Creating the Pack CH 3

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

3 years later

The time has come in 2 days Elizabeth her 3 friends and I will escape this place. Everything is according to plan during the night shift we will leave, I will escape my cell first and retrieve the keys then move to Elizabeth and the others cells ing the guards as I go. Jordan will be awaiting us at Pinedale 200 miles from the prison. We have to get there on foot staying off the roads and traveling through streams to lose the tracking hounds we can't afford slowing down for a few hours I'll set the pace and they will follow me. I decided to be sure to the guards in front of the cameras so as not to get the others in trouble for leaving all evidence pointing to me. In case some of us get caught they won't be charged for . I didn't lay out the plan to any of them so that if they are caught the cops won't be able to know where we are going, we will escape through the courtyard after getting them out using the keys. Once we get out we got to keep moving till nightfall the next day, the police will assume we will stick to the roads and highways.So by then we will be free of further chase and pursuit.

Having the plan memorized I rested peacefully my cellmate snoring on his bunk above me, he had learned to stay clear of me and to not even talk around me. I've had challenges for my spot a few times and they never succeeded in beating me and never challenged me again afterwards. Soon after rumor got around that if you challenge me you will spend weeks in the hospital recovering. So of the fun here was lost but gave me time to whip the others into shape for our escape focusing on increasing their stamina for we needed to keep moving for hours after leaving. These next 2 days we have to rest and build are strength and eat up to build up our energy for the travel.

Over the last few years I purposely got myself placed in isolation so I could learn more about my change and after a few weeks of isolation I had been meditating thinking of what I noticed about the change along with possible scenarios of what happened from movies I watched. Looking deeper inside myself that I noticed another presence. A presence that is wild, strong, fierce, and yet a strong sense of loyalty. Grabbing that presence I pulled it out feeling extreme pain as my muscles and bones began to change shape and hair growing out. The next thing I knew was that I was standing there on two legs with claws and a gaping maul. I knew then that I was a werewolf but what I still didn't know was how I became a werewolf but hey I wasn't complaining about it but I still had to find out how. It seems that some of the movies were spot on about werewolves but since I haven't changed on a full moon I had to guess that a lot of the stories are incorrect but judging by Jordan's new appearance and strength she too must be a werewolf. Looking back I Remember biting her so I must have turned her into one as well. I have long since accepted that and even informed Jordan when I found out deciding to visit the place I First noticed the change. But I also learned from my time here that unlike the people from the strip club these guys didn't smell like dogs and I didn't think people found the smell of dog very appealing like I do now. So that must be a pack Den and I finally understood what happened to Fred Anderson that night, they must have eaten him. I wanted revenge but after I got answers about werewolves.

Two nights later at the strike of midnight I put my plan into action hoping everyone was ready by the time I got to them. I slid out of bed and faced my snoring cellmate and with a firm jerk I snapped his neck, moving to the cell door I called the nearby guard over. Once he was in range I grabbed him and snapped his neck as well, he tried to fight but he couldn't stop me or even hold back as I snapped his neck. I grabbed the keys on his waist and unlocked the door replacing him in my bunk moving for the door I moved out to find the master keys that lie in the Wardens office. The next guard that I came across I waited to pass before moving behind him and once again snapped anothers neck.

Arriving at the Wardens office a while later snapping six more guards necks along the way. There were voices coming from inside as I listened at the door one belonged to the Warden while the other belonged to the Head Jailer knowing I could take them down I got and entered only to have ten heads turn to me. I was surprised to find that they were in a meeting with the other guards that weren't on duty and I still wasn't worried as I closed the door behind me. The Jailer looked at me surprised that I was here but before they could do anything I moved in and delivering fast firm punches to them snapping bones and knocking them unconscious before ing them to avoid a call for help leaving only me and the Warden in the end. He was cowering in a corner of his office throughout the confrontation, moving up to him I snapped his neck then took the Jailers keys before leaving the room of corpses behind. I had stopped by the armory to grab a few bolt action rifles and ammo along with some changes of clothes, putting mine on I put the others in a duffle bag with the rifles and ammo.

Moving for Elizabeth and her friends cells I didn't notice many guards and the one's I did come across died of snapped necks in front of the cameras to help emphasis that I ed them. Three minutes after arriving at their cells they were dressed and we were on our way out to the courtyard. I left them inside while I took care of the guard towers, then we were using the keys to unlock the front gate. Dropping the keys we began running at a slow pace for hours on end only taking breaks every couple of hours for them to rest, Elizabeth was keeping up fine but the others were lagging behind a bit but had kept up till nightfall once again.

Throughout the run I was discovering all new sorts of smells and sights things just seemed to have a different light to it. Everyone was tired so as they were resting on a log I gathered wood for a small fire and enough to build a couple lean tos for shelter thirty minutes later we had a fire and shelter. Elizabeth and I shared a shelter while her friends shared the other one. When everyone was asleep I ran out to the nearest stream, getting water in the stainless steel canteens I headed for camp in the dead of night.

Arriving back at camp I found that Elizabeth was up stoking the fire with a worried look on her face, I was still in the shadows of the night and the sudden noise I made, made her jump in surprise. Upon seeing me her features suddenly relaxed and asked. "Where have you been I was worried to see that you weren't here?"

Not wanting to offend her by laughing I told her. "I was getting water but you are right I should have told you where I was going." Physically calming down I could see her starting to relax around the fire as I took a seat next to her. "Don't worry if I was going to leave you guys behind I wouldn't have brought you in the first place, so relax I don't leave friends behind." Smiling I patted her back after setting the canteens in the coals of the fire to boil.

I was going to pay my other so called friends a visit when I got back home for testifying against me in court about Fred's disappearance. I won't them but I will emphasize that they are no longer welcome near me with fists. I also plan to my parents and brother then we are off to see the strip club to learn more about werewolves.

Noticing that Elizabeth was starting to nod off I urged her to go to sleep I will be here all night keeping watch.The water was boiling after I got back from helping her to the shelter. Getting them out to cool off I resealed them and began to stoke the fire sitting back against a boulder as I waited for sunrise we will have to continue the journey when everyone wakes up we traveled fifty miles the previous day and I was hoping to make twenty more tomorrow before stopping for camp. Hopefully we could get so hunting done before we start camp so we could have some food in our stomachs.

We managed to bag a few rabbits with the rifles I brought we had made the quota and had dinner so bonus. I had my food even more rare than the others had theirs. They looked like they wanted to ask questions but just let it go and I was thankful for that but I noticed immediately that the rawer the meat the better it tasted. Cleaning up afterwards everyone went to bed in the lean tos while I stayed watch again for the night. Even all the work and no sleep I still wasn't tired yet, I was truly amazed of how much my body could take now. Waiting for sunrise again I rested against a tree trunk for the day to come.

The next few days were the same as before travel stop eat, travel stop eat. So once we got to Pinedale I was wiped out having not slept the entire journey, we met my sister at Rendezvous Meadows Golf on the outskirts of the city in a car picking us up she then drove us to the Best Western Pinedale Inn, I had contacted Jordan awhile back that she should reserve two rooms for us to stay in.

On the drive there I was feeling worn out and fell asleep in my seat for what felt like a moment before we pulled into the inn, with some urging from Jordan and the others along with the promise of a bed I got out and walked up to the room before collapsing onto the bed falling asleep moments later and found myself dreaming peacefully of days to come.

Awaking to the sounds of talking and feeling well rested I hopped out of bed and made my way to the others. Once I entered the room veryone said their good evenings, Looking up I said. "Evening? So I only slept a few hours it felt like days."

"No Ben you have been sleeping for thirty six hours, I'm sorry I didn't realize that during our escape you didn't get any sleep since. You were always watching over us. I'm so sorry I should have taken watch for a few hours each night." Tears were threatening to fall from her eyes as she spoke clearly a heavy weight that has plagued her ever since I collapsed.

"Don't worry about it if we did that then you wouldn't have been able to keep up with my pace so relax it was my choice to take watch all night every night, besides I am too stubborn to have let you take watch." Earning a slight chuckle from her. "Now I don't know about the rest of you but I am starving so who wants take out!"

Everyone agreed after all that time in prison ordering a pizza seemed like a great idea. Turning on the television when I sat down to the news I was rewarded with our faces plastered to it. Everyone quieted down when they saw it and as we listened my plan was a success with me being the ring leader of the break out and me taking all the blame for over twenty security guards deaths during the break out. smiling everyone stared at me as I shrugged. Elizabeth and her friends were listed as escapees and thats all no saying of being accomplices after or during the escape. My plan was a success I take most of the heat leaving the others as mere background news practically clearing their slates.

Elizabeth bolted up at the news and nearly shouted. "Ben what the hell were you thinking ing all those guards you have just made things harder for you to lay low now everyone has seen your face. What did you accomplish doing this!?"

When I knew she was done shouting I simply answered. "Well if I take most of the heat it leaves you and the others practically scott free You can go anywhere now without to much a fuss and I give out a warning to my enemies that I am back so I took down two birds with one stone as some would say. I made it so that you can choose whether or not you wish to travel with us or go your seprate ways it is now your choice. Besides everything is still going to plan, there are others I plan to to avenge my friend and to prove appoint that betreyals are not easily forgiven. The road I'll take is pathed with and also hope if you want to know more you will have to join me and my sister otherwise I cant tell you anymore. Remember if you join us you can't leave afterwards. You have the rest of the day to decide, I expect an answer tomorrow morning." Getting up I moved over to the door to get the pizza when I heard the knocking.

We had pizza that night Elizabeth discussing with her friends on what they were going to do. Jordan and I were off in a corner discussing further of what we were going to do once we get to Utah. Jordan and her friends shared a room while my sister and I shared the other. I slept great that night a comfy bed, warm blankets, and peaceful surroundings.

Elizabeth had decided that she would follow us and her friends departed the next day. Now that things have been settled here it was time to head back to Utah to pay a visit to those at the club to learn more and after that to pay a visit to our parents. I didn't know how to inform Elizabeth about us so I decided to explain when the time came instead of now. I mean how are you supposed to explain to someone that you are a creature of myth said to run wild at the sight of the full moon and is only seen during the full moon. You don't, they would throw you into the loony bin without a second glance. So I have no choice but to wait, I could show her but I believe that would have a less dramatic approach.

Pinedale was relatively quiet after the prison break, Elizabeth stayed in the apartment for the week having Jordan run for food. Over the last three years i had learned a lot about Elizabeth such as why she was in prison. Turns out she was put in for ing a guy who tried to her a few years ago and she had ed him with her bare hands. From when I fought her I could tell she had taught herself how to fight based on agility to survive in prison. She had been living on the street since her family was ed, she is slightly older than me. She too used to live in Utah though further south in another corner of the state.

After a week we were short on cash and set out for the nearest casino I will go in alone and rob the place taking all I can carry and being what I am thats a lot so we could easily make off with around thirty million or more. I didn't bother wearing a mask seeing how I'm a wanted criminal now I only had to ten people inside nd managed to escape without notice or anyone seeing me It was about ten minutes after I left that the police showed. All in all it was a successful heist getting away with 300 million dollars so yeah I would say quite a success, a lot more than I figured I would get away with.

Elizabeth was surprised and pissed that I had done this on my own but then again she didn't know what I was so I relented that I wouldn't be so reckless next time. Now with our pockets full Jordan got us a more comfortable car while we got on the road for the club. We had explained to Elizabeth that we had some business to attend to, though it wasn't easy without spilling the beans to her.

It had taken us several hours but once we got there I told Elizabeth. "Okay before we go in I got to warn you that whatever happens don't lose your cool and don't ask questions or even speak until we leave." Elizabeth interrupted me asking. " Why i though that since I came with you there would be no more secrets so what aren't you telling me?"

"Thats just it Elizabeth after this there will be no secrets so I need you to trust me when I tell you not to lose you cool in there no matter what you see alright, you must not forget what I just told and follow my lead. Okay?" I breathed out a sigh of relief when she nodded her understanding.

Moving to the front door I could smell dog on the bouncer and as I approached he stiffened. He must have caught our scent because he moved in front of the door intending on blocking our path stating. "You don't belong here." I kept walking up to him and stopped a foot in front of him and stated myself. "I'm here to speak with your leader, now take us to him or we will find him ourselves." He merely stared at me but I could see fear in his eyes as recognition started to set in. It had been three years but he is the same guy who was guarding the door then as well. Noting that there were still humans present at the entrance waiting to be let in he pulled out his phone and dialed a number spoke a moment then hung up. A few moments later a man emerged from the building and motioned for us to follow him.

Stepping through the door we followed the man through the club to a back room guarded by two more wolves. Through that door were downward staircase, we followed him down, it seemed to go on forever we did like five minutes of walking to reach the bottom. Looking next to me I could see that the further down we went the more nervous Elizabeth got, I reached for her hand and gave it a light squeeze. I could see her visibly relaxing, I let go after a while when she had calmed down. At the bottom it looked like a massive mansion built underneath the club and the scent of dogs was strong down here so guessing on that it is filled with wolves. I was sort of surprised to see that it was rather fashionable despite being underground. There were lights, heaters, AC, and very comfy looking furniture. I would say that everything here had to cost a few million.

We followed the guy through a few more doors, we had gathered a crowd moving through the mansion there was like twenty wolves behind us and following. We came to a stop in front of some massive double doors gilded with solid gold in the shape of a wolf’s head. Opening the doors we walked in.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000