Grimbol the Slayer. Chapter 2

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They had to keep moving at night, for that is when the foul beasts are active, Grimbol had told her. So they walked along the river through the moonlight. Fortunately, Grimbol had exceptional night vision–his eyes seemed to reflect any available glimmers–and the elf girl, Aalina she had introduced herself as, could see the auras of living things even in total darkness. And so, they were well-equipped for nocturnal travel.

Several hours and many miles later, the sun rose, and the pair stopped to rest. Exhausted and sore as she was from the night’s exertions, Aalina felt obliged to repay Grimbol for rescuing her. The woodland folk she grew up among were a free-loving society. Unlike in most human cultures, the natural sexual curiosity and explorations of young elves were encouraged, and thus she was quite adept at all manner of earthly pleasures despite her youth (just 29-years, barely an adult among the long-lived races.) Her womanhood had been painfully torn the night before, but she was ready and willing to offer Grimbol other forms of entertainment.

He had just returned from gathering wood and had begun to assemble a fire. Aalina retreated down the embankment toward the slow-moving river and began humming sweetly as she disrobed. Her ruined skirt had been replaced by ungainly curtain material held up by a length of rope, which she now untied. The cloth dropped to the ground, revealing her pale legs and buttocks. She was very slim but muscular, the body of a dancer. She reached the shore, removed her soft leather vest, lifted her ivory-colored blouse over her head, and hung both from a nearby tree branch.

His concentration relaxed now that the fire was crackling happily in front of him, Grimbol stretched his arms and glanced around for Aalina to ensure her safety. Her soft humming drew his attention, and he looked toward the river. The newly risen sun glinted on the ripples of water, casting dancing rays of light over the elf girl’s naked form. She faced away, with an arm raised, splashing water over the faint sprinkling of blonde hair in her armpit. As she arched her back gracefully, the side of her petite breast came into view, a pale silhouette against the bright sun. Grimbol believed he should look away, but the sight was so enticing, he could not. As he watched, Aalina slowly bent forward, and between her beautiful rounded cheeks he could just make out her tiny, pouting lips. The man felt an urgent stirring in his loins and wrenched his eyes away self-consciously.

A few minutes later, Grimbol heard the elf girl’s footsteps and dared again to look in her direction. She approached slowly, wearing only her long, white blouse now damp from her recent bath. The cloth stopped just below the top of her thigh, showing her long slender legs but slightly obscuring the lovely vision he had just witnessed from a greater distance. The shirt clung to the mounds of her perky breasts, the gauzy material leaving little to the imagination. Her nipples were the size of the tip of Grimbol’s little finger and pressed forth, straining against the cloth. The small surrounding circles of darker flesh were the perfect size, Grimbol thought. Growing uncomfortable again, he averted his gaze and shifted his posture to ease the pressure in his pants.

“You look tense,” her dulcet voice stated plainly. “Maybe I can help you feel better.” Aalina crouched next to him and set her delicate hand upon the thigh of his heavy woolen trousers.

Grimbol quickly enveloped the elf girl’s hand in his meaty, callused paw but held it gently. “I’ll be fine,” he rasped, setting her hand on the grass beside him.

He grimaced as the debate raged within him: “A beautiful young woman who clearly wants you.” “But she will laugh and run away if she sees what is in my pants.” “She owes you; she won’t laugh.” “I can’t take that chance.”

“We should get some sleep while it’s safe,” he continued, fear of embarrassment winning out.

Her doe-like eyes batted quickly in surprise, but in a heartbeat Aalina recovered. “Well, can I sleep next to you?”

“Yes, of course,” and he retrieved his pack to lay out the bedrolls and blanket.

The soft warmth at his side and the slight scent of wildflowers on the air sent Grimbol’s mind racing back through the years. Soon he was remembering, and in his dreams reliving, his first time. It had been a terrible day, not the very worst by far, but still quite bad. His ego had been bruised by the local bully and his gang. Then his body was bruised in the ensuing scuffle. But that was nothing compared to the thrashing he received from his father when he came home, drunk and angry.

But as he lay in his cot that night, trying to find a position that didn’t hurt, his sister came in and made everything better. Eldit was just three years older, but Grimbol, having just gone through puberty, seemed ages younger. She’d been away when the beating happened, but she knew empathically the moment she saw him that he was hurting. Without a sound she came to his bed and lay beside him. He flinched, not in pain, but in surprise, as her arm wrapped around his side. Eldit gently kissed his shoulder, her curly auburn hair tumbling over the bedding. She was indeed beautiful, he thought, though he’d never admit it. The feel of her warm breath and soft lips on his shoulder, her arm around his side, began to stir feelings in his lose cotton breeches. They tented upward, and Eldit reached tentatively forward.

“Don’t, El!” He whispered, forcefully as he dared. He knew their father was probably passed out in the next room, but he didn’t want to take any chances.

“It’s alright, Grim,” she replied.

“I don’t want you to see me!”

“Those trousers don’t leave much to the imagination. Besides, I’ve seen you naked plenty of times.”

“I know, but not since we were little,” he argued.

She resisted the obvious rejoinder of “and some parts still haven’t grown,” knowing how fragile his self-esteem was. She just repeated, “It’s alright.”

Something about her insistence made him cave. Shy though he felt, he also wondered what it would be like to have his sister touch him. He closed his eyes and waited. Eldit lifted the waste band of Grimbol’s britches and pulled them over his erection. She had known what to expect, remembering the odd little wiener of the prepubescent boy and, in the recent months, having eyed his hard package through his thin pants many times from across their shared bedroom as he awoke. But the sight of his member in the flesh was still a bit shocking. The shaft was small, narrow and short as her middle finger despite its engorgement. The skin was darker than the rest of his flesh, and from the tip of his retracted foreskin jutted a little pink head. The penis looked all the more strange as it sat atop a pair of well-formed, perhaps even large, testicles. His pubis and scrotum were covered in dense black hair.

He held his breath, eyes clenched. Was this a trick? Would she break out in laughter and belittle him like the bullies had done when they pinned him down and pulled off his trousers? Then he felt a soft hand on his flesh. It twitched in response. He’d heard stories about sex, and laughed along like he knew all about it, but in fact Grimbol had no idea how intercourse worked. He hadn’t even found the pleasure of his own touch or had a wet dream yet. Eldit’s few soft strokes sent lightning coursing through his body, and, sensing his excitement, she pulled away to find her brother’s hand.

“Feel how wet I am,” she whispered into his ear. She knew what men liked, what made them feel better. She started to think about their father but quickly cut off that train of thought, stifling the memories, withdrawing her emotions. “Grim needs comfort,” she thought, and guided his hand up her dress and between her naked legs.

Grimbol recalled the small slit in his sister’s crotch. They had stopped bathing together shortly after his earliest memories, but the sight of her tiny pink lips poking out as she squatted in the tub remained. Now he was learning what they felt like, smooth, hot and moist. He was giving in to his passion and curiosity and began to fondle in earnest, slowly probing the folds of his sister’s womanhood. From the wet hole he felt the base of the lips and followed them up on either side. As he neared the top, Eldit’s breath caught in her throat and she moaned softly. He reached the tuft of hair and continued down the center this time. As his fingertips passed over a bump, she pressed his hand harder into herself, moved her hips, and moaned a little louder.

“I want you inside me,” she purred and tried to roll him over. He acquiesced, groaning slightly as he turned to face her. She raised her leg, reached under his balls and directed his tip toward her entrance. With her other hand, she touched his forehead. He opened his eyes and they stared deeply as she pulled their bodies together. Both gasped as he entered her. Grimbol’s mind reeled with the fresh sensations, every nerve responding to the feelings down below. He instinctively thrusted. His sister gasped again and squeezed tight against him. Their mouths came together and tongues darted out, sending more shivers down their spines. He was overwhelmed with the pleasure permeating his body. His hips bucked once, twice, thrice, and he felt his taint tighten. His penis flexed, and suddenly he was squirting inside of her. They moaned loudly into each other’s mouths, tongues dancing. The spasms came again and again, wracking his senses with pure euphoria. She squeezed him one more time, and he quivered, flinching and withdrawing. His body shook in tiny aftershocks.

And Grimbol jolted awake. Aalina’s breathing was steady next to him. The sun had begun to descend.

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