Perfect Girlfriend Juice, Ch. 02

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Perfect Girlfriend Juice, Ch. 02: The Mayor's Wife

by Fidget

Eleanor loved being the Mayor's wife. Knowing that she was making a positive difference in her community for her husband's constituents was part of it, sure, but mostly she loved the sense of grandeur and decorum that came with being the wife of the political head of fifty thousand people. People listened when she talked, respected her ideas, and treated her with a deference that quickly became addicting, all because of her husband's position. It was like being one of those entitled military wives who insisted on going by their husband's rank, but the difference here was that Eleanor was actually making a positive difference in her community.

But, while she loved the respect and attention, she felt like she wasn't quite suited to it, somehow. As much as she enjoyed her role, she was still a bit of an introvert, and always felt some slight discomfort when going out in public with her husband. She knew that she had good ideas, and that people valued her insight, but it was difficult for her to bring herself to speak when so many others were listening. And she knew that the mayor deserved better.

Etymologically, Benedict had been an almost prophetic name for her husband. Blessed with a silver tongue, morally unimpeachable, and with a model home life, he was the perfect politician and an ideal husband. After 25 years of marriage, Eleanor still knew just how lucky she had gotten, and was still madly in love with him. She knew that he felt the same way about her, and was clearly attracted to her even after their decades of successful marriage. She had birthed two ren who were now off at college, but was still only in her mid 40s, with a face mostly clear of wrinkles and a curvy body that her pregnancies had only emphasized. Benedict's physique had improved with age and an active exercise regimen as well, and Eleanor still swooned when he held her in his powerful arms. Such a man deserved a perfect wife who could actively help him achieve his lofty goals, and Eleanor was determined to do whatever it took to become that for Benedict.

She imagined herself a stately, elegant, raven-haired beauty, like Jackie O, with the power and the political savvy to rule alongside her husband publicly, all while taking their sex life to new heights privately as her success and acumen fueled his desire for her. She foresaw them becoming a political dynasty whose influence knew no bounds as they worked their way up to the governorship, Congress, and even the presidency. Why not? And all it would take to turn her fantasy into reality was a few sips of a banned energy drink she'd managed to get her hands on online, and which had arrived in the mail that day, "Perfect Girlfriend Juice".

Later that night, she'd drink the juice, ask her husband what he thought the perfect mayor's wife was like, and let the juice make her dreams a reality. She'd be just like the powerful, sexy, capable female antagonists she'd grown up watching and secretly idolizing in cartoons. Only her plan would succeed, and she wouldn't be evil, obviously.

When she got home after clandestinely picking up her purchase from their P.O. box, the mayor was already in bed. Wasting no time, she popped the tab on the can and took a tentative sip. Once the potent liquid was inside of her, however, she couldn't help but quickly drink the rest. She recognized the effects immediately, knowing what to look for from her research. As expected, Eleanor was suddenly filled with an incredible urge to seek out the nearest male, and she knew what would inevitably happen once she did. It was a good thing her husband was already sleeping in the next room, otherwise she likely wouldn't have been able to stop herself from running out into the street and begging a random stranger to tell her what his Perfect Girlfriend was like.

Her body on autopilot, Eleanor was drawn through the open bedroom door where the enticing form of her sleeping husband was waiting for her. She began to feel a bit weird, almost off-balance, as she drew closer, and her gaze fixated on her husband's peaceful face. This must be the imprinting stage the website was talking about, she thought distractedly, but the feeling was so much stronger than she had expected. She loved the mayor dearly, but, for the first time in decades, she began to get actual butterflies in her stomach just from looking at him. She felt like a silly teenager again, who had laid eyes on a cute guy for the first time, and she recognized the feelings for what they were. Thanks to the Juice, she now had a huge, irresistible crush on her husband, and it was deepening by the second.

This is even better than I thought! Eleanor thought to herself as she continued to stare at his chiseled features and her body practically shook with newfound desire for him. God he's sexy! Eleanor would do anything for this man, and as she felt a powerful curiosity beginning to bubble up inside of her, she knew the Perfect Girlfriend Juice was about to ensure that she did just that.

Needing to be closer to him, Eleanor quietly disrobed and slid into bed beside the mayor, giddy at being so close to the object of her new, overwhelming desires, and the heavy breathing that came with the incredible arousal coursing through her body soon woke him. Benedict suddenly found himself looking up into the flushed face of his wife as she stared down at him with surprising intensity, not knowing that she was deep in the irresistible throes of Perfect Girlfriend Juice and feeling a growing a compulsion to ask him a very important question.

"Honey, are you ok?" he slurred as he slowly returned to consciousness.

"Oh, yes! I was just thinking..." She felt her urge continuing to grow stronger, and was soon compelled to ask the fateful question: "Honey, what kind of women do you like?"

"What? Where's this coming from all of a sudden? I think you're perfect the way you are, dear," the mayor responded sleepily, ever the politician.

"I know you love me just like I am, and I promise this isn't a trap or anything." He's so considerate! I love him so much I just can't stand it! "I'm just curious about what kind of girls turn you on the most, and what your idea of a Perfect Girlfriend is-"

Eleanor immediately realized her mistake. She'd allowed herself to get swept up in the moment, and had inadvertently asked about his Perfect Girlfriend, not about his perfect mayor's wife or perfect goal-related political companion like she'd meant to. But, she hadn't been able to stop herself - Eleanor had severely underestimated how euphoric it would feel to be in a man's presence in her current state, how much she would want to please him. She knew how strong her husband's sex drive was, and she was suddenly so fixated on his pleasure and sexual preferences that she couldn't help but ask the way she had. And, now that he was preparing to answer, she couldn't bring herself to correct him. She was just so filled with intense, artificial curiosity that she could only eagerly await being helplessly transformed by his response, regardless of the consequences.

Sure enough, Benedict had always had a secret fantasy that he'd never told his wife about. He'd always assured himself that he'd tell her eventually, but it had never felt like the right time. Now, however, she'd asked him directly, and he felt that she deserved honesty. "Well, I do have this stupid fantasy about being seduced by a petite young woman - of legal age, of course - and having her become my girlfriend." He cringed in embarrassment at finally coming clean, expecting Eleanor to blow up at him, and thinking he probably deserved it.

This was far from what Eleanor had been was expecting to hear, even with the way she had phrased her question, and she would have been incredibly indignant at his answer if she were still capable of it. She was supposed to become a vision of stately elegance, not some ish slut! She should have been horrified at this revelation, especially given the gravity of her current vulnerable condition, but instead she found these ideas becoming more and more appealing as her drug-induced curiosity left her feeling surprisingly open-minded.

"What else is this girl like?" Eleanor found herself asking as her body began to tingle. "Do you have a picture of her?" She knew he probably did. Benedict snuck off for some private time every few days, and she hadn't begrudged him, both because he kept her well satisfied and because she knew what men's needs could be like sometimes, but she had no idea her husband had developed such... specific... tastes.

A bit apprehensive, Benedict grabbed his phone off the bedside table, navigated to his password-protected porn folder, and decided on as tame an image as he could: a pale, somewhat petite woman with pale purple hair in her late 20s, dressed in tight pink PVC covered in countless cutesy little black skulls, making a heavily stylized face of intense sexual ecstasy at the camera.

Once she showed it to her, however, he was surprised to see her eyes widen with intense curiosity as she devoured every detail. Wow, maybe I can be more honest with her about this kind of thing than I thought, Benedict reflected. He'd see how she reacted this time, and then consider being a bit more open if they ever had a talk like this again.

"Why does she wear that plastic stuff?" Eleanor couldn't resist asking as the tingle in her body became more intense. It felt like her weight and center of balance were starting to subtly shift, and she knew that the Juice was performing as advertised, her body to conform to her man's preferences. Rather than being concerned about her changes as she thought she would, however, she instead found herself welcoming them, knowing that with each passing second she was growing closer to being the mayor's Perfect Girlfriend, now that becoming his perfect wife was apparently off the table. Either way, it was far too late to turn back, and the Juice's effects on her body and mind were automatic, irresistible, and absolute.

"It's called PVC. I dunno, but I like to imagine that it's because her skin is so sensitive that if she weren't wearing it, she'd be orgasming in public all the time." Oh no, Eleanor started to think before her concern was washed away and replaced by giddy eagerness, and then her body was lighting up with arousal as the sensation of the air caressing her supernaturally sensitive skin began to intensify. It was all she could do to keep herself from jumping her husband right then and there, but her unrelenting, irresistible curiosity about his ideal girlfriend delayed her advances for a few more minutes.

"So, tell me more about this fantasy girl of yours," Eleanor purred as she pressed her increasingly nubile body against his and began exploring under the covers with her hand.

Encouraged by her attentions, and getting a bit turned on in spite of himself as her light touches trailed closer and closer to his crotch, Benedict decided to risk a bit more honesty.

"Well, um, she loves being the center of attention, and is in her element when in front of people, but she's also pretty selfish and immature. She gets incredibly turned on by the attention and likes to arouse the men watching her. The thought of sex where others can see her excites her, mostly because of the knowledge that she's using her audience for her own pleasure."

Eleanor devoured his every word, her head spinning as her psyche embraced each fascinating new possibility. She knew the Perfect Girlfriend Juice was making her feel this way, but she couldn't get over how in love she was at this moment, feeling her husband's manhood starting to stiffen and rise as he continued to speak. The mayor was clearly turning himself on telling her all of this, and as she stroked his cock and felt herself beginning to crave male attention, especially in public, she marveled at how wonderful it all felt. She had wanted to become more outgoing and extroverted, and it looked like she was going to become just that, with a few additional tweaks, of course. She briefly worried about how self-centered the little cock-tease her husband had described seemed to be, and wondered if his words had turned her into an exhibitionist as well, but ultimately decided that it really didn't matter. Eleanor knew that she deserved to be this hot, and that she deserved all of the attention her sexy young body was going to get. She liked who she was becoming, and it was pretty clear that the mayor did too.

Finally, unable to resist her need for his body any longer, Eleanor swung a lithe, muscular leg over his torso as the combination of his sexual interest in her body and the sensation of the air caressing her naked skin lit her pussy on fire.

Benedict thought his wife seemed much more enthusiastic than usual as she climbed on top, but decided not to worry about it as she slid his cock deep into her warm, slick pussy. Even so, there was definitely something different about Eleanor as she began to ride him, but he couldn't quite tell what in the low light. She seemed significantly lighter for one thing, much more lithe and animated, almost... sprightly even, and it was like she suddenly couldn't get enough of his cock. Eager to indulge her, he continued to thrust himself into her body with a growing intensity as she repeatedly enveloped him, moaning in a voice that was slightly higher pitched than he recognized.

Benedict figured that this must be a bit of role-play on her part in response to what he'd just told her, but nonetheless his wife's seductions and tight, slick pussy were quickly driving him closer and closer to orgasm. Knowing her husband's body like the back of her hand after so many years, Eleanor noticed how much faster her husband was approaching his climax than usual. This recognition that she was already well on her way to becoming his Perfect Girlfriend was more than her new, hypersensitive body could take, and she slammed herself down onto him one final time as her slender new frame began shaking with the first of countless orgasms to come. Feeling the walls of his wife's unusually tight pussy pulsing encouragingly around his cock triggered the mayor's own orgasm, and he moaned in pleasure as he throbbed with release and spurted himself deep into his wife's depths.

He held her tightly when she collapsed onto his chest, her body again feeling somehow unfamiliar in his arms as his cock continued to twitch inside of her with the aftershocks of his orgasm. They'd always had good sex, but this was the best fuck he'd had in years.

When Eleanor looked in the mirror the next morning while Benedict prepared his famous eggs for the two of them downstairs, she was both shocked and completely unsurprised by what she saw. Her face was still very much her own, though with some more color in her lips and a new, seductive pout as her neutral expression, and the wrinkles on her face were noticeably shallower, but her body looked like a perfect blend of her own and the picture of the petite seductress from the night before. She couldn't be older than her late twenties, and she felt more energetic than she had in years.

Eleanor's voluptuous breasts, formerly large and heavy from nursing her two sons and the pride and joy of her curvy body, had clearly shrunk by at least two cup sizes to a small, perky B. Worse, though, she couldn't help but feel glad about that fact, like they had always been large, gross, and unwieldy, and only now were beginning to edge closer to perfection somehow. She also noticed that she was significantly shorter. Eleanor had once thought her height was one of her best features, giving her a presence she thought was almost commanding, but after learning the night before that her husband liked them short, she had lost at least three inches of height, if not more.

Even her skin was different. Eleanor had always tanned easily, and her skin held a significant amount of color on its own, but now, thanks the snow-white nymph from the night before she had become noticeably paler. Still, she couldn't help but appreciate her small, creamy white boobs in the mirror, knowing that it wasn't at all what she had wanted, but unable to stop cupping and fondling them in happiness nonetheless.

Her sandy brown hair, just starting to show a few streaks of gray, saw the most stunning change, however. Instead of darkening to black, it had lightened to a pale pink, and now fell in luxurious curls around her smooth face. Her new body was nothing like she'd thought it would be, but it all felt comfortable and natural somehow as she danced around a bit with her newfound youthful energy while her perky little tits bounced and wiggled in the mirror.

The air on her naked skin was already turning her on, thanks to her husband's careless words the night before, but, knowing that he preferred her this way, she fully welcomed the tingles of need starting up in her horny little pussy. Intellectually, Eleanor recognized that the Perfect Girlfriend Juice had made her feel this way, but even so, it seemed like she had always looked and felt like this, and she couldn't help but love it. It all seemed so... perfect somehow.

She had chosen to wear a sweater to hide the noticeable differences in her body as long as possible, and also strapped on her highest pair of heels so Benedict wouldn't notice the height difference, but even so she couldn't hide the fact that her hair was completely different from the mayor as she came downstairs. And why should I hide it? The thought burst into her mind unbidden, along with a brief flash of indignant anger. I want to look this way! Eleanor realized that the impetuousness bubbling within her was the result of the Juice, but that didn't make her feel any less entitled to look however she wanted. She was already wearing the stupid sweater, what more did the mayor want??

"Babe, did you dye your hair yesterday?" Benedict asked in shock as soon as he saw her on the stairs. "I mean, it looks good, but don't you think pink is a bit... aggressive... for a mayor's wife in her 40s?"

Eleanor felt a momentary surge of crushing disappointment at his words, much more intense than she usually experienced. She was reminded that her efforts the previous night had clearly had the opposite effect than she intended, but then her artificial desire to be his perfect girlfriend reasserted itself, and she found herself appreciating her sexy new figure and eye-catching mane once more. Especially if it gets me some attention once I get out in public, Eleanor thought as a naughty, erotic thrill went through her body.

"Well do you like it?" she asked playfully, bouncing her curls for him, and then felt her ears perking up, always eager to hear more about his preferences. Eleanor had felt relatively normal that morning, but apparently she was still fully under the influence of the Perfect Girlfriend Juice, ready to transform herself at a moment's notice based on even the smallest offhand comment from the mayor.

"I do, actually. A surprising amount," he answered entirely truthfully. He had also confirmed that her voice was definitely higher pitched than normal, though there was something enticing about it, especially when combined with the unusually seductive pout of her bright pink lips this morning. And there was something about the way she carried herself, almost like her head was attached to a completely different frame. And a significantly sexier frame than he remembered, at that.

"There's something else different about you today, dear. Have you been working out? You look great." Eleanor flushed with pleasure at the comment, his words confirming how much closer to perfect she was even with her sweater hiding the full extent of her changes from him.

"Only at night," she said, giving him a suggestive wink and snaking a slender arm around his torso.

Eleanor could see the uncharacteristic hunger behind his eyes, and was fully reassured about the changes the Juice had made to her body once more. She flashed him her new, pouty smile and watched with satisfaction as his eyes widened with interest. The feeling of his gaze on her body, combined with the ever-present titillation of the air on her skin was already driving her crazy with desire, and it was only 7:30am. The Juice-induced euphoria of being so close to the love of her life began to overwhelm her again, and she found herself slowly rubbing her body against her mate, skin and pussy tingling with erotic energy.

"Just how important is that 9am meeting, anyway?" she asked with faux innocence as she pressed herself against him suggestively, feeling his bulge stiffening against her torso as her seductive display continued to press his buttons.

"Honey, I'm truly tempted," he half-moaned, and Eleanor again knew that he was telling the truth. "But unfortunately we both know how important this budget meeting is, and we have to be sure to present a good face for the public."

He was right, of course, but that did nothing to relieve Eleanor's horniness, which only continued to grow as her new, super-sensitive skin that she loved so much because her husband thought it was hot continued to drive her arousal higher.

The seriousness of her situation and its potential impact on her husband's career finally hit her once she was out in public and she and her husband had gone their separate ways - he to his budget meeting and she to a trustees meeting of the school board - and she felt her new impulses to act out in public and draw attention to herself beginning to really assert themselves. As much as she loved what she had inadvertently become, she knew that if she wasn't careful she could make things difficult for Benedict, and that's the opposite of what she wanted. Even though her goals for herself were slowly shifting as her new body and its needs continued to assert their control over her affected mind, she still wanted to support her husband or whatever, as long as it wasn't too much trouble. Still though, as the sensation of the air and her scratchy clothing against her skin relentlessly drove her arousal ever higher, Eleanor knew that it would only be a matter of time before she was teetering on the edge of uncontrollable release, in public or not.

She was a big hit during the early stages of the school board meeting. Everyone complimented her new hair, and while Eleanor could tell that the comments from many of the women were insincere, she really didn't care. The men all seemed to genuinely like her new look, even the ones who acted like they didn't to keep up appearances, and that was all that mattered, really. Experiencing none of her usual reticence about public speaking, Eleanor had taken the initiative during an early lull in conversation and had waxed poetic about her own ideas on how to improve the curriculum for the next year, suddenly entirely in her element leading the discussion.

They were all nodding along with her, eating out of the palm of her hand, but then it began to feel a bit too good to be the center of attention like this, completely uninhibited, and Eleanor felt herself beginning to tingle even more strongly with arousal in spite of herself. She knew how risky it was to dwell on this feeling, especially when not wearing any PVC clothing to protect herself from her growing horniness, but the addictive rush of having so many men looking at her was too much to resist, and she found herself pulling the neckline of her sweater down ever so slightly, revealing just a hint of the creamy white curve of her small, perky breasts to the men in the room as she lounged in her chair.

The erotic rush of displaying herself for the sexual gratification of the men watching her was almost more than she could take, but she remembered her husband's career and managed to control her arousal, even as she felt herself getting dangerously close to cumming. She knew that she deserved the attention, that everyone's eyes should be on her as she led the discussion, subtly tempting them with her body, but this instinct battled with her devotion to her husband, and she did her best to hide her strengthening selfishness and exhibitionism, fully aware that the wanton display she yearned to put on for the men in the room would reflect poorly on the mayor.

At the height of her self-satisfied pride for having her cake and eating it too, however, she heard the air conditioning kick on, and a second later felt a cool wave of irresistible finality flow across her body. Her skin immediately lit up with overwhelming pleasure, and then her core muscles were tightening in preparation for her impending, inescapable ecstasy as the sensation pushed her over the edge. The realization that she was about to cum publicly, in front of all of these men while they stared at her, only increased the strength of the orgasm beginning to wash over her, and Eleanor lost all control, squirming in her seat as her body began to spasm in helpless bliss. She wanted it to happen. She deserved this feeling!

Her eyes began to cross with the intensity of the sensation as her soft lips parted and her tongue hung out, unknowingly replicating the ecstatic expression of the woman from the pic the night before. Eleanor's sensual writhing was punctuated by a series of high pitched gasps that tightened the pants and tugged at the primal instincts of the men in the room, while the women hid their jealousy behind stern looks of disapproval.

A few seconds later she was finally able to regain a modicum of control over her body as her orgasm began to subside.

"Are you alright?" the school board president asked the flushed and panting mayor's wife, more than a little flushed himself after her wanton display. She assured him that she was fine, that it was just an old muscle injury that had started flaring up again recently, which fooled no one of course, and began trying to calm herself down.

Now that Eleanor had gotten off in public once, however, it was clear that the floodgates had been opened, and for the rest of the meeting, whenever she felt the briefest of breezes against her skin, that familiar, inevitable chain reaction would start again deep within her body, exacerbated by the eager eyes of the men around her, and she would bite her seductive lips as her eyes rolled back and she rode out orgasm after orgasm, knowing that the men were watching her as her petite body clenched in involuntary pleasure and her pussy squeezed and tightened in vain, wishing the entire time that it was one of the male trustees bending her over the table and publicly triggering her blissful release with the thick, throbbing dicks she could see a few of them discreetly stroking under the table.

Two endless, exhausting, excruciatingly pleasurable hours later it was finally lunchtime, and Eleanor practically fled the room, cursing herself for her indiscretion and for dooming the mayor's career even as she exulted in having been the center of attention for so long and at having given the men such an arousing show. Still, even though the meeting was over and there was nobody in the stairwell to watch her as she made her way down to her car, the power her husband had unwittingly given the air over her sensitive skin could not be undone, and twice she was to grip the railing as waves of pleasure overwhelmed her body unbidden and her pussy tightened in orgasm once more.

Eleanor couldn't deny that she loved cumming in public now, but as good as it felt she figured she should probably do something about it for Benedict's sake, especially if it meant she got to go shopping for sexy new clothes. It was her responsibility as a dutiful mayor's wife, or something. So, during her lunch break she made a short trip across town to the only store she knew of that catered to unique and unusual fashion trends, where she couldn't wait to get her hands to buy as fashionable a PVC suit as she could find.

The saleswoman clearly recognized her, and tutted with disapproval as she helped Eleanor make her purchases. Eleanor knew her new wardrobe choices would be controversial to say the least, but as much as she loved feeling her sensitive body be overwhelmed by irresistible, debilitating pleasure, she couldn't go around orgasming in public every few minutes. It would sink her husband's career, and so she had no choice but to spend his money on pastel PVC.

Her desire to be the center of attention was as strong as ever, of course, and despite her unease about the controversy it would likely bring, she couldn't wait for the extra attention her new outfit was sure to draw. At least now the natural arousal she got from being the center of attention wouldn't constantly be pushed over the line into helpless ecstasy by the air, of all things. The whole PVC thing didn't seem to make much scientific sense, but Eleanor couldn't deny that her skin had calmed down significantly ever since putting it on.

She had chosen a conservative lavender knee-length PVC skirt and top with a matching jacket, all covered in tiny hearts that looked enough like regular polka dots to be inconspicuous, though the outfit still clung to her more petite curves, making it impossible to hide her new slimmer body from her husband and the public any longer. Plus, she hadn't been able to resist picking a top cut low enough to show off the upper curve of her shapely B-cups. Hey, it's not like it was her fault. The mayor's fantasy Perfect Girlfriend got off on showing her body off to men, and so now Eleanor did too.

After a long, relatively uneventful lunch at a casual sit-down place where her new outfit only drew a few welcome stares, Eleanor realized that getting off in public was more important to her new persona that she had initially suspected - she just needed to be the one in control of when and how. So, on a whim, she couldn't help ducking into a local sex shop on her way back to the mayor's office to surreptitiously buy a remote-controlled vibrator.

Back in her car, she quickly slid the device into her soaking pussy and turned it on, imagining that the store owner was watching her through the window as the intense vibrations sent waves of erotic pleasure coursing through her body. Still, now that she was wearing her PVC she was able to manage the sensations, and she headed back to her husband's office riding the high of public sexual stimulation that the Juice, and the mayor, had programmed her with.

Eleanor arrived just in time to take her place on stage at the mayor's side at a public event promoting local businesses. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw her outlandish clothes and slim figure, but shifted to a look of reproach mixed with obvious, uncomfortable arousal as she slid into her chair beside him, crossed her legs, and suggestively slid her shin up and down the back of his leg as the first speaker stepped up to the podium.

With so many local leaders scheduled to speak, the event quickly began to drag, and Eleanor soon found her mind wandering and her desire to act out and draw public attention to herself growing. She was on a stage, for God's sake! Everyone's eyes should be on her! Reaching into her pocket, she kicked the speed of her vibrator up a notch, and the waves of seductive pleasure soon emboldened her to remove her jacket, revealing her sleeveless PVC top to the crowd. The mayor glanced over at her disapprovingly, but there was nothing he could do, and the eyes of the men in the crowd roaming over her body as more of her pale skin came into view was all the encouragement she needed to continue.

The budding exhibitionist unbuttoned her top button, letting even more of her appealing flesh peek out for her audience, before discreetly placing one delicate hand on her husband's thigh, where it began gently stroking and squeezing. She stuck her other hand in her pocket and turned the vibrator up to full power. Her arousal quickly began to build toward her breaking point, so she uncrossed her legs, leaned back, and embraced the inevitable as the vibrations in her sensitive pussy and the knowledge that this time she had chosen to cum in public quickly sent her over the edge.

The mayor's public sex kink had activated as soon as he saw his wife walking toward him through the crowd wearing a surprisingly stylish, form-fitting light purple PVC suit, and by the time she slid into place beside him and began sliding her leg against his, his dick had already begun to stiffen. Benedict had no idea when his wife could have become so petite, but he couldn't take his mind off her body as the speeches droned on, and when she had unbuttoned her top and uncrossed her legs in clear growing arousal, he tried to give her an admonishing look even as his cock stiffened and began to throb at her display and at the suggestive rubbing of her hand on his leg.

The mayor began involuntarily shifting in his own seat, stimulating his needy dick against the rough material of his boxers as his wife's rhythmic gripping of his thigh increased in speed and intensity, until he heard a final, sharp intake of her breath, and her fingernails dug into his leg hard enough to draw . The look of exaggerated ahegao on his sexy wife's face and the sound of her high-pitched gasps of pleasure as she moaned in public orgasm was more than he could take, and he tried to nonchalantly hide his crotch as his own thick dick reached the point of no return and began to involuntarily tighten in response to the hottest thing he had ever seen. He knew he should be mortified at his wife's behavior, but watching her drive herself to a slutty orgasm next to him, in front of five hundred of his constituents, was too much for his kinky mind, and all he could do was sit there as his dick began to powerfully pulse in his his own expensive suit pants, filling his boxers with spurt after spurt of cum. He could only be glad that he had worn tightly-knit black dress pants as the warm, wet evidence of his fantasy becoming reality oozed down his dick and pooled around his satisfied balls.

Eleanor slowly became aware that the speech had stopped, and that everyone on stage and in the crowd was staring at her, and she felt a renewed burst of arousal that she was barely able to stave off.

"Are you sure you're ok dear?" the mayor asked, leaning over, feigning concern about his wife convulsing, almost sexually, in public. Eleanor, however, could tell by his flushed face and heavy breathing that he had clearly enjoyed her show as well, even if she didn't realize quite how much.

"Oh, y-yes De.. Dear," she responded breathlessly as her tenth orgasm of the day tailed off. The mayor motioned to the speaker to continue, and made a show of comforting his wife after her episode as the endless speeches droned on once more.

Eleanor managed to keep a handle on her desires until the end of the event, and tried to walk offstage with a sense of decorum once it was over, though the vibrator still buzzing in her sensitive pussy was keeping her mind firmly occupied with sex.

As the mayor led her back to his office to grab his things before returning home, he quietly remarked on her new outfit, though he diplomatically chose not to mention what had happened during the speeches. "I see that you made a wardrobe change during lunch. You really don't have to do that - I don't want you to act like some slutty little nymphet."

Eleanor waited eagerly for this most recent statement to sink into her brain and change her like the others had, but after nothing happened for a few seconds, she realized that it was because she knew he was lying. She suddenly felt her desire to become his perfect girlfriend flaring even more strongly as the words "slutty little nymphet" continued to echo inside her mind. She would curse herself for drinking that stupid Perfect Girlfriend Juice if it hadn't made her love becoming a bratty, exhibitionist slut so much.

So instead, she turned her flirting up a notch as they finally arrived at his office door.

"Are you sure you don't want me to be a slutty little nymphet for you?" she hissed in his ear as he turned the knob. He recoiled in shock and looked around the empty hallway to see if anyone had heard. Seeing no-one, he quickly opened the door and pulled Eleanor inside.

"What's gotten into you!?" he asked as he sank into his desk chair, confused but clearly aroused again by her behavior even after having cum so recently. It wasn't like his wife to be passive aggressive or manipulative, and the look of wanton lust on her seductive, surprisingly youthful features seemed genuine. The only conclusion was that she was somehow getting off on being a public slut just as much as he was watching her, so when she started slowly walking over to him, he stayed seated and silent to see what she'd do next.

It didn't take long for her intentions to become clear. "Look how big your window is - it would be a shame if someone saw us in here being dirty", she purred as she straddled the mayor in his chair.

Benedict knew he shouldn't. It could risk a scandal, but the way she was coming onto him - a naughty young slut using her petite body to publicly seduce him -  was something straight out of his darkest fantasies, and he found his dick eagerly responding to her words as his eyes devoured the slim curves advertised by her tight PVC. He knew he should be concerned about her sudden weight loss, but his mind was quickly becoming more and more overwhelmed with his need to give this sexy young seductress what she so clearly wanted.

Meanwhile, Eleanor continued her wheedling. "Maybe nobody will see. Or maybe they will. By the way, I haven't been wearing panties today - they're just too stimulating on my sensitive skin and made me too horny to wait for you, so I ended up cumming in front of the entire school board. And there were so many people looking at me up on that stage! I had to use my new toy here just to calm down a bit." She reached down between her legs and pulled out the small remote-controlled vibe, still buzzing in her hand.

That did it. Benedict knew this was likely just some weird role-play on Eleanor's part, but the memory of his wife cumming on a vibrator in front of his most influential constituents was more than he could resist. He pushed his flirty little wife off his lap and stood up, twisting her nubile body around and pushing her face down onto the desk as she squealed with glee. He pulled her skirt up and briefly noted that she was telling the truth about the panties as he pulled his rock-hard dick out of his still-damp pants, and proceeded to rail the needy slut in full view of the entire town.

When Eleanor felt the dampness of his pants and boxers against her ass, she finally realized just how successful her earlier efforts had been, and accepted that the Perfect Girlfriend Juice had indeed been for the best. She could tell that her beloved husband had never been more turned on in his life as he man-handled her tight little body, and, finally getting a cock stuffed into her horny pussy after a day of non-stop public sexual tension, she once more gave herself up to earth-shattering pleasure as the mayor pounded her like a man possessed.

Her antics were the main feature of the news that night, both her bold new pastel look and her incredibly odd behavior, complete with a few different angles of her very public orgasm. The consensus seemed to be that Eleanor was clearly going through some personal stuff, and that everyone was entitled to a weird day every once in a while. While that was kind of them, Eleanor knew that her behavioral changes were probably permanent, and would likely become even more pronounced all too soon. Even now she could feel the compulsion to question the mayor about his fantasy girlfriend growing within her again, and she somehow knew that the final consequences of her impulsive, ill-advised decision to drink Perfect Girlfriend Juice would be decided that night.

As her husband's insatiable hands groped her willing body in bed later an hour later, Eleanor wanted nothing more than to throw herself at him again and let him fuck her into blissful oblivion, but she once more felt that compulsive curiosity rising within her, growing stronger by the second. Even so, while she loved everything about her new self, she knew that it had certainly caused her husband some long-term trouble that day, and she knew that tonight she had to be more careful. It was her last chance.

Eleanor tried to retain a bit of control over her question by asking it before the compulsion became overwhelming. "Surely your ideal girlfriend would be, like, stately and cute, and could help you with your work and stuff, right?" she insisted, hoping he'd agree yet full of eagerness to hear what he had to say either way. Eleanor was entirely at his mercy, trusting in the goodness and moral uprightness of her husband as she gently stroked and caressed his dick, which began to harden between her fingers as he thought about his response.

"Oh, not at all!" the mayor said, his arousal reducing his inhibitions and persuading him to fully immerse himself in his fantasy daydream as his dick continued to harden in her hand. "That's what I'd want from my wife, and you do that wonderfully dear, but for a girlfriend, I'd want her to be a dirty little slut. A selfish, immature attention-whore who's completely obsessed with cock, who feels like she's entitled to whatever she wants just because of how hot she is. Here, I'll show you!" he continued, bursting with excitement at finally having someone to share his perversion with as he casually and irrevocably finished turning his wife of twenty-five years into a shallow, dick-obsessed thot.

Elle shivered in naked arousal at his words as her fate was sealed, knowing that her plan had backfired horribly, but unable to do anything about it as the idea of becoming even more of a bratty little sex-obsessed attention-whore became more and more appealing. And why shouldn't it? Elle thought to herself. She deserved it after all. She knew how much men loved her slutty little body, and she was clearly entitled to whatever she wanted in return for putting out.

As her mind came to terms with her sexy new personality, the mayor finished pulling up the gif that would finalize her physical transformation as well. Elle looked into the glowing screen, and her fate was sealed as a tiny, early 20s nymphet with lavender hair, pale makeup with some light blush to give her cheeks color, and heavy eyeliner enthusiastically twerked for the camera as anonymous donations rolled in from perverted old men across the internet to reward her for her provocative antics.

Elle's eyes devoured the image, and felt the girl's ish appearance, bratty behavior, and unbridled sexual exhibitionism sinking deep into her own mind as the truth about the mayor finally became clear to her. Her husband had never been the upstanding, perfect man she thought he was. Secretly, he was a dirty pervert, fantasizing about being seduced by sex-hungry e-girls with impossibly perfect features, and that thought, along with the tingling she felt all through her body as she continued to gaze at the unrealistically cute face of the young slut getting off on selling her body to old men, was starting to really turn her on.

Far too late, the mayor noticed that his wife was gone, and that she had somehow been replaced by a nymphet straight of his wettest of dreams, enthusiastically bobbing her tiny head, thronged with lush pink curls, up and down on his straining cock.

"Who are you? Where's Eleanor? What on earth is going on?"

"It's me, Elle! I just wanted to become, like, a perfect little girlfriend for you Daddy!" the irresistible vision whined in a high pitched voice that went straight to his cock. She giggled as it stiffened even further, nuzzling his dick as it began to throb with need at seeing his darkest fantasy made flesh. The sprightly young slut licked it from base to tip, staring up at him all the while through large eyes thick with eyeliner, set in a soft, perfectly smooth face, and then her pursed coral lips, clearly designed for sucking cock, seductively spread once more to lower themselves around his eager member.

Unable to resist his need to fuck this seductive little minx as she continued to tease him, Benedict pulled her head off his dick and tossed her down onto the bed, surprised at how light and easy to throw around she was now, which only turned him on all the more. Her long pink hair splayed out enticingly around her painfully cute features as her tiny, 5'0" body lay there helplessly beneath him, and Benedict roughly gripped her small chest as she arched her back against him in her own need. He instinctively prepared to enter her, but the reality of the situation and what it meant for his career and home life finally sank in, causing him to briefly hesitate.

"But what am I going to tell everyone?"

"Like, whatever you want to Daddy! As long as you promise to buy me makeup and clothes and never stop fucking me!" Elle exclaimed, wiggling down on the bed a few inches as she tried to get his thick cockhead through the resistance put up by the incredible tightness of her pussy.

Benedict knew she was right. He could just act like Eleanor had discovered his cheating and left him. Her actions that day even played into that fact, looking remarkably like a middle-aged woman trying to look younger in a doomed attempt to keep her aging husband from straying as he went through a mid-life crisis. He only needed to wait a few days to make the announcement, and figure out how he wanted to spin it.

After all, what was a politician without a scandal or two? It would die down in a few weeks. It always did.

Throwing caution to the wind, the mayor sunk his cock deep into his bratty nymphet, watching with satisfaction as it made a visible bump surprisingly far up her slim abdomen as he bottomed out. Once more he was rewarded with the incredibly erotic sight of her eyes rolling back into her head and her mouth gaping open as the little slut became practically delirious with sexual overstimulation. Her exertions were becoming even more wild and feverish as she completely lost herself in pleasure, driving her tiny body up and down his sensitive dick in increasing frenzy, so Benedict just sat back and let her stimulating little pussy do to him what it was designed to. When his balls emptied into her tight womb what felt like scant seconds later as her petite figure moaned and gasped in what seemed like a neverending chain of debilitating orgasms, Benedict finally accepted that he'd lost a wife, but found a Perfect Girlfriend.

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! If you have any feedback, comments, or questions, I'd love to hear from you! If you find yourself enjoying my stories, please consider supporting my work on Patreon. My profile (Fidget1) is easy to find on Google (Sexstories doesn't like personal links). Patrons get a full two months of early access to my stories, input into which stories I write, and some other fun perks. Every little bit helps, and your support is what enables me to keep doing what I love!

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