Two Scout Camps

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000

NOTE: This is a work of fiction. The Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts throughout the world are great organizations. Support them in any way you can. Personally I like the Thin Mint Cookies that the Girl Scouts sell.

Two Scout Camps

Whoever thought about putting two scout camps on the same lake was a genus. The Boy Scouts of America and the Girl Scouts of America are to be commended. Not only can you get badges in archery or woodcraft but you can also get one in sex education and loose your virginity at the same time.

The boy’s camp is on one side of the lake and the girl’s camp is on the other side but there are about a hundred boats of assorted kinds, shapes, and sizes to traverse the lake anytime of the day or night. For our mile swims it just happens to be exactly a half-mile from our boat dock to the girl’s boat dock. One round trip without stopping is a mile. Even the girls swim a mile too for one of their badges. Of course we have to send a rowboat along with our swimmers to make sure that the little brats don’t drowned.

The week before camp started all of the Councilors and Councilors in Training arrived to get re-aquatinted with the camp. That included the girl’s camp too.

This certainly wasn’t my first year at camp as a Councilor. In fact it was my fourth summer. I’m nineteen years old and I was a CIT for the first two years and then a Councilor last year and this year. We arrived early Saturday morning, threw our stuff in the Councilor’s cabin, and did our camp inspection before noon. As far as we were concerned that was it. We were all set for camp to start for the summer. That left us with nothing to do but fool around until next Saturday when the first week’s campers arrived at noon. It was party time for the next six and a half days.

Fortunately the Girl Scout Councilors did the same thing and felt the same way that we did. I know from past experience and the fact that my eighteen-year-old sister Theresa in one of the Girl Scout Councilors. As I had learned in past summers four of us had sisters across the lake. The other Councilors referred to us four as the ‘brotherhood’ while the girl Councilors called our four sisters the ‘sisterhood.’ They could call us anything that they wanted too, they would anyway.

They’re just jealous because we get special privileges. The eight of us get to spend time together after retreat and dinner almost every night. Our two Camp Directors got together a couple of years ago and decided that it would be good for those four Girl Scouts to attend our evening retreat to see the flag lowered and folded as Taps was played off somewhere up in the woods. It was a very solemn occasion followed by dinner in the mess hall. Of course the girls were our guests for dinner. Then the next evening we four boys were invited to their camp to do the same thing.

This happened the six days of every camp week with the exception of Wednesday. The camp week was from Saturday noon to the next Saturday at noon. On Wednesday evenings both camps had family visitation and a barbecue. We usually roasted a whole pig over coals all day long. It was a real thrill for the campers to walk by it every chance that they could. The girl’s camp usually just had barbecued chicken. Anyway on Wednesday we were confined to camp. The Order of the Arrow put on its induction ceremony that evening and of course we four guys were members of that too. The Order of the Arrow is an elite group of Scouts within the Boy Scouts of America. It is universal throughout the world.

Anyway for six nights a week our sisters were with us and had free run of our camp for a few hours. All of the other Councilors wanted to fuck our sisters. Two years ago my sister Theresa talked the other three girls into letting the guys fuck them along with her two nights each week. There were twenty of us and four of them so it actually worked out perfectly and we each got to fuck them twice before they had to return to their side of the lake. The guys were shocked the first time that they saw me fuck my own sister.

Theresa saw the looks on their faces and said, “Get over it! It’s not the first time he has fucked me! We’ve been doing this ever since I started having periods! Dad always said, old enough to old enough to breed! Mom on the other hand said, birth control pills young lady!”

That summer I noticed the other three guys fucking their sisters too and enjoying it I might add. Their sisters seemed to like it too.

Theresa realized that there was still one other evening that they were in camp and suggested that any virgin boy that wanted to become a man could fuck them. The girls decided that ten boys each was more than fair but that the boys really had to be virgins. Every week there were forty boys begging to loose their virginities.

The best part for me was when we attended retreat at the girl’s camp. We too got virgins. Being horny teenagers we got three virgin girls each night spaced out far enough for us to recover. Most weeks there were not thirty-six virgin girls begging for our cocks. That’s when the other girl Councilors let us fuck them.

Last year the girl Councilors were so fucking horny that they asked us boy Councilors to meet them at the south end of the lake in a clearing after lights out. That made for some very nice orgies. There were approximately twenty of each sex there and we guys were all good for two to four fucks a night so the girls got their wish and got laid three times every night. The ‘brotherhood’ was pretty tapped out from virgin duty but we still got to fuck at least one of the girl Councilors every night.


So back to that very first day at noon this summer. We went down to the lake and paddled twenty canoes across the lake singing our camp song at the top of our lungs. The girl Councilors came out to great us singing their camp song. The tune was the same but the lyrics were different and it actually blended into a nice melody. We guys beached our canoes, dropped our bathing suits, and tossed them into our boat.

The girls took us by our cocks and led us to their mess hall. The ‘sisterhood’ grabbed their brother’s cocks for the trip. Once inside the mess hall we noticed that the tables each had a sleeping bag rolled out onto it.

Theresa took me to her sleeping bag and removed her clothes before climbing up onto it. I followed her and slipped my cock into my sister’s already wet pussy. As I slowly pumped it into her she told me about the hour long Daisy Chain that they had going on before we arrived. She described each pussy that she had eaten in detail along with how it had tasted too. Theresa knew that it would excite me and it did too. Soon I was cumming into her and Theresa cried out loudly, “Oh God I love Boy Scouts! They eat Girl Scout cookies but they like to fuck Girl Scout pussy!” That led to a round of ‘here here’ from everybody in the room.

This summer there were three new Girl Scout Councilors in Training. Theresa and the ‘sisterhood’ set the ‘brotherhood’ up with them so that I got to fuck all three of them that first day. Everyone wanted to fuck them but they were ours that first day. Of course they had brought a guy up from the shore by his cock but he had only gotten to sixty-nine with them, he never got to fuck them that first Saturday but we sure did.

Every morning and noon they came to our camp for sex. Every evening we went to their camp for sex. That way we could stay as long as we wanted too and they didn’t have to paddle back across the lake in the dark. Who says chivalry is dead?

That week we fucked our brains out and theirs too. Despite all that sex we still managed to get both of our camps in tiptop shape for our Camp Directors to arrive Friday afternoon for inspection. The kitchen staff had arrived that morning and completely cleaned and stocked the kitchen for the start of week one.

We boys still met with the girls at the south end of the lake that Friday night for more sex. It was the end of a great week. Too bad the campers would show up the next day and spoil it all. I took the opportunity to fuck those three new girls again. I watched as Theresa was fucked by six guys in a row. She absolutely loved the gangbang. In fact all four of the ‘sisterhood’ had requested it. However the other girl Councilors got jealous so the ‘sisterhood’ took care of themselves after that to the delight of the guys. For some reason watching two girls make love is very exciting to a guy. The ‘sisterhood’ did a great job of exciting the guys so that the other girl Councilors could get all the cock they wanted.


Saturday the little monsters arrived. That evening the ‘sisterhood’ arrived in full uniform for reveille and dinner. Probable one forth of that week’s campers were first timers and just seeing the girls got them all excited. Theresa noticed a few hard little peckers in some of the boy’s pants and giggled. When she walked into our mess hall all eyes turned to watch her. I noticed her winking at the other girls. I had to smile when the girls sat down very unlady like at our picnic tables and opened their legs up to get then over the seat. In doing so, many boys were able to see their panties. That made their day and the girls loved it too. As we ate our meal several of the new boys offered to bring the girl their food. The girls let them and always seemed to accidentally brush up against their young cocks giving both of them a cheap thrill.

My sister noticed the troop number on their sleeves and that they were all part of the same troop. She asked a couple of the young boys if they were virgins. The blushes on their faces told her that they were. She asked them if there were ten virgins in their troop. They were pretty sure that there were. So my sister looked at me and I nodded my head at her. She knew that I would check things out and set it up for her later that evening.

I did too. So on the very first day of camp that summer my sister single handedly took the virginity of eleven very excited young Scouts. The rest of the sisterhood got to try and keep their little peckers soft but it took them almost the whole night to do that. Those campers were very happy all week, probably all summer, and maybe even for the rest of their lives.

The End
Two Scout Camps

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000