Craigslist Chronicles Ch. 08: Job Interview

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Craigslist Chronicles Ch.08: Interview

dominate masc executive looking for 'fun' interview - 38

Looking for a come hungry slut to suck me off and then take my hard cock in the office. I am conducting interviews all day Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for a position within my company. Looking for a break, and to live out a fantasy of mine... Come in professionally dressed with a resume in hand. The interview will be at the end of the day, so few people in the office. I have one open interview spot for Tuesday at 4 PM. Discretion is a must.

I'm very white collar, 38, 220 lbs, fit, 8" cut.

Send me your details, and my receptionist will be expecting you.

Sitting in the breakroom at work, my eyes widened as I read through this post. With it being Monday, my Friday, I had all the time in the world to meet up with this guy tomorrow. God his post turned me on. I've always fantasized about my boss, or someone in power, fucking me.

Shooting him off a message along with a nice profession picture of myself, I anxiously awaited his reply. God, I couldn't help but fantasize about a meetup of this caliber...

Time slowly passed as I worked out the rest of my shift. The lack of a reply was ing me.

Finally, just as I was getting ready to leave work, I got the reply I was waiting for. Shooting him off another message, I sat in my car as we exchanged a few more emails.

He agreed to the meet. Fuck was I excited.

After some more back and forth, I found he was the President of Sales for a local company down in the city. From what I understand, he has a pretty large office.

Driving home, I was filled with excitement. Mentally going through my wardrobe, I started manifest what I was going to wear tomorrow...

As my alarm went off the next morning, by morning I mean noon, I started going through my wardrobe to find the adequate outfit to wear for my 'Interview' today. Picking out some nice slacks, a dark blue button-down and a bright red tie I got my clothes ironed and ready.

Going through some of my files, I printed off an old resume and printed it out. Searching through my closet, I pulled out my old leather portfolio and briefcase I used last time I went for an interview. Packing my resume, along with a few other nicknacks, I threw in a few condoms and some lube for safe measure.

It was weird. I felt nervous. Like I was actually going in for a real interview. My heart raced as I drove through the city, hunting for a place to park.

Arriving about an hour early, I grabbed a coffee before heading to the office building. God, the anxiously was ing me.

Finishing my coffee, I started heading towards the address I was given. Walking up to the highrise, I was amazed at how tall it was. I don't think I've ever been in a building so tall.

Walking inside, I checked in with security. Giving them my ID and telling them where I was heading, they printed off a nametag for me and told me to head towards elevator bank C and go to Floor 46.

After a pretty quick elevator ride, the doors opened to a pretty nice waiting room. The wall on the back side of the waiting area was floor to ceiling windows. God, it was a great view. The weather outside was perfectly bright and sunny.

"Hello!", I said to the receptionist as I walked towards her, "My name is Evan Lander, I'm here for an interview at 4:30."

"Yes!, Nice to meet you, Evan, please take a seat, Mr. Scott is just finishing up with a meeting." the receptionist said in a sweet tone, "He'll be out in a bit to greet you."

"Thanks!" I replied as I took a seat in front of the wall of windows, gazing out upon the city.

A few minutes later the receptionist came walking up to me, "Could I get you anything to drink while you wait?"

"Oh, water would be great!" I replied.

Pulling out a bottle of water from the mini-fridge behind her desk, she handed it to me.

"Thanks," I said.

Standing up, my gaze wondered in between the view of the city, and the office itself. The floor itself was a pretty open layout, a few dozen desks in clusters around the office. Most of the desks were empty; only a few bodies were about. Guessing most of the employees had already gone home for the day.

Looking further down, towards the back wall, there seemed to be a couple of walled off offices. From a distance, I could faintly make out the nameplates on the doors. One of which read Scott.

Sitting back down, I anxiously awaited my meeting. After a few more minutes, the receptionist stood up and let me know he was ready to meet. Walking me towards his office, I saw his door open as he started walking out, meeting us halfway.

Sticking my hand out, he firmly gripped it in a welcoming shake.

"You must be Evan," He said in a deep tone.

"Yes, Sir! I replied, "It's great to meet you."

"You as well," he said as the receptionist started walking back towards her desk. "Let's get started shall we?"

"Sound good to me," I stated with a nervous undertone as I followed him to his office.

Closing his office door behind me, I couldn't help but look around his office. The whole back side of his office was floor to ceiling windows sporting a spectacular view. The interior wall had a small window viewing the office floor with the blinds drawn.

Taking a seat in front of his desk, I patiently awaited him to speak.

"So, I see you came well dressed for the part," he stated. "Nicely done."

"Thanks," I replied.

"So, getting down to it, I've had six interviews today, and I am exhausted," he stated. "I have a bit of work to catch up on, so, why don't you come over here and suck me off for a bit while I reply to a few of these emails?"

Somewhat shocked to how blunt he was, I merely replied, "Yes Sir."

Making my way towards him, he stood up from his chair and pulled his desk up to a standing height. Standing a foot and a half or so away from his desk, there was a sweet spot in front of him where I could kneel down and get started.

Kneeling down in front of him, as his fingers typed away, I slowly undid his zipper. My hand reached through the zipper hole, parting his boxers as his cock came into view.

As my hand reached around his shaft, pulling his cock out, I could feel his shaft twitch ever so slightly. God, he had a fantastic cock. His flaccid dick hung out of his pants a good 6 or 7 inches, flowing into an even thicker head.

Maneuvering myself a bit closer to him, my hand slowly started rubbing along the length of his shaft as my tongue met his head. As my tongue explored more and more of his cock, he grew firmer. The veins along his shaft bulge outward. With his balls still tucked into his pants, his cock was now out in full attention.

As my mouth encompassed more of his cock, soft moans were added to the pecking of his keyboard. Moving further down his cock, my tongue swirled around the underside of his shaft as I bobbed slowly along his cock. Continuing to work and type for over 30 minutes, I stuck to my own assignment, wondering how long he would have me suck him.

As his cock slowly started to leak pre-cum, the taste of salty yet sweet blueberries and pineapple overtook my taste buds.

With my mouth starting to tire, his typing finally came to an end.

Gripping the desk, he slowly started thrusting his cock in and out of my mouth.

"Why don't you come on back up here," he stated as he looked down at me. "Let's see that ass of yours..."

Reaching for my hand, he pulled me up off the floor.

"Pants off..." he commanded.

Reaching for my belt buckle, I quickly pulled my pants and boxers down to the floor as I kicked my shoes off.

Standing in front of the wall of windows, exposed to the city, he walked up behind me and grabbed my ass, cupping it with both hands, as he pushed me towards the window. Kneeling down behind me, his hands pulled my cheeks apart, as his thumbs explored the entrance to my hole.

Reaching into his desk he pulled out a bottle of lube, coating his hand as he rubbed it up against my ass. Covering his cock in lube, he stood back up, pressing his cock in between my cheeks.

With my hands pressed up against the window, I pushed my ass back, feeling his length travel up my lower back.

With one hand he grabbed my shoulder and with the other my side as he pressed the head of his cock up against my hole.

Pressing my head up against the window, he cock started pushing into me, as ass stretching to accommodate his cock. Letting out a small moan, his hand quickly grasped my mouth, muffling my cry.

"Shhhhhh..." he said as he slowly started thrusting his cock in deeper.

Thankfully, we were up so high I didn't think anyone would see us. If they did, they'd be in for quite the view, my cock exposed, bouncing about for the world to see.

Starting to thrust deeper into me with control and a steady rhythm, I closed my eyes, focusing on his deep thrusts and shaft running through my tight hole. I could feel the bulging veins along his cock. God was he hard...

Opening my eyes quickly to the sound of the receptionists' voice coming over the intercom, Mr. Scott's hand promptly grasped my mouth once again.

"Mr. Scott, I am leaving for the day." the receptionist state of the intercom, "Do you need anything else from me before I head out?"

"Nope!" Mr. Scott replied, "Have a good night Diane!"

As the intercom light turned back off, he picked up his pace, thrusting deep into my ass. With my ass stretched to its limits, my face rested upon the chilled glass window. I would see my rhythmic breath fog up with each exhale.

As he started to bottom out, the cold metal of his zipper started poking me in the ass. With each thrust, he began thrusting harder into me, pushing me closer to the glass wall. As my chest pressed against the crisp glass, he grabbed my wrists, pulling them up over my head, holding them against the window.

My cock bouncing against the glass started leaving trails of precum against the window.

With his cock still impaled within me, his hands moved down towards my waist, moving me around the office towards the lower portion of his desk. As my hands and chest hit the leather desk top, pens and paper flew to the floor. Grasping the sides of my ass tightly, he began plowing into me rapidly, making the desk shake. Grabbing the back of the desk with my hands, I started mimicking his rhythm is reverse, meeting him part of the way with each thrust.

"Fuuuuck," he moaned in a soft rumbling tone.

"Oh fuck yes," I moaned back softly, "God your cock feels great..."

Reaching for my tie, he gripped it tightly in his hand, pulling it back towards him.

"God, your a good stress reliever," he let out in a rhythmic tone, leaving a void in between each word.

Pulling himself all the way out, he plowed his cock deep back into me. As his cock withdrew my hole once again, he turned me around, with my ass now sitting on his desk. Pushing me back, my legs went up as he guided them in between his head, holding them there.

Lining his cock back up against my hole, he thrust deeply back into me. Letting out another soft squeal, he quickly grabbed my tie, wadded it up and stuffed it into my mouth.

"God why can't more of my interview go like this?" he stated as he continued his solid thrusts.

Muffled through my makeshift gag, I let out a moan.

"Fuck I'm about to cum..." he moaned.

Thrusting slower yet harder into me, his belt buckle started to slap against my balls.

With his hands still holding my feet, he slowly brought them down closer towards my abdomen, making my legs almost criss-cross, tightening my hole around his intruding shaft.

Feeling his cock start to twitch, I knew he was about to shoot his load. Darting my head back, I tightened my ass further along his cock.

As his cock spasmed, I could feel his warm cum shoot deep into me. Keeping his cock dug within me, holding his cum inside of me, his hands slowly guided my legs around, gyrating my ass around his cock.

Pulling himself out, I could start to feel his cum drip out of me. Stuffing his cock back into his pants, he quickly zipped back up.

Grabbing ahold of his hand, he pulled me up off the desk.

"Well, thanks for that," he said. You might have to come back for a second interview..."

Laughing and smiling back at him, I said "Any time..."

Reaching towards my boxers and pants, I pulled them back up as I threw my shoes back on.

Escorting me out his office as I tucked my shirt back in, he shook my hand and pointed me back towards the elevator.

Riding the elevator back down I couldn't help but feel his cum dripping down my leg...

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000