Spawn of the Olympians : Part 4

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Blinking into his domain under the earth, Hades stands on the stone plinth outside the gates to the underworld. Looking over the edge he contemplates once again on taking that step and plunging down the thousands of feet, to quite possibly his death.

Turning away from the edge he looked over to the only side where his view was obstructed. The gate to the underworld, no matter whether mortals are good or bad they will all view this door. Black and foreboding, many a mortal had taken that final step to oblivion.

Reaching out he feels a resistance as his hand gets closer to the gate, it slowly opens before he makes contact until it is wide enough for him to pass through. Hades smirked, he was the only one the gate would open for. It is a simple thing the mind of a human, they see the only door and must try to get out of here, however the moment their hand touches the door they get judged and teleported to where they belong.

Being judged by a door, the humour in it lifted his spirits.

What the mortals now call heaven, was always really Elysium just under a different name. If you do well on the earthly plane and live a virtuous and wholesome life, working towards the betterment of humankind then there was a high chance this is the place that the door would send you to. Welcome to heaven.

Upon entering Elysium, mortals will make the choice of remaining there or to be reincarnated as a new life back on earth before going on their merry way.

Those mortals who commit good and bad deeds equally on earth would find themselves in the fields of Asphodel. It was initially supposed to be a place to repent on the sins in your past life and with the wish to atone for past deeds be elevated to Elysium, where they would be then given the option of reincarnating or getting sent back to the meadows.

Some do manage to make it back to the mortal realm, however mortals are becoming more and more self-centred in recent times and fail to see the deeds they did as wrong.

Spend too much time in those meadows and the spirits there slowly begin to lose their identity and fade away until they are mere shadows, with no hope left for passing into Elysium or being reincarnated. They just exist as empty puppets wandering the dew covered meadows.

If the mortal does not enter Elysium or the fields of Asphodel then there is no redemption for them and no second chances. If you find yourself in this place you truly are in the pits of hell. I, Hades decide the punishment for the residents in this place and that will be the last you see of me as you serve that punishment for all of eternity, Welcome to the fields of punishment.

Those humans that reincarnate back to earth, if they can make it back to Elysium two more times, they shall be welcomed into the eternal paradise, that is the Isles of the Blessed. When the gods die that is the place they arrive at too. It is where Hades will also go when he dies but until then it is barred to even him.

Anyway seeing that the door opened to him, there must not be any new sinners for him to punish. Looking to the side of the door Hades looks up to the guard stopping any escapees from leaving. The Giant three-headed monstrosity would terrify anyone thinking of leaving and with good reason, but Cerberus loved his master almost as much as hades loved him.

He had found the Hellhound unconscious outside the barred gate of Tartarus as a pup after it had squeezed through the bars. Hades did not know which Titan had fathered the strange three-headed dog, but he allowed it to live along with those other hounds that followed since then.

Walking past the faithful guard dog, hades walks to the passage across the open cavern. Passing through it he follows the tunnel down through the dark foreboding passage into the cold, shadowy underworld that had served as his abode for the last few thousand years.

Hades was reminded once again what an unhappy and depressing place it was here, but then again the underworld was supposed to represent the finality of death. It was one of the reasons he was so despised.

Hades enters the throne room. In the centre of this room there is a bottomless sunken pit, forming a circle, filled to the brim with a black liquid that reflects the smooth ceiling above it. Hades had come to hate this room, he vehemently despised it, as it was the symbol that ruled him over death, making him into the Lord of the Underworld and led to him being despised by gods and humans alike.

Hades walks around the pit, giving it a wide berth as he looks around the room.

Dark shadows swirl as they slither and slide in the dark corners of the cave-like room, that the green-bluish flames of the brazier could not light up sufficiently. Looking towards the brazier, he regarded the engravings going around the metal bowl, showing the pictographs of the previous lords of the underworld. Wondering when the next set of drawings would appear nearer to the rim, above the drawings of himself.

Walking around it he then climbs up the two stone steps and sits in the lone seat in the room, placed to overlook the sunken pit in the centre of the chamber. Looking throughout the room, he knows he could have made this place more eye pleasing if he wishes to as it was not outside his powers to do so.

However he had lately found that the dreary, dank underworld was starting to match his attitude more and more.

Looking up, he takes notice when the beasts of this desolate place start to wander throughout the room, before quickly leaving when they sense their master in a foul mood. One of the beasts just watches hades until his master slouches in the tall, dark obsidian throne before wandering over next to him and lies there.

Knowing that his master has plans for him, he lies in wait as he twitches his long slender whip-like tail hypnotically through the air catching the sharp edge of the blade on the end off the light of the brazier, throwing fragmented light throughout the room.

Hades hopes that he too shall soon pass on, the duty of the underworld must be passed on to the next god that would rule in this place. Hades felt old, so very old.

When demi-gods do make that final leap to godhood they stop aging, so Hades still looked the young man that he had always appeared, but appearance could be deceiving.

Age, it is a hard thing to go through. It ends up doing some horrible things to the mind and gods were not immune to mental disorders. He thought back on pity of those gods that had to be ed before they went rampant and wondered how long the remaining gods and goddesses could hold onto their sanity. Looking down at his thin, twitching arm he chuckled, “How long can I hold on”.

The beast looks up, hearing words and seeing his master was not talking to him, he gives a rigorous flick of his tail, cutting it sharply through the air before relaxing and puts his head back down and goes back to playing with the light as he continues to wait.

Hades felt sick for what he was about to do, but without the Olympians to hold the natural order of things in place, the world would fall out of balance and chaos would reign in the world of the mortals.

He sighs before snapping his fingers, the water in the pit starts rippling and rising before the throne until it has formed a block of water. The water shimmers, light beginning to flow through the depths of the dark water into darker room.

Hades leans forward in the throne, focusing to make the water clear until it has become translucent and he was looking through a watery window into the human world. He focuses more, moving the other end of the window to where he wants to view, then leans back heavily in the cold unrelenting throne when it was positioned outside the home of his son.

He was not worried about humans seeing it as only demi-gods and gods could see this window. He shivered in disgust at what he was about to do to the boy and waited for the boy’s family to arrive home, to bring death and destruction to the boy’s family.

Hades remembered the reason why the other gods feared him in sadness. The contract that was binding gods from ing humans and demi-gods also held him in its power, however reaching a hand down he strokes the head of the soon to be released hound.

Hades had found a way around that.


Back at the hospital the doctor was rutting away on top of one of his patients. After his raunchy past escapades with that first coma patient, he had quickly become addicted to playing doctor with their bodies.

He justified it to himself thinking that god was justly rewarding him for all his years of hard work as a doctor and had thus presented him with all these nubile young woman that he had recently been having the pleasure of acquainting his cock with.

Sweat beaded up on his forehead and rolled down his nose, before falling onto his loose shirt as he pounded into the unresponsive body underneath him. He gripped her hips harder as he pulled her body into his repeated thrusts while trying to bury himself completely inside her.

He noticed his trousers that had been tossed onto the pristine floor during his mad dash to get undressed, before proceeding to do the deed. He spied his underwear over near the door when he tossed them off on his way to the bed.

Thinking back to the only patient that had woken up thus far, he wondered for the umpteenth time what was different in her case that allowed her to wake up. After numerous tests, the girl had gotten fed up of being treated like a lab rat and insisted on leaving and the doctors could not come to any conclusions had to allow her to leave.

Quickly reaching his climax he tightened his grip on the girls’ hips, burying himself into her while he shuddered spending his seed inside her.

The doctor, panting from the exertion of his rigorous exercise slumps over her body with a sly grin on his face. Watching her sleep, he desperately wants the girl to realise what had been happening to her and being unable to stop it. He strokes her cheek, since that day he first started putting his own needs before the needs of his patients he had worked his way through most of the girls that had arrived.

Putting his hand into his shirt pocket, he pulls out a piece of paper that looked as though it had gotten a fair amount of use. The sweat from their fucking had partially penetrated through his shirt, as the page was a bit damp. Unfolding it carefully so it would not tear, he retrieves his pen from the girls ass grinning at the memory of what it had been doing there, he puts another “x” next to the four others beside her name, noticing that she was now ahead of the others.

He vowed to spend more time with his other girls, he grins lecherously.

After a moment of contemplating the three remaining names without any marks next to them, he wonders how to manage to complete his collection, as two of them were patients of a different doctor, and the remaining one constantly had visitors beside her.
Hmm I guess I will be working late tonight, the doctor grinned.

When he noticed that he was hard once again, the doctor mock-sighed as he placed another x next to the girls name, before refolding the paper and putting it back into his pocket.

He turns on his professional tone, “I will have to continue with my rectal examination now, please remain calm as I will endeavour to make it as painless as possible”. Grinning the doctor twirls the pen between his fingers before promptly pushing it up into the girl’s ass in one push.

There is a little resistance but mainly from the tightness. The doctor had tried to fuck her ass earlier, however it had proved to be too small for him. Still though, seeing that pen slide in and out of her ass was such a huge turn on for him.
His frigid wife had gotten cold towards him lately, only having sex rarely. So he often fantasised about sodomizing his wife’s asshole just to put her in her place. Anger pulsing through him, he pushes the pen in hard, burying it inside her before he lets go, leaving it there as he positions himself between her legs and slowly enters her vagina while he enjoys the penetration.

Fully immersed inside the girl he leans forward licking her nipple, enjoying how sensitive they were as her vagina tightened up on his cock. It had been a pleasant surprise when he discovered how sensitive her nipples were. She may have virtually no breasts to speak of, but the girl’s small nipples were very responsive, becoming hard at the slightest touch.

Playing with her nipples quickly made the girl wet to his surprise and when he fucked her while teasing her nipples she was practically dripping. It was an experience to be sure, reaching down he pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger, instantly feeling her getting wetter and wetter until finally she tightened up on his cock nearly breaking it in its grasp before lightening up. God she was such a slut.

Twenty minutes later and he was pulling her underwear back up her legs after using them to clean up any cum that had flowed out of her. Getting dressed and checking that he looked presentable, he made sure nothing was out of place before snatching up the pen that had been up the girl’s ass, it was clean but he had plans for it.

Leaving the room he walked over to the nurse’s station to ask the nurse on duty if there was any patients he had yet to see. While she turned to the computer to start typing the doctor quickly found the jar of pens that he knew would be there and reaching down he quickly swapped his pen for one of hers.

Pulling back he slid the pilfered pen in his shirt pocket then waited for the nurse to tell him where he was needed before he was off. The doctor grinned while he walked through the hospital, knowing that particular nurse had a habit of sucking on the end of her pens when she got lost in thought and he wondered what she would make of the flavour of the pen he had left behind in the jar.

Hours later the hospital was now very quiet as visiting hours were over, most of the patients were asleep and doctors were starting to go home for the night. He too would have to leave in the next hour of so, or it would stand out that he was staying late while not covering someone else’s shift. He opened the door after making sure that nobody was around and slipped inside.

Pulling the blinds closed and turning on the light, he then locks the door to the room before crossing over to the bed and looks down. The body lying under the covers looked a lot younger than a college student with her little bob hair cut that barely hugged her cute oval face surrounded by that purple and black hair. If she looked this good above the covers he was eager to see the rest of her.

Looking at that innocent face made him unbelievably erect as he quickly changed his plans. Placing his phone on the bed, he then starts stripping off all his clothes. Shivering in either the cold or with lust although most likely both, the doctor climbed up onto the bed as he straddled the girl’s small body and shuffled his way up to her face.

Taking his cock in one hand and his phone in the other he got a nice little video of him feeding his cock to what looked like a sleeping teenager. Leaning forward he slid another inch into her warm wet mouth before letting it back out.

A shiver rocked the doctors spine at the feeling running throughout his body, he then preceded to feed her that single inch over and over to her again until her small mouth had dribbled all over his hard dick. Taking a separate picture of her dribbling on him, he puts down the mobile and strips the blanket from off the bed to reveal her body to him.

It has got to be a crime to fuck someone that looks so young, but with what he has done recently the doctor just grins. Even with the lumpy blue gown covering her slender limbs, the curves of her thighs and the slenderness of her arms make her look very young. Having a premonition, he lifts the bottom of the gown to see white cotton panties that pushes so much straight to his cock that he feels a little lightheaded.

Raising the gown up her body and giving a firm tug when it gets caught on her backside, he pulls the gown up until it is up over her breasts. Giving them an evaluating look he decides a B-Cup, running his eyes across her chest he guessed maybe a 32. Leaning down he hugs his body down close to hers, just to feel the small naked body under him. Pushing up to his elbows he goes on to suck, nip and nibble, kiss and bite all over her nipples until he has had his fill.

There was just something fundamentally different about like bodies that older woman seem to lack, first was the firmness. Running his hands over her stomach, up over her ribcage that he felt under some light muscle. All the way to her perky tits. He loved that even though they were relatively small, her breasts stood up firm atop her chest without the slightest sag.

Next was the elasticity, reaching down he grabbed a nipple pulling, twisting and stretching it out before watching it pull back into its original shape the minute he let go. Feeling his firm cock pulsing against his leg he took some photos of her lying there in her cute cotton panties.

Reaching out his runs a finger over the white piece of clothing, letting his finger slide back and forth over her mound before letting it trail down between her thighs tracing the slight dip he feels under the cloth.

Reaching both of his hands to each side of her thin waist, he firmly takes a hold of her underwear and tugs them down to mid-thigh. He pauses, hormones begging him to ravish the girl now. Shaking his head he looks back to her mound, apparently she does not shave, just a bit of grooming to keep it neat and trimmed, giving the impression of a small girl just going through puberty. Drawing his eyes downwards he looks at the crease between her legs. That’s all he saw as the hair stopped next to where her lips would be sticking out, except all that was there was a small red gash, with a tiny hole peeking out.

Taking some deep calming breathes to steady himself, he uses his phone to take numerous photos of the marvel before him for…..later.

Sucking his fingers to moisten them, he uses them to gently pry her gash apart to finds her little lips peeking out from inside. Deep breathes. Deep breathes. Moving his fingers down to her opening he manages to fit a single digit inside her. Tight, oh so wonderfully tight. Feeling pussy hugging every millimetre of the finger that has inside her. Moving the finger inside her he proceeds to press against the flesh firmly on each side of her vagina, slowly stretching out the rippled flesh and enjoying every moment of it.

Giving a bit of a push he slips another finger inside her tight pussy. It was a little damp now which helped stretch the rubbery flesh as he slowly opened her up. Pulling her panties all the way off, he pushes her feet up by her buttocks, bending her knees before he spreads them opening her even more.

He would have took longer playing with that little pussy but his cock was screaming at him to fuck her. To fuck her now. Climbing up onto the bed he positions himself and using his fingers to hold her open for him as he guided the large red head into her opening. Giving a firm push and he is inside her body, he then looks down and sees just how stretched she is around his head and nearly creams inside her instantly. That was close.

It was unbelievable, he has never felt anything as tight in all his life and given his recent escapades that’s saying something. Pushing into her as he slowly gains two or three inches, he does not think about the reason for her being so tight until he feels a frail rubbery sensation against the tip of his penis. He feels a rush flow through his body at the realization that he is fucking a virgin.

Sawing into her and back out, he loosens her vagina up enough until he decides now and slams forward, tearing straight through her hymen and crashing into her cervix. Breathing deeply with a smile in his face, he goes on to fuck the tight pussy for the next ten minutes before he gets that feeling and explodes inside her so hard he feels a tinging in his toes.

He would love to go another round, but he really did not have the time so he pulled out of her, amused that all his sperm stayed deep inside her.

Straightening up her gown after putting her panties back on her, the doctor retrieved the blanket before tucking the girl into the bed.

The doctor dressed himself before unlocking the door and turning off the light, leaving the room after checking it was clear. He hums to himself as he pulls out a piece of paper putting the first of what he hoped would be many marks next to her name.


Charisa was sitting in her new home. She liked it here, she liked being able to do her own thing, have a bit of fun without being told how immoral she was being from that home wrecker of a stepmom. Leaning back into the plush sofa she looked around the room, pleased at how much cleaner it was since she had first arrived. Picking up her glass from the side cabinet she looked at the man kneeling by her feet with his head down.

Her slave was good at finding new men for her, she admired his ss at finding exactly what she was looking for. He brings them all here, some excuse or another told to get them here for her pleasure. Some of those she had let go, while she kept the rest. She had this inkling that it would be safer if she had a few good servants who put her safety above their own.

Sipping her wine, she wriggles her toes at the man by her feet. Her slave had found him last night and after discussing it with her, brought him here for her to inspect. Pushing her manicured foot under his jaw she uses her toes to tilt the man’s head up for her to see his face.

Young looking and a runaway, it was hard to hazard a guess but he looked no more than eighteen. Watching his naïve face looking up at her, unsure of what he was doing here, made her so unbelievably horny.

Looking up in approval at her slave she nods to the door, dismissing him. Looking back at the young man in front of her, she starts the process of bending him to her will. Gazing into his soft blue eyes, she watches until they lose focus, the signal that he was now beginning to bend to her will.

“You Love Me, Don’t You?”

“Of course I love you”

“You would do anything to please me, yes?”

“Yes”, the boy nodded with a dreamy look on his unfocused gaze.

“You will protect me if someone tried to harm me, Wont you?”

A pained look crosses his face at the thought of someone harming his beloved, his eyes focused until he met her steady gaze and he replied “I will protect you”. She smiled at him, marvelling once again at what a marvellous power she had gained.

“Lick my foot”. Charisa didn’t know what caused it in her but since she gained this power she had turned into a massive pervert. Giggling at the ticklish feeling of the tongue bathing her toes, she flinched until it began to feel good. Sighing she sank back into the soft leather and sipped her wine. There we go now, she thought while chewing her bottom lip. Reaching down she moved her fingers under the belt of the bathrobe she was wearing, slipping them inside she lightly touched her purple lace panties finding them soaked already.

Groaning at how frequently she had to change her underwear lately she lifted her bottom up enough to slide the purple lace over her bottom and down her legs watching amused when they landed on the boy’s face.

The cloth hitting his face distracted the boy and the scent of an amazing aroma made him stop his licking, she allowed the boy to stop so she could watch him the reaction of the innocent boy.

He pulled his face back his hand holding the piece of cloth as his twisted it to understand what it was in his fingers. Getting the flimsy cloth the right side up and facing him the boy took a drawn breath when realisation hit the boy as hard as a ton of bricks as he threw his head in the direction of the junction between her legs.

Even with the boy unable to see with the bathrobe covering her, it did not stop his face from being painted liberally with a coat of red. Giggling delightfully Charisa loved the attention and basked in it and feeling the dampness on her thighs she tells the boy to go back to licking her foot.

Leaning back, she unties the belt of the bathrobe, she parts the coat so she has room to play. Moving her left hand up, she plays with her breasts and tweaks her nipples, while she reaches with her right hand taking a hold of her glass to take another sip of her wine.

Sitting back drinking her wine she contemplates her breasts with the pointy nipples singing for attention. Smiling inwardly, the girl really loves her body, finding lately that even just watching herself starts to turn her on. She really is turning into a massive pervert but she loves it.

Putting her glass back on the table she now uses her right hand to slide down her body over her tight stomach and rubs her smooth mound. One of the duties she has her servants do, is to shave their mistress. Having someone else do that to her was so kinky and she loved it. She found that her slave was the best at performing the duty as afterwards she was never able to find the slightest stubble.

Sliding her fingers down to her dripping opening she bit her lip at the sensation and felt she would need to reward him later. Playing around the opening to her treasure, she plays with the wet sticky substance sticking to her fingertips before rubbing it into her cliterous, shuddering at the sensation.

The boy feeling her legs twitching glanced up while sucking her toes and seeing his beloved uncovered to him, her fingers playing with herself the boy to pop an erection as he started sucking her toes rigorously.

Charisa feeling the chance on her toes moaned, looking down through her lidded eyes she seen the boner of the boy while he watched her. Smiling to herself she started to slide her fingers inside her, watching as the boy’s boner became more and more pronounced.

Panting to herself she tells the boy to stop. He pulls back confused as he thought he had been doing a good job, sitting on his heels he doesn’t notice his own condition as he watches her pleasure herself.

She tells him to take off his clothes and he hesitates, nervously. “Take off your clothes, all of them”, she repeats. The boy’s arms move of their own violation, undressing him until he is sitting on his heels again, this time naked.

Charisa moans at the body before her, the boy’s erection begging for attention as he continues to watch his mistress pleasuring herself while she watches him. Smiling to herself she tells the boy to play with himself but to stop when he feels himself getting close.

She continues to tease her nipples while her other hand plays with the insides of her vagina, she watches the boy steadily grow more and more frustrated as he has to repeatedly stop touching himself until he has reached the point where he barely touches himself before he has to stop. This goes on for another ten minutes before she tells the boy if he wants to climax he must do it while using her feet which are nice and wet from his saliva.

Shuffling forward he takes a foot in one hand and his penis in another and begins stroking his penis while humping her foot. Seeing the perverted act before her quickly boils her , turning her face crimson while her eyes glaze over. She quickly begins getting closer and closer to her climax while watching the boy jerking his hips sporadically against the bottom of her foot, the iron pole warm and hard rubbing up and down along it.

His eyes roll into the back of his head as he starts jerking, the grip on her ankle tightens as ropes of white shoot up into the air, once twice until they started coming down running down over her foot and ankles. The warm sticky feeling enhancing what she was already seeing and quickly brought her own climax along.

“I am definitely a pervert”.

The boy so spent didn’t hear the words still so immersed in the aftereffects of his own climax just keels back exhausted.

The slave comes back into the room with a damp cloth and goes to work cleaning up his mistress’s feet before telling the boy to get dressed. He whispers to the mistress that it was time for her to go out if she wanted to practice her powers.

Charisa was not very intelligent, she knew that herself and knew she did not want to end up a lab rat. After discovering that her slave had a college diploma and ensuring that he could not tell anyone about it, she told him what she could do and what he thought her course of action should be.

After asking numerous questions about her powers, they both became aware of just how little she knew about her own capabilities. So first she experimented on him, ordering him to stop smoking. The effects was horrible, he still had the cravings but could not smoke. So she changed her order to lose any cravings to smoking. The effect was profound he just did not want to smoke anymore and it opened up a world of possibilities. He asked his mistress to give him time to think about what happened before she gave anymore orders.

Sitting at his desk he pulled out a note book from his college days and started writing what had happened and the differences between the two similar but different orders. Next he wrote “lose weight”, however he figured that could be dangerous as he would continue to lose weight without being able to stop. Giving it some thought, he changed it to “exercise every morning to gain an athletic body and gain a toned body”.

He could see how similar orders could have different effects and wondered what intellectual effect they could have, could his mistress tell him to understand how difficult concepts worked.

He could see having the ability to change people might eventually make her a target. She will need people able to protect her. Defence techniques and people to be body guards. It was a start, but how to word them.

“Don’t be confused about anything being told and understand the processes behind the topics of conversations”.

That might work but will take some experimentation maybe on some college s that are not doing so well and check after a few weeks to see any changes.

Protection, hmm it would have to be learned physically and enough to defend against multiple attackers. A gun would be too dangerous, it could hit an innocent and the risk of the mistress being discovered would only increase if one was used.

“Boxing, Holds (Grappling), Kickboxing and other fighting techniques. Learn these enough to defend against multiple attackers”.

It was the best he could come up with and showed them to his mistress he suggested testing them on random people so they would not have to worry if they could not be reversed. Looking at his mistress he asked if she could give herself commands.

She looked at him confused. Why would she do that she asked him.

And he explained that if they could get the college students to understand topics they did not understand before. That if she could command that to herself then ordered her to know the full capacity of her powers she should understand how they worked.

She had gotten very excited at that and wanted to do it straight away but she promised to wait the few weeks when he explained how it could back fire, but that she should try to command herself to feel harmless things just to make sure she could.

So with some suggestions she looked into the mirror hanging on the bathroom wall, making eye contact with herself and feeling slightly foolish she giggles “Mirror, Mirror, on the wall who is the fairest of them all?”

Giggling again she relaxes, watching her eyes as the colours start to sway and swirl hypnotically she breathes in saying in recitation “You, shall always be pleased with your body and find yourself attractive. Do you understand?” Feeling foolish talking to the mirror, her heart thumps when her mouth replies “Yes, I understand”.

She stands there shocked. It had worked, moving onto the second command she was to give to herself she says “You will find pleasure in all acts of sexuality between you and your partners, do you understand?” She waited, watching as her mouth and formed the words “Yes, I understand”. Leaving the bathroom she tell her slave what had happened and they started planning on how to explore what her powers could do.

So here weeks later he had his fit body, just the slightest bit of fat hanging on, he also had her turn him and five others into bodyguards but had them carry on their daily lives for the time being to supplement their income.

Leaving their home it was time to go check on the college students to see if it was time to carry on with the next part of exploring her powers.


Off the coast of Ireland, wind rain and the waves crashed against the sandy beaches up and down the country in what was being described as the biggest storm in the last five years. The stormy weather had lasted for the last few days only breaking up during the early hours of the morning and had broken way to a sunny, warm day which the Irish people were quickly taking advantage of as they stormed the beaches up and down the county.

It was on one such beach that Sean pulled himself out of the sea, his body weakened from the torments of suffering the three day storm in the sea. Disorientated and lost he does the only thing he is capable of, which is to continue putting one arm in front of the other as he continues dragging his uncooperative body through the shallow waters as the waves conspired by dragging him back every time he had made a little progress.

Coughing up the rough salty water that the sea was into his gullet, he grabbed the attention of several families that saw the splashing and of a young man that looked like he had missed a few good meals.

Running down the beach to the shoreline, two young men dragged his carcass out of the sea up onto the drying sand while a little girl started to cry in the background, confused and terrified of what she was seeing. Sean did not see or hear any of this as after he had finished his coughing fit the boy had promptly passed out.

Beep……… Beep…………. Beep……… Beep, Sean weakly opens him eyes before immediately slamming them shut again against the brightness trying to force its way into his skull. Beep………..Beep……..Beep……….Beep, taking a moment to steady himself for any backlash he gradually, very slowly opens his eyes, allowing them to become accustomed to the light.

White ceiling, Sean just stares at it confused about what has happened to him as he just looks up at the ceiling not even tries to move. Beep………Beep……..Beep……Beep, seeing movement out of the corner of his eye and after failing being able to move from lack of energy, he strains his eyes to see over by the bedside. A nurse was injecting something into a bag hanging by his bedside.

Coming over to the bedside she asks if the boy can talk. Sean opens his mouth to ask where he is but ends up coughing weakly before gasping as the pain shoots through his weak throat. The nurse leans over telling him to open wide, seeing the red inflammation of his mouth she talks softly, her accent giving the words a nice musical ring to them. She assures him that everything is ok now, that she had just given him an injection to help him sleep and that someone will be by later to get contact information for his mam or dad to let them know you are ok.

She leans back watching the young boy as the sedative drips into the IV she can tell when it starts to affect him as he starts struggling and fighting against the drug trying to put him to sleep. The nurse sits on the bed and starts humming a soft gentle tune to herself as the boy gradually stops struggling before allowing sleep to overtake him. The nurse sits there for a moment watching the young man sleep before she gets up to continue her rounds promising herself to check in on the young fella during her break.

Sean dreamed. He dreamed of being tossed and turned in the cold unrelenting sea and terrified of the strange dream. He still could not remember anything that happened and he thought he might have fell over the side of a boat or something similar. It was strange that he remembered some disjointed memories of his hood when he had lived in England, however the nurse and doctor were both Irish as well as the other nurses that continually topped up that drug that was running through his veins.

Sean looked around the room during the times he was awake, there was not that much in there to be honest but what else is there to do when you can’t move around. Apart from the bed that he was lying on and the stand with the bag of water or whatever it is, there was the monitor by the bed that kept up its incessant beeping. Sean sighs heavily before looking out the window across the room.

The door opens and the cute nurse from before walked through it. Sean looks her over as she comes in and she caught him looking. Grinning devilishly she did a small twirl before leaning forward, giving him a good look down her cleavage before she stands up straight pursing her lips, giving him a mock look of disapproval before saying aloud “You know, if you don’t keep your lecherous eyes to yourself, I will have to find you a much less attractive nurse to look at” she continues her cheeky grin but with an added bit of colour to her cheeks, which makes her all the more attractive as the colour compliments her sleek red hair perfectly.

He lets his gaze wander her body for the moment she gives him as she appreciates his looks and with a small smile and a glint in her eyes she snaps her fingers by her head and he looks up with a guilty look in his eyes.

She smirks before strolling over to his bed and plops her firm backside down next to him. She asks if he remembers anything about what had happened to him. He shrugs his throat is still a bit raw but he manages to tell her that he thinks he might have originally lived in England when he was younger but he is not sure if he still lived there. All he remembers are dreams of the sea and that he might have fell into the sea.

The nurse considers this for a moment before digging into her purse pulling out a folded piece of paper. She turns to him and tells him that nobody here in Ireland had been in to the hospital looking for him and that it might help to contact missing persons in England to see if anyone over there was missing a son.

She unfolds the paper in her hand and he notices a photo of him taken while he was asleep and the details with his first name, (which he had guessed from his dreams when he seen other s calling him that) the date he was found and the hospital where he was now. He looked up to see the nurse looking at him. It’s a shame we don’t have more details to go by, but I will post this over to England to a friend of mine, they can find out the person it should go to and then they can get to finding out who you really are. The nurse smiles while he thanks her, before she ruffles his hair telling him to get back on the mend and that she will be back later.

An explosion was the new thing that popped up in his latest dreams. It looked like he was in the middle of a flash of light that somehow lead to him being in the middle of the ocean. There was a time lapse of a few hours in between but he could not make heads or tails of what he was seeing.

Sean puts his head back on the pillow hoping that someone could tell him what had happened to him as he flexes his fingers tenderly wishing he could get his strength back soon so he would not be refined to this room much longer.


Pyetr sits in the back of the cab, as it slowly drives though the busy New York City. Buildings pass by without him paying much attention as he keeps his eyes the seat in front of him, he is displeased as he watches the back of the blond haired Natalia. She should have known to sit back here so I could play with her, now I am bored.

The flight was horrendous and boring and after ten hours of nothing to do but watch crappy movies or sleep, it had finally ended. Exiting the airport we find that a cab has been waiting for us to bring up to our new home. Our father was too busy setting up the new branch of Sberbank here in New York to come collect us himself. Without discussions on what his ren wanted to do, he goes and volunteers to be the new manager of the western branch of one of Russia’s biggest banks.

Leaving all those we have ever known back in Russia, I want to find a way to punish the man for what he has done to his family. However with only an inkling of what I have planned it will take a few weeks to work out the finer details.

Pyetr looks out the window, watching as the car drives along the freeway on the quickest path out of the city and heads up north towards their new home.

Looking at the reflection in the glass he noticed his mother looking at him, quickly turning he puts a concerned look on his face and leans towards his mother, “are you ok, mama” she smiles at the boys concern and pulls him into a tight hug, pressing his face into her voluptuous breasts. He burrows his head into them using them as his pillow.

She felt that it was ok for him to do so as he was her little boy and there was no harm in him hugging her like this. She had recently hugged him a lot recently and could not exactly remember the reason it had started, but was glad of the renewed closeness to her boy.

Pyetr with his face hidden by his mother’s boobs had a small smile on his face. There was a lot of small changes he had made gradually to the woman and he could not wait to see how far it would go once he started baiting her. Leaning up he glanced to make sure the driver could not see him before leaning up giving his mother a quick peck on the lips before pulling away and sitting in his seat.

Kristina just smiled at her son’s foolishness and that her son had no problem kissing his mother. She remembered being that age, remembering how embarrassing she found her parents and loved her son for lavishing her with attention. She looked wistfully at her daughter thinking how much she acted like herself at that age and put no further mind to how withdrawn she had become recently.

Looking back at her son, Kristina watches him looking out at the passing scenery, more than once catching her eye in the reflection as he smiles at her. She was worried her ren would resent them for making the move, but it looked like her son at least did not mind.

The time passes quickly and after a ten minute drive through the open country the cab pulled up outside a house. Getting out of the cab she paid the cabbie while her ren collected the cases from the trunk. Walking up to the door they found the pot described by their father and Natalia opens the door before helping to carry their luggage into their new home.

Closing the door behind them they all head up stairs to find their new bedrooms, Peytr finds his room with the boxes of luggage they sent ahead puts his case down and sits on his bed becoming lost in thought. He hears the communal shower turn on and getting an idea checks the other rooms to make sure it was indeed Natalia in the shower.

He enters his parents’ bedroom, seeing his mother unpacking and asks if he can use their shower to wake up from all the travelling they did. She looks up at her son and points to the door across the room and he steps across into the bathroom he closes the door leaving it ajar so she can hear if he calls her. Looking around he sees one clean towel and hides it in the bottom of the laundry basket before turning on the shower.

Taking off his clothes, he wonders what will happen as he quickly climbs into the shower and begins washing himself. While scrubbing himself he starts to get an erection and rinses off without touching himself. Turning off the water he gives it a few moments before calling out “Mama”,

“Yes?” she replies. Not wanting to order her in he calls again a nervous tremor in his voice “Mama”

“Coming”, he grins hiding himself behind the glass but knowing she will see his body he gets excited, the flowing straight to his dick.

She sticks her head in, quickly averting her eyes when she sees her boys glistening naked body behind the glass. flowing to her face she says “Yes sweetie?”

Peytr smiles to himself he points out through the gap in the glass purposely opening it a little, “There is no towels”.

Kristina is bewildered as she could have sworn she spotted a towel on the towel rack but looking over she sees there isn’t. “Sorry about that, Sweetie.” She leaves the bathroom to go fetch one.

Peytr quickly climbs out of the shower his erection standing proud as it points towards the door as he gets excited. His mother enters the bathroom, shocked seeing her naked boy in front of her. By habit her eyes flick down and sees his erection pointing at her. She blushes unsure of what to do.

Peytr smiles to himself as he raises his arms and asks his Mama if she would like to dry him like she used to. He is careful making sure to phrase it as a question to see what she would do. Kristina looks her boy in the eyes and still seeing her spoilt little boy, she steps forward with the towel in her arms and she starts drying her sons’ naked body. Peytr is loving it, she is doing this herself. He stands there letting his mother dry him. She pulls back when he is dry smiling down at her boy she pulls him in for a hug momentarily forgetting that he is naked as she pulls him into her embrace before deciding that it is ok as it is just a hug with her son.

Standing there like that for what felt like an eternity, Kristina didn’t realise her hands were on his ass until she felt it moving under her hands as he grinded into her mound. She basked in the feelings for a moment before moving her hands off his bottom.

Peytr looks her in the eye before giving her a gentle lingering kiss, stopping it before his mother does. He plucks the towel from her unresisting fingers as he exits the bathroom, flinging the towel over his shoulder he exits his mother’s room and steps into his sister’s.

She looks up at his naked body she is sitting on her bed in just her underwear drying her hair. She looks pissed when he orders her to take off her panties and lie back on the bed. He climbs up on to her bed with her and tells her to face fuck herself on his dick. This was hard for her to do as she was underneath him and had to push her face up to fuck his dick.

However as Peytr was constantly on edge from his time with their mother, he soon stopped her and blew his load all over his sisters’ body getting it mainly in her tits and her stomach, a little even dribbled onto her pussy. Before leaving the room he told her to finger herself to orgasm twice while thinking about him fucking her and then chuckled at the despised look she gave him on his way out while her fingers started to go to work.


Hmm, how to describe my life to you…. My name is Jake, Jake Willis. I am sixteen years old, I will be seventeen next February. Even though I am on the skinny side, I like football, and that’s watching not playing. Go Jets!!

I live in a nice little area at the top of New Jersey called Northvale. There is not many other teenagers here so I tend to spend the majority of time by myself in the woods that surround our little slice of Northvale, or if I’m feeling generous I spend some time with my thirteen year old sister or watch the neighbourhood s while their parents are busy.

School is ok, but then again its school and I hate it. Summer vacation is coming to an end soon, then it will be time to go back to education, lucky me. Mom was out today with me and Lilly, getting new school supplies and after stopping for Micky D’s, we are on the way home.

It is still early enough that I am planning on going into the woods when I get home. Mom does not like me going, she says it is dangerous but it isn’t. Might be a little creepy sure but far from dangerous. Pulling up our drive to our home, mom knows what I am planning and asks for a hand before I run off for the rest of the day. Sighing heavily and pointedly looking towards the woods, mom giggles but does not give in so I go about helping her as quickly as I can.

Bringing the last of the bags in, I fly out the door heading towards the woods at the back of our house. Hearing the pattering of feet running behind me I slow down, allowing Lilly to catch me at the edge of the woods.

She giggles at having caught me and asks if she can come. Even though we are older than the neighbourhood s in the area, their ish enthusiasm and the lack of any real reason to grow up kept us both innocent and ish while growing up. I nod to Lilly and turn walking into the woods, taking a path that leads to a small stream with some large rocks to sit on.

Lilly sidles up beside me as we are walking, looking up to me with a small smile on her face. Walking along together it does not take her long to take a hold of my hand and start humming cheerfully as we walk together. Coming across the stream I turn to follow it up to the spot I know and Lilly keeps pace while watching the stream.

Out in a clearing there are some large rocks partially blocking the stream so it is shallow on one side and deep on the other. After taking off my shoes and socks, I climb up onto the flat rock on top and sit down, skimming my feet along the water. Hearing some shuffling I turn to see Lilly with her sandals off hiking her dress up as she climbs up beside me, sitting down impishly on the rock.

Putting her head on my shoulder we chat about this or that for the next hour until we notice it getting dark, a lot darker than it should be at this hour. Standing up we slowly climb down the rocks and I feel as though someone is watching us when I reach the bottom I look around as Lilly climbs down behind me, not seeing anything until I turn to help Lilly down.

I freeze my hands on her hips, I gasp, Lilly looks down with a confused look on her face as I lower her slowly to the ground staring off towards the woods but not making eye contact with whatever that was that I had just seen.

Lilly tries to look over before I shake her so she won’t. “What is it?” she asks worriedly.

“Run now, follow the stream all the way to the end it comes out further away from home but you won’t get lost”


Jake throws his sister in the direction to run as he picks up a stone and throws it at the pair of yellow eyes that had been watching him. Turning he screams frantically at his sister to go now as another pair of eyes was coming from the woods he screamed at her to run throwing a rock at her making her scamper away crying.

Jake turns seeing a third pair of eyes following his sister he screams at her to run faster as he throws another rock at it distracting it. The first one entered into the clearing its yellow eyes the most obvious feature on the black scraggly fur on the huge dog before him with something massive swishing rapidly behind it. Turning he notices only one other beast before panicking and running after his sister hoping her made it in time.

Lilly did not know what scared her brother that much but running through the stream splashing it in her hurry, she knew that she needed help. She had been running for a few minutes when she heard a menacing growl and turned to see a big black dog keeping pace with her with a really long tail flowing behind it.

Following the tail with her eyes she saw a glint flying towards her, throwing herself out of its way, it still cut across her stomach before swishing back. That was its tail, looking down wondering how it was so long she saw red start to leak through a slice in her dress and she screamed.

Jake was getting beat bad, trying to outrun the two monsters was only getting him cut up in the process. He had shallow cuts across both arms from the only time he tried to block a tail. Since then he scooped up stones while running and tossed them at whichever one got closer. Following the stream the two monsters kept pace with him with no sign of the third when Jake heard the scream echoing through the forest.

Lilly seeing the and seeing the tail coming to her again turned to run, too late as the tail cut down across her back with enough force to throw her through the air. Grunting at the impact Lilly stumbles forward as she lands, nearly tripping. She now runs for her life down the stream hoping desperately her brother was ok.

Jake hearing the scream runs without trying to distract the monsters anymore as he needs to be faster. The beasts take advantage of this, cutting across his back, legs, arms and stomach as they try to force his powers to awaken as their master commanded. y lines crisscrossing the majority of his body, Jake doesn’t feel a thing as he chases after his sister while he gradually picks up speed.

Lilly barrels towards the light of the edge of the forest arms reaching out, she does not notice when the tail swishes out tangling around her leg, dragging her back and up before throwing her forward.

Mr Robinson lived down the road from the Willis’s and was currently driving on the road by the forest when a girlish body gets flung through the air in front of his car before she bounces off the road hard and slides on the tarmac before rolling to a stop.

Mr Robinson watching the girl had failed to see the beast that rushed out onto the road chasing after the girl and hit it with his car ing it instantly, the blade burning away along with most of its tail until it looked like a large stray dog. Rushing to the girl he called for help.

Jake got pushed away from the stream and he had no choice but to turn toward home, hoping his sister was ok. The two beasts knew their brother was now dead and moved onto the next phase of their plan, driving the boy home. Keeping pace, they kept him on the path home by cutting the trees either side of him. Getting closer to home he started shouting out for help.

Running, running for longer than he thought should be possible with the beasts chasing him he reaches the treeline bursting out of it he sees his mom standing behind the house with a rifle pointing just to the left of him. She hesitates to fire with her son in the way as they get closer and closer to the house.

Jake throws himself on the ground to give his mom a clearer shot and the two beasts rush past him as if he was not important. She pulls the rifle into her shoulder and pulls the trigger, startled as a tail flicks out swiping the bullet from the air but catching a piece of the metal in its side.

The beast slows as the other rushes ahead as the woman flicks the rifle over to it pulling the trigger, again and again as bullets hits the beast without slowing it, its tail flicks out cutting straight through the barrel of the gun before dropping dead at her feet, its tail starting to fizz.

Dropping the useless weapon mom looks up and smiles at me as the last remaining monster leaps through the air locking its paws around her body and ripping her apart. Jake watches in shock until the tail pulled back before swinging down the tip pointed under its body straight at her stomach pushing it straight through flesh and bone until it came out of her back.

The remaining monster had its eyes on the boy while it ate his mother until Jake snapped out of it and screamed. Screaming so loud that the trees nearby started to quake, a jolt went through his whole body as a shadow formed in front of him and picking up upon his masters grief and fury at the beast in front of it, it turned marching towards the yellow eyed monstrosity.

Sending a message to Hades as the shadow approached him, the beast informed his master that the mission was completed successfully. That was all that could be said as the shadow fuelled by rage pulled it off the woman and forming a blade on one hand, it ed the dog in one stroke and dropped its head over its body before it disappeared.

Jake crying walked unsteadily forwards, feeling so very tired, he fell to his knees and toppled over surrounded by the two large stray dogs and his dead mother.

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