t believe how good it felt to feel their hands roam over her clothed body and hers over theirs, even without the promise of hard, rough, sex afterward. Firm yet gentle, sensual caresses had Jessica feeling aroused in a muted yet powerful way and she couldn’t get enough of them.
Jim’s leg planted firmly between hers, not a hair of space between their bodies, Jessica barely noticed the song that came on next but when she felt Jim’s chest vibrating against her she realized that he was singing. All of the men were singing and it was their song. The song they wrote for the family. Jessica lifted her head and stared at Jim with astonishment. Looking around at the others she found them smiling at her and when Jim brought his fingers to her lips and traced them Jessica realized she was grinning from ear to ear. She began to sing also and as the last bar of music faded away Jessica kissed Jim. “You finished the music.” She said in a breathless whisper.
Jim nodded. “Sean, Corey, Chris and I threw it together yesterday real quick. We’ll do it properly later this week so you can play too. We just wanted to surprise you.”
“You did, thank you.” Jessica said and looked around for the other men only to find that they had moved in close.
“Anything to see you smile like that baby.” Scott said as his fingers gently pushed Jessica’s hair behind her ear, “One day we’ll do this on a bed. Make it way more romantic, but for now we brought a mattress.” As Scott was speaking he and the men had been guiding Jessica across the floor to a mattress that had materialized while Jessica wasn’t looking. While Riley unbuttoned her shirt from behind, arms wrapped around her body, Jessica tugged Angus’ shirt out of his pants. Unbuttoning it, Jessica stared up into Angus’ eyes. It felt so strange to be moving so slowly. Wanting Angus naked. Wanting them all naked. To feel their skin on hers, their hands on her, fingers, tongues, cocks, in her, yet not feeling rushed to get there. Angus slid his shirt off as Riley pulled her shirt off. Jessica leaned back against Riley, tilting her head as he kissed her neck, Jim and Josh bending their heads to her tits, kissing them over her bra. Jessica worked their belts open with each of her hands, kissing Angus fully, deeply, feeling Scott working her pants down, kneeling at her feet.
Riley unhooked her bra and as it fell away from her Jim and Josh took a nipple each in their mouths and sucked it. Their tongues teasing each nub into hardness, their lips sucking them to their full length. And then the men rotated. Jim moving to take Angus’ place, Riley, Jim’s. Josh moved behind her and Scott moved to where Josh had been suckling her. Cupping her tit in his hand, Scott lowered his mouth to it. With Riley kissing and sucking her other tit, Jessica moaned … Angus knelt where Scott had been and was busy stroking her pussy over her undies. Firmly pressing the crotch of her panties between her pussy lips, getting it wet. Jessica worked Riley and Scott’s belts open and then Jim’s shirt. He had already removed his pants just as Riley and Scott were now doing. Behind her Josh was nibbling his way from her neck to her ear and back again, sliding his hands down her undies from behind and caressing her ass cheeks. For the next twenty minutes they continued to rotate through until they were all naked.
Sinking to the mattress, Jessica straddled Riley. His hands, firmly planted on Jessica’s hips, guided her pussy onto his cock, filling her pussy completely in one fluent motion. Jessica clung to him, kissing his chest, his neck, mouth, as they moved together. Firm hands parted her ass cheeks and a tongue pressed hard against the crack of Jessica’s ass …licking up and rimming her asshole. Jessica’s head fell back and she saw the top of Jim’s head pressed between her ass cheeks. Jessica and the men panted, slow, steady breaths and as Riley lay back pulling Jessica down on him, Jessica relished the calm yet steadily growing desire within her. As Riley wrapped his arms around her and pulled her tight against him, Jessica held Josh’s gaze and opened her mouth inviting his cock in. Josh fed his cock to her, pushing it all the way to the back of her throat just as Jim pressed his cock into her asshole. Suddenly Jessica was so full. Riley and Jim competing for space, cocks pressed up against one another inside her. Josh leaving no room in her mouth and throat. Jessica’s body shuddered as her hand sought out Scott and Angus’ cocks, finding them just as an orgasm rolled over her. And as a second wave of pleasure shook her, the men began to pump in and out of her. Slow, deep, in unison, her mouth, pussy, ass and hands were taken. Jessica felt pleasure growing again and when Riley muttered, “Oh fuck,” in her ear as he exploded inside her, Jessica came again, milking Jim, Josh, Scott and Angus to climax as well.
Jim kissed along Jessica’s backbone until he had dd himself over her. Riley kissed her neck, Jessica licked, kissed, sucked Josh’s balls as he pressed them against her lips. She ran her fingers through Angus and Scott’s hair as they kissed her sides. It didn’t take long before Jessica felt Riley and Jim hardening inside her again.
“Turn me over,” Jessica panted.
Pulling out of her, Riley and Jim lifted Jessica and turning her onto her back, laid her onto Josh. Wrapping his arms around her Josh maneuvered her ass over his cock. Angus, who had moved to take Jim’s place, spread her ass cheeks and Josh slid into her asshole, pressed it in deep and held it there.
“Someone can use my tits to cum.” Jessica suggested.
“Mmm good idea.” Riley muttered and as Angus entered her pussy Riley straddled her, squeezing her tits together around his cock. Leaning her head back over Josh’s shoulder Jessica opened her mouth and eagerly took Scott’s cock down her throat and sought out Jim’s cock with her hand. Moving in unison the men fucked into Jessica and when they came, Riley covered Jessica’s neck and chin with his cum and Jim moved up to get her face. They rotated through until each of the men had all of Jessica’s holes. On the final rotation they folded into one big ball of arms and legs, kissing, caressing. Jessica ran her tongue over her lips, swallowing the cum as she did and she was about to wipe her neck and face with her fingers and suck them clean, when Scott caught her hand. Giving her his sexy, lopsided grin, he leaned in to her and ran his tongue along her neck licking up a huge swath of cum. Pulling back he locked eyes with Jessica as he swallowed.
“I think it’s time I found out how we taste don’t you?” Scott asked when he saw surprise on Jessica’s face. When it quickly turned to desire Scott leaned in and licked again.
Jessica moaned when Jim, Josh and Riley quietly followed Scott’s lead. She arched beneath their tongues, her hand seeking out Angus wanting to caress some part of him so he wouldn’t be left out. She hoped he wasn’t repulsed. Opening her eyes she tried to see where he was. “Angus … are you okay?”
“Perfect.” Angus replied and moved into her view. With an expression on his face that Jessica couldn’t quite understand, Angus watched her.
“Are you sure?” Jessica asked.
“Positive.” Angus said and slowly, deliberately, leaned forward and ran his tongue along her cheek. Leaning back he sat with his tongue out covered in cum, making sure Jessica saw it before retracting it into his mouth and swallowing. Jessica sat up and slid onto Angus lap, straddling him. She searched his eyes with hers. “You taste much better Jess, no offense guys.” Angus said. Jessica returned his smile before kissing him. The other men pressed in close, kissing and caressing every part of Jessica, inside and out. They continued for what seemed like mere minutes to them but was in reality hours. In the end they fell to sleep in the studio, arms and legs intertwined.

The next day involved more wedding preparations. After everyone had lunch Jessica and the girls went to town to buy more material for the suits. It took a few hours to find the kind they liked and while they were in town the girls decided to buy dress shirts to go with the suits. Jessica was impressed with the deep burgundy shirts the girls picked, the purple ties and handkerchiefs also. Returning home, the girls struggled to bring the bags of material and clothing in, cursing the boys and men between fits of laughter, for not being around to help. Arms piled high with bags they could barely see where they were going.
“They must be at the pond.” Jessica said, though it surprised her that the men would have gone to the pond without texting her to let her know.
“I hope they remembered to take the floating candles with them.” Leah said as Jessica nudged open the front door. She held the door open with one leg while the other girls squeezed by her and she was surprised when Jim said. “I’ve got these babe.”
Suddenly the bags disappeared from her arms.
“Thanks.” Jessica said and wasn’t sure what to make of the expression on Jim’s face. He was watching her quietly with sad, troubled eyes. Looking around she saw Sean, Corey and Chris moving silently, helping the other girls with their bags.
Jim put the bags on the ground and motioned Jessica over. Fear shot through her as she moved into his embrace. Something was wrong … her mind immediately went to the boys afraid someone was hurt. But as she moved into the room she realized that everyone was there. Even the boys. Yet the room was deathly quiet.
Riley got to his feet and the expression on his face scared her to death.
“What happened?” she asked in a shaky voice.
Riley stared at her.

“Riley, you’re scaring me … what happened?” Jessica said scanning the room again but not finding anyone missing. If everyone was accounted for then at least no one was hurt. Jessica was on the verge of relaxing when she swung her eyes back to Riley and froze.

Riley’s gaze had taken on a whole new intensity. He took a step forward and took Jessica’s hands in his.

“Paul stopped by.” Riley said and Jessica saw anger flash across Riley’s face. She looked at her men. They looked desperate. Scanning the expressions of the other men and the boys Jessica felt confusion growing. Everyone looked broken. They looked like they were resigned to something.

“What did he want?” Jessica demanded looking back at Riley.

“He came to collect his favor. He has a hit he wants our help with.” Riley replied.

“Okay …” Jessica said not understanding the overall sense of doom in the room, “So we’ll leave. Now. Let’s go.”

“You may change your mind about that when you hear who the target is.” Riley said, his grip tightening on her hands.

Jessica flicked her eyes between her hands and Riley’s eyes.

“Who is it?” Jessica asked.

“Your Godfather.” Riley said.

“What?” Jessica whispered she felt like she’d been kicked in the stomach.

“It seems your Godfather has re-appeared and he’s not playing nice.” Sean said, “He’s been after Paul with a vengeance.”

“Oh.” Jessica replied still not sure why the men and boys looked so distraught.

“Paul got himself some insurance.” Angus added and there was something in his tone and the subtle shifts in the expressions around her that made it clear that this was significant.

“What kind of insurance?” Jessica asked, her voice a whisper.

“Elsie, Stephen, Lilly, everyone at the bar, the boys’ families, Beth.” Angus replied.

“No!” Jessica gasped, collapsing into Riley’s arms.

“If the authorities or your Godfather is warned, or we don’t show up for the job, Paul will every one of them.” Riley said, holding Jessica hard against him.

“Oh my God!” Jessica gasped, pressing her face into Riley’s chest as she processed the information. “So, what did you tell Paul?”

“We said we were in …” Sean said when none of Jessica’s men answered. “What else could we say? Unless we can think of some way around it, we have to show up.”

Jessica nodded.

“We have no choice.” Jessica whispered, looking up at Riley, and then at Scott who’d moved next to Riley.

“Maybe we do.” Scott said when Jessica moved into his arms, “We’ve been trying to think of some way to keep everyone safe, warn your Godfather, and get the hell away from here.”

“Have you had any luck?” Sara asked in a shaky voice.

Silence filled the room when Scott shook his head.

“How much time do we have?” Jessica asked.

“Two days.” Josh said moving next to Scott and kissing Jessica’s forehead as she moved into his arms.

“So soon?” Jessica asked.

“The best plan we could come up with,” Sean said as Josh pulled Jessica with him back to the sofa and sitting, settled her on his lap, “is that we show up at the job and take Paul and his men out.”

“That’s … dangerous, isn’t it?” Jessica asked. “How many people will he have with him?”

“A lot.” Chris said. “He’s got the rest of the clan behind him.”

“Including Kevin. Paul sprung Kevin. He was here too, he wanted to live here.” Jim added with anger and disbelief.

“Oh no …” Jessica gasped.

“But Kevin won’t be coming here. Ever. We made it clear to both him and Paul that Kevin’s not welcome.” Angus said.

Jessica sighed with relief. “So … how many people does that make?” Jessica asked, “That Paul will have?”

“Probably around one hundred.” Jim said, “Maybe more.”

“One hundred?” Jessica demanded, sliding from Josh’s lap to Jim’s, “We can’t fight one hundred of Paul’s men without someone getting hurt.”

“We can do it.” Josh said. “Trust me.”

Jessica shook her head. “There has to be another way.”

“If we don’t get Paul during the hit we’ll never have a better chance to him.” Quinn said. “It’s the only solution that makes sense. Good sense.”

“Besides, Paul will go after Hartnett later. If he doesn’t get him now, he’ll keep trying.” Mark said. “He seems to have a real hate on for your Godfather.”

“There is one other way …” Jessica said repulsed by the thought that was running through her head. “It’s not ideal.” Jessica said scrunching her face up in distaste.

Abe grinned, “You never disappoint Jess.” He said with an exasperated laugh, “Apparently your selflessness knows no bounds. But you know giving yourself to Paul isn’t a viable option, even if we’d let you.”

“I know.” Jessica said, her face still scrunched and shudders of repulsion shaking her.

“You’d really do that?” Angus asked with a low growl.

Jessica looked up at him in surprise. He’d sounded devastated.

“Oh Angus!” Jessica exclaimed when she saw how ashen he’d become. Scanning her other men her heart clenched. Going to Angus, into his arms, burying her face in his chest she held him before looking up into his grey eyes. “If there was no other way, and it could protect so many people, you know we’d have to consider it.”

Angus shook his head. “We’d never consider it. Never.” His quiet assertion made Jessica’s heart melt. It was clear from the way he held her, the expression on his face, in his eyes, his tone, that without her he’d be lost.

Jessica nodded. “You’re right Angus.” Jessica said bringing her hand to his cheeks and caressing his cheek bones with her thumbs, “Leaving you, any of you,” she added looking around at her other men, devastated expressions on their faces, “for any reason isn’t an option. I was just brainstorming.”

Silence hung in the air.

“Jess, please don’t consider anything other than us being together as an option. Okay?” Riley asked. “We have to always be together.”

Jessica nodded and added, “Until death do us part.”

Jim smiled and winked at Jessica before turning to the rest of the family, “So we show up at the hit. How do we keep Jessica’s Godfather alive and Paul and his goons?”
“Um.” Jessica said, “When you say ‘we’ show up at the hit, you’re including me in that. Right? I’m going to fight Paul with you, right?” she asked again Jim had swung his eyes back on her, he and the other men studying her.
“Right.” Riley said.

“We’ll need you.” Angus added but his pained expression made it clear that he wasn’t happy about it.

“Okay then, let’s make a plan.” Jessica said, relieved.

They worked for hours. Eventually they had what looked like a feasible plan. Jessica sat on the sofa between Justine and Leah. Brett and Nathan on her lap. Everyone was reviewing the plan. The date, the times, the location, who would be where. Jessica had suggested that Justine, Amanda and Sara take the boys somewhere else, just in case things went wrong. That brought about protests form the older boys who insisted they could help. But Jessica was adamant that they stay out of it. Eventually Angus had to step in and tell them that what Jessica said went so they now sat brooding on some chairs.

The secret property that Sean and Corey owned became the chosen hide-out for Sara, Justine, Amanda and the boys.

They decided that the others, including the boys would go back to Sean’s house that night. The men and Leah would pack their guns and ammunition. The boys, Sara, Justine, and Amanda would go to the other property.

Jessica and her men would prepare also and they’d meet Sean and the others at the location of the attack two days later.

Abe cooked dinner and the meal was unusually quiet and somber.

“We don’t want to go.” Brett and Nathan cried as Sean and Corey hauled them to their cars.

Moments later it was just the men and Jessica left. Somehow it seemed lonely and wrong.

Jessica turned to look at the men. “There’s a lot to do to get ready, right?” she asked, melting into Riley’s arms.

“We can do it tomorrow.” Riley said.

“Good.” Jessica said as the other men moved closer too. “Because tonight I want to forget about everything and have rough sex all night. I need you on and in me … please.”

“You don’t have to ask twice.” Jim said, scooping Jessica up and heading to the bedroom.

Hours later, Jessica and the men lay in orgasmic bliss. Jessica rested her head on Riley’s chest, lying perpendicular to Riley. He played with her charm necklace. Jim and Angus’ heads rested at each of her tits. Scott lay with his head on her stomach, Josh with his head on her legs. Jessica was running her hands through Jim and Angus’ hair.

“You’re planning on picking Mark up at Sean’s place tomorrow, right?” Angus asked, toying with her nipple, “To go visit Elsie?”

“Yes.” Jessica said, “And I’m glad because I just realized that I should ask Don to set-up the account from which we pay Elsie’s medical bills to get automatically updated from that Caymen island account. I’ll set up automatic payments with the home …just in case. Justine, Sara, Amanda and the boys will need access to it too.”

“Good idea.” Jim said, kissing her stomach. “Can you do the same for Stephen and Lilly? Annual deposits into their account for one hundred grand?”

“The anonymous donor was you?” Jessica asked with pleasant surprise, clutching Jim’s hair as he looked up at her.

“Better believe it.” Jim said with a wink, “They were ing themselves to take care of their s, I had to do something.”

“Oh my God Jim!” Jessica exclaimed kissing him, “Do you know how much you mean to Stephen and Lilly. They were always so thankful for the help.”

Jim smiled, “I know. I would hate for the donations to stop so let’s get Don to direct some money their way.”

Jessica nodded. And listened to the silence that enveloped the house. “Maybe we shouldn’t have sent Rick and Abe with the others. Technically this was their home, not Sean’s place.” Jessica said.

“I think Rick and Abe knew there’d be a whole lot of screaming going on.” Josh said with a laugh.

“Yeah. They volunteered themselves.” Riley said.

“It is kind of nice being able to scream without worrying about someone hearing.” Jessica said. “I wonder why Uncle Pete decided to come back after so long.” Jessica asked after several minutes of silence.

“No one knows.” Riley said, “But Paul said he’s been going after the clan again. He definitely didn’t come back to make friends.”

“And according to Rick and Abe,” Josh said kissing her leg, “there’s no love lost between Paul and Pete. It seems like they’re old adversaries.”

“Hmmm. Well, let’s hope we get to Paul before Uncle Pete gets there. It’d be great if Paul doesn’t even get a chance to shoot at him.”

“And we’ll have to Kevin right away.” Angus said, “He’ll be gunning for us.”

Jessica shivered.

“Do you want a blanket?” Scott asked, “You’re shaking.”

“No. Just promise me that once this is over and we have a new life that there won’t be any more ing. Not even a fly, no one dies.” Jessica said.

“Promise.” Angus said. “In the meantime, could I interest you in an orgasm or two?” Angus asked rolling onto his elbow and taking her tit in his mouth.

“Yes … I’d love that.” Jessica said. And she got it. For hours.


“Christ Jessica, I don’t know how Sean and Abe do it … you are fucking impossible to feed.” Angus grumbled.

They’d tried distracting her with the video of the bungee jump she and Jim did at the resort, but it lasted for all of two minutes. Nothing else on the TV caught her attention and she was nervous about the situation so it was near to impossible to get her to open her mouth much less chew anything.

“I’m sorry.” Jessica said sliding into Angus’ arms, rubbing her hands on his chest and batting her eyes, “I’m just not hungry right now … how about lunch?”

“You’re not going to be here for lunch.” Angus growled. Jessica pecked his lips and went to get up but Angus caught her by the arms, “Dinner.” He said when he’d brought her face to face with him again.

“Dinner.” Jessica nodded and kissed him again.

“We loaded everything in the SUV. ” Jim said when he, Josh, Scott and Riley came in the house. “And I punched Sean’s address in your GPS. We’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

Jessica kissed the men goodbye and arrived at Sean’s forty five minutes later.

“Thanks for bringing these.” Corey said while unloading ammunition and guns from the car.

“You’re welcome.” Jessica said.

“Jess, watch out for the boys. They are really not happy with the plans.” Corey said as she moved toward Sean’s house.

“Okay, thanks.” Jessica said.

Inside the house she found Sara.

“The boys are out playing. When they find out you’re here you’ll never hear the end of how unfair you’re being by leaving them out of the fight.”

“Corey warned me.” Jessica said. “Um, Sara, I’m going to ask Don to set-up our bank account with updates from the Caymen island account. If anything happens can you make sure that Elsie is taken care of? I’ll tell the hospital to take payments from that account. You, Justine, Amanda and the boys, will use the money too, of course. Also, Beth needs the final payment for plastic surgery. Please make sure she gets out of the clan.”

“You are planning on making it out of this thing aren’t you?” Sara asked.

“Of course … but it makes sense to be careful right. Responsible? Just in case.” Jessica said.

“Hey.” Don said coming in the house, “Corey said you’re looking for me?”

“Yeah. Can you set up our bank account to be automatically updated from the Caymen Island one?” Jessica asked.

“Sure. Sure, I can do that.” Don said.

“Thanks.” Jessica said and gave Don the details about all the people to direct money to. And no sooner had Jessica finished the instructions then the door opened and the boys came in.

“Jessie!” Brett and Nathan yelled and wrapped themselves around her.

For fifteen minutes the boys berated her for going to the fight and not letting them. Caleb, Chris, Mark, Quinn, Sean and Corey drifted in and stood listening.

“I’m sorry you feel this way.” Jessica said, “But one day you’ll understand why it has to be this way. You boys are young and you have your whole lives ahead of you. You need to look to the future. To a happy, healthy, peaceful life and not get destroyed by the violence of the clan. God knows you’ve had enough pain from Earl.”

“You’re not that much older than us.” Leo said. “Even Rick and Abe say you should be staying here with us …”

“They’ve gone to town.” Mark said when Jessica looked around in surprise, “But they have made comments to that affect.”

“Well, they’re entitled to their opinions, as are you boys. But that doesn’t change what is going to happen. Just wait, you’ll see that we’ll all be back together in no time. With no more Paul or clan to bother us. I love you, be good for Justine, Sara and Amanda.”

The boys still looked unhappy but they hugged Jessica.

“Please be careful.” Chad said.

“I will. See you soon.” Jessica said and motioned Mark to the door.

“Are you okay?” Jessica asked Mark as they drove to visit Elsie.

“Jess, I have to tell you that I agree with the boys and Rick and Abe. I think you should sit this fight out.” Mark said.

“What?” Jessica asked. “Mark you know how much I hate violence. I wouldn’t take part in this if I didn’t really feel I had to.”

“Jess. The only parents the boys have are you and your men. If you get yourself ed, what are they going to do? They’ll be destroyed. And they won’t be the only ones.” Mark said.

Jessica looked at Mark and elbowed him when he looked up at her and it took him a minute to smile.

“We all have to come out of this alive. There’s no other option.” Jessica said.

“Not very realistic Jess.” Mark said but sighed when her face fell. “Okay, look, if you’re going to insist on risking your life you have to promise that you’ll stick close to one of us. We’ll keep you as safe as you can be in a gunfight.”

“I don’t think I’ll have an option on that.” Jessica said.

Mark shook his head as they pulled into the parking lot of the home, “See you in an hour.” Mark added with a chuckle and a peck on her cheek.

Mark went to see his therapist while Jessica visited with Elsie. After the visit Jessica went to speak to the administration about the payment plans. They seemed relieved to hear that there was an actual account related to the money they’d been receiving and that the monthly payments would no longer be in cash.

As Jessica left the office and headed to the front foyer, her phone rang.

“Hello?” Jessica said, the number on her screen came up as blocked.

“Jessica?” Beth said.

“Yes, Beth, what’s wrong?” Jessica asked worried.

“Nothing. But, the plastic surgeon has set a date. He needs his last payment today.”

“Today?” Jessica said. “When?”

“In an hour. Meet me at the mall, by the main entrance.” Beth said.

“But I have to get the money first. I don’t know if I can do it in an hour.” Jessica said.

“You have to. He won’t have time to wait. Hurry Jess. I’ll text you the amount. And Jess, don’t be late.” Beth said and hung up.

Jessica blinked at her phone. Then she dialed Riley.

“You okay?” Riley asked when he answered.

“Yes, but I have to go take Beth the money for the surgery.” Jessica said.

“What? Now?” Riley demanded.

“Yes, now.”

“I don’t like it Jess, you should come home.” Riley said.

“Mark is with me.” Jessica said. “I’ll be home in a couple of hours tops. Okay?”

“Fine.” Riley said, “Be careful and we’ll see you soon. Love you.

“What’s wrong?” Mark asked when he saw the expression on Jessica’s face.

“Beth called. We need to go to town, get money for the surgery and meet Beth in an hour.”

“At least she’s finally getting out of the clan.” Mark said as they drove to town. “Won’t it be weird though? We won’t know what she looks like anymore. We could be talking to her and not even know it.”

“Yeah. That’ll be weird.” Jess said.

They made it to the bank in forty five minutes and to the mall one minute late.

“Don’t forget your gun.” Mark said opening the glove compartment and handing the handgun to her. “You never know …” he added when Jessica looked at him funny.

“She said she’d be here.” Jessica said when she and Mark stood at the front entrance.

“What the …” Mark said when a scream echoed across the parking lot.

“Beth!” Jessica yelled as she saw Beth running and a man chasing her. He raised his hand and fired at Beth.

Jessica pulled her gun out of her purse and fired at the man. Mark was running beside her and fired also. Both bullets found the target and the man dropped.

“Who’s that with her?” Mark asked. Another woman was running with Beth.

“Is that … Stasia?” Jessica asked noticing what looked like a veil on the head of the other woman. “Why is Paul trying to Stasia?”

“Why is Stasia meeting a plastic surgeon with Beth? I thought you didn’t tell Stasia about the surgeon?” Mark asked.

“I didn’t!” Jessica said. Suddenly a shot rang out and Beth fell. Then another, and Stasia fell. “No!!!!” Jessica screamed, and then slowed to a stop when she saw Rick and Abe standing in the distance, lowering their arms, guns in their hands.

“Holy shit.” Mark swore. “Holy fucking shit. Come on.” He said to Jessica just as Abe and Rick looked in their direction.

“Jess! Jess!” Abe yelled lifting his hands in surrender but the gun that he still held made Jessica pick up her pace when Mark grabbed her arm and dragged her behind him back toward the SUV.

“Rick and Abe just shot Beth and Stasia…” Jessica said in stunned disbelief.

“Let’s not be next.” Mark said. They were almost at the SUV when a man jumped out from behind a car and Tasered Mark. Jessica raised her gun but a hand struck her arm from behind and when she dropped the gun, two strong arms grabbed Jessica from behind. Jessica kicked and head butted, the person holding her and the arms holding her fell away. Jessica was about to drop kick the man who’d Tasered Mark when she froze. The man had a gun pointed at Mark’s head.

“Do it and the asshole bites it.” The man said.

Jessica hesitated for a second too long.

A large black van pulled up, the side door slid open and someone grabbed Jessica from behind and tossed Jessica into the van, followed by Marks’ conscious yet limp body.

“Stay down …stay down.” A man in a black suit said to Jessica as the van sped forward. Jessica crawled over to Mark and put her arms around his neck.

“I …hate … Tasers.” Mark managed to stutter.

Suddenly the van squealed to a stop. The door opened, several more men in black suits climbed in, and Rick and Abe.

Rick and Abe sat looking at Jessica. Once she got over the initial shock of their betrayal Jessica looked away from them.

“Let us explain.” Abe said. He and Rick looked as stunned as Jessica felt. They obviously hadn’t planned on being caught. Chills ran up Jessica’s spine. What other horrible things had they done for Paul that no one in the family knew about. Jessica began scanning the van with her eyes. Looking for a weapon, a way out, anything. She had to get Mark and her out of the van.

“Don’t bother Jess.” Rick said watching her look around. “There’s no way out.”

“Jess, listen to me, I can explain everything.” Abe said and to her horror he was bent over, walking toward her.

“Stay away from us.” Jessica said.

“Jess …” Abe said reaching her and catching her arm when she swung it out to hit him.
“You ed Beth and Stasia!” Jessica yelled and struggled when Abe crossed her arms in front of her and pulled her against him.

“No I didn’t.” Abe said holding her tight as she fought and kept repeating, “You ed them … you ed them …”

“No Jess, they’re alive. Look … look!” he said and grabbing her chin he her to look at the side door that one of the men in black slid open. Another van pulled up, the door slid open and both Beth and Stasia waved from inside. Jessica went limp. Mark had raised his head and now dropped it back down in surprise.

“They’re in protective custody.” Abe said. “We had to ‘’ them.”

Jessica’s eyes refocused and she saw Rick watching her. He looked disturbed by something but Jessica didn’t look at him long, she her eyes to the ceiling of the van.
“You’re fucking cops.” Mark spat out.

“No. We’re private contractors.” Abe said.

“Who happen to be in the employment of the FBI.” A blond haired man said from the front seat, “So yes, you are cops.”

“Fucking cops.” Mark hissed as he pulled himself up so his head leaned against the side of the van, the effects of the Taser wearing off. “You can let her go now.” He spat at Abe, “She doesn’t need any more of your pig smell on her. Let her go, now!”

Abe ignored Mark but relaxed his grip on Jessica. “We’re not cops. We’re your old friends. Everyone here is someone you’ve known at some point.” Abe said sweeping his hand around the van, indicating the men in suits. “I’m Trex.” Abe said.

“And I’m Brandon.” Rick said.

Air whooshed out of Jessica as she collapsed against Abe again.

“Is she breathing?” Mark asked pushing himself up.

“Jess … Jess …” Abe said shaking her.

“She’s just surprised, that’s all.” Rick said having moved in front of Jessica and checked her pulse and her airways.

“She isn’t the only one.” Mark muttered.

The van came to stop and the blond man in the front spoke into this cell phone.

“Roger that. Go to the second property and get the others. Prepare to enter the main house. Please note that Lisa Williams is not in the residence at this time. Repeat, the victim is not on the premises.”

That caught Jessica’s attention. She sat up and looked from Rick to Abe. ‘What are they doing? Are they going to arrest the family?”

“Cole, what’s going on?” Abe demanded.

“We’re picking them up. We’ve got men twenty minutes out from Sean Milackey’s residence, and we’re on site at Riley Marlett’s residence.

“They can’t do that.” Jessica said grabbing Abe and Rick’s arms. “They’re packing for the attack. They have guns and ammunition out all over the place. They’ll fight Abe, Rick … they’ll fight. People will get ed.”

“She’s right.” Rick said looking at the blond man, Cole, who Jessica now recognized as another friend of her parents. “These guys won’t go quietly. This wasn’t the plan Cole. We were going to pick Paul up in the middle of the night, and not while he and his men are prepping for a show down. And the other clan is outside the perview of the mission.”

“You’re right Brandon, this wasn’t the plan. None of this was. But now we’re stuck with it. And Sean Milackey and Riley Marlett are the purview the mission no matter how much you and Trex want to believe otherwise. You’ve made your feelings about the whole operation pretty clear so spare me okay? Let’s get it finished … finally.” Cole said.

“No, not like this.” Jessica said still clutching Abe and Rick’s arms, “Please. Look, let me get them for you. I can disarm them and then you can just walk in and take them.”

“It could work.” Rick said turning back to Cole.

“Are you ding?” Cole said. “You said yourself that she’s completely brainwashed. There’s no way she’ll give them up.”

“Jess …” Abe said when Jessica blinked back tears. She didn’t know why but the comment about being brainwashed stung … a lot.

Jessica shook her head. “Given the choice of having them arrested and alive and healthy, or the choice of having them die in a gun fight with the FBI, I’d rather have them arrested. I’ll do it, honest.”

“Can we have a word, outside.” Abe said to Cole who after staring at Jessica for a moment nodded.

Abe and Rick followed Cole outside and closed the door.

Jessica felt panic overwhelm her. Her men, and the rest of the family. She couldn’t help any of them if she couldn’t get away.

She eyed the remaining men in the car. Two men in suits sat watching her and Mark, and there was someone in the driver’s seat. She had to get away. She and Mark both had to get away. The men had guns. There was about three feet between her and them. Not great odds but …

“Don’t do anything stupid …” Mark hissed from beside her. Jessica looked at Mark who gave a slight shake of his head to drive home his point.

Okay, so trying to escape was stupid. Jessica could agree with that. So there had to be something else she could do. Some way to warn the family that the police were coming. At least they had a chance. But it seemed like the police were already at her house. What if this Cole guy didn’t let her go in and talk to her men?

“Stop chewing your lip …” Mark whispered.

Jessica froze, realized that she was in fact chewing her lip, and spat it out.

So escape wasn’t possible. If she wanted to warn Sean and the others it would have to be by phone. She’d have to use code so the FBI didn’t realize she was warning them. Otherwise they wouldn’t get far. Even if the FBI couldn’t get to Sean’s house fast enough to stop them from running, they could setup roadblocks and hinder their escape. But Rick and Abe knew their codes. Her only hope was to call Sean while Abe and Rick were gone. Who knew how long that would be. Jessica looked at the men sitting in front of her. Abe said she knew everyone in the van. Jessica scanned her memory but she couldn’t remember the first man at all. The second man however registered and the name Larry sprang to mind.

“Um, you’re Larry right?” Jessica asked leaning toward the man.

“Yes ma’am.” Larry replied, clearly surprised that Jessica recognized him.

“I remember you.” Jessica said, “My father liked you a lot.”

Larry nodded, “I’m sorry for your loss ma’am. Your father was a good man.”

“Thank you Larry. I bet there are a lot of good men going to the raid on Sean’s house.” Jessica said.

“The country’s finest.” Larry agreed.

“Well Larry, I’m worried about their safety. Sean and his clan are going to shoot at anything that moves right now.”

“We’re trained for this kind of situation ma’am, I’m sure they’ll be alright.” Larry said.

“I know of a way to guarantee it.” Jessica said and paused when Larry looked at the man next to him.

“How’s that?” the man asked.

“If I call Sean and tell him that Paul is sending some men over to help get ready for the attack on my Godfather, Sean won’t even blink when the FBI shows up.” Jessica said.
“I don’t think so Lisa.” The man said, “All you need is two seconds to warn them and then the operation is ruined.”

“You can hold my phone. Cut me off you think you need to. I really only want this to end peacefully. I mean, who would want justice for my family more than me?” Jessica said. “But I certainly wouldn’t want innocent, good, brave, men to die needlessly for that justice.”

Seconds ticked by as the men sat thinking. Jessica had to fight the urge to look at the van door. At any moment Abe, Rick and Cole were going to return and Jessica was certain that her chance to call Sean would be lost.

Finally the nameless FBI agent nodded his head. “Cole wants this too bad. He’s going to get us ed.” He said to Larry. And when Larry handed Jessica her cell phone, the man added, “Make it quick. And no funny business.”

She looked at her cell phone with surprise. She hadn’t even realized they’d taken it.
“Cole’s going to be pissed.” The man in the front seat said.

“Cole will never know.” The man said. “Hurry up.” He added nodding at Jessica.

Jessica’s hands shook as she dialed Sean. For a fleeting moment she wondered about calling Riley instead but the FBI was already there. If she warned them now, her men would start a fight. She had to believe that if she could just get back in the house with her men, they could find a solution that avoided shed as well as the mens’ arrest. The phone rang several times and Jessica worried that Sean wouldn’t pick up but finally he said, “Jess?”.

“Hi Sean.” Jessica said, “Um, Paul wanted me to call you and let you know he’s sending some men by to help get ready for tomorrow.”

“Oh …” Sean said.

“Yeah, they’ll be there soon.”

“Is there any food involved in this?” Sean asked in a not so casual tone. Jessica wondered if the FBI was monitoring Sean’s phone because it seemed odd now that Larry would give in so easily without at least listening in on the other end.

“Oh yeah, there is. There was a mix-up with the order. The chicken was ordered with no sauce and the pizza has a ton of bacon on it. A ton. Loads, and it’s coming any time now.”

“Shit. Thanks Jess.” Sean said.

“Good luck.” Jessica said, her voice breaking. Just then she heard voices outside the van. Jessica hung up and handed her phone back to Larry just as the door opened and Cole, Abe, Rick, and another man got in. They slid the door shut and sat looking at Jessica and Mark.

Jessica glanced at Mark out of the corner of her eye and was surprised to see him smiling. When Mark noticed her looking at him he winked.

Jessica tried her best not to look at Abe or Rick, afraid that they’d tell what she’d done by her expression. Cole was no easier to look at. Jessica got the distinct impression that he thought she was a lost cause. The new man was of some interest though if for no other reason than he didn’t wear a suit. In fact he was dressed in jeans and t-shirt. He looked less well kept then the other men in terms of being clean shaven. He had stubble, hair all askew and had a distant look to him, like he couldn’t quite focus on the here and now. He seemed an odd man to be working with the FBI.

“Jess, look at me.” Abe said.

Jessica reluctantly shifted her eyes to Abe.

“So what exactly would you do if we let you go to the men?” Abe asked.

“I’d get them into a compromising position … that won’t be hard, as you know …” Jessica said her cheeks turning pink, “and you could just walk in and arrest them.”

“You’re sure about this?” Cole asked Abe and Rick. “If this goes wrong it’s on your heads, you know that, right?” He added when they nodded.

“I think it’s the best solution.” Abe said.

“Let’s go.” Cole said over his shoulder to the driver of the van and moments they began moving.

“Agent Reed.” Cole said into a walky talky, “Hold the house entry. I repeat hold the house entry. Will explain when we get there, expected eta, thirty minutes.”

Jessica moved closer to Mark again and took his hand. Mark squeezed it and nodded slightly when Jessica looked at him.

“You don’t have very much luck hanging around with me do you?” Jessica whispered. “First Earl, now this. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” Mark said.

Suddenly the van stopped again and the door slid open.

“Let’s go.” The FBI agents standing at the door said, pointing to Mark.

“What? No!” Jessica said and gripped Mark’s hand tighter.

“Let go of him, now.” The man closest to them boomed and raised a Taser pointing it at Jessica.

“That’s not necessary.” Mark said. Sitting up Mark removed his hand from Jessica’s. “I’ll see you soon Jess. Be careful okay?” he added as two of the agents reached in, grabbed Mark by his arms and dragged him out of the van. As the door slid shut Jessica saw Mark raise his hands behind his head.

Jessica felt tears welling in her eyes. She refused to look at anyone instead wrapping her arms around herself and looking down at her crossed legs.

“It’ll be okay Jess.” Abe said. Jessica didn’t acknowledge him, instead contemplated what was going to happen to her men. They’d go to prison … forever. When she tried to imagine them behind bars she couldn’t. Would they survive being locked up? She just couldn’t picture it. That’s when it occurred to her that the options were not restricted to bath or arrest. There was a third option. The men could use her as a hostage. Surely the FBI wouldn’t’ open fire on her … especially if they thought she was being taken against her will.

It was perfect. She was glad she hadn’t thought of that earlier or she never would have been able to convince Abe and Rick that she intended to turn her men over to the police.
Jessica had tuned out the others in the van so well that she hadn’t noticed Abe until he was squatting in front of her.

“Here’s a vest.” Abe said holding a bullet proof vest up in front of her. “Just in case.” He added when Jessica looked worried. “You have to put it under your shirt … you have no coat …”

“I know.” Jessica said taking the vest from him turning her back to the men in the van and struggling to pull her shirt over her head. The van rocked enough that Jessica got thrown off balance a few times but eventually she got her shirt off, the vest on and was busy trying to buckle the straps when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

“It’s stuck.” Abe said starting to adjust the vest.

Jessica pulled away from him, “I’ve got it.” She said.

“No, it’s stuck.” Abe said continuing to try and adjust it.

“Abe!” Jessica snapped, pulling away so hard that she fell forward. “I said I’ve got it!”

Jessica struggled with the vest for another few minutes before pulling her shirt back on. Dressed she kept her back to the men, crossed her legs and returned to contemplating the situation. And the more she thought about it the more numb she felt. Abe and Rick had betrayed them. They’d made a pledge. How could they do this to the family? How could they do this to her? As the van sped on, Jessica’s phone rang. It rang for a ridiculously long time before the voicemail came on. Seconds later it rang again.

“You have to answer it Jess.” Abe said holding the phone over her shoulder to her. Jessica shook her head. She couldn’t handle a conversation with anyone right then and she was pretty sure it was one of the men calling. “You have to or they’ll come looking for you. There’s no way they’re leaving that property unless they’re handcuffed and in the back of this van. Convince them that you’re okay and that you’re on your way … now Jess.”

The ringing stopped, only to start seconds later again. Reluctantly Jessica took the phone.

“Hello?” Jessica said and her voice sounded as numb as she felt. Abe jabbed her in the back.

“Jess, what’s wrong?” Jim asked. Tears filled Jessica’s eyes, her throat constricted. She just wanted to start the day over again and tell Beth that she could take the plastic surgery and stick it. “Jess?” Jim asked again and she could hear panic in his voice.

“I’m fine.” Jessica sniffled, her voice breaking.

“Are you crying? Where are you?” Jim demanded.

“No,” Jessica said and concentrated on controlling her emotions, “I just d on my pop. It’s still kind of in my lungs.”

“Why didn’t you answer when Riley and Scott called?” Jim asked.

“I couldn’t get to my phone … it … it fell off the seat, onto the floor, I couldn’t reach it.” Jessica said and she sounded so phony even to herself that she couldn’t believe Jim wouldn’t realize something was really wrong.

“Jess …” Jim started.

“I’m almost home. See you soon, bye.” Jessica said in a rush and hung up.

Jessica fought hard not to cry.

“I need the phone back.” Abe said quietly. Jessica put the phone beside her and shot it back across the van floor. She needed to get out of the van so very, very, badly. She pulled her knees up, lowered her chin to rest on her knees and wrapped her arms around herself.

What seemed like a painfully long time later, the van came to a stop. They were on the road leading to the house, about half a mile from their driveway.

“Drive up to the house, so they’re not suspicious.” Cole said handing Jessica her keys. Jessica saw her SUV parked further up the road. “You have ten minutes once you get inside. If we don’t hear from you in ten minutes we’re coming in.”

“You’re doing the right thing.” Abe said taking Jessica by the shoulders and trying to look her in the eyes. But Jessica wouldn’t. She couldn’t. He’d know if she did.

“Be careful.” Rick said. “And stop pulling on the vest, just pretend it’s not there.” Jessica nodded but again kept her eyes averted.

“Jess …” Abe began, his tone pleading.

“I have to go.” Jessica said pulling away from him and hurried to the SUV.

When Jessica pulled into the driveway Riley, Scott, Angus, Jim and Josh were waiting outside for her. She’d barely cut the engine when Angus had her door open and was pulling her out of the car.

“What happened?” He demanded running his hands over her. “Are you wearing a bulletproof vest?” he asked in surprise, running his hands on her back and chest.

Jessica nodded and there must have been something in her expression because suddenly all of them looked panicked.

“Let’s go in the house and I’ll explain everything.” Jessica said clutching Angus’ arm.
Angus took one of Jessica’s hands, Josh the other and they moved to the house.

As soon as they were inside Jessica pulled her hands free of Josh and Angus, slammed the door shut and locked it.

“Quick.” She said going to the gun rack and pulling a couple of rifles off she handed one to Riley, one to Scott, grabbed two more for Josh and Jim and another for Angus. “The FBI is here. You have to take me as a hostage and leave. Come on.”

“What?” Riley demanded, “Did you say the FBI?”

Jessica nodded, “Rick and Abe are with them …” Jessica said and tears rolled down her cheeks. “They’ve given Beth and Stasia immunity. I was able to warn Sean … but the FBI didn’t have agents at his house already. Somehow, they were already here.”

“Motherfucker.” Angus said after sneaking up to the window and carefully looking out of it. “There’re at least thirty of them out there.”

“I can take a handgun. Tuck it in my pants.” Jessica said. “If I have to I can …” Jessica paused as the thought of shooting FBI agents unsettled her. “I’ll just aim for their legs.”

“How did you get here?” Scott asked, “If they were already here?”

“They grabbed Mark and I when we went to give Beth the money.” Jessica said. “I told them I’d get you in a compromising position … so they could come in and arrest you without violence.” Jessica said, “I don’t think they’ll shoot you if you use me as a shield.” Jessica said, “We can get out of here without anyone getting hurt. They gave me ten minutes, we must have used up five by now. We have to go … please.”

“Jess … Jess … shhh.” Riley said taking her face in his hands and wiping her tears with his thumbs. “You did great. Okay, you did great. But there’s no way they’re going to let us leave with you. You’re what they came for. And we can’t take a chance on letting you get hurt because of us.”

“What?” Jessica asked looking around at the men as they exchanged looks that appeared to be meaningful to them but were completely incomprehensible to Jessica.

“We love you Jess. And you understand that we have to do what’s necessary to keep you safe.” Scott said and the men closed in around her.

“What are you doing?” Jessica demanded getting scared by the air of defeat the men had. “I’m your hostage.” She said grabbing the hand that Angus held the rifle in and raising it so the rifle pointed at her. “Come on, let’s go.”

“You’re right Jess. Let’s go.” Jim said exchanging glances with the other men. Taking her arm he guided her to the door. “I’m going to have to hold your hands behind your back, so it looks real.” He added.

Jessica nodded.

“We’ve got the girl!” Riley suddenly yelled. “And we’re coming out!”

“Come out with your hands up.” A voice on a blow horn bellowed.

Riley opened the door and he stepped in front of Jessica and moved out of the door. Jim tightened his hold on her arms and led her out after Riley. Scott, Josh and Angus following.

As soon as they got a few feet off the porch all five of the men dropped their rifles and got on their knees, putting their hands behind their heads.

“We surrender.” Riley said.

“What, no!” Jessica said turning in a circle and looking at the men. “No, no, get up!” Jessica yelled throwing herself at Jim. “Take me, let’s go, get up!” she yelled. Jim didn’t try to avoid her flailing arms. She pummeled him before she moved away and went to Angus, shoving him.

“What are you doing? Why are you giving up?” Jessica couldn’t control her tears, she was near hysterics.

She moved to Josh, “You promised!” She yelled, “We’d always be together!” she punched him in his chest and moved to Scott. “What are you doing?” She repeated crying so hard that she could barely catch her breath. “You said you loved me! We have to stick together, remember!”

“Jess …” Scott said.

“You said you’d never leave me!” she yelled, wheeling over to Riley, dropping to her knees in front of him, falling against him. Pressing her face into his chest and pulling on his shirt she cried so hard she couldn’t breathe.

“Jess … Jess … we’re not leaving you.” Riley said putting his arms around her. “It’s not over. We’ll be together again. I promise.”

“Come on Jess.” Abe said coming over and lifting her from behind.

“Remember the oath.” Angus said as FBI agents began handcuffing him. “Don’t forget it, ever!”

“Stop, please stop!” Jessica yelled struggling against Abe.

“I love you Jess.” Jim said, “Remember the oath.” He added as he was handcuffed.

“I love you.” Scott said, Riley, Angus, Josh and Jim repeated that but Jessica had moved beyond hysteria into what was beginning to resemble an epileptic seizure.

“Abe, she’s hurting herself!” Jessica heard Jim say.

“Help her!” Scott yelled.

“Fuck Abe, stop her!” Angus ordered.

“Jessica, stop, now!" Riley demanded.

“Jess, please!” Josh begged, his voice breaking.

“This isn’t happening!” Jessica mumbled. “ I don’t want to live without you!”

Through her tears she could see the FBI handcuffing the men. Despair washed over her. It was so all consuming that all Jessica could do was throw her head back and scream.

“Lisa, sweetheart … Lisa, baby …” a voice started breaking through Jessica’s pain. A familiar voice. Strong hands held her. “Lisa, Lisa, look at me sweetie.” The voice said. And Jessica did. Through her tears she made out a familiar face.

“Uncle Pete?” Jessica asked, quieting for a moment.

“Yes Lisa, it’s me. You’re safe now sweetheart, you’re safe. And you’re coming home … finally.” Peter said, pulling her in for a hug, kissing her forehead.

“Uncle Pete!” Jessica gasped and became hysterical again.

“Come on you bastards.” Cole said as he pulled Riley to his feet. “You assholes will never hurt her again.”

“I know.” Riley said and saw the pain that he felt reflected on Jim, Josh, Scott and Angus’ faces as they watched Jessica come undone at the sight of her Godfather.

“She’ll be alright, right?” Josh asked Jim quietly, still kneeling next to him. “She’s falling apart.”

“She will be fine.” Jim said. “Even if it s me.”


Authors note: Thank you all for your patience. After struggling with this chapter I ended up reverting to my original copy with only a few minor adjustments. I’m sorry for the delay and thank you for your votes of confidence.
This is the end of the first book but I am in the process of writing a sequel. I can’t put an estimate on its completion date but I hope it will be soon and I hope the wait will be worth it. Thanks again, Jaden

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