Genesis Vol 2

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Volume 2

Chapter 1: Poutos

Veritas realized the change in his surroundings. Standing in a large hall, amidst thousands of others new players. From his point of view everyone wore the same outfits, a black pants with matching shirt and sandals. He found himself standing near a wall, which contained a graffiti with instructions for beginners.

Feeling claustrophobic he opted to go outside through the large double doors. Taking a step he noticed a difference in his body movement. It seemed more rigid, almost robotic, advancing his foot once more he tried to correct himself. This resulted in him stumbling down to the tiled floor. Again, he got up and pushed his body towards a more fluid motion. On the second attempt he succeeded, content he filtered through the other players reaching the doors.

A boisterous street, the smell of different foods and perfumes, blue clear skies shocked his senses, with the familiarity came a difference. People strolled with giant swords on their back, Elves chatting with merchants, a tall castle sitting atop the city. Veritas smiled, breathing in he wandered intoxicated by this new experience.

It didn’t take long for him to notice a small gathering. An old man, with bleached white hair and a long beard gathered everyone’s attention. Dressed in a simple white shirt and pants he energetically moved about, near the old man a large dog laid down.

Curious Veritas approached and listened. “What is the most legal way to make someone a slave to you?” The man asked the crowd

“There is none,” a person yelled.

Veritas himself knew of a way. Should he expose himself? Should he stay quiet? Shaking his head, he decided to move away, not wanting to attract attention. Yet, Veritas recalled his mother’s words, “Be true to yourself.” Pumping himself, he took a step forward and spoke up, “Debt.”

With a speed surpassing his age the older man faced Veritas, “My , repeat for me?” A broad grin appeared on his lips.

“To owe someone money is a form of servitude, close to slavery… Until that money is paid back, one is someone else’s investment,” Veritas clarified.

“Hahaha, my what is your name?”


Clasping Veritas’ shoulder the man presented himself, “My name is Poutos, and this is my beast Ceb. Come with me I’d like to further talk with you.”

Suddenly a screen appeared in front of his eyes.



-Difficulty: F

-Mission: You are invited to talk with Poutos

-Reward: Friendship with Poutos. (+) 200 XP

-If failed/denied: Nothing

-Will you accept: (Yes/No)

Reflecting on it he realized he had nothing to lose. Thus, Veritas nodded, letting himself be dragged by Poutos. “So Veritas I take it you are an Adventurer correct?” He cocked his head confused at the adventurer moniker Poutos used.

“It’s a term we here use to refer your kind. Those who came from beyond. Apparently we get called NPCs, which stands for Non Playable Characters. Like what does that even mean?” Poutos questioned. Ceb next to him grumbled.

Shaking his head Poutos explained, “Ceb here pregnant right now she’s having some difficulties walking. I also told you to stay home.”

The beast barked reproachfully, “I will not get in trouble without you here. I am a grown man.” He complained towards her.

Veritas smiled as Ceb rolled her eyes at Poutos’s comment. He could tell by this interaction they had known each other for a long time. Without Veritas realizing it he had been brought to near a large gate.

Poutos moved towards a small house which seemed isolated from the rest of Alsèf. Veritas observed a lush garden separated by a stone path leading to the front door.

Poutos waved, “Come in, come in.” Opening the house, he ushered Veritas. The lavish interior contrasted the modest exterior. Perfectly crafted wooden chairs faced a gracefully sculpted fireplace.

“Wow, your home is well decorated,” Veritas sincerely complimented.

Grinning Poutos accepted the praise. Ceb waddled her way to a plush pillow and gently laid down on it. “Take a seat,” gesturing to a nearby chair. Veritas did as asked, Poutos disappeared to the next room.

As he waited he gazed at the various painting which adorned the walls. On one of them he saw what appeared to be a younger version of Poutos, resting under an oak tree. Examining the painting further he picked out a cub whom he assumed to be Ceb, curled on Poutos’s belly.

Another painting portrayed Poutos stood still with a brilliant smile on his lips. He could tell that in his youth Poutos could be called handsome. In this one he didn’t find Ceb.

“Ah you’re did these painting catch your eyes,” Poutos walked in with a tray containing two cups and a jug.

Veritas nodded. “Who painted them?” He asked.

A gentle grin adorned Poutos’s mouth. “My wife did. She loved to paint everything. From historical events to small plants.” Taking the jug, he poured the liquid serving it to Veritas. Taking a sip, he found the drink sweet, he identified it as an alcohol he had yet to drink.

“She was beautiful. Probably the most perfect woman in the world,” Poutos twirled his cup then took a swig. “Her eyes, the way she’d stare at me whenever I’d mess up, and I did that a lot.

These paintings are the few she held on and refused to give away. After her passing I kept them, having them here makes it feel as if she’s close to me watching over me.” Tears leaked out of his eyes while he told his story.

Moving closer he placed his arm around Poutos’s shoulder, giving him strength.


Quest completed!!!

Received Poutos’s friendship

Chapter 2: Mentor

Once Poutos regained his composure he spoke, “You are new here right?” Veritas nodded. “Well let me take you for a visit. Trust me I know this Kingdom like the back of my hand.”



-Difficulty: F

-Mission: Due to being friend with Poutos he will now guide you around Alsèf.

-Reward: Potential of Mentorship. (+) 1000 XP

-If failed/denied: Lost of trust

Accepting the quest Veritas once more let Poutos manage the show. This time Ceb opted to rest, the look she gave Veritas told him it was his duty to keep her wild owner in check.

“First we’ll visit the guards,” the sadness Poutos had a couple minutes ago washed away, as his thin white hair fluttered through the wind.

Alsèf from his point of view mimicked his idea of a medieval town. With curvy narrow streets and wooden building stacked near each other. Every single piece of architecture drew his eyes vertically. Arched bridges linked different parts of streets together easing the flow of traffic. When passing by a house he heard a couple arguing about lack of money. He watched as ren ran around a large grassy area. He smelled the sweat as laborers trudged their way home. Everything felt so real, so vivid, Genesis truly was magnificent.

His journey ended when Poutos banged on a metal gate. A short, well built man with cropped brown hair greeted them.

“Andy! how are you doing?” Poutos shook the man’s hand.

“Please at lease call me Captain Andrew while at work. That’s all I’m asking.”

Poutos elbowed Veritas stating, “I knew Andy when he was still suckling on his mother breasts. Cry Baby Andy we called him.”

Veritas said, “You wanted us to meet?” This interruption made it so Captain Andrew’s embarrassing secrets stayed as such.

Rubbing his long beard Poutos cajoled. “Oh yes that is so, Andy meet Veritas. He’s a new adventurer, still very wet behind the ears.”

“Really well it’s a pleasure meet you,” Captain Andrew regained his composure. “If you don’t have one yet, I can take you under my wing and be your mentor?”


Class change possible.


Stats will change if done


“Hey, hey what are you doing? I still haven’t decided if he will be my pupil or not,” Poutos admonished the Captain.


Class change possibility locked

Seeing this different notification confused Veritas. He didn’t really understand how to change class or what was a class. He regretted not reading the Dark Ryse library more, lack of information quickly became his Achilles heel.

Poutos clasped Veritas’s elbow, tugging him away all the while muttering under his breath. Apparently the class change thing might be important. Yet he didn’t know what he really wanted to be. Did different class have different advantage? He read about the stats not much else after this.

While he reflected Poutos had returned back to his home. Veritas sat down watching Poutos pace around.

“What is money to you?” Poutos asked?

“An obsession, a passion, something I dedicated years earning,” Veritas said.

“Why do you seek it?”

“For it to be my slave, so I’m never controlled by it again.”

“One last thing, what is more important than money?”

Veritas answered, “God, family and friends.”

Hearing this Poutos burst into a loud laughter, “As of right now I declare you my pupil.”


Quest completed

Leveled up!!!

Leveled up!!!

You have accepted to become (Poutos) pupil (+) 20 Popularity.

New Quest Added


Difficulty: G

Mission: As a pupil it is your duty to learn what your teacher has for you

Reward: Class and Profession

If failed/Declined: (-) 200 popularity, will become hated by all NPCs in Alsèf

With such forgiving conditions he wouldn’t dare not accept this quest. Then thinking about it he realized he didn’t know Poutos’s class.

“What is your class?” he questioned.

“I used to be a Merchant, then I received an arrow to the knee.” He lifted his pants to show a large scar on his knee. “This made long journeys troublesome, thus my wife and I decided to retire here. Lived the rest of our life peacefully. I didn’t think I’d get a pupil today so give me a couple of days they are some things I need to prepare for you.”

Veritas nodded wishing Poutos and Ceb goodnight he walked out. Now to solve the greatest mystery of all… how to log out. Wracking his brain, he recalled the initial spawn had instructions written all over its walls. If only he could remember where exactly he came in earlier today.

Chapter 3: Friends

Shrugging he decided to aimlessly wander hoping to randomly stumble upon his destination. He saw a large building thinking he had found his destination he approached it. Once he got closer Veritas realized he had mistaken. Sighing he decided to at least know the name of this building and possibly get some directions.

Hoping up the steps he went inside to see if he could find anyone who could help. A large courtyard appeared in front of him, it didn’t take long for him to understand this was a training center of sorts. In the middle scarecrows arranged in lines with three meters of space between each one of them.

His footsteps echoed loudly in this space devoid of people. Part of him wanted to turn back and learn how to log out. Nothing bad could happen with a little practice, besides he reasoned, he needed to understand how his body would move in this world. Moving to the closest scarecrow he got in position. Veritas closed his eyes standing straight he clasped his hand at his waist. He drew air straight to his belly focused on his body.

Breathing his spread his legs, squaring up his shoulders he lifted his hands. Opening his eyes once more he locked on the scarecrow and began his routine. First a simple jab to test things out, next a right straight aimed at the chin. As soon as he landed the second punch he sensed the difference, he punched faster than in the real world. Once more he retried the one-two combo to test out his theory.


He did punch quicker in Genesis, moving from side to side he experienced the lightness of his body. Veritas continued this practice, he danced around the scarecrow while he delivered a flurry of blows. He jumped two meters up in the air twisting his body he performed a somersault. Landing softly a feeling of elation burst from his chest. He long forgot about leaving, now he only focused on the different technics he could achieve in this world.

“Come, the training center should be empty right now,” A boisterous voice proclaimed.

From the entrance two women walked in. One walking slightly ahead of the other had brunette hair which contoured a round face. Her body encased in a thick leather armour, with a leather sheath holding a longsword at her hip and a square wooden shield on her arm. The other woman wore the same black pants and shirt as he did. Unlike the first girl, she had black hair along with a petite frame.

He could tell that the loud one had better gear thus more experience. Then he remembered the original reason for his wandering. Initiating the conversation with others felt weird to him.

Gathering some courage Veritas spoke, “Excuse me I need help with something?”

Carefully he approached them still a bit apprehensive they might run away from him.

“Sure, what’s the matter,” the brunette

After, recovering from the shock that she normally replied to him, he explained his predicament.

“Hahaha,” her thin lips split apart revealing her white teeth. “No worries newbie I’ll help you. By the way my name is Androssa.” Pointing to the black haired woman she said, “She is Lilia.”

Shaking their hands Veritas presented himself.

Androssa began demonstrating to him how to log out, “Make a rectangle using your thumb and index fingers of your left and right hand.” She made an upper case L with both fingers joining them together around the chest area. Then muttered, “Open menu.”

Doing as instructed Veritas saw a holographic screen showed up in front of him. A list of command appeared from which he could choose to see his stats, storage, friends, and logout.

He thanked her. “My pleasure,” Androssa replied. “If you don’t mind I can add you as a friend? In case you should have any questions just contact me.” She pounded her chest as she spoke the last part.

Looking at Androssa’s large brown eyes he nodded.


You received a Friendship request from Androssa will you accept


Accepting her friendship he logged out, happy. For the first time in years he had a friend.

Chapter 4: First Contact

John was joyful after his first days in Genesis. Yet a small taste peaked his curiosity. Thus while eating breakfast the next he pulled out his I-Cherry tablet. Opening the Darkryse library app he searched Poutos.

-Not much is known about Poutos. However, it cannot be denied that the man is very influential in all matters related to Alsèf. Most would agree that if not for him the leader of the Merchant Guild, Maximilia, would have her way with the Kingdom. Most high-ranking officials have been aided by him in one way or another. There’s even a rumour that Poutos had save Agnês’s life as a and taught her how to wield a sword.

+Players beware to obtain Poutos’s ire equals total excommunications from all Alsèf’s citizen.

Reading this John whistled in awe. He knew Poutos possessed some influence but not this much. Still for him to randomly meet the old man like, could it have been luck? John pondered about this as he took a shower.


Veritas returned to the world of Genesis, spawning back in the training center. He recalled Poutos told him he would come find him in a couple of days. Yet, Veritas didn’t know the exact time conversion between real life and Genesis. He did figure out that it was most likely less than ten hours for one day in game.

With this in mind he wanted to continue training. However, he hungered, now came another troublesome situation. Where could he find anything to eat.


You are hungry.

(-1) HP/Minute

Stats reduced by (50) %

Acknowledging the urgency of his situation Veritas began thinking of a plan. Opening his Menu, he contacted Androssa hoping she would be online.

-Hello do you by any chance know where I could find food? – Veritas

-Are you still at the Training Center? – Androssa

-Yes – Veritas

-Great I was on my way there anyway – Androssa

Salvation coming, he waited, just as she told him Androssa arrived in a few short minutes. With her was the dark haired Lilia and another female wearing a long green cloak. The fact that the cloak covered her face along with her staff made her seem mysterious.

“Veritas,” Androssa smacked his shoulder. “How’re you doing?”

Rubbing his shoulder he greeted her. “I have some bread in my inventory you may have.”

He gobbled down the bread, although stale it tasted great, hunger truly was the best spice. In between bits he introduced himself to the new female Patty.

“You should stack up on food for yourself,” Patty recommended. Seeing his shortcomings Veritas agreed with her.

Androssa said, “Since you’re here would you mind doing some training with us?”

He nodded wanting to pay back his debt. He followed Androssa towards the back of the training center into a rectangular room with a cement floor.

“We’ll separate into two teams, Patty and Lillia will go over there, I’ll face you,” Androssa announced. “Here you go.”

Veritas received a rusty long-sword from her. “Thanks,” he gripped the pommel.

Backing away he swung the weapon a few times. Truthfully the sword felt unbalanced, in addition, its chipped edge didn’t inspire confidence.

“Androssa will go easy on you. Don’t worry about messing up too much,” Patty smiled comfortingly.

He steadied himself, taking a deep breath down to his belly. Planting his right foot firmly on the ground he placed his left foot behind it while slightly raising the heel. Standing straight he pointed the sword at Androssa, his eyes locked on hers.


Androssa has challenged you to a duel. Do you accept?


“I accept.”


Duel has been accepted. Loser will be declared once HP reaches (45)%

Suddenly, she jumped at him, bashing him with her wooden shield. Knocked down he flew backwards, he rolled on the cement floor. Sprawled on the ground in shock he reflected on the sequence of events. She moved faster, hit harder than earth. Meaning in Genesis he was weak. Slowly he got up, readying his stance once more.

“I’m good,” he announced.

Once more Androssa rushed him. It’s true he couldn’t match her in terms of speed, however, he could predict her movements. He jumped back, smiling, this felt exhilarating. Lowering himself to the ground he pounced forward. Androssa brought up her shield wanting to protect herself. This left her legs wide open for a low swipe which he executed perfectly. Down went Androssa, Veritas grinned extending his hand to her.

Grabbing she mumbled, “Lucky hit, let’s run it again.”

Nodding he positioned himself once more. This time Androssa chose to stand still waiting for him to make the first move. He brought the sword up then chucked it at her. He did this as a distraction, he also didn’t think the weapon would be much use in any other way. While he had her flustered at his sudden weapon throw he closed the distance between them. He slithered his hand around her arm he disarmed her from her bronze sword. Yet at such close distance she clutched his shirt easily overpowering him.

Quickly he countered by wrapping his leg around her free arm and placing it in a lock. Androssa knocked him to the ground. Gritting his teeth he held on, again and again she kept smashing him to the ground. Then he received the definite message.


Your HP has reached (45)%

Duel Lost

Winner- Androssa

Finally detaching from her arm he realized he had forgotten about minding his HP. Shrugging he dusted himself off and congratulated her for the win.

“Do you practice martial arts?” Androssa questioned whilst rotating her dominant shoulder.

“Yes,” Veritas replied.

Sighing she continued, “Makes sense, then you shouldn’t have too much trouble fighting in this game.”

Fighting here did have some similarities but they were some differences. As he thought more about it a familiar voice shouted.

“There you are.” He saw Poutos hobbling towards him with Ceb not far behind.

Turning to Androssa he said, “Thanks for the help.” He then ran towards Poutos excited to begin his training.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000