Spawn of the Olympians : Part 1

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Charisa left the nightclub she had used to find her newest prize, knowing it had worked again, her power was real she was not imaging it anymore.

At first she put off the notion of what she did down to sex appeal after all she was a young buxom vixen that literally dripped with promises of the pleasures that would be encountered but what she had been doing lately had an added affect to it, she was mesmerising people making them practically worship her and when this happened anything she had asked for was granted immediately, lately even with replies of yes mistress thrown on at the end.

So she has been practicing and finally got on to turn on and off whenever she wants it to. Leaving the club with a spring in her step she does not immediately notice the stumbling drunk following being her with a glint in his eye as he eyes her up with a lecherous look on his face, the first sign she noticed was when he quickened his pace and stumbled swearing in the process.

Her heart thumps in her chest before she calms down and if the drunk had seen the small grin on her face, he might have turned and gone home instead of following her down a nearby alley that did not give much in the way of light.

She comes to a stop looking him over with his broad shoulders and being tall with his straw coloured hair hiding his face from the light behind him he could be good looking if he worked out a bit and got rid of the gut he looked to be in his late twenty’s.

She grasps the collar of his shirt dragging him to her laying a passionate kiss on his lips which while startling the man drives him on. She decides that she wants to see how far her powers will go in changing a man, so she starts to mesmerise him as much as she can.

He slides his hands up her body feeling that tight ass and the curvaceous body attached to it. She brakes the kiss looking at his eyes to see what effect she has caused before asking his name, he tells her his name is Paul and that he lives nearby.

She asks him if he wants to go back to his place together, to which he nods vigorously causing her to giggle. She holds out her hand which he takes a hold of and they start walking.
She asks about him all while saying what she likes and dislikes about men, implanting more and more suggestions in his brain.

She likes his hair so that will stay but if all works out he will be a changed man and appearance is only the start.

She has decided he will be her slave.

She grins as he stops at a door and fumbles the key before opening his home and letting her in she enters and closes the door behind her.


On a separate continent, big ben tolled the third hour. The police were currently in chase of a vandal that was caught after numerous assaults and thefts with all the victims insisting that it was a young male between eighteen and twenty-two and that his hands always seemed to be wet. The police chased the young fugitive on foot and had finally got the identification on the vandal, Sean Parker aged twenty home address in London.
Sean was getting hectic he knew they were close the stress eating into him, he was slightly afraid, slightly exhilarated “it’s happening again I can feel it…. almost… almost, what will it take to activate that crazy power again. I want it, I need it”, running around the corner too fast to notice the trap he was soon surrounded with no way out.

“Hello this is the six O’clock News, I am Robert Swansea and good evening, in the latest news about Sean Parker, the young adult on the run from the police we have some more information that has just been revealed.” Robert turns to Camera 3 as the red light switched over and continued reading off the Cue, “ The Home of the individual on the run was searched when he was identified was searched earlier today, inside the boy’s parents were found dead, the autopsy suggests from drowning….. In their living room. It is unknown what connection if any, Mr Parker has to this incident but it was the final point the police to crack down on the youth”

Robert turns to the screen behind the desk showing him and all his viewers the current spectacle been shown from their onsite helicopter going on showing a manic Sean runs frantically around before getting caught in the trap and getting surrounded by the police.

Looking around frantically his heart starts hammering faster and faster until his eyesight shifts into shades of blue his nose starts dripping, he raises his hand up slowly and gradually to touch the liquid hoping it has happened that the liquid is water as he is hoping. Looking closely at his fingers his heartbeat thunder in his ears as hundreds of people watch on the local news, his hysterical laughter startles a few officers making them step back surprised while others grin thinking he has finally grasped the situation and understand his criminal has no other avenues of escape they step forward expecting a now compliant arrest to be carried out, but slow to a stop as he spreads his feet as if bracing himself for some force to hit him before bringing his hands to his chest.

The last thing the officers see is Sean swinging his arms from his chest away and then down to hammer the ground before a blinding explosion blew outwards from Sean in a 25 meter sphere that rendered most the officers snow blind, unable to see from pains in their eyes. The cameras caught the rest as it appeared that Sean exploded in a burst of water with his laughter echoing around the unnaturally quite street.

That video seen by a couple hundred was soon uploaded onto YouTube and within 24 hours has got a 31 million views making Sean an instant superstar and this is how the war between the spawn of the Olympians to make themselves rulers of the world started but who will stand with us against such overwhelming power.
Derek watched from the shadows as the sparks danced along and between his fingertips while he followed his prey down the deserted street, the lights not enough to reveal him to her as he stalked her down the road.

She was beautiful like the rest her blond hair shimmering every time she passed under the street lights and her creamy coloured body begging to be ravished, she would be the fifth one since he started this, since he realised there was others like him and that subject zero pulled that stunt he started experimenting with the power.

I need to get stronger I will be stronger I know I am going to be stronger he grins manically when he catches her scent on the wind, like her predecessors she would also be found as a blackened husk of her former beauty but until then time to start the hunt.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000