Helping Sis to Sparkle Again

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Helping Sis to Sparkle Again

My older sister Jenny was on a terrible low after breaking up with her baby’s father whom she’d left home and gone to live with three years ago despite the warnings of family and friends. It’s been three months since she moved back into the family home with her two year old baby. She had moved out when she was twenty one to go live with a guy she’d only known for five months. A year later she was mother to a beautiful baby girl. But that’s where the fairy tale romance ended and the horror show began. To cut a long miserable story short; shortly after she found out she was pregnant and intended to keep her baby against the wishes of the father, the guy changed from prince charming to prince harming. He treated her like dirt, cursed and slapped her around, stopped contributing financially to the household and drinking heavily. After the birth of the baby he took the slapping around to a higher level, beating her regularly to the point where she constantly carried black eyes, bruises to her body, cut lips, fractured ribs, stitches to her head and cigarette burns. Maybe out of embarrassment or in the hope that the guy would eventually change for the better because of the baby and begin to love her again, she stuck with the douchebag, hiding his ill treatment of her from everyone except her best friend. The guy then started openly sleeping around which included bringing trashy young women into their apartment while she was at work.

The best friend decided that she could no longer keep quiet about what was going on so she paid a visit to our family and pleaded with us to go rescue Jenny. By this time Jenny had already lost her job and the guy had moved out. We found her and the baby in an emaciated state, and she was deeply in debt. She was overjoyed and very grateful that we had come for her and did not hesitate to come back home. Dad and I hunted down the SOB and after smashing his car, to the pleasure of his neighbors who knew how he treated Jenny, gave him a sound beating that caused him to be hospitalized for a couple of weeks. Jenny’s friend had taken photographs of all her injuries and kept the medical reports; this prevented the guy from bringing charges against us after we worked him over. He told the cops that he was the victim of a gang of muggers.

A mere two weeks after coming back home, due to regular meals and healthy food jenny and the baby began putting on weight and developing a glow that had been long absent. Jenny before leaving home was a healthy, active, fun loving young woman; pretty as a picture. She was five seven with a deceptively shapely and sexy figure. By deceptively I mean that if you were to see her sitting inside a car or standing behind a fence where only her upper body was visible, you’d expect her to be a slim or even boney person, but upon her emerging you’d be pleasantly knocked over by her lush figure; the slim upper body flared out generously from waist down into wide, shapely fleshy hips with full, rounded thighs and firm hefty backside. Her breasts are what is referred to on porn sites as ‘puffy’, small and cone shaped, standing straight out from her chest with an appearance of all areola and just a hint at nipples, always smooth and shiny as if oiled. She had my mom’s smooth dark brown skin as opposed to my light tan, the color of our dad. Her eyes had that watery sparkle like a swimming pool that made you think of jumping into them for a swim. I love her to death, always have and longed to see her get back to her sprightly lovable self.

Jenny was obviously depressed and had become very slow in her movements and speech, never wanting to leave the house and very unmindful of her appearance. Her eyes had become dull and her smiles were few and far apart. Mom and dad told her to forget about working for the next year or so until she was back to her old self and settled emotionally. I vowed that I would do all in my power to bring back the sparkle in her. And I started out by doing little chores for her and helping out with baby. I also complimented her on little things and on her looks. Sometimes I would bring home a little gift for her, things I knew she enjoyed eating, or little things she could use, like perfume, books, inexpensive jewelry, cd’s and dvd’s.

As I went about helping jenny to find her old self I found that I was gradually beginning to see her in a new way. That is, not just as my sister but as a beautiful, sexy woman. I began noticing with some amount of sensual titillation, the bounce of her juicy ass as she moved about, the curve and fullness of her lips, her long shapely legs and thighs, her full hips, her dainty fingers and most of all her cute little breasts. When we were much younger I used to tease her in a playful way about her tiny breasts. And one day when she was about eighteen she told me despite all the teasing she thought that I really liked her small breasts and was actually attracted to and fascinated with them. I told her that she was right I really loved tiny breasts and thought they were sexy especially hers. She had laughed and playfully called me a freak. Back then there was nothing sexual in that exchange on my part, or maybe it was but I choose not to notice or admit to it.

As the weeks went by I found myself increasingly looking at or thinking about my sister with lust. I started covertly staring at her ass or fat crotch when she was in short shorts or spandex tights. My eyes would feast on her perk tits whenever she was braless which was often. If she wore a short flowing skirt I would wait patiently for her to climb the stairs to the upper flat of the house so I could get a glimpse of her panty covered crotch and ass. At nights I would lie in bed and jerk off to mental pictures of her I had stored in my mind of glimpses I’d gotten of her in compromising positions, like an upskirt or down blouse or crotch flash when she happened to be sitting carelessly. I loved it when she walked about with only a bath towel wrapped around her. On a few occasions due to careful stalking I’d got glimpses of her in panties only by way of a slightly open bedroom door.

It reached the point where just being close to her and looking at her tit imprint or bare thighs or snugly covered ass gave me a raging hard on. And I used any opportunity to touch or hug or kiss her in a seemingly innocent manner, but which to me was loaded with sexual intentions. I soon devised a plan that would allow me to kiss her every day. This I hoped would gradually melt the ice and sway her in the direction of being hot for me the way I was hot for her; put ideas in her head.

Every day I used something she had done to compliment her about while planting a little kiss on her cheek and sometimes her neck or shoulder. All seemingly innocent little pecks between brother and sister, but after a week I began to sense definite positive results. At first she seemed to anticipate it and then she started to respond by holding or touching me.
The first day I came home from work and after she had opened the door to let me in I planted a quick kiss on her cheek and said “This is just to let you know how happy I am that you’re back home and how much I enjoy having you around all the time“
The second day after dinner while she was alone in the kitchen I kissed her and said “this is for the delicious meal I just ate, I enjoy your cooking”
The third day “because you look so pretty in this yellow dress”
The fourth day, a little peck on the neck “just because you’re you, the best big sister ever”
The fifth day “because thinking of your lovely smile kept me calm today when dealing with difficult folks”
The sixth day, a kiss on the shoulder at the foot of the stairs “because it’s Saturday”
The seventh day, peck on the neck in the corridor between bedrooms “because it’s Sunday and I’ll be in charming company all day”
The eight day, on the forehead while she’s on a sofa feeding baby “for cleaning my room, it never looked so neat before”
The ninth day, on the nose “I just like kissing you”
The tenth day, on the back of the neck while she’s at the sink washing dishes “because you help me save money by making me want to come home instead of going drinking with the boys”
The eleventh day, “for getting rid of the malt stain on my white shirt”
The twelfth day, on the chin by the back door while holding both her hands “because there will come a day when I’ll want to kiss my sister and she won’t be around so I’m doing it now”
The thirteenth day, it was after nine in the evening and I hadn’t yet given her the daily kiss. Dad had popped out to get some ice cream for mom. And mom had gone upstairs to get something. We were alone in the living room. Jenny came over and sat next to me.
“No kiss today?” she asked with a half-smile and a little puzzled look on her face. I laughed, grabbed her, and pulled her close and planted a kiss on her lips. I felt her fingers dig into my back. “Because you asked for it”
“Now I feel good” she said, smiling broadly. At the sound of mom coming back into the room she got up and went back to where she’d been sitting
The next day while mom was playing with the baby and dad was out in the garden I heard jenny tell mom she was going upstairs to take a quick shower. A few minutes later I hurried upstairs and positioned myself behind my bedroom door as I listened for jenny’s footsteps. When she passed my room heading for hers with a little white towel wrapped around her, I crept up from behind and encircling her around her stomach I pulled her close against me feeling her plump ass press into the half erection in my shorts. I planted a kiss at the base of her neck.
“Just in case I can’t think of a reason today and you don’t ask”
“You don’t need a reason” she laughed and started turning around. I deliberately held on to the towel as she was turning her body, resulting in it falling away from her and remaining in my hand.
“Oops!” we both said at the same time. She reached for the towel and quickly wrapped it around her, but not before I got a glimpse of the black bushy triangle between her thick thighs and the perky brown tits with their shiny, almost all areolas. She blushed deeply and smiling, headed for her room.
We continued the everyday kissing game with a slight change in plot; whenever I kissed her, either one or both of us would say “just because”

One day while we were alone at home after she’d finished breast feeding the baby she removed the rag that she usually covered the breast with at such times. Before she could tuck away the breast into her blouse the rag fell to the floor and she leaned over to retrieve it, leaving the breast momentarily exposed. I stood there staring at the naked breast with its large areola and rich sheen, feeling the growing expansion in my crotch. My eyes latched onto the little perky beauty and I licked my lips as I imagined myself suckling my sweet sister’s breast, tasting the hot milk. I was so lost in the fantasy that I didn’t realize jenny was looking at me until I heard her say:
“What, what are you looking at like that, you’re ogling my breast?” I was embarrassed, but quickly regained my composure.
“You know how much I like those two little beauties, I told you so a long time ago, don’t you remember?”
“Of course I remember,” she said smiling sweetly, “how could I ever forget that. That was the day I began feeling comfortable with my tiny breasts, the day I realized that being small didn’t mean they weren’t beautiful or desirable. I’ve always been grateful to you for that, even though I never thanked you.”
“Well thank me now”
She threw back her head and laughed. “Come over here and bend over”
I did as she said and she reached up, held my head and pulling close give me a big smacking kiss on my cheeks, making one of those mmwwwaahh sounds. “Thanks for making me like my breasts, it changed my life”
During all this she hadn’t yet put the breast out of sight.
“Is that the best way you can thank me for such a huge job”
“How else can I thank you dear brother?” she said, with a little glint in her eyes
“I’ve always wanted to touch them, please, just one touch” I said, seriously. She looked up at me with a look that was a mixture of shock and surprise, and I saw her lips quiver slightly as she tried to smile.
“Ok,” she said softly, looking me straight in the eyes. “I guess that’s not asking too much, have your touch”
I leaned over quickly and planted a kiss on the soft little brown avocado, sticking its little pip with my wet tongue.
“Whoa!” she said startled and pulling back like she had been burned or pricked with a needle. “You asked for a touch not a suck”
“And that’s what I did, I touched you. The hand is not the only thing you can touch someone with” I said, sounding like a teacher getting over an important point.
She gave an exaggerated but playful sigh, then looked straight at my tented shorts and said,
“You’re quite a smoothie aren’t you, well I guess I can at least be thankful that your lips and tongue were all you touched me with” Giggling sweetly, she tucked away the object of all that play. Just then we heard the distinct sound of our gate being opened and she quickly and nimbly buttoned her blouse, while I retreated to my room; I know too well how long it takes to collapse my tent. But it was that moment that I knew my fantasy of fucking jenny could be realized if I played my cards well and didn’t make any rash moves that could spook her.

During those weeks of lusting while I plotted to fuck my sister, I learned two lessons of life. One: generally, one thing leads to another. Two: crossing certain boundaries gives you the courage and confidence to tackle other boundaries. I learned those two things in a strange way; by way of my lovely mother. Since the arousal of my sexual longings for my sister, I found that I began looking at my mother in a different way. Mom was a slightly shorter and a bit stouter version of Jenny. She even had the same kind of puffy breasts like my sister, but a litter bigger. Prior to my sexual feelings for Jenny I never entertained lustful or unbecoming thoughts about my mother, although I have always been aware of and admired her beauty. But now I noticed with a stirring of lascivious feelings the roll of her plump ass, the lusciousness of her lips, the fullness of her thighs and the imprint of her breasts when she was not wearing bras around the house, which was most of the time. I started ogling her while she was moving about in the mornings or at night in her thin nightdresses. I kept my eyes on her when she crossed or uncrossed her legs or when she bent over.

After a couple of weeks of checking out mom’s sexy body, I realized that she had become aware of it, because on a number of occasions when I was lost in admiration of her juicy parts I would look up to find her staring at me with a strange but amused look on her face; just a trace of a smile. And sometimes she would look into my eyes with a steady gaze while talking to me. As the days went by I grew bolder in the way I looked at her, and also started complimenting her, but sparingly, on her looks, always out of hearing of Jenny though. And I think she was a little bit flattered by my attention, for she started paying more attention to her looks while at home.

After the breast kissing episode I noticed that Jenny no longer covered it up once we were alone at home, but did so when mom and dad were present. It was as if she were deliberately letting me see them because I had reiterated how much I liked looking at them. I enjoyed those times.

One thing I was now certain of is that she was game for a little sensual adventure; what I wasn’t certain of is how far she was prepared to go. One day I decided to up the game a little and test the waters; I kissed her full on the lips, letting my lips linger against hers for a while before gently poking my tongue between them. As she felt the unusual intrusion she started to pull away, but then stopped and opening her mouth, allowed my tongue to enter, but not for long, she quickly flicked her tongue against mine then pulled away and stepped back.
“You’re full of surprises, and very sneaky.” She said
“Wasn’t it a nice surprise?” I said, smiling.
“Maybe, but I’m not sure it’s the kind of surprise I want to experience again”
“Well, maybe you won’t, or maybe you will; as you said, I’m full of surprises” and with that I reached out and grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close to me, bringing my mouth to hers, but just as our lips touched she wriggled out of my grasp and stepped back a few paces. She stuck out her tongue at me and then turned and ran away, laughing like a little schoolgirl.

That night I approached her in the kitchen while our parents were in the living room. As I drew next to her while she was getting ready a bottle of baby feed she turned around and looked at me with slightly wet eyes.
“I’m so confused Cliffy”
“I’m confused too Jenny” I lied, just to make her more comfortable. I was not confused; I knew exactly what I wanted and how to go about getting it. Without saying another word I walked away.

Later, lying in bed and thinking about her while stroking my aching tool, I decided that I was going to fuck her that weekend. Mom and dad were leaving Friday afternoon for an out of town family visit and would not be returning until Sunday night. I was going to make my move as soon as the baby was put to bed Friday night. I couldn’t help but wonder if the same thoughts were going through my sexy sister’s mind.

I dropped off to sleep after emptying a load of hot sperm into a wad of tissue while imagining pumping Jenny’s pussy with my hard cock.
I was awakened by a soft sound and light from the corridor flooding my bedroom through the partly opened door. Turning my head I saw my sister standing in the lighted space. She stood there for a minute looking into the room as if trying to decide whether or not to come in. she was wearing a knee length very sheer nightdress that allowed me to see with the help of the light behind her the outline of her juicy figure. I could also make out the black luxuriant triangle between her thighs and her little erect nipples poking the front of the nightdress. She closed the door carefully and stepped into the room. My cock was already at half-mast and still growing by the time she came to stand over me. I never sleep with clothing unless it is raining heavily and a bit chilly. She sat down beside me and my cock, in a flash completed its stretch and spread. I felt her hand grasp the hard hot muscle and squeeze it gently
“I’m no longer confused cliffy, I know what I want. I have been dreaming of it for the last two months; I’ve been trying so hard to deny these feelings, but I can no longer do that, I’ve decided to give in to them” She squeezed my engorged member hard and pulled on it like a gear stick. “And I know you feel the same way too” she continued.
“Yes Jenny I feel the same way about you” I managed to murmur through the ecstasy engulfing my senses at the feel of my sister’s hot damp hand wrapped around my pulsing cock.
“I want you inside of me; I want this inside me, “she, said tugging at my cock and looking at it with longing eyes. “I want it ploughing through my watery depths like a little torpedo, cruising into my every port of entry, all three of them.”

She’d always been the poetic type, so I wasn’t taken aback by her descriptive language, but I was taken aback by her frankness. I never would have expected her to be so straightforward and courageous in asking me, her little brother, to fuck her pussy. She leaned over and covered my mouth with hers which was wet and eager. Her flickering tongue and quick, hissing breathing in my mouth took me to wonderful heights of not only sensual but loving feelings. Without removing her mouth from mine she started throwing her leg over me. I reached out an anxious hand and cupped her bushy cunt. It felt like a wet sponge. She gasped as I squeezed it gently. She straightened up and grasping my hungry cock quickly positioned it to her watery entrance, dropping herself onto it without caution. She just let her pussy grasp and slide along it in one fluid movement that had me buried to the hilt in her. She gave a little spasmodic jerk followed by a hard circular grind. I ground upward to match her move and felt her pushing back as if motioning me to keep still. I relaxed and felt her grip my shoulders and lean forward, back arched, chin up, eyes closed tight, her teeth biting into her bottom lip.
“Oh yes baby brother I like how you fill me up” I heard her whisper as she stared to ride me in nice little controlled forward and backward movements punctuated every sixty seconds or so by a hard circular, downward grind. She rode me like that for about ten minutes, sweat dropping away from her body onto mine. I felt my eruption coming and I reached up and grabbed her two little soft cones, squeezing them tightly as my body began to shake. As my body threatened to throw her off she ground down hard on me and circled my groin, and I heard her gasp loudly and then she was a quivering mass on top of me. We were both quivering masses. Her mouth sought mine and gushed out sweet saliva into it; I drank hungrily. Then she collapsed on top of me and stretched out her legs, her hot wet body breathing heavily on mine, my cock still in her, feeling her walls contracting around it.

Shortly after she was sliding downward until her mouth reached my center.
“That was port of entry number one; now for number two” she whispered and she began to lick our combined juices from off my cock, causing it to stir. She grabbed the lengthening flesh and it into her mouth and her tongue, lips and teeth went to work on it making me feel like all the hairs of my body were standing straight. Then she pulled away and took my balls into her mouth and I had to concentrate very hard to keep myself from screaming as a mixture of pleasure and pain gripped me. I felt her hand move away from my middle and reach behind and between her legs doing something there.
“Now for port number three darling, just remain still and let me guide you in”

I felt her lather my now very hard cock with sex juice and then she was straddling me and bringing the engorged head to rest against her pulsing, puckered hole that was also well lathered with cum and saliva and vaginal juice. She held my cock steady as she pressed down on it. I felt the head enter her tightness and I grunted with pleasure. She started to push down hard and after another couple of inches were lodged in her she bggeg me to push upward hard. After a few thrusts I was all the way into the tight hole and she was gripping me hard with her muscled walls. The pleasure was so great I couldn’t contain myself, and started to grunt and groan as I thrust into her. I knew that I was making a lot of noise, but I was beyond controlling it.

I felt her hands roughly shaking my chest as she called out my name. I opened my eyes and realized that the room was covered in dim light coming through the doorway. I turned my head to the side and stared wide eyed at the body sitting on the bed next to me, as hands belonging to that body shook me firmly, trying to awaken me; those hands belonged to my mother. I bolted up into a sitting position knocking the hands away from my chest. I felt one land in my groin area.
“What the fuck” I thought, as I realized that I had been dreaming, and my mom believing I was having a nightmare had ventured in to awaken me. I was gasping and breathing hard, my body wet and trembling as she threw an arm around me and pulled me into her. Thinking quickly as justified by the situation, I threw my own arms around her fleshy waist and pretended to be still shaken from the supposed nightmare. I did a good job of heavy breathing as she stroked the back of my neck and whispered consoling words in my ear. I opened my eyes and found that my mom was wearing a short silky wrap that was opened all the way down. I could see one of her soft cones smooth and shiny with a little pip. At the sight of it I felt my cock buck and realized that mom’s hand was stilling lying at the base of it where it had fallen, the fleshy side of her palm bracing against its base. That realization made it buck even more.

Mom was still consoling me with tender words. I willfully dropped my head, bringing my face to rest against a tempting breast, my lips pressed against the button. I wanted to open my mouth and engulf it, but I decided not to push my luck, but to rather enjoy it. I felt the pip stiffen against my lip and shortly after felt mom’s hand press against my raging hardness. As if to verify what it was she was feeling, I felt her fingers slowly and softly stretch up and touch the fat meat. She quickly pulled them away. She continued stroking my back as she asked me if I was feeling all right now. I didn’t answer, but let myself slide down and bring my head, face down to rest in her lap against the tiny white panties she was wearing. I could smell her feminine odor. I felt her body jerk slightly as I pressed my face into her groin area. I continued to pretend to be breathing hard, savoring the smell and touch of her softness. As she gently stroked my heaving back I felt her hand softly come to rest palm down on my erection and after giving it the briefest of squeeze she pulled it away and placed it back on my hairy groin; her fingers gently twirled the woolly strands.

She asked if I was all right now. Instead of answering I cleverly nodded in the affirmative four or five times, poking my nose into her crotch. I felt her thighs part slightly, and almost poked my tongue out, but was able to constrain the urge.
“I have to go to the bathroom,” I heard her say “that’s where I was headed when I heard you experiencing the nightmare. We will talk about it tomorrow if you feel like, ok baby?
I nodded a few more times again, enjoying the pleasure of it.
“And I won’t mention it to the others she said”
She got up and after bending over and kissing me lightly on the lips and telling me to try and sleep well, walked out the room and closed the door.

The next morning before I left for work I cornered jenny upstairs in front of her bedroom door and quickly pulled her to me. I placed my mouth against hers and she responded by opening hers and poking her tongue out. We kissed for what seemed like a minute straight until she pulled away, looking behind worriedly. Mom and dad hadn’t left as yet.
“Mom and dad will be leaving tomorrow evening for the weekend “Jenny said, like this was news to me. I didn’t miss the glint in her eyes, nor the hardened nipple poking her blouse. She squeezed my hand and turned and went downstairs as I watched her ample ass bouncing tantalizingly in tight terry cloth shorts.

The evening found Jenny, mom and me and the baby sitting before the TV enjoying a sitcom. After a while we got the unmistakable whiff of dad’s cologne, followed shortly after by his presence. Prior to that mom had met me in the kitchen and informed me that after dad left for his usual Thursday night outing at a karaoke bar with his pals, she would be glad to talk to me about the nightmare, that is, if I wanted to. I nodded yes. After dad left we continued to look at the TV for about another hour before I announced that I announced, after catching mom’s eyes that I was retiring for the night. Jenny smiled at me sweetly and my heart lurched at the thought that she might get it into her head to come to my room.

I lay in bed naked as usual, with a raging hardon, my heart beating wildly at the thought of what could soon happen; the forbidden boundary that could be crossed tonight. I heard jenny’s soft footsteps and soothing words to her baby as she headed for their room. An hour later I was still lying wide awake when my door opened and mom slipped in wearing a wrap similar to the one she had on the night before and once again it was wide open revealing what I could make out in the dim lighting provided by street light through the window as red lace panties snugly covering a sizable mound. She came and sat at the side of the bed next to me.
“I had to wait until jenny retired to bed” she whispered in a conspiratorial tone. She turned and looked at my raging member sticking into the air. She took my hand in hers and as her sparkling eyes looked into mine I knew that there wasn’t going to be any time wasted on talk about nightmares.
“You know Cliffy, last night when your head was resting on my chest I couldn’t help remembering how as a you loved feeding from my breast and how reluctant you were to finally stop when you were about three” she looked at me and smiled.
“And I got this strange feeling that you were remembering it and that you wanted to take my breast into your mouth. And I was wondering what it would feel like after all these years, and hoping that you would do it. I wanted to ask you to suck my breasts but I was afraid.”
“You don’t have to be afraid mom, I want to do it”. I reached up and pulled her wrap off her shoulders and placing my mouth to her handful of tit licked around the massive areola for a while before taking almost that entire lovely tit into my hot mouth. She gasped softly and then moaned with satisfaction as I sucked on her breast after an eighteen year absence. And what a welcome back home I got as she threw her legs across my thighs and leaned into me causing me to lie back down with her succulent breast in my eagerly sucking mouth.
“Oh my god Cliffy, that is not all l want you to do”, she cried out softly, “I want you to put this in me baby” she grabbed my cock hard. “I’ve been thinking about this all day”.
She rolled off me and onto her back, spreading her luscious legs. She pulled me over her and held on to my cock, pulling it down to her waiting, wet hole.
“Fuck me now baby, I want it right away, I can’t wait and also we might not have much time on hand, so put that wonderful cock in mommy”
With her hand guiding me I eased into my mom’s very wet, but surprisingly snug sex tunnel and as she urged me on I began to pound that fat sweet pussy fiercely, but yet cautiously for we both had in mind that Jenny’s bedroom though further down the hall and on the other side warranted some amount of consideration.
“Yes baby, yes, fill me up; fill mommy’s pussy with cock” she kept up this kind of talk while alternating her words with her pointed tongue sticking into my ear. This drove me wild and I buried my cock deep in her, grinding down hard flattening her mound and lips with my forceful groin. She wrapped her legs around mine and stated to wiggle underneath me. I felt her body tense and then break up wildly into a huge orgasm that she struggled to keep noiseless. I don’t know where I got that staying power from, but even after mom had come I continued to pound her wet pussy for a long time. I had been riding her for about an hour when I felt my orgasm coming. She felt it too, and begged me not to cum inside her
“Cliffy, just before you cum pull out and put your cock against my back, anus, you know, the other hole and come on that”
I felt my load begin to travel from my balls to my cock and I quickly pulled out just as mom raised her legs high pulling her thighs down to her chest. My cock found its head bracing against the puckered hole the same moment I erupted. I felt the first spurt of cum smear her asshole and I heard her whisper hurriedly:
“Push hard Cliffy, push it into me, put the rest of your cum into my asshole.
As the second load of spunk hit her hole I pushed forward as hard as I could and aided by the slimy lubricant I felt my cock go in and heard her grunt. I pushed again and felt half of my cock sink into her as I began to spurt more cum into my mom’s asshole. I felt her muscles clamp around me as I drained into her. I lay there until my cock softened and slipped out or was pushed out of her.
She got up off the bed, picked up her wrap and put it on and after kissing me deeply, she said:
“Thanks baby, you made mommy happy but I have to go and clean up before your father comes home. Be ready when I return after the weekend; we have to talk about your nightmare.

The next evening I could sense that for Jenny as well as for me it was an anxious wait for our parents to leave. We were constantly glancing at each other as they puttered about. When they finally left I feel the tension in the air cease. I watched as mom’s sumptuous ass bounced nicely in the thin, slinky black trousers that she was wearing as she headed out the door. It fitted her very tightly around the ass and crotch area. A little earlier, while dad and Jenny were downstairs mom had come into my bedroom and kissed me passionately while allowing me to feel up her fat pussy through her trousers. She had even got on her knees and quickly sucked my hard cock for about two or three minutes.

Jenny and I remained in front of the TV for about fifteen minutes as she tried to coax the baby to sleep. She got up to the baby’s annoyance and said she was going to their room. I knew she was anxious for the to sleep. I told her that I might not remain downstairs either, as I was feeling sleepy. She said it was ok, smiled sweetly, gave me a little wet kiss and went away. Shortly after I got up went to my room.

A little less than an hour later, through slightly opened eyes I saw my bedroom door swing inside to reveal Jenny standing there in the light from the corridor. I pretended to be asleep as my eyes took in the lush body and beautiful shape of my sweet sexy sister. She was completely naked. My cock raged maddeningly at the lovely sight, and I saw her bring her hand to her mouth as she stood there looking at it. Leaving the door just slightly ajar, because of the baby, I presumed, she walked across the floor and came toward my bed. She carefully climbed onto the bed and lay down straight beside me. She turned on her side and gently stroked my face, then my chest, slightly pinching my nipples. She kissed me softly on the lips as her hand travelled down my naked body. Like her mom had done the night before her fingers twirled the wooly hair. Avoiding my cock she stroked my balls then cupped them and massaged them gently. Then suddenly they were inside of her mouth and the sweet pain of the dream engulfed me once more. I opened my eyes and saw that she was on her knees almost backing me, her naked fat ass in the air as she worked over my balls with het full lips and tongue. I reached out a hand and cupped the matted plump pussy and was pleasantly surprised that just like in the dream it was like a wet sponge.

After playing with her pussy while she now sucked my cock vigorously, I pulled at her body and guessing what I wanted she threw one leg over to the other side of me and eased her body back a little allowing her ass to reach my face. The smell was awesome. I could see dew drops on her black mat. I nibbled at her fat ass cheeks surprised at their firmness. I spread the cheeks apart and licked between the cracks. She wiggled and snorted. I licked the wrinkled hole and poked my tongue into it. She wiggled again. I slid lower and licked a passage through the bush to her labia lips. I nibbled and chewed on them then I poked my tongue into her opening. I swirled around in there for a while enjoying the rich smell and taste of a pussy long denied and dripping with excitement. I latched on to her clit and she wiggled again. She released my cock from her mouth and straightened up. Still backing me she brought her hands behind to the bed rail and supporting herself, began to ride my face as I sucked on her clit. Suddenly her body stiffened, and she made a loud aaahhhh sound and then she was bucking on my face and making loud unintelligible sound as the orgasm touched her all over. As her trembling subsided she leaned forward on her hands, leaving her ass against my face.

I pulled out from under her and with her still in the doggy position I parted her bush and positioned my hard cock at her entrance. Before I could do anything else she pushed back forcefully and I entered her feeling my cock drag hair into her pussy. She later told me that deciding some time back before coming back home that she was no longer into sex, she had just stopped trimming her bush. I pushed into her forcefully and heard her wince. I began pounding her pussy, enraptured by the thwacking sound of my lower belly bouncing against her ample booty. She bucked and wined like a porn star against my pummeling, letting lose all her banked up energy and passion. I rode her until my knees felt sore. Then I lay back and stretched out allowing her to continue the ride until another orgasm ripped through her body.

After she stopped trembling I turned her over onto her back, spread her legs wide, entered her and began pounding her pussy once more, she urging me on with little screams and hisses and moaning. When I felt myself coming I tried to pull out, but she wrapped her arm around me holding me tight and bucking under me as I emptied into her contracting pussy.

When I was spent she asked if we could rest for a little while, maybe sleep for an hour or two. I agreed and she turned on her side backing me. She asked me to cup her pussy from behind. The wet mound filled my hand. After a little while I felt her reach behind and taking my fingers and rubbing them up in her wetness, she then took one oh my fingers and placed it against the entrance of her puckered hole and began pressing it in. I needed no further urging, I let the lubricated finger slide into her tight hole.
“Just a little” I heard her say, placing a restraining hand on mine, “but after we sleep you can put the entire finger and whatever else all the way up in there if you want." Like mother like daughter I thought. After a few minutes she was snoring lightly, my index finger stuck up her ass.

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