Spawn of the Olympians : Part 3

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Koko stayed up that night unable to face more dreams of shed and the violence that was soon to come. She does not know how long she has to find the youngster or even where he lives, so she has spent her free time while not sleeping by pouring over the details she found in her dreams looking for clues. What she had found out so far was that even though some of the power-users were from other countries it seemed as though they were going to be drawn together possibly by the need to be with others like them.

she could understand this herself, as for years now she has known that she was different, that something about her made her strange to those she knew here in Japan and had distanced her from those she had once called friend, and that had only grown worse as her powers developed as she got older.

She felt the need to go looking for the boy, even without any clues to his location just so she would no longer be alone, she sighed deeply and carried on looking through what she knew.

Looking through the video of subject zero again, she worried what people might start doing to us in the coming days and worried about what it would mean if he meets up with the lightening user. Her dreams hinted that those two would work together, she shivered at the thought and continued browsing the internet for new information.

Koko stretched her arms up above her head, getting the kinks out of her body from sitting still for so long and looked out the window by the computer, seeing that it was now bright out. She leaned back in her chair as she looked back over her shoulder to see the clock, seeing she was late for her morning run.

Jumping up Koko went to her closet and pulled on some of her running pants and a t-shirt before grabbing a tracksuit jacket to fight off the morning chill outside. Walking to the entryway she slipped on her running shoes and left her home.

She had lived in Tokyo with her family before moving out to the countryside but being around so many normal people made her very uncomfortable and after discussing it with her parents, telling them she preferred the quite life in the countryside they had no problems with their strange daughter leaving them.

They had tried for so long to pretend to be a normal family but waking up to her screaming from her nightmares put too much of a strain on the family. Once she was an adult in the eyes of society they had tried to marry her off but it never worked out, nobody liked the strange young woman and now she was just an embarrassment that the family were glad to be rid of.

Kamakura was a peaceful place to live with numerous shrines and temples in the area along with the beaches, it’s a popular spot that tourists liked to visit during the summer months. It is nice during the winter though with less people around the area does be quite, she will miss it when she has gone but she did not belong here.

Stepping out into the cool morning air her breath started misting up in front of her as she got ready for her daily run. At least I will not miss this crazy weather when I am gone, having only two seasons sucks and them both being so extreme. When it is not insanely hot for half a year, its bone chillingly cold.

Koko shivers in the morning breeze, at least it is not raining today she muses before picking her course to run for today, she starts to do her run first three minute sprints mixed in with five minute jogs alternatively.

The last two years has done wonders for her body. She is pretty happy with her fine toned legs and firm ass the running really worked wonders well except for her height, oh and all the running has kept her breasts small. Oh well too late to worry about that now.

Running around the first bend she comes to giving way to her neighbours who are used to Koko’s strange behaviour, they gossip about the strange girl knowing she can hear them and that she does not seem to care.

Koko is preoccupied thinking about everything she knows, she had found some news article about burnt bodies found around California, in America. She knows that would be the lightening user, and there was news about a lot of students falling into a coma all at once with only one girl waking up in phoenix, Arizona.

There has been no other news that had reached this far yet and she had no idea where to start on looking for the boy. The others she was not too sure about, there are more of us out there but for now at least they are remaining quite.

After finishing her run Koko pops by the Boxing gym on the way home, she had found a good trainer who had promised to train her to fight properly without the rules and regulations of the ring. She stressed the point that she wanted to be able to defend herself against stronger opponents without affecting her mobility.

What followed was a course in boxing and proper footwork just enough to get by, enough to beat a few delinquents. Next he taught her some groundwork, showing how to protect herself if she ended up on the ground guiding punches away from her body and face and into the ground. He then went on to teach Koko how to get out of hold from the bottom and get on the top.

She found it difficult but he stressed that it was his training and if she practiced repeatedly she would get the upper hand on untrained people. His advice for once she got the top was to break away and move onto boxing from midrange, as with being short and light in weight she would be thrown off quite easily.

Next he brought in a friend of his to teach her a bit of Aio, which uses an opponent’s strength and energy against them. Rather than meeting an opponent head-on the user blends with the motions of the attacker and redirects the force of the attack which requires less energy. This is done using various throws and joint locks.

This is what she had been doing in the last two years along with her running to build up her stamina to prepare for what was to come in a hand to hand fight she would be ok but against powers she was at a loss on what to do, when she gets to America she would have to look up some effective countermeasures.

Going up to her trainer she thanks him for training her but this will likely be her last session as she will be moving away in a few days. He is sad to see her go but knew the time was coming when she would leave as she had plans in which she needed these ss and with how distracted she had been lately guessed it would be soon. With a smile he asks if this will be the day the pupil defeats the teacher and waves her up to the ring.


The smoke clung to the ceiling in the dark room while eight people were smoking and chatted to their colleges about this and that while they waited for someone to tell them why they were all gathered here together instead of working on the cases they had been currently assigned.

The detective was nervous, he had been since that day they were chasing that man through the streets of London before he set off some device blinding the officers and escaping. At least that’s what they were told happened. Some of the others accepted this fact and let it go even after reviewing that video that was shown around later, the alternative was crazy the stuff out of a bad sci-fi movie. So they moved on and tried to accept they were outwitted by a youngster barely an adult who escaped without a trace…. Well apart from all that water.

However the detective had felt something resoundingly wrong with that, he felt there was something more here and would not accept that story, there was something more going on and he would get to the bottom of it. Looking around he noticed that there was two other detectives with him being of a higher rank. It was strange that they were getting a briefing along with those from different stations, suddenly the detective had a premonition of what this briefing would be about when the door opened and in walked the commissioner which immediately shut everyone up.
Damn my hunch might be correct.

He walks up to the podium at the front of the room and looks around the room disappointed until the smokers get the hint and put out there cigarettes and one jumps up to let some air into the room. Turning to the computer in the podium he turns on the slide show showing stills of the operation where me and the officers involved made a mockery of the British police forces right up until he was surrounded and a magnified image of his empty hands before the flash. Next he showed the wet ground from different angles showing different details of the area including a destroyed drain at the side of the road. Then he showed the pictures from the boys home where his parents were found dead with water damage everywhere with pictures of the hallway and outside showing no damage outside.

Through all this everyone was quiet and upset as if they felt they were being lectured, they were all involved in the operation in one way or another, from cops on the beat who made the first discovery of the boy which lead to the chase to forensics who were at the scene, everyone here was involved and felt ashamed all while the detective absorbed the information as if they were all pieces of a puzzle waiting to be put together.

Next the commissioner went to another slide showing a burnt body, then another and another until he had shown a total of ten. Everyone had their eyes on the screen speechless waiting for an explanation of what they were seeing.

“We found this topic on a local news article from across the pond and at first we thought nothing of it until our own report arrived over there, all victims died from immense electrocution and it was not quick.”

He looks up at the screen at the last victim, “All victims are female and between the ages of eighteen to twenty-five, none two die the exact same way, the first died instantly while the latest had parts of her body electrocuted to that state days before the rest, she died from dehydration”.

Ladies and gentlemen, surely you feel similarities between these two cases. He looks around the room this case has been upgraded to a terrorist threat, these people have some weapon that allows them to and indiscriminately and needs to be dealt with appropriately, as of now all your current cases are being handed to other officers and you, with all your differing areas of expertise will work together to find those who intent to endanger this country.

This will be a joint operation between us and the states looking down at a sheet of paper “Sergeant Harrison, you are in command of this team you may request more constables if the need arises. You will all be expected to be able to defend yourselves” he pointedly looks at the forensics guys. “make no mistake gentlemen it will be a dangerous task you undertake, you were picked for your knowledge of the crime scenes and your past track records but if you are not up to this inform me now”.

He grins when he is met with silence, “excellent, now then here are everything we have on the two cases expect a phone call at six from your counterparts working the other case, your work area will be in this building on the third floor I expect results”.

After his little speech he leaves the room quite speechless, shit I’m in charge.


The blond haired youngster was on the plane sitting next to his twin sister, the sounds of Russian conversations going on behind them, he grows bored and grins thinking about what he had done together with his sister this morning.

While their mom had run out to do some last minute errands before they left, he called out to his sister. When no reply came back he called out for her to come into his room. Some shuffling was heard down the hall and she entered the room with a stony look on her face “what do you want”.

“Come here”

She was shaking her head all the while walking towards him feeling sick seeing he had his usual grin on his face that promised torment and makes her miserable. Why did she not have the power to refuse him and why did he have the ability to order anyone to do whatever took his fancy.

“Kiss me”

Shaking her head negatively he was amused as she does the things she so desperately doesn’t want to do with him.

Leaning back he tells her again,
“Kiss me like I am your boyfriend”.

She is crying now but cannot refuse his words as she kisses him passionately he stops her finally but she dreads knowing what comes next.

“Take off everything you’re wearing right now”.

She cries at the humiliation she feels that her brother is her to endure wondering where the days went when he used to follow her around like a little puppy with nothing but love in his eyes. Meeting his gaze now she does not see love or even lust what she sees is someone loving the power they possess and uses it to dominate those weaker than themselves. Finally with her naked she thinks this might be it after all he does fuck her but today is mainly about humiliation that gaze tells her so.

He was about to send her back to her room however that look in her eye told him that she thought it was over too. He grins at her and tells her what to do next, her heart thumps thinking she could go she turning to the door only to find she cannot, confused for a moment she looks back at her brother seeing the grin she realises it’s not over yet and starts crying again when she realises she has been masturbating in front of her brother without her even noticing.

She begs him to let her go, sometimes he takes pity on her when she begs like that, after all sometimes it does seem he cares about her, but he is not done with her yet. He climbs out of bed and she blushes at his nakedness and didn’t hear what was said next, her knees buckled under the command as she was to kneel.

He strokes himself to firmness in front of his masturbating sister, it was harder than one might think in front of a girl with that body but after all this was always about the domination involved and wanting the things he could not have that lead to this and now that he can have her whenever he wants he has grown bored.

The only thing that has kept him interested lately was the tiny amount of immunity to his powers that seemed allowed her to know she does not want this but was not strong enough to stop her.

Grinning down at his sister he ordered her to tell him what was the thing she did not want most right now and she immediately started telling him not to fuck her please not again that she hates him inside her.

He grins, ordering her to lie back and she starts crying while her body complies with the command he moves between her thighs then tells her to put him inside her.

She reaches down taking a hold of him and places him between her plump lips, hiding her most private parts, those meant only for the ones she loved most.
With the same look of anguish she wore every time he made her do this she shifted her hips, sliding him inside her until he cannot get any deeper.

She would have giggled at how small he was but the last time that had happened he ordered outside to find three people that she knew and flirt heavily with them and to let them do whatever the flirting led to and one had to be a woman, and then to go back and tell him all about it.

The rumours after that had her labelled as a Shalava, meaning her friends now call her a dirty slut behind her back. He ruts inside her while she lies there but he does not care what she does, it is not meant to be pleasurable for her anyway he just wants to do something she does not want.

When he gets close he pulls out of her and starts stroking above her big breasted body ordering her to cum when he starts shooting all over her big tits and her tearstained face while she twitches underneath him and tries to remain quite.

He orders her out of his room and tells her to not clean up until his cum is dry on her.

At the end of the memory he snaps out of it to laughter behind him he turns around telling the men behind them to go sleep smiling when they slump back in their seats together, no longer making any noise he turns and sits back down and thinks about this journey and the reasons for having to follow their father to America after he got transferred over for work he glances past his sister and smiles at the plans he has for his mother and father.


Meanwhile far above the earthly plane Aphrodite the Goddess of Love, pleasure and everything sexual grinned down at her two ren, wondering which of the two would ultimately be the one to challenge her for her seat among the Olympians.

She should be surprised that there were two contenders for her place among the gods and goddesses but with how promiscuous she had been in her youth she was just glad she did not have an army of little sexual beasts battering at the gates of Olympus.

She turns to Hermes who looks worried, he always did care about the humans a little too much, “your little one is doing well enough, what she lacked in strength she is making up for it don’t you think.”

He looks up surprised she was asking his opinion then smiles thinking how such a vain goddess had just complimented another woman with honestly.

“Yes, well any of a messenger for the gods would surely hear some of said god’s talks. Zeus really should have foreseen that, however I am more concerned by the dreams, they are obviously being sent by one of us, but why and for what purpose.”

She nods thinking about it but having no real answer, after all she had assumed Hermes was doing it to give his contender a bit of a warning, but the method seemed a bit cruel, tormenting her with dreams like that for years. She thinks about asking the others what they think about the matter but decides it would be more fun this way.

Aphrodite looks around before leaning in to whisper to Hermes in a conspiratorial whisper, “so Hermes, when did you did you do the deed with the little Japanese girl” she smiles wriggling her smooth eyebrows at him that makes him smile at her antics.

He smiles telling her that they are very passionate lovers and goes on to tell her some of what he learned, which gives her a start and slightly colours her cheeks, she quickly leans downs giving him a peck on the lips before dragging him off to her chambers.

Zeus looks down on the world that he has protected, his brother alongside him “tell me brother when can we finally go to our rest and pass our duties along to the next set of gods, once again our sons are proving they cannot be trusted with our powers. I would go and them myself now only for the contract stopping us ing humans and demi-gods, which means we have to wait until either they become full gods or hope one of the others can take them out”.

Poseidon god of the seas, looks to his brother in sorrow and understanding feeling as much a failure as his brother is, knowing that his own son is going out of control as much as his nephew is with his powers and he promises to himself that he will put the boy down himself if he needs to but knowing that they are getting weaker as they get older and had lost enough brothers and sisters already. He hopes some of the other humans can withstand the pressure that accompanies the power they are receiving.

In the main hall there is a feast and Ares the god of war, violence and shed is basking in the accomplishments of his son while he rips apart a succulent pig on the table, he never did have a problem getting his hands dirty. He loves that his son reminds him so much of himself in his younger days and is pleased he decided to which ever pheasant girl is now his ancestor, he chuckles while sinking his teeth into the greasy flesh of the pig.

Apollo looks on in disgust before Athena distracts him asking after his own contender. Apollo looks at Athena not fooled by the question but she truly is the goddess of wisdom to try to stop pointless arguing, he gives a small smile and nods his thanks before contemplating the question.

My contender hum now there is an interesting one “she has healing and plagues, certainly intelligent but apart from that….” he shrugs, “I would love to see her s with a bow and she needs to start learning her powers before she hurts others”.

Athena is nodding thoughtfully and Apollo is about to return her question to her considering he hasn’t seen any yet but sees that she is not paying attention he turns to see what grabbed her attention Apollo sees Hades over by the fruit table.

Hades had been following the conversation since he blinked into the room from the underworld. He had been spending more and more time here lately knowing the time was near he had to tell Athena something before he did it.

The slim dark haired god of the underworld was dreading what he needed to ask permission for while chewing on a strawberry. Apollo calls him over “We were just talking about the contenders when you arrived”.

Hades smiled at his brothers son “she is doing fine as you said a bit of training in her powers and hand her a bow and we will have a new goddess, one almost as beautiful as Athena here and with the intellect to match”. Athena blushes at hades giving him a small smile while Apollo considers his uncle’s words proud that his daughter seems to have some added support even if it is from the god of the underworld.

Ares lets out a belch ruining the moment before pointing a meaty chewed up bone over the table at Hades, “speaking of Contenders, Where is yours? There has been no piles of dead bodies popping up so what happened, nobody want your scrawny ass?” Ares goes back to eating while Apollo looking disapprovingly at him before turning back to Hades waiting to hear news of his uncles contender.”

Hades cannot put it off longer and sits at the table with the others he is silent and just when the others think he will not answer, he looks up seeing them all looking at him. He sighs “I have confirmed it, there is such a boy with my powers inside him”. Athena gives a start that no one except Hades notices and he regrets not telling her sooner.

Apollo is happy but slightly worried, after all his Uncle has some fearsome powers being able to summon all sorts of underworld beings to do his bidding and who knows what else that’s all he used and only when defending himself although he has heard from his father and Poseidon that his strength can rival Zeus, just that he seemed indifferent to the seat of power here in Olympus.

Ares Chuckles and asks the location of the piles of bodies and he is pointedly ignored, he gets annoyed that they don’t like his jokes and gets up to leave picking up the rest of the pig as a snack on his way out.

Hades then explains that the boy is not yet seventeen and that he will have to take actions against the boy to ensure that the his powers awaken in time. Apollo is speechless that hades would try to harm his powerless son but then remembers the man is the god of the underworld and he possesses no heart. He gets up from the table storming out of the room leaving Hades and Athena alone.

Hades looks to Athena for understanding and she looks back, “you cannot him unless he is a god but to traumatise him enough for his powers to awaken, that will make him hate you”. He nods still looking at her, still waiting for her choice.

She sighs “we did this hoping it would work, both of us went to one family to ensure that both of our powers ended up in one body and after the past failures with Zeus the new gods will need someone just as strong and just as wise to lead them.”

After a pause while she watches the slim strangely handsome man across the table he continues talking “I shall trust in your judgement on the matter I know that there is no other way.” He pauses wishing that she had said no, but then nods unhappily before blinking out in front of her travelling back to the underworld.

Athena is left alone in the great feast hall lamenting over what pain Hades will have to inflict on their son.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000