Suzy Unleashed Chapter 8

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Despite Kathy’s warning that I’d need to be well-rested for Tuesday’s performance (or maybe because of it), I tossed and turned most of the night, as I searched for a way out of the trap I was in. By the time the sun rose and Kathy woke up, I had pretty much convinced myself that there was no way out. She sent me off to the bathroom for my morning shower and shave, reminding me that I had a big day ahead of me. When I returned to the bedroom, as I anticipated she had laid out my wardrobe for the day. The only surprise was that she hadn’t laid out the garterbelt and stockings, instead leaving a pair of pantyhose for me to put on. Of course, when I put on the skirt she had chosen, I understood why: it barely covered the bottom of my ass, and made wearing stockings impossible. When I finished my makeup and dressing, I again found myself staring into the mirror. Even now, after all I had done, I was amazed at how feminine and sexy I looked. “I really do look like a woman,” I had to admit. “Maybe Kathy’s right. Maybe I am meant to do this.” I ran my hands down my body to the bottom of my skirt and felt my excitement starting to rise. “Would it really be so bad?” I asked myself. “Would it really be so bad to dress like this all the time?” I couldn’t help smiling as I realized the answer: “It wouldn’t be bad. In fact, it would be really nice. I really do like being Suzy, even if I don’t like all the things Kathy makes me do.” Of course, that thought immediately led to remembering the things I had been “” to do the day before. “I can’t believe I actually got fucked twice!” I marveled. “Twice!” I turned and looked over my shoulder into the mirror at my ass. “I have to admit,” I mused, “my ass does look like it would be a nice fuck, and in skirts like this, I can’t really blame Steve and Joe for wanting to do me.” I closed my eyes and let my thoughts drift to the day before: Steve’s slow, gentle approach to taking my virginity and Joe’s forceful, no nonsense taking of what he wanted. While their techniques had differed, both had achieved the same result: they had fucked me, cum in me and made me their bitch. “And they’re going to keep fucking me,” I whispered to myself, “so I might as well accept it and enjoy myself.” I opened my eyes and looked into the mirror again, noticing how much more peaceful my face looked. “Well,” I shrugged, “let’s see what the day brings.”

When I got to the kitchen, Kathy nodded approvingly. “You look great,” she complimented. “Damn, I wish I had legs like you!”

“Thanks,” I smiled back.

“Joe’s going to go wild when he sees you in that skirt,” she predicted. “He’s always been a leg man.”

“That must be why his secretary wears such short skirts,” I replied.

“Actually, it’s more like that’s why the hot girl in the short skirts is his secretary,” Kathy laughed, “and why you’re a good bet to replace her.”

I swallowed hard. “Do you really think I can do that?” I asked. “Can I really pretend to be a woman every day?”

“Honey, you still don’t understand,” she smiled. “You’ve been pretending every day of your life until now. When you’re in a skirt, you’re not pretending. This is the real you, not that pitiful excuse for a man that you tried so hard to be. You don’t have to pretend any more. All you have to do is let yourself enjoy being who you are.” She glanced at the clock. “You have just about enough time to grab some breakfast before we have to head over to Joe’s office…unless you want to start watching your weight so you can look your best.”

I ran my hand down my stomach. “I probably could stand to lose a couple pounds,” I admitted, taking her hint. “I think I’ll skip breakfast.”

“Good girl,” she nodded. “Let’s just go see Joe. He won’t mind if you’re a few minutes early.”

The drive to the office didn’t take long, but, by the time I got there, my stomach was in a knot. “Do you think he’s going to want to fuck me again?” I asked.

“Probably,” Kathy nodded. He already knows what a great cocksucker you are. He just needs to make sure that you’re a good fuck, too. He’ll want to make sure you’re willing to do whatever it takes.”

“Am I?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah, you are,” she said firmly. “You’re just about the horniest, most willing slut I’ve ever met, whether you know it or not.”

I took another deep breath and glanced down at my legs, which were nearly completely exposed by the short skirt. I ran my fingers across my thighs and sighed, “I guess I must be or I wouldn’t be dressed like this.”

“Suzy, look at me,” Kathy said firmly. I looked up into her eyes and she continued, “I know you’re having second thoughts. Don’t overthink it. We both know that you love turning men on and you love cock. This is your big chance to completely change your life. All you have to do is go in there and show him how eager you are to please a man. Prove to Joe one more time what a great whore you can be. More importantly, prove it to yourself. Show yourself that you deserve to be wearing that skirt. You can do it.”

As I walked into the office, my head was spinning, but one thing was clear: I was going to do my best to do exactly what Kathy had said. Becky smiled as soon as I got near her desk. “Hi!” she bubbled, “it’s so nice to see you again! Joe was just asking if you had arrived yet. I think he’s really looking forward to interviewing you some more.” She paused and her eyes fixed on my hemline. “And, it certainly looks like you’re looking forward to it, too,” she giggled. “That’s a really, really cute skirt.”

“Thanks,” I tried to smile self-consciously. “I, I hope it’s not too short.”

“Oh, no,” she assured me. “It’s perfect! In fact, it’s exactly the kind of skirt Joe will want you to wear every day if you get the job. It’s very important that you dress appropriately in this position.” She stood up, showing me her skirt, which wasn’t much longer than mine. “See?” she said, “and I have to tell you, this is one of my longer skirts!” She smiled and sat back down. “Anyhow, let me tell him you’re here.” She buzzed his office and said simply, “Suzy is here.” She nodded, hung up and said, “you can go in.”

When I walked into Joe’s office, he was leaning against his desk with his arms folded across his chest. “Wow!” he exhaled as I moved closer, “you look amazing!”

“Thank you,” I blushed.

“Turn around,” he requested, “let me have a view from the rear.” I did as he asked, and he seemed even more pleased. “Are you comfortable in a skirt that short?” he asked.

I shrugged. “All my skirts are like this. Some are a few inches longer, but some are even shorter. It…it’s all I’ve ever worn, so, yeah, I guess I’m comfortable.”

“My customers will like that outfit,” he noted, “and if you really do have shorter skirts, you’re going to knock them out.” He moved closer and took my hands in his. “So, you obviously know what happened yesterday.” I nodded. “And you not only came back, you came back in an outfit that’s even sexier than what you had on yesterday. Do you know what that tells me?”

“That I want the job?” I ventured.

“Maybe,” he nodded, “but I was thinking of something a little more personal.”

“That, that I want you to fuck me again?” I murmured.

“Do you?” he asked.

“Yes,” I whispered, unable to control the trembling in my voice. “I, I want to suck your cock some more and then I want you to fuck me again.”

“Then why are you still standing up?” he asked, grinning.

I sank to my knees and attacked his belt buckle. By the time I got it unfastened and pulled his pants down, he was sporting a huge erection. I traced its outline through his underwear than breathed, “God, it looks so big!” Without waiting for a reply I tugged his underwear down, freeing his hard cock. “It’s so beautiful,” I groaned, pulling it to my lips. “I want it so much!” As he filled my mouth, I realized that, as Kathy had said, I wasn’t acting. His cock was beautiful and I did want it. I sucked greedily, enjoying both the taste of his rod and the sensation of lust and pleasure sweeping through my body. He let me slurp on his meat for about five minutes before he took my head in his hands and me back, away from his pelvis. “Please don’t stop me,” I begged. “I love sucking you!”

“What if I want to do something else?” he asked. “What if I want you to show me another talent?”

“Do you, do you want to fuck me again?” I asked.

He grinned and asked, “What do you think?”

I stood up and looked him in the eye. “I think you want to fuck me.”

“And if I do?”

“Then, all you have to do is tell me,” I offered.

He nodded and said, “Then let’s do it. I’d love to fuck that tight little ass again.” I stepped forward, toward his desk and reached under my skirt. By the time I reached the desk, my panties and pantyhose were pulled down below my ass. I leaned over the desk, pushing papers out of the way, then reached back and flipped my skirt up around my waist. “Do it,” I groaned. “Fuck me. Please, fuck me.”

Joe didn’t miss a beat. In an instant, he was moving into position behind me, his hands gripping my hips. “God, what gorgeous ass you have,” he said as his dick pressed between my cheeks. I whimpered softly, unable to form any words, as his cock pressed against my anus. He pushed inside of me and my whimpering got louder, but no more intelligible. “Damn, that feels good,” he huffed. “I’m not sure which I like better your mouth or your ass!”

“You don’t have to choose,” I managed to say between gasps. “You can have them both.”

He was completely inside me now, burying his cock as deeply as he could with each stroke. “You’re a total fucking whore, aren’t you?” he grunted.

“Yes,” I squealed. “I am. I’m a fucking whore.”

“Is there anything you won’t do for me?” he asked.

“No,” I sobbed. “I, I’ll do anything. I promise.”

“Good girl,” he grunted, pushing harder into me. “I just love fucking a bitch who knows her place.” He managed to fuck me for another five minutes or so before blowing his load in my ass. When his orgasm ended, he pulled out and took a seat on the sofa, breathing deeply. Not knowing what else to do, I pulled up my panties and pantyhose and turned to face him. “Come sit down beside me,” he said, patting the sofa. I did as he ordered, and he immediately put his hand on my thigh. “You really do make a sexy bitch,” he smiled. “You know that, don’t you?”

I shrugged. “I’ve been told it enough that I’m starting to believe it.”

He smile some more. “And you really are a good fuck and an even better cocksucker.”

I blushed. “Thanks, I guess,” I mumbled.

He laughed. “That was meant as a compliment,” he assured me, squeezing my thigh. “So, tell me, how do you feel about being a woman?”

“How do I feel?” I paused to consider the question. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I mean, obviously, part of me really, really enjoys it. I have to admit that it’s amazing to suddenly feel so sexy and so desirable. I, I can’t believe the way guys are so eager to be with me. But, a part of me also still can’t accept that this is me. I keep thinking that I should stop this, put on some pants and get back to my real life.”

“What if this is your real life?” he asked. “What if it just took you a while to discover the real you?”

“You sound like Kathy,” I said. “She keeps telling me this is the real me and that I was pretending to be something I wasn’t before.”

“Kathy’s a smart woman,” he pointed out, “and she’s spent a lot of time with you, both as a man and as a woman. You should probably listen to what she says.”

“I listen,” I replied. “I just don’t know if I can believe everything she says.”

“OK,” he mused, “let’s try something. What’s the most enjoyable thing you’ve ever done as a man?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know; maybe having sex with Kathy.”

“And, what’s the most enjoyable thing you’ve ever done as a woman?”

“Sucking cock,” I answered immediately.

He laughed. “You realize it took you five seconds to come up with a lame answer as to what you liked as a man, but you never hesitated for a second when you had to say what you like about being a woman?” I blushed as he continued. “Doesn’t that tell you something?” My deepening blush was my only answer. “OK, let’s move on,” he suggested. “How do you feel when a man stares at you with lust in his eyes?”

“Excited,” I admitted.

“And how did you feel when a woman lusted after you when you were a man.”

I felt my cheeks getting even redder. “I, I don’t think that ever happened to me,” I said softly.

“That doesn’t surprise me,” he laughed.

“Are you almost done humiliating me?” I asked with tears in my eyes. “What’s the point?”

“Done humiliating you?” he asked. “Not by a long shot.” His hand slid higher on my leg and he said, “You’re a fucking cunt. You know that don’t you?” I nodded timidly. “And you’re a cocksucker, aren’t you?” I nodded again. Without warning, his had shot up my leg and under my skirt, not stopping until he made contact with my crotch. He grinned as he said, “Kathy was right about another thing. You’re hard.”

I couldn’t deny it, so all I said was, “So what?”

“So, what made you hard?” he asked. “Was it seeing Becky out at her desk? Or was it being in here, sucking cock, getting fucked and admitting that you’re a fucking, cocksucking cunt?” My only answer was to blush even harder. “Let me answer for you,” Joe offered. “Seeing Becky didn’t do anyting for you. But, coming in here and sucking my cock got you really excited—excited enough to want me to fuck you. Then, hearing me tell you what a great whore you are got you even more excited. You enjoy being a slut and you even enjoy being told what a fucking cunt you are. Humiliation isn’t a bad thing for you, it’s part of what excites you.” As I stared at him, his words sank in and I knew he was right. I felt my head nodding, accepting his analysis. He smiled and moved his hand from my crotch to my face. “Well,” he said calmly, “don’t you worry your pretty little head about, cunt. I know exactly what you need and how to give it to you. Now, get the fuck out of here before my next appointment arrives.” He stood and walked over behind his desk, effectively dismissing me.

Numbly, I stood and walked from his office, my mind trying to grasp what had just happened. He had somehow managed to explore my inner psyche far more effectively than I had, which was disturbing enough. But, then, he had abruptly tossed me aside like some used piece of meat that he was done with. “Of course, that’s exactly what I am to him,” I realized. “I’m a piece of ass he can fuck and discard. When he wants to get his rocks off again, he’ll call and expect me to give him what he wants.”

I vaguely noticed that Becky was smiling when I left Joe’s office. “Will I be seeing you again?” she asked.

“I, I don’t know,” I said. “He didn’t say.”

“Well,” she smiled, “I know him pretty well and I think he likes you a lot. I think you have a really good shot at getting the job if you want it.”

“Th-thanks,” I stuttered as I headed for the door. Now my head was really spinning as the possibility of being offered a job as Joe’s whore became more of a reality. “He wouldn’t,” I told myself, “and if he does, I can’t accept it. I can’t!” As I walked through the parking lot to the car, though, Kathy’s warning exploded in my brain. “But, if I don’t accept, he’ll fire me and Kathy will disgrace me to everyone I know! How can I let that happen? Oh, God, what am I going to do? Why does he have to lie me so much? Why do I have to be such a good cocksucker and fuck?”

I climbed into the car and Kathy immediately started questioning me. “So, did you suck his cock?” she asked. I nodded and she kept going. “Did he fuck you again?” I nodded and she followed up, “Did he cum in your ass?” I nodded again. “Did he offer you the job?” she asked excitedly.

“No,” I answered, “but his secretary thinks he’s going to.”

“Great!” she gushed, clapping her hands. “Oh, darling, I’m so proud of you!”

“You’re proud of me?” I gasped. “I just got fucked and a guy is thinking of offering me a job that amounts to being a whore! That’s disgusting! How can you sit there and say that you’re proud of me?”

“Because I am,” she said sweetly. “Because I can see how you’re developing as a woman. For the first time since we’ve been married, I see you doing something you’re really good at, and, whether you want to admit it or not, I can see that you’re doing something you enjoy. I know that what you’re doing is hard. It’s embarrassing, it’s humiliating and it’s counter to everything you’ve been told to think about yourself for your entire life. But, it’s you. It’s who and what you are, and seeing you start to understand and accept that makes me very, very proud of you.” She patted my thigh and added, “Besides, the extra money if you get the job would be wonderful.”

“Extra money? What extra money?”

“Oh, don’t you know?” she smiled. “Joe’s secretary makes about three times as much as you do. It’s a very good paying position.”

“What?” I gasped. “Are you serious?”

“Absolutely,” she nodded. “If you don’t believe me, just ask him the next time he wants to fuck you.”

“If there is a next time,” I muttered.

“Oh, there will be,” she giggled. “Trust me, honey, he knows you’re going to be available all week and he’s not going to walk away from that ass and mouth without blowing a few more loads into each of them, whether or not he plans on hiring you. You just need to make the experience as pleasurable as possible for him if you want the job.”

“What, what makes you think I want the job?”

“Why wouldn’t you?” she countered. “You’ll make a ton more money and get all the cock you can possible want, too! It’s the perfect job for you!”

“You make it sound like I want cock!” I protested.

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I realized how stupid they were, and Kathy’s reaction quickly rein that. “Oh, come on, Suzy,” she guffawed, “don’t tell me we’re back to the denial stage again. I thought we were past that. You love cock and you know it.”

“I don’t,” I argued lamely.

She laughed even harder. “So you aren’t going to enjoy it when we get home and Steve is there, waiting for a blowjob?”


“Steve called while you were with Joe, wondering if he could get a blowjob. I told him we’d be home soon and I was sure you’d be happy to take care of him. Are you telling me you don’t want to?” I pictured Steve’s beautiful cock waiting to fuck my lips and couldn’t prevent my body from reacting. I whimpered softly as I inhaled and closed my eyes. “You sure look like you want his cock,” Kathy teased. She reached under my skirt and felt the bulge in my panties. “Oh, you DEFINITELY want his cock,” she giggled. “Admit it, cunt. You want it.”

“I do,” I said softly.

“I guess that ends that argument,” she sneered. “You want cock. You enjoy cock. You love cock. You’re a fucking whore, whether or not you get Joe’s job. The only question is whether you’re a well-paid office whore or a scuzzy street whore trying to make enough money to pay for your next meal.” She pulled her hand away from my panties. “Personally, I think you should opt for the office job, but in the end it’s your decision.”

As Kathy had promised, Steve was waiting for us when we got home. Within minutes, I was on my knees, sucking his cock as Kathy filled him in on my “interview”. Hearing about how Joe was me clearly excited him, as he responded to my sucking even more quickly than usual. In no time, he was pushing hard, driving his dick into my throat while holding my head with both hands. I gulped desperately for air between strokes, gagging more than once. When he finally pulled out of my mouth and shot his semen all over my face, it was the largest load I had ever gotten from him. He collapsed back into his seat, exhausted and smiling broadly at my cum-covered face. Absent-mindedly, I wiped the sperm from my eyes and cheeks with a finger, and without even thinking about it, used my tongue to clean the finger. “Jesus, that’s great,” he chuckled. “I love it when a bitch actually likes eating cum.”

I froze and blushed as I realized what I had done. “Suzy’s such a natural slut,” Kathy replied for me. “Sometimes she doesn’t even know how much of a whore she is—she just does things without thinking that other women have to be ordered to do.”

Steve nodded. “I’ve noticed that. I guess that’s how she’s become so good at what she does so quickly.”

“How good do you think Suzy is?” Kathy urged.

“Are you ding?” he asked. “She’s terrific! I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but Suzy might be the best cocksucker I’ve ever met.”

Kathy laughed. “That doesn’t hurt my feelings. I’ve seen how Suzy sucks and I only wish I could do it the way she does. Does it bother you that Joe is fucking her?”

Now it was Steve’s turn to laugh. “Hell, no. I mean, it’s never bothered me that Joe and Ron and all his buddies are fucking you. Why should it bother me that Suzy is following in your footsteps? Besides, judging from her performance just now, it seems to me that the more cock Suzy gets, the more she wants. Joe can fuck her all he wants if it means she comes home and blows me like that!” He paused, glanced down at me, and added, “or if it means I get to fuck that sweet little ass more often, too.”

“Oh, I’m sure it does,” Kathy told him. “Suzy seems to be getting more comfortable with being fucked, and I’m guessing that the more comfortable she gets, the easier it will be to get into her panties. I mean, look how easy it is to get into her mouth now that she’s comfortable with that!”

“How easy is it to get into her mouth?” Steve asked with a grin. “I mean, I know she’ll blow Ron, Joe or me at the drop of a hat, but what about other guys? Would she be as willing to do them?”

Kathy shrugged. “I don’t see why not. How about it, Suzy? Would you like to blow other men as much as you do Steve?”

“Is that what you want me to do?” I stalled.

“You know it is,” she nodded. “The question is would you do it?”

I glanced over and noticed Steve stroking his limp cock. As I watched, it started to grow and stiffen. Inhaling sharply with surprise, I looked up into his eyes. “Is that what you’re thinking about?” I asked. “Is that what’s making you hard again? Thinking about me blowing other men?”

He nodded. “I like knowing that you’d be willing to blow my friends if I wanted you to.”

The sight of his growing cock was mesmerizing. Even though I was now completely used to the sight of his cock, both hard and soft, I couldn’t take my eyes off it as he massaged it back to a full erection. I licked my lips and whispered, “You want me again, don’t you?”
“What do you think?” he grinned.
My body answered for me, as I moved back into position between his legs and took over the job of stroking his stiffening cock. “I think want it,” I whispered, as much to myself as to Steve. “God, I think I want to blow you again!” I kissed the perfect head once and felt my body responding. When I ran my tongue around it, my brain had no choice but to acknowledge the truth: “I do want it,” I moaned. “I want to blow you again!” His dick slid between my lips and onto my tongue, and I completely surrendered yet again to my lust. I sucked him deeply into my throat and moaned with pleasure. Steve’s hands moved to the back of my head, gently guiding me up and down. I relaxed my neck muscles and let him take control, accepting the pace he wanted.

After a few minutes, he pulled out of my mouth and tipped my chin up so I was looking into his eyes. “Having fun?” he asked.

“Oh, God, yes,” I hissed. “I love this! I love having you fuck my mouth like this! I love it when you show me how you want it!” He grinned and pulled my face back to his groin. As his cock slid back into my mouth, my mind grappled with what I had just said and what I was feeling. “I meant that,” I realized. “I really did! I do love this! I love having him fuck my mouth!” While the realization was frightening on one level, it was also strangely calming. “Kathy is right,” I told myself, “and so was Joe. I do enjoy this more than anything I ever did as a man! It feels so good! It, it feels so right!” I turned off my mind and focused completely on the sensations I was experiencing: the thick, delicious cock exploring my mouth, the feel of the hard shaft moving back and forth between my lips, Steve’s strong hands, guiding my head up and down as he fucked my face, and my own growing excitement as the bulge in my panties started to ache. After a few more minutes of near nirvana, I could feel my orgasm approaching. I wanted desperately to stroke my erection, but my hands were wrapped around Steve’s cock and I wasn’t about to let go of it. “Besides,” I thought, “I don’t have to. I don’t have to even touch myself—I’m going to cum just from having him fuck my mouth.” As if he could somehow read my mind, Steve pulled a little harder on my head, burying his cock deeper into my throat. He pulled back enough for me to refill my lungs and then plunged deep into my throat again. I swallowed hungrily and moaned softly as another wave of pleasure swept over me. It only took two more similar strokes to take me over the top. I closed my eyes and shook with ecstasy as I soaked my panties with cum, spurting over and over in one of the hugest orgasms of my life.

When my orgasm finally ended, I felt as limp as a rag doll, and I was gasping for breath. I opened my eyes and saw Steve’s hard cock inches from my face. “Oh, God,” I whispered, “that was amazing! I’ve never cum like that before! Thank you!”

“Why don’t you thank Steve the right way?” Kathy asked.

I glanced at her and then back at Steve’s cock, instantly understanding what she meant. I pulled him back to my lips and went to work, slurping on his rod. As Kathy had suggested, I was determined to thank him with the best possible blowjob. In less than a minute, I had him moaning as much as I had been when he was fucking my throat. I continued what I was doing for another thirty seconds before I pulled his cock from my lips and held it against my face. “Do you want to cum now?” I asked. “Or would you like me to make it last a little longer?”

“Now!” he hissed. “Nowwwwww!” I smiled up at him sweetly and kissed his balls before again wrapping my lips around his cockhead. I bobbed up and down a few times while pressing against the base of his dick with my fingers, stretching the skin of his cock tight. “Oh, fuck!” he groaned as his body responded. His dick jerked in my hand and erupted, filling my mouth with semen. I intended to hold it on my tongue until he finished so I could show him his load before I swallowed, but as continued to blast more and more sperm into my mouth, I realized that was out of the question. I swallowed, needing to make room for the continuing flow. As my mouth filled a second time, I felt a warm glow, thinking that he was cumming nearly as much as I had. When he finally stopped and pulled his limp dick from my lips, I looked up to see that his eyes were closed and his chest was heaving just as mine had been shortly before.
I waited until he opened his eyes and looked down at me before opening my mouth and displaying the thick load filling my mouth. I inhaled and used my tongue to play with the cum before smiling and swallowing. “Mmmmmm,” I purred, “that’s so-o-o-o good! I feel like I should thank you for letting me thank you!”

He smiled at me for a few seconds before asking, “Would you like to do that?”

“Do what?” I asked, confused.

“Thank me for letting you thank me like that,” he explained.

I looked down at his completely limp dick. “Sure,” I grinned, “but are you sure that’s possible? You look a little worn out.”

He laughed. “I am,” he said, “but that’s not what I had in mind. Would you do something else to thank me?”

“Sure,” I shrugged, having no idea what he meant.

“Great!” he smiled even more. He reached out and picked up his phone. I watched silently as he dialed a number then said, “Hey, how you doin’?” Nodding at the answer, he asked,

“Remember that conversation we had yesterday? Yeah, that one. Interested? Right now. Yeah, seriously, right now. She just did me twice and is dying for more cock. How good? Man, I guarantee you’ve never had a blowjob like what you’ll get from Suzy. Great! Get over to Kathy’s as soon as you can. See you then.” He hung up and grinned at me. “You can thank me by blowing my buddy…and by proving I was telling him the truth about how good you are. Think you can do that?” I nodded slowly, not feeling as sure of myself as Steve obviously was. “Good,” he nodded. “Now, maybe you should go change your panties and clean up a little so you don’t smell like a total cum-dump when he gets here.”

While I followed Steve’s directions, a million thoughts bounced around my head. While the thought of being introduced to a stranger for the sole purpose of blowing him was frightening, my cum-soaked panties were certainly proof of how much I enjoyed sucking cock. A part of me also recognized that it was much less complicated blowing a stranger than if Steve or Kathy had decided to bring another guy who knew me into the mix. By the time I finished brushing my teeth and gargling with a nice minty mouthwash, I pretty much had my initial panic under control. “I get to suck another cock,” I smiled to myself. “How bad can it be?” I looked into the mirror and ran my hands down my skirt, licking my lips. “Maybe the question should be, how good can it be?” I thought. Despite my recent orgasm, I felt a familiar stirring in my nice clean panties. “Damn,” I whispered in amazement, “I’m getting hard gain, just thinking about it! I hope he has a nice dick!”

When I got back to the living room, Kathy gave me a quick kiss and reminded me, “I’m so proud of you, Suzy. I love the way you’ve accepted what you are! Keep up the good work!”

“Thank you,” I breathed, just as the doorbell rang.

Steve answered the door and returned with his friend, introducing him as “Tony.” I felt my knees get weak and my excitement double almost immediately as I realized that Tony was one of the most gorgeous men I had ever seen: He was at least 6’2” tall, with black hair and brilliant blue eyes. He was wearing a pair of shorts that showed off muscular legs, and a T-shirt that was stretched tight across a powerful chest and biceps that looked to be as big as my thighs. I could feel my eyes bulging, and my first thought was, “God, I’m glad I’m a woman right now!” I watched as Tony’s eyes ran up and down my body, and I held my breath, hoping he would like what he saw half as much as I did. When he broke into a huge grin and nodded, I relaxed a little. When he turned to Steve and said, “Damn! She’s even sexier than you said!”, I felt a rush of pride. I instinctively smile back at him and moved closer. He responded by taking me into his arms and actually kissed me while his hands gripped my ass. The room started spinning and my hands moved to his huge pecs. My lips parted and his tongue explored my mouth, making me glad I had used the mouthwash. He pulled me even closer and I could feel his cock growing against my stomach, and for the first time in my life the idea of kissing a man was suddenly exciting.

When he stopped kissing me, he looked into my eyes and asked, “Do you know why I’m here?”

I nodded and said hoarsely, “You, you want me to blow you.”

He grinned broadly and asked, “How do you feel about that?”

“I can’t wait!” I groaned honestly. I reached up and kissed him again, surprising myself. Taking his hand in mine, I led him to the sofa and started peeling off his shirt. As he pulled it over his head, exposing his chest, I took a deep breath and ran my fingers over it. “Wow!” I whispered, as much to myself as to him. He tilted my chin up and kissed me again, ramping up my lust even more. I slowly dropped to my knees, kissing my way down his chest and sixpack abs. He kicked off his sandals as I fumbled with the button on his shorts. I eventually got it undone and his shorts slid to the floor, exposing black bikini underwear that was bulging obscenely. I moaned again and kissed his erection through the sheer material. My hands slid behind him and gripped his rock-hard ass. I looked up over his amazing body into his eyes, thinking “I can’t believe I get to do a guy who looks like this!” I tugged at his the tiny bikini, freeing his cock and involuntarily gasped again. “Oh, God, that’s so beautiful!” I groaned as a perfectly shaped 8” cock bounced in front of my face. I moved both hands to the shaft and squeezed as my entire body quivered. I wanted to move slowly, but I couldn’t—I had to have that cock in my mouth as quickly as possible. I engulfed the head and felt a jolt of electricity flash from my lips to my panties. One hand slid down to his balls, which felt like they weighed a pound each. He twitched his hips forward, silently urging me to swallow more of his dick. I didn’t need the encouragement, but I eagerly responded by dipping my head forward and swallowing another inch or two. I sucked for about a minute before pulling him from my mouth and looking up. “I think you should sit down,” I said to him. “This may take a while.”

He grinned even more broadly, nodded and stepped backwards to the sofa. He sat and spread his legs and I quickly crawled between them, drawn to the magnificent dick still in my hand. In no time, I had him back in my mouth and was bobbing up and down on it while my hand stroked the base of his shaft and balls. It only took me about 30 seconds to swallow the entire cock and I held that position for as long as I could, my chin nestled against his balls and my forehead against those amazing abs. I came up for air, gasping and drooling and looked up at him again.

“Take your time,” he smiled. “I have all day.”

I smiled back. “I hope so,” I responded. “I’d love to suck this cock for hours!” I moved my lips back to his dick, fighting the urge to deepthroat him again. Instead, I started gently sliding it in and out of lips, sensing that it was actually still growing! I kissed and licked my way down the long, hard shaft, kissing and gently sucking his balls when I reached them, then worked my way back up the same way. As I slid him back into my mouth, I thought, “I’d definitely let him fuck me. I wonder if he’d like that?” A warning thought flashed through my brain and I remembered the way he had kissed me. “He probably thinks I’m a real woman,” I thought. “If I take off my panties to fuck, I might freak him out, and then I wouldn’t get to finish this.” I pushed the thought of getting fucked from my head, deciding it was more important to enjoy my favorite thing—sucking a beautiful big cock. I knew Steve had promised him the best blowjob of his life and I now was determined to keep that promise. I was almost delirious as I sucked, kissed and licked his cock and balls for what seemed like forever. My hands roamed over his muscular thighs and up to his abs and pecs, and I wasn’t sure which I enjoyed feeling more—those muscles or his hard shaft. I solved the problem by locking my left hand on his cock while my right roamed his body. He was so big and so strong that I literally felt like a little girl beside him, which made the situation even more erotic. “Compared to him I am a woman,” I thought. “No wonder I’m such a cocksucking cunt!” I worked him to the edge of an orgasm a couple of times, backing off at the last second to maintain the experience as long as possible. After the second time, I looked up and asked, “Do you mind not cumming yet? I want this to last.”

He shook his head. “I don’t mind at all. I’m enjoying this enough that I don’t want it to end yet either. You’re every bit as good at this as Steve said.”

I smiled, strangely proud that he thought I was such a good cocksucker, and moved him back into my mouth. After another ten minutes or so, I felt him tensing and again backed off, avoiding the orgasm for a third time. “Next time,” I whispered up to him. “The next time I want you to cum, OK?” He nodded and I could see his powerful chest heaving as he gasped for breath. I slowly worked on him, building him toward what I hoped would be a huge orgasm. I deepthroated him several times, then went back to licking and kissing his shaft, resting my aching jaw. “God, I love your cock,” I whimpered to him. “I love your body, and I love your eyes, but mostly I love your cock!” This time when I pulled him back into my mouth, he gripped the sides of my head and started guiding my bobbing. I knew exactly what this meant—there were not going to be any more delays or backing off. He wanted to cum and was going to do exactly that. Sure enough, within thirty seconds I could feel his thighs tensing and could hear him gasping. I wrapped both hands around his shaft and sucked, urging him on until his hips lifted and his cock exploded in my mouth. I gulped hungrily as spurt after spurt of semen splashed onto my tongue and down my throat. He seemed to cum forever, and I swear I swallowed nearly a full cup of his sperm before he finally collapsed backwards against the sofa, huffing heavily.

I sat back and smiled up at him, licking my lips clean of the last remnants of his orgasm. “Jesus,” he groaned. “That is the biggest orgasm I’ve ever had!”

“I’m glad,” I smiled. “It was wonderful!” I kissed his shriveling cock, then gently licked off a few last drops that were seeping out of it.

“Suzy,” Steve said from behind me. “Tony and I could both use a beer. Why don’t you get us some?”

Reluctantly, I struggled to my feet and staggered into the kitchen. When I got back, Tony was not only standing up, but had already put his shorts back on. I watched as he pulled his shirt down over that amazing chest, a little disappointed that my fun was so obviously over. He and Steve quickly drained the beers I handed them and gave the bottle back to me. “I guess I should be going,” Tony said to Steve. “Thanks, it was as great as you promised.” Steve nodded and smiled, holding out his hand. I expected Tony to shake it, but instead, he reached into the pocket of his shorts and pulled out his wallet. I watched as he opened it, pulled out two $20 bills and handed them to Steve. “That’s a bargain,” he grinned. “That blowjob was worth way more than that.”

“Well, Suzy believes in giving her customers their money’s worth,” Steve laughed. “She figures you’re more likely to come back that way.”

“Well, she’s right,” Tony laughed. “I’ll definitely be back!”

Steve walked Tony to the door while I stood there, stunned. When he came back, I stammered, “You, you sold me to him? You sold him a blowjob for $40?”

“Yeah,” he grinned, “and here’s your cut.” He held out a $20 bill. I stared at it, not wanting to touch it.

“Take it,” Kathy ordered.

I turned and looked at her. “I’m not a whore!” I gasped. “I didn’t blow him for money!”

“You are a whore,” she shrugged. “Whether or not you take the money from Steve, Tony paid for a blowjob and you gave it to him. That makes you a whore. And, once you start working for Joe, you’re going to be even more of a whore. So, stop pretending to be such a virtuous bitch and take the money.” She took the twenty from Steve and shoved it into my hand. “That’s better,” she said, as my fingers accepted the bill. After a second, she added, “Whore.” Both Kathy and Steve laughed at my obvious embarrassment before she walked him to the door. When she got back, she asked, “So, were you enjoying Tony as much as it looked like?”

I swallowed and nodded. “Until he pulled out his wallet. That sort of ruined it.”

“Seriously?” she laughed. “You got to blow a gorgeous hunk, who was clearly really into you. And you’re saying that the fact he was willing to pay for what you did ruined the whole experience?”

“He thought he was getting a blowjob from a whore!” I almost screamed. “He wasn’t into me, he was into face-fucking a whore! That’s not the real me!”

“Wow,” she grinned, “talk about irony! You want him to be into the real you? Why didn’t you take off your wig and panties for him then?” I felt the color drain from my face and she continued,

“I’ll tell you why—because you didn’t want to lose the chance to suck his cock! He wanted to face-fuck a woman and you wanted him to think you were that woman.” I could feel my face changing from ashen white to bright crimson as she pointed out the contradiction. Her voice suddenly softened and she gently stroked my face. “Suzy, you need to understand something. The ‘real you’, as you call it, doesn’t exist. There is no ‘real you’. There’s just a walking, talking, wetdream fantasy that you’ve become. Your whole purpose in life is to please men. You know exactly what they want and you’re willing to give it to them because when you do, you get exactly what you want. You wear those tiny little miniskirts because you know they turn men on and you love doing that. You suck cock because you love it, but you also do it because you know how much the men you blow love it. You want them to love it because you want them to want you. You let them fuck you for the same reason, even though we both know you don’t enjoy that half as much as you enjoy sucking cock. You become whatever it is that the man you’re with wants, and you do whatever it is he wants you to do. That’s what every man dreams of, and that’s what you are.” I slowly nodded, knowing she was right. “And,” she completed the thought, “that’s exactly the definition of what a perfect whore does. She does whatever it takes to make the guy she’s with happy. You do that, and you do it more naturally and more eagerly than just about any woman alive. Shouldn’t you do what you’re best at? If you were a great athlete, wouldn’t it make sense to become a pro and make the big money? If you were a great writer, wouldn’t it make sense to sell what you write? Well, your talent is pleasing men. Doesn’t it make sense to use that talent to make a living?”

“God,” I gulped. “You, you really want me to be a whore, don’t you?”

“I want you to be what you are,” she said calmly. “I want you to do what you enjoy. But, I’m also a realist—I know you can’t spend half your life pretending to be a man so that you can make peanuts in ‘an honorable’ job and still do all the things you love as Suzy. I really believe that Joe is going to offer you the job as his secretary. By now, you must know that means being his whore. You’ll spend about 5% of your time doing secretary stuff and the other 95% of your time being a fucktoy for him and his customers. You’ll be a whore and you’ll be a very well-paid whore at that.”

“You make it sound like you know I’m going to take the job.”

She raised her eyebrows. “What did you do for him today? Did you blow him?”

“You know I did.”

“Did you let him fuck you?” I nodded and she grinned. “Did you ask him to fuck you? Did you beg for it?” I nodded again. “And you did that knowing that he was testing you to see how you’d be if he gave you the job?” Another nod. “Were you good? Did you give him a good blowjob and fuck?”

“I, I think so,” I said meekly.

“Sounds to me like you want him to like you. Sounds to me like you want the job.”

“I, I don’t know if I do or not,” I stalled.

“But you are considering it,” she pointed out. “You’re thinking about accepting if he offers it to you.”

“Yes,” I admitted.

“So you aren’t totally and completely opposed to being a whore?” she smiled. “You admit it’s a possibility.”

“That, that’s different!” I protested.

“No, it isn’t. Joe will be paying you to let him and his customers fuck your mouth and ass. You’ll be on your knees in his office more than you’ll be at your desk. You’ll be his whore any way you look at it. The only difference is that you’ll get paid a lot more than what Tony gave you.” I tried to argue, but I couldn’t find any words to say that would make a difference. As tears started to fill my eyes, Kathy again showed her softer, more understanding side. “Suzy, darling, don’t be upset. It’s OK, it really is. Being a whore has gotten a bad rap, so I understand why you’re resisting the idea. But, you have to understand a few things. First, the people who look down their noses at whores are mostly ugly, shriveled up women who get fucked about twice a year. They’re probably just jealous that they couldn’t earn twenty dollars a month if they tried it. I believe everyone should have a job doing something they enjoy and something they’re good at. If they aren’t hurting anyone, what difference does it make? I’ve watched you since that first time I put a skirt on you and, darling, what you enjoy and what you’re good at is sex. You’re a great fuck and an amazing cocksucker, and whether you want to admit it or not, you love every second of it. What job could possibly be better for you? Finally, why in the world are you worried about rules that say what you should and shouldn’t do? If you followed those rules, you certainly wouldn’t be sitting here in miniskirt and high heels and you never would have sucked a cock, whether or not you were getting paid. I mean, seriously, honey, do you think if we took a poll more people would think a whore is worse than a crossdressing, cocksucking slut who does it for free? As far as I’m concerned, there are only two people in the world whose opinions matter when it comes to what you and I do. If you’re happy and I’m happy, who cares what anyone else thinks of us?”

“And you’d be happy if I became a whore?” I asked disbelievingly.

“You are a whore,” she corrected me, “and, yes, I’m happy about it. I’m very happy about it. I love you as a whore. I love you way more as a whore than I did when you were a useless man-wanabe.” Once again, she gently stroked my face and kissed me softly. “Please say you’ll accept what you are, darling. Be proud of who you are, so I can be proud of you, too. I’ve never, ever been proud of my husband—not until he became the hottest, horniest slut in town. Now I’m so, so proud that I can’t imagine going back to the way it was. I want it to get even better.

Don’t you?”

I nodded. “You, you really mean that?”

“I do,” she confirmed. “There’s nothing I want more.”

I took a deep breath and looked down at the $20 in my hand. I closed my eyes, took another deep breath, then opened them and looked at Kathy. “Then I guess I am what I am.”

“What does that mean?” she asked, a smile starting to form on her lips.

“It means I’m a whore,” I whispered. “I, I have to accept it. I’m a whore.”

Kathy threw her arms around me and hugged me. “Oh, darling, that’s wonderful!” she gushed. “I love you so much for being brave enough to admit it!”

With the “lesson” out of the way, Kathy suggested we get something to eat that was a little more solid than what I had swallowed so far. In line with my need to lose a few pounds, we decided on salad with lo-cal dressing. “I guess being a woman isn’t all fun and games,” I joked as I tried to satisfy my appetite with the semi-tasteless greens. Kathy laughed and commiserated with me, and soon we were chatting about the non-sexual aspects of my new gender.

That continued until the phone rang and Kathy answered. She talked for a couple minutes then smiled and handed me the phone. “Joe wants to talk to you,” she explained.

I took the phone uncertainly and, after the obligatory hellos, Joe said, “I’ve really enjoyed your visits the last couple days.”

“I’m glad,” I replied.

“Are you planning on coming back tomorrow?”

“If, if you want me to.”

“Oh, I definitely want you to,” he said. “In fact, I’m thinking I may want you to come in every day from now on. Would you like that?”

“Every day?” I gulped as my heart nearly stopped. “What, what do you mean?”

“I mean, I need a new secretary and I think you’d be perfect for the job. Are you interested”

“S-s-sure,” I stammered.

“Great!” he crowed. “Why don’t you come in at 8:30 tomorrow and I’ll have Becky start your orientation. She can help break you in the rest of the week and if things work out like I think they will, you can start officially on Monday.”

“O-ok,” I agreed.

“Excellent!” he said. “See you then, sexy.”

I hung up the phone and turned to Kathy. “He, he offered me the job. He wants me to start orientation tomorrow morning. I’d officially start as his secretary on Monday.”

Kathy threw her arms around me. “Oh, Suzy!” she cheered. “That’s fantastic! You did it! You’re going to get to be a full-time woman!”

“Full-time?” I asked. “What do you mean full-time?”

She stepped back and looked at me. “I mean you never need to dress like a man again, of course. You can just be you 24/7.” My shock must have shown because she took my hands in hers and said calmly, “You did understand that didn’t you? I mean you’re going to be Suzy every day for work now, and I’m sure you’ll want to stay that way after you come home for Steve and Ron and your other friends. There’s no reason to ever dress like a man again. You can let your hair and nails grow out and not have to switch back and forth. Won’t that be better?”

“I, I guess so,” I said. “I, I just never thought about that.”

“But it’s so perfect!” she smiled. “No more changing back and forth, no more artificial nails or wigs, no more being a worthless pretend man…you can forget all that and just be a full-time woman!” She kissed me and smiled. “Don’t look so scared,” she offered. “It will be amazing. You’ll see. You’ll love it! After a week or two you’ll probably wonder why you ever wore pants.”

“Maybe,” I said non-committedly.

“Trust me,” she said, “you’re going to love your new life, honey. And it all starts tomorrow!”

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