Pass the Ketchup dear!

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

Jim knew his wife was cheating on him, but he'd never caught her, and if he brought it up he knew she'd deny it. At first he thought it was hot, thinking someone else also desired your wife was a bit of a turn on; he wanked himself silly sometimes just thinking about it. She was careful though; the bed sheets were always changed afterwards, along with her underwear.

There were times she slipped up though; a discarded pair of knickers behind the laundry hamper with a tell-tale mark on the crotch, a used condom under the bed when they hadn't made love for months. She always had an excuse, and it was always plausible. It was only a matter of time before she got sloppy and made a real mistake.

Jim and Kate had been married for 25 years, 23 of them happily. For the last two years though things had waned; their son and daughter had left home five years ago, Kate had lost interest in the bedroom department and they were hardly at home together. Kate was a nurse at the local hospice and Jim was on-call as an emergency mechanic, their shifts rarely coincided and they'd begun to drift apart.

One particular morning, Jim got up late for work; despite working irregular evening hours, he still had to be in the office for 9am. Starting his car and driving down the road, he spotted an unfamiliar car. He knew it wasn't one of the neighbours; he'd fixed most of their vehicles before and knew everyone. The driver was staring at him as he passed, giving Jim an uneasy feeling. He drove around the next corner and parked up, got out of his car and walked back to his street; the car was gone from where he'd passed it but he could see it pulling on to his drive.

Jim's heart was racing; he didn't know what to do. He walked back to his car, legs unsteady. Reaching for the door he had to steady himself with his other hand on the roof. His mind ran through a thousand questions; could this be the lover? Could it be a doctor on a house call? Should he go to work, or back to the house? If he went back to the house, what would he do? If he went to work, would he be able to think straight? His phone rang; he stared at it and answered on the fifth ring. "Hello?" he said shakily.

"Hi Jim, it's Peter. Are you OK?"

"Er, yeah. I'm OK I guess Peter." he replied.

"Well you sound like shit buddy! Listen, you've been working too hard this past month, we think you need a break. Why don't you take a week off? I'll square it with the boss. Go put your feet up and we'll see you next Monday!"

Jim took a second to take the information on board. "You still there Jimmy boy?"

"Yeah, yeah." Jim's head was still reeling. Peter's voice sounded like it was speaking a hundred miles away from inside a tin can.

"You go home, if you're not already there Bud. Get some rest, don't worry about a thing." Peter said jovially.

"Yeah, cheers Peter." Jim replied and hung up.

"What the hell do I do now?" Jim said to himself.

"Don't ask me Jim, but could you shift your car from the end of my drive?" Jim's neighbour broke him from his thoughts. He spun around to see Mike attempting to squeeze his car around the back of Jim's poorly parked one.

"Sorry Mike." Jim spluttered, "World of my own there for a sec!"

"Well now you're back in this one. Would you mind?" Mike gestured towards Jim's car. Jim got in, started the engine and drove around the block.

When he reached his house the strange car was still there on his drive. He looked around at the other houses, all his neighbours had gone to work. He wasn't particularly neighbourly with them, he'd wave and say hi to them if he saw them, but he was no social butterfly. Kate, on the other hand, knew them all by name. It was because of her that they were invited to all the neighbourhood parties and barbeques, and Jim's services were offered when their vehicles broke down or other mechanical jobs needed someone who understood the workings. He didn't know any of them well enough that they'd tell him that strange cars were turning up on a regular basis.

He drove up the street, passed the road he'd turned up before and turned down a secluded street further down. The houses here were bigger, and most people round here kept themselves to themselves. He was sure that none of them would recognise him. Jim got out of the car and walked slowly towards his house.

Fifteen minutes later and he was standing, shaking, at his front door. His worry had turned to anger as he slid his key into the lock quietly and pushed the door open slowly. He needn’t have been so stealthy though, Kate was moaning loudly in time to the squeaking of their bed and the headboard banging on the wall.

He was angry now, walking through the kitchen into the garage, he reached up, felt around on top of a shelf and retrieved his baseball bat. Kate was screaming now as Jim climbed the stairs and slowly opened the bedroom door. Jim stood in the doorway, Kate was on her knees on the bed, face buried in a pillow, screaming as a man he'd never seen before stood behind ploughing into her arse.

Shifting his grip on the bat and approached the man quickly, Jim swung the bat upwards between the man's legs. He connected with the man's testicles on his inward stroke, feeling at least one of them burst as the bat reached his pelvis. All three of them screamed; Jim with a shout of triumph, Kate with surprise and lust as the man thrust himself hard into her anus, and her lover, in pain and terror as Jim stepped to the side and swing the bat at the strangers head. The screaming stopped as he crumpled to the floor and Jim stood over him, bat raised and ready for more; but there was no movement from him at all.

Kate was cowering at the top of the bed, back pressed against the headboard, knees pulled against her chest, a frightened look in her eyes as Jim's gaze fell upon her. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Don't hurt me, please don't hurt me!" She panicked as Jim rounded the bed towards her, bat in hand.

"He was blackmailing me. I had no choice. Please listen!" she pleaded. He paused, calming down a little as the enormity of what he'd just done sank in.

"Go on." he said as he sat on the edge of the bed and faced her, looking into her frightened eyes. She was scared, but she wasn't scared of Jim. What scared her most was the truth of what had happened and how Jim would react when she told him.

Two years ago at the hospice, Paul, the man currently lying prostrate on the floor, had come on to her. At first she rejected his advances, but deep down she was flattered. That flattery made its way to the surface one day and she found herself blushing as he voiced his opinion on her nicely rounded buttocks. Kate's bum was one of the things that Jim loved about her. It looked fantastic when packaged in a tight pair of jeans; even better in a pair of yoga pants. There was a gym at the hospital next door to the hospice where she worked which she made good use of. At 45 she was still in good shape and her bum, she thought, was her best feature. Paul thought so too, he patted, squeezed and stroked it nearly every time he passed her. She slapped his hand away on every occasion but the last time he caught her off guard.

She'd had an argument with Jim before she left the house, she couldn't remember what it had been about, but she was still fuming and wanted to get back at him. Now, alone in Paul's office, after he'd paid her the compliment, she felt her cheeks redden and his hand stayed on her bum. Surprised that it hadn't been removed by her, Paul went further and caressed one cheek, moving slowly towards the other with one hand and feeling the cheek he'd just left with his free hand.

Feeling bold, he moved his hands to her sides and pulled her to him. His erect penis pressed between them as his hands moved around her front and up to her breasts. She exhaled as his hands cupped her breasts and he pressed himself in to her. She could feel his breath as he moved in to kiss her neck and behind her ears. He turned Kate around and kissed her mouth. She parted her lips and his tongue darted into her mouth. She kissed him back hungrily as her hands encircled him and he grasped her buttocks, lifting her and placing her on the edge of his desk.

He moved down her body as she leaned back and he reached under her uniform dress to stroke her labia through her panties. She groaned as he pushed the flimsy material to the side and moistened his finger in her wetness, gently rubbing her lips. She lifted her hips so he could slide her panties around her bum and down her slender legs; kicking them off her feet as she opened her legs and he lowered his face to her pussy, breathing on her moist lips.

She hadn't shaved down there for a few days, his tongue rasped up her stubble causing a pleasant vibration as he licked the length of her slit, plunging his fingers in when she was good and wet. Gasping as his third finger entered her, he curled his middle finger up towards her g-spot, sucking on her clit, she gripped the edge of the desk as her first orgasm ripped through her. Kate stifled a cry as she remembered where she was and Paul's hand and tongue continued to work their magic.

Paul removed his hand and stood up, unbuckled his belt and let his trousers fall to the floor. She could see his impressive length through his pants and she reached out to touch it. He pushed his pants down and she held his hard penis, pulling him towards her as they embraced, her legs around his waist and her hand guiding him towards her wanton, dripping sex. He entered her easily; she could feel every vein pulse within her as he slid his cock in. Her legs wrapped around him, pulling him deeper, wanting more of this throbbing monster to invade her married pussy.

He fucked her hard, eliciting a whimper from Kate as his cock drove through her. She neared orgasm, her arms tight around his shoulders and her face buried in his neck as she screamed through it. He pushed her back and pulled out, his cum spurting high and splashing on her uniform and his desk. Both panting hard as they came down from their euphoria, he collapsed on a seat and rolled his head on his shoulders.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that to you!" He said a smug look on his face. "You're mine now!"

Kate was stood up, wiping the sperm from her uniform with a tissue. She looked up at him quizzically, "What do you mean?" she said.

"I mean, that you're mine to do with whatever I please! There's nothing you can do about it!" He laughed meanly. "You were fully complicit in this. You can't tell your husband, he'll throw you out. You can't tell the board because they won't believe a mere staffer over me. And you can't tell the police you were d because you weren't. Simply put, I own you!"

Kate's head was reeling, she knew she was trapped. She couldn't see a way out and felt her world falling apart.

Over the next two years she would find that Paul would engineer situations where they would be alone together and he'd end up fucking her. In stairwells, the laundry room, offices, even on empty beds in wards full of sleeping patients. Even though she tried to avoid him, he would still find a way to be with her. He even broke into her locker at work and borrowed her keys so he could make a set for himself; the first she knew of this was when Jim had gone to work early.

She thought Jim had forgotten something when she heard the front door open. She was undressed and getting ready for a shower when Paul came into the bedroom and pushed her onto the bed. Shocked into inaction, she was pulled over onto her front, her bum in the air as he dropped his trousers and pushed his hard cock into her vagina. She screamed into a pillow as he relentlessly fucked her until he came into the condom he was already wearing. Arse still in the air, pussy lips sore and puffy from their battering, Kate sobbed into the pillow as he disengaged and got off the bed. "You'll be enjoying a lot more of that." He said as he entered the bathroom to clean himself up. He dried his hands on a towel, tossed it onto the bed and left, leaving her crying and feeling helpless.

She desperately wanted to tell someone, but there was nobody she could trust. The girls at work wouldn't understand; they all fancied Paul, and he was a different person around them, all sweet and polite, they were all doe eyed when they were around him. Her best friend on the street was Mary, but she would gossip amongst the other women on the street. She didn't think Jim would understand, or care for that matter. He'd just throw her out if he knew she was cheating on him. But was this really cheating? She knew that she'd opened that particular door once; she'd tried to shut it since, but Paul had wedged it open and wouldn't let it close until he was finished with her; but when would that be?

Her answer to that question had just happened. Kate finished telling her story as the crumpled form of Paul spluttered on the bedroom floor. He opened his eyes and saw the baseball bat on a collision course with his nose, then all went black again. "We have to call the police!" Jim said, placing the ied bat on the bed.

"No!" Kate pleaded. "Not after you've beaten him so badly. You could end up going to jail for assault!"

"Then what do we do?" Jim asked.

They thought for a minute, looking from Paul's unconscious, naked body on the floor to each other, then Kate had an idea.

"Help me put him on the spare bed and get some rope from the garage." She said as she jumped off the bed and shrugged on her dressing gown. "We're going to give this fucker a taste of his own medicine!"

Jim dragged him into his daughter's old bedroom and they placed him on the metal framed bed. The he retrieved the rope from the garage and tied his legs and arms to each corner. A noose was placed around Paul's neck and secured to the back of the bed, then another rope bound his torso. There was no way he could move.

Kate had showered and dressed for work by the time Jim was finished trussing up their captive. He stood up to admire her in her uniform, he could tell that she'd changed; she seemed stronger and somehow sexier. Jim couldn't quite put his finger on it until she approached him and hugged him tightly. They looked at each other and kissed passionately, breaking apart only when Paul snorted through his broken nose. For the first time in two years, she felt empowered.

Kate left for work, leaving Jim with their guest. He looked towards the man who had tormented his wife and smiled. Paul still had a hardon, it was maybe an hour since he'd been knocked out cold, but he was still stood to attention. Jim saw Paul's eyes flutter, almost imperceptibly, he could tell that Paul was pretending to be unconscious. The bat was behind him, so Jim picked it up and pressed the end into Paul's destroyed ball sack. Paul tensed up and screamed as the pain shot through his body. Jim almost felt sorry for him as he twisted the bat left and right, Paul, unable to move, screamed louder, his cries becoming hoarse. Jim went back into their bedroom and retrieved Paul's socks from the floor. Returning to his daughter's bedroom, their new dungeon, he pressed the bat into Paul's scrotum again; Paul opened his mouth to scream but Jim a sock into it, muffling his cries instantly. "We can't have you disturbing the neighbours now, can we?" Jim said.

"I'll fucking destroy you!" came the muffled reply.

"Nah, pal! Your destroying days are over!" Jim chuckled, then he the other sock into Paul's mouth and placed a strip of gaffer tape across his lips. As he left the room, Jim could hear the muffled cries of his prisoner. Things had got complicated, but they were going to be okay.

Kate returned from work at around 6pm and was greeted at the door by Jim. She handed him a Styrofoam box and returned to her car to retrieve another. "There's a couple more in the boot, and a stand on the back seat too." She said. Jim wondered what her plans were, but he had a good idea of what was coming next.

They took the boxes and the stand into their new dungeon. Paul watched them, his eyes wide with fear as Kate set up the drip stand with a bag of saline and a long plastic tube connected to a cannula. She tapped his arm, looked for a vein and pierced his skin with the needle. He tensed, screaming through his gag for them to stop. Pleading with them. Tears ran down his cheeks, but they were wasted on his captors. "You've done far worse to me Paul." Kate said calmly. "You may not have used ropes to bind me, but you tied me up emotionally. Now it's your turn, and I intend to enjoy it!"

She turned, spied his erect penis and ran her finger down its length, squeezing his balls tightly as he screamed, then passed out. She left the room with a wry smile on her lips and a deliciously evil plan in her head.

She entered the kitchen as Jim was putting the bags of saline into the fridge. "How long are we keeping him?" Jim asked.

"As long as he lasts." She replied, then kissed him.

"We'll have to get rid of his car." said Jim as he held his wife closely. He couldn't remember her ever feeling so vibrant, it was as if every fibre of her being was thrumming. It was intoxicating.

"Move it into the garage for tonight. I think I've got a plan!" Kate took Jim's hand and led him upstairs to their bedroom. The sound of their lovemaking drifted through the walls, making Paul's painfully erect penis ache. As Kate screamed through her third orgasm, Paul's ruined testicles throbbed and a thin rivulet of cum oozed from his cock. He cried himself quietly to sleep.

Morning came, Kate checked on Paul, changed his drip, then patted his still erect penis and left for work. Jim didn't visit the room all morning, preferring instead to work in his shed. Paul could hear Jim banging and sawing away, not knowing if he was just fixing things or making a device to him with. Paul tried to test his bonds, but every strain and wriggle brought fresh pain. He'd passed out twice already and had resigned to his fate. Whatever they had planned for him would be half of what he was planning for his revenge.

Kate came home with a pair of panties in a bag in her pocket. Jim looked at her strangely until she explained that they were off one of her co-workers. Julie was a nurse who had the hots for Paul. She'd told Kate that he'd fucked her in his office a few times a while ago, but he hadn't touched her since. She still wanted him to fuck her again because she loved it rough, and he knew just how she liked it. She also said that he kept a pair of her panties in his desk drawer. Julie hadn't been seen for weeks, the staff knew she had an abusive boyfriend; she would turn up with fresh bruises nearly every week. The police had been called to her house on several occasions, but she refused to press charges and the would carry on regardless.

In the afternoon, Kate snuck in to Paul's office and retrieved the panties. Wearing rubber gloves, she removed them from the drawer and placed them in a sterile bag.

Kate climbed the stairs and entered what she now thought of as Paul's dungeon. The curtains were closed but Paul was wide awake. Kate pulled on a pair of latex gloves and pulled the panties out of the bag. "You know what these are? Don't you? Naughty boy!"

"Mmmph." Paul replied. He was shivering.

"Don't be scared naughty boy. I'm not here to punish you." She wrapped the panties around his ever present erection and started to move her gloved hand up and down his shaft. The pain was excruciating, but the pleasure was intensifying as she sped up and he came into the silky material. He panted and shook as she placed the panties back in the bag, then she left the room and shut the door.

Kate entered the garage, removed the panties from the bag and dropped them on the back seat. Jim, dressed in Paul's clothes, which were rather baggy on him, drove Paul's car to a secluded car park off a country road, 20 miles from their house. Kate had followed in her car and pulled up in a space further up from Jim. She walked to Paul's car and applied the finishing touches, smearing Paul's and semen on the steering wheel and the back seat. Jim and Kate then abandoned Paul's car, leaving the driver's door unlocked and the rear passenger door open.

Getting back in Kate's car they kissed and Jim's hand stole to her crotch, rubbing her moist lips, pushing his finger into her and caressing her swollen clit. She gripped the wheel as she came, then she kissed him again deeply, composed herself and drove back home.

At home, Jim undressed and Kate put the clothes in the washer. As the machine started they could hear Paul struggling to get free. "I've got this." Jim said as he went to the room, naked, grabbing the bat on the way in. Paul stopped moving, his eye's like saucers surrounded by black and deep purple rings, had a look of sheer terror as Jim swung the bat forcefully towards his knees. There was a deafening crack as the bat split and Paul shrieked in pain as his knee shattered. Jim poked the splintered handle of the bat into the soft flesh under Paul's jaw and he twisted it, letting the sharp wood prick and puncture his captive's skin. Paul settled, the terrified look not leaving his eyes.

"Look what you've made me do now!" Jim said menacingly. Paul tried to shrink back into the pillow as Jim advanced towards his head, looking from the broken handle of the bat to Paul's perpetual hardon.

"Did you enjoy that? It certainly looks like you did!" Jim turned and walked to a drawer; opening it, he retrieved a jar of Vaseline and returned to the bed. He turned the broken handle around in his hand, Paul staring at it intently as Jim covered the rounded end in the jelly and moved to the middle of the bed.

"Open wide!" Jim commanded, but Paul was shaking his head violently and trying to force his legs together. Jim pressed on Paul's shattered knee, the bottom half of his leg poking upwards at an odd angle as Paul screamed against his gag and Jim the broken handle into his anus.

"At least he used lubrication!" Came a voice from the doorway, "It's more than you afforded me when you arse fucked me!"

Kate approached the bed and kissed Jim, reaching down to caress his erect penis. "It looks like you got a bit excited there too babe!" she said, stroking him gently. "Go get a shower, I'll join you in a sec." Jim wandered off into their bedroom, leaving Kate alone with Paul.

"Look at you getting all the action!" She grabbed the broken handle and turned it slowly. Paul was sweating and shaking as she pushed the bat further in, fucking his arse with the broken wood.

"You do like it!" she squealed as a drop of pre-cum emerged from his cock. "Oh I've just had a wonderful idea!" She clapped excitedly and left the room, leaving the broken handle inside Paul's bum.

Two minutes later he could hear them fucking in the shower. He could feel his cock pumping in time to Kate's moans along with his anus pulsing around the bat. As he came involuntarily, his left leg pressed into the bed and he blacked out.

Paul woke up, disorientated; he was still tied to the bed, unable to move, but now he was on his knees. He could see an empty syringe on the bedside table and his drip had been refreshed. He also noticed that the bat had been removed from his arse, but although the pain in his knee had subsided, his anus was still throbbing. He could also smell something rubbery and there was something silvery at the edge of his vision. He looked to the right, remembering there was a dressing table there with a mirror on it. He could just about see the top of his head, encased in a black rubber gimp mask. "Shit!" He thought, "What the fuck have they planned for me now?"

He didn't have long to find out. Three voices were coming up the stairs, Kate and Jim's he recognised instantly, God knows he'd spent enough time here. The third voice he was sure he knew, but couldn't quite place it. "Has that Cialis kicked in yet Bill?" Kate asked their new friend.

"It sure has." Bill replied, Paul knew who it was now, and he started to panic, "I'm ready for my birthday treat!"

"I'll have to blindfold you first!" Kate said, "It's meant to be a special surprise for both of you!". She tied the blindfold around Bill's eyes and led him into the room.

Paul could see the man in the mirror and he started to hyperventilate. Kate guided him round the bed to face Paul. Bill was black, stood six and a half foot high in his stocking feet and, as Kate stood behind him and pushed down his pants, Paul could see he was hung like a mule. Paul started to shake his head, whimpering through the gag. "Ooooh! Gimp likes you!" She said as she led Bill towards the end of the bed.

"Give me your hands." Kate told Bill; she placed them on Paul's buttocks. Paul tensed and Bill felt his bum, caressed it gently, then felt the tip of a penis touch his hole.

"There you are!" Bill said, his voice tinged with triumph as he felt resistance at first, then his cock its way into Paul's arse. Paul whimpered, trying to pull away, but Bill's hands grasped his hips and pulled him back, fully impaling Paul on Bill's rock hard monster.

Bill didn't know that it was Paul he was fucking. He would have taken even more pleasure from the fact he was arse the man who had made his life a misery at work. Paul bullied him perpetually. Bill knew he was a gay, black, male nurse; but to have this little weasel constantly calling you both to your face and behind your back because of it, made him sick. Bill complained to the board, but it fell on deaf ears; Paul had already called him a whiny little gay bitch to most of them, so they just laughed it off as a tantrum. To the board, Paul could do no wrong; sales figures were up and it was all down to him. Money talked, bullshit walked; Paul thought he was untouchable.

He was being touched now though. Bill was picking up speed, ramming Paul's backside harder and grunting. Taking longer and faster strokes he exploded into Paul's bowels. Paul recoiled with revulsion as he also came, emptying himself onto the sheets below him. Bill's softening cock slid from Paul's d anus as Kate led Bill from the room, towards the shower.

"That was quite a show buddy!" Jim whispered in Paul's ear. Paul wanted to collapse on the bed, but the ropes binding him forbade it. Relief came when Jim reached for a syringe and emptied the contents into Paul's neck. The world went black and he slumped in his restraints.

Waking, on his back again, relieved that his arse was no longer throbbing, Paul took in his restricted view of the room. He was still wearing the mask, the serrated edges of the silvery zips just in the periphery, the ropes still bound him tight to the bed, but something felt wrong. He wiggled the toes of his right foot, then tried to wiggle the toes of his left. He remembered that his left leg had been broken, but he was sure he could remember a feeling in his toes. The ropes felt different on his left side too. He strained his neck and head, trying to get a glimpse of what was below his waist. He could see his penis, still erect and seemingly mocking him, he could see the toes of his right foot, but he couldn't see his left at all. He panicked, screaming as loud as the gag would allow, fighting against the rope that secured him.

Seconds passed and Jim entered the room holding a bag. He reached in and removed a ied lump, "You looking for this pal?" he asked, waving the severed foot at Paul's horrified face.

"We had to take it off!" Jim explained, "You would probably have lost it to infection anyway, and Bill wouldn’t have found it pleasant with that leg waving all over the place. It's distracting!

"I hope you enjoyed Bill, by the way. He certainly did. Best birthday present he's had in ages he said! Can't wait for next year's surprise. Anyway, I think our Kate did a good job of your stump; quite neat considering!

"Oh yeah! Seeing as you won't be needing this anymore, Kate is taking it to the hospital incinerator. It must be nice to have friends in low places that don't ask questions and don't bother looking in bin bags when they take out the trash. The rest of the leg we're saving for later." With that, Jim left the room and Paul strained to look at the remnants of his left leg.

Paul awoke in excruciating pain, bucking and straining against his bonds. He heard Kate shout "Fuck! He's Awake!" and then spied Jim rising to his feet, holding a y hacksaw.

"No you don't." Jim said calmly, placing his hands on Paul's shoulders and pushing him into the bed. Kate appeared next to Jim, she was holding a syringe which she pushed into Paul's neck and injected him with the contents.

"That was close!" He heard Kate say as he spiralled into darkness.

Paul dreamt that he was diving off an exotic reef, weightless in the water, floating towards coral of such exquisite colour that he was in awe of nature’s wondrous beauty. As he opened his eyes, his dreams were shattered, the all too familiar ceiling bearing down on him. The pink lampshade mocking him from above. He wanted to scream, shout and break the ropes holding him to this godforsaken bed. Then he remembered the saw, and the syringe. The drip stand still towered above him to the left. The saline bag that still providing his only nourishment, hung from it. The tube seemed to be hanging differently though. He couldn't feel the ever present cannula scratching in his arm. For that matter, he couldn't feel his arm either.

Raising his head slightly, he looked from left to right. He could still see his penis, his erection had still not subsided. He looked towards his limbs, but he couldn't see them. Then, panic rising, he looked over to the dressing table. They weren't there. He could see a knife on the bedside table, tantalisingly out of reach. He thought to himself that if he could loosen the bonds from his wrist, he should be able to reach the knife; but he couldn't feel his wrist, or his arm.

He screamed in frustration, rocking from side to side. He felt a rope slip and rocked some more. Another rope loosened and he felt a thrill as his bonds released and he rolled off the bed with a thump. Confused, he looked down to see that his legs were missing from below his buttocks. He tried to reach down to feel the stumps, only to discover that his arms were also missing. What the hell had they done to him? What we’re going to do to him? He thought, "May as well do a head count then!"

Kate and Jim entered the room to find Paul on the floor. Unsure as to whether he was laughing or crying, Jim lifted him back onto the bed and tied him back down again. "It's horrible feeling helpless, isn't it?" Kate asked Paul. "Not able to even help yourself out of trouble? That's what it's been like for the ones you've kept under your grubby little thumb for the last few years you maggot!

"Poor Bill! A big man like that reduced to tears because of your bullying, you should be ashamed of yourself! And Julie! I've seen the pictures of her that you sent to her boyfriend from your phone; it's no wonder nobody's heard from her since. What you did to me, and probably others too, is unforgivable.

"But we're going to forgive and forget. That's why we're throwing a party tomorrow. A barbeque actually; and you're the guest of honour."

"She says guest." Jim added. "Actually, you're the main course!"

The colour drained from Paul's face as Kate applied the syringe to his neck and he drifted away to the sound of sharpening knives.

A smell like cooking pork wafted in through the open window. Paul could see a garden full of people he knew and some he didn't. He'd been propped up under the window and a crude periscope was attached to his head; allowing him to see, but not be seen. He could turn his head slightly and scan the party, but the movement was restricted.

With the window open he could also hear what was going on. Many people were complimenting Jim on his cooking; how tender and tasty the meat was, and asking him where he bought it from. Replying that it was a trade secret, it took Paul a few minutes to realise that the meat was him. He chuckled, feeling happy that these unsuspecting people were enjoying just how delicious he was, not realising that he was pumped full of morphine that Kate had liberated from the hospice storeroom with Paul's code and key.

He heard footsteps climbing the stairs and a female voice that wasn't Kate's. Heart jumping, he tried to call out, but only made a vague whistling noise. His mouth was still sealed shut and he felt the mask still on his head, but he couldn't make a noise loud enough to be heard by himself, let alone anyone else.

Mary jiggled the doorknob and was surprised to find it locked. She knew that Kate kept her toys in this room, she was feeling frisky and all the men here were off limits, including her husband, who was busy flirting with Kate's workmates. Frustrated, she felt the top of the door jamb and found the key.

She twisted the key in the lock and opened the door. Mary was about to scream when she saw the contraption by the window, but Kate, who had seen Mary sneak upstairs, had crept up behind her and put her hand over Mary's mouth.

Calming down, Mary asked, "What the hell is that?"

"Jim made it." Kate whispered. "Help me lift it on the bed if you want to try it out?"

Mary's eyes lit up. They lifted Paul onto the bed. He was unrecognisable. They had wrapped him in cling-film, then covered him in bandages soaked in plaster of Paris, fashioning what looked like a Halloween mummy. Only his perpetually erect penis was visible.
Mary reached out and touched it. "It feels so real." She giggled.

Kate opened a drawer and pulled out a condom. She unwrapped it and rolled it onto Paul's erection. Mary looked confused. "What do you need that for?" She asked.

"I don't know where you've been?" Kate nudged her playfully as Mary pulled down her panties and sat astride Paul. She could have sworn she heard a groan as it slid into her excited pussy.

"Ooh! That feels so good!" Mary squealed, "So real!" She bucked harder, thrusting her hips into the new toy as she came. She could feel the penis throbbing inside her as she came for a second time, then dismounted as her panting subsided.

"You've got to get Jim to make me one of these!" Mary said, legs shaky as she rested on the edge of the bed. She looked at the condom, its bulb full of milky fluid. "It's almost as if it's alive! I could swear I felt it cumming!" She reached out and stroked the condom covered phallus which twitched at her touch.

"I'm afraid it's a one off." Kate said. "Jim designed it with one of the guys at the hospice. Something to do with sex therapy. But he's buggered off and we've been left in the lurch."

Mary mulled it over for a second, then said excitedly, "If it's cash you need, you only have to ask me." It was true, Mary was loaded, thanks to a rich husband. She knew she was a trophy wife, her husband had little interest in sex, but she didn't care; she got her kicks elsewhere. She was the reason that the neighbour to the left of Mary's house got her mail half an hour later than the neighbour to her right, and, although the window cleaner's van was regularly seen outside Mary's house, her windows were no cleaner than the rest of the street's. There were others too, but her husband was either oblivious or didn't care.

"Thanks babe." Kate replied, "But money's not the issue. That guy was a central part of the whole workings."

With that, Mary pulled on her panties and, with a wistful look at the erectioned lump on the bed, she left the room and re-joined the party.

The next Monday, there was some excitement at the hospice; the police had found Paul's car and Julie's soiled panties abandoned in a rural car park. They had also found Julie's lifeless body in her apartment. Julie's boyfriend had been arrested but, with Paul missing in suspicious circumstances, the police didn't know if he was an accomplice or a victim. Either way, Paul was a wanted man.

No one wanted him more than Mary at that moment though. She was pleading with Jim to let her have another go on his wondrous machine; offering herself to him for five minutes alone with his contraption. Mary was a very attractive and undeniably sexy woman, but not to Jim. To him, she was Kate's best, but nosy friend; he knew that somehow she'd find Paul, which is why he'd gone to such lengths to make him look more mechanical than organic.

He certainly didn't want the neighbours hearing her being pleasured at his house, especially while Kate was at work. Mary may have been the head of the local gossip mill, but it worked pretty well without her too; and this was the sort of scandal they lapped up.

Jim knew he'd have to dispose of Paul somehow, but he was unaware of the police's growing interest in him. Knowing that Mary wouldn't give up, he decided on a compromise and went upstairs to the spare bedroom. There he injected Paul with morphine, disconnected the drip and placed him in a suit cover from the wardrobe. Jim then took him downstairs and offered to take his device over to Mary's house. Mary was delighted, although Jim said he'd need it back in a few hours. She was puzzled, but mostly disappointed with the time limit, although she decided to let it slide.

An hour later, Jim heard a knock at the door; fully expecting to see Mary in a state of distress having discovered the machine's true inner workings, he was surprised to see two police officers.

Handing a search warrant to Jim, an officer explained that, due to the suspicious circumstances of Paul's disappearance, and the discovery of his relationship with Jim's wife (one of the nurses had spotted them fucking in Paul's office), they had reason to believe that he may have been at the premises recently. His car had been seen here by neighbours around the time he had vanished.

Jim was shaken. The officer took it as a sign that he hadn't known about his wife's infidelities and apologised. Jim thanked the officer and invited them both in. Showing them around the house and garage, Jim explained that the drip stand was for his elderly mother, who sometimes stayed with them over Christmas; the ropes had been removed, they were surplus to requirements now Paul had a full, what was left of his body, cast.

Satisfied, the officers left; thanking Jim and apologising once again for breaking the bad news and disturbing his peace. Jim thanked the officers for their concern and added that he hoped they caught him. As they drove away, curtains twitched at windows and muffled screams of ecstasy came from across the road.

Kate rang Jim panicking; she'd only just heard that someone had told the police about her and Paul. Jim told her that it had all been taken care of; Paul was being looked after by Mary.
Kate laughed, she knew Mary would have to have another go, although Mary wouldn't know just how big a favour she'd just done them.

Word got around the street fast. Several of the neighbours that Jim hardly knew had tried to strike up a conversation with him; trying to wheedle out a reason as to why the police had visited. Jim just told them that they'd asked about a man who Kate knew from work who'd gone missing. Less than satisfied, but knowing that was all that they'd get from Jim, they left him alone.

Mary popped back over in the evening to ask if she could keep Kate's toy a few more days. Her husband was away on business and she was feeling frisky. Jim said that he didn't mind and then answered her questions concerning the policemen's visit. One of the neighbours must have told her; Jim knew she'd been preoccupied. He told her the same story he'd told them; she said she'd ask Kate later and left. He thought she was walking a little awkwardly down the path, she stumbled in her heels as she reached the curb.

Kate had only been home for half an hour when the police turned up again; something didn't add up when they had broken the news of Kate's infidelity; Jim had taken it too well, as far were concerned and they wanted to probe more. Just as they were about to sit in the lounge with a cup of coffee each, the doorbell rang. Mary, sniffing around for fresh gossip, barged past Kate, straight into the lounge.

Placing herself between the two policemen, Mary asked what they were here for. She'd heard from Jim about the missing man and wanted to know more.

"Sorry officers." Jim said, interrupting Mary, "Mary here is a bit of a man hunter."

"More like a man eater!" Said Kate, sitting next to Jim and taking hold of his hand. Mary crossed her arms and sat back. Then she sat forward and placed her hands on the officer's thighs either side of her.

"Right then!" Said Mary, "Shall we start?" The officers looked puzzled; then one asked Kate if it was okay for Mary to be here, owing to the nature of their enquiries.

"It's fine." Kate replied. "The street will find out one way or the other. I'd prefer she hear the truth first hand."

The policeman cleared his throat. "Okay. When we told your husband about your affair, he didn't seem very shocked, could you tell me why?"

Mary looked shocked; she hadn't heard about this, and Kate had never told her. Her hands gripped the officer’s thighs harder.

Jim answered, "I had an idea she was cheating on me, but not who with. I'd met Paul once and he struck me as the type of slimy, womanising bastard that would charm his way into any woman's pants. I can't say he fooled me, but, if what I've heard about him is true, a good proportion of the nurses have had him between their legs whether they asked for it or not."

"So you think he'd resort to ?" The officer asked.

"I wouldn't put it past him. I think he was on a power trip, in charge of these women, thinking they were at his beck and call." Jim replied.

"And you got all this from meeting him once?" The second officer enquired.

"He's a good judge of character is Jim." Kate said, "He's not overly fond of Mary here, but he puts up with her for me. Don't you love?" She patted Jim's knee.

Jim looked at Kate and smiled, then to Mary, who was scowling at him. The officers shifted uncomfortably. "I think we're finished here." One of the officers said, standing up. The other officer followed as they walked to the door. Mary followed close behind.

Pausing at the door, the first officer turned around, Mary bounced off his chest and she looked up, embarrassed. He addressed Jim and Kate, "If you hear anything, you can reach me at this number." He held out a card which Kate took. The officer thanked them, then held the door open for Mary, who scuttled towards her home.

It was warm, so they slept with the windows open, Mary's ecstatic moans drifting across the street on the breeze.

The next afternoon Mary arrived at Kate's door. She saw Jim leave for work that morning and didn't want to face him yet. Kate opened the door.

"I think I've broke it!" Mary said, standing on the doorstep.

"Broke what?" Kate asked.

"Jim's sex machine." Said Mary. "It must have a puncture or something; the dildo bit has gone soft! I couldn't find a valve or anything to pump it back up with!"

"I'll send Jim over when he gets in from work."

"No!" Mary said, a little too harshly, "I can't face him yet; not now I know he doesn't like me."

"It's not like that." Kate said kindly, "He just doesn't like the way you flaunt yourself around."

"Oh!" Mary said, "Could you help me carry it back over here anyway? I'm still not too comfortable around him."

They both went over to Mary's house. Paul was propped up against the bed, his limp penis pointing sadly at the floor. They picked him up and took him over to Kate's, where they left him in the garage, returning to the kitchen for a coffee.

Mary had left by the time Jim returned from work. Kate showed him what had happened to Paul. "I checked for a pulse." She said. "Couldn't find one though. It looks like she's fucked him to death."

"It's how he would have wanted to go." Jim laughed.

"What do we do with him now?" Kate asked. It hadn't occurred to her that they'd need to dispose of his remains when they'd finished with him.

"I'm not sure?" Jim replied; but after dark they drove out to the car park where they had dumped Paul's car, removed Paul and a pair of shovels from the boot and, walking into the dark forest, they found a spot where the ground was soft and started digging.

Jim had removed the plaster cast in his garage, but left the cling-film on; holding their noses, they removed it, along with the gimp mask, and dumped the carcass into the hole. Filling the grave quickly, levelling the earth and covering it with fallen leaves, they shook the dirt from their clothes and returned to the car.

At home, they breathed a sigh of relief, showered together and retired to bed. Making love, it reminded Kate how much she depended on Jim; he was her rock, and she his. She thought of Paul; how the sound of her and Jim fucking would have tormented him in his prison. Did he really deserve to have been put through what they did to him? Did she deserve what Paul had done to her? As she came, she decided it didn't really matter now, she raked her nails up Jim's back and pulled him closer as their orgasms peaked, then subsided as they held each other, kissing and touching. They fell asleep in each other's arms.

Five days later, everything had returned to normal. Kate was at work when the police came; they told her that a body had been found, buried in the woods near to where his car had been found. DNA testing had found it to be Paul. They didn't know why the body had remained undiscovered in a spot they'd already searched, or where the rest of his body was; but the state of it suggested that he'd been there a while.

Investigations were concluded, Julie's boyfriend was the main suspect; the police had searched his phone and found the photos of Julie that Paul had sent him, they'd also found videos of and masochistic porn on his computer. With a motive and no alibi, as far as the police were concerned, this was a pretty straight forward case of revenge. He was tried and sentenced a month later, all the while protesting his innocence regarding Paul's demise. The case was closed.

Mary, in addition to her window cleaner and postman, borrowed the business card from Kate and contacted one of the policemen; he wasn't interested, his partner was, she wasn't particularly fussy as long as he wore the uniform and used his handcuffs on occasion.

Kate vowed never to cheat on Jim again; this whole episode had got a bit too messy for her, she could do without the complications, her nerves couldn't take it, and she didn't fancy digging another hole.

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