Sweet revenge and maybe a bit more (S1)

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Steve opens his eyes. The shadow of his half-open roller blinds is painted on the wall. He knows he got a few more minutes before he has to get up. Steve turns off the alarm and as the room goes back to silence, he goes back to sleep.


The moment it started Steve already stoped it. He hates this annoying sound. It has burned itself into his unconscious. Today he didn’t fall asleep again, so he just waited for his second alarm to go off. It’s part of his morning routine. Two alarms, 6:20, 6:30. Most often he doesn’t get much sleep at all and thinks of theses 10 minutes as a powernap in the morning.

The next point on his daily routine is a short workout that focuses on upper body strength. He prefers to listen to some music while doing sport but his sister’s bedroom is right next to his and he doesn’t want to mess with her today. He puts on his headphones and starts with some pre-workout stretching.

Steve is a nineteen-year-old boy and he isn’t like any other . Definitely not what you’d expect when you see him for the first time. He makes a habit of taking care of himself. No, he is not a sports freak. To be honest he has more in common with a nerd. Could be because that's what he was only five years ago. Poor social ss, good grades, and his favorite hobby was playing computer games. In the mear presence of a girl, he would fall over his own legs.

But his problems didn’t end with girls. Even talking to boys his age gave him a hard time. He misunderstood them and often failed at simple conversation-making. That was his red flag. It couldn’t be that he was just too stupid to be a normal human being. There has to be something else, he thought, and there was. Steve looked at his situation from a different angle. Most of the time he even knew what he should do. His problem was when he tried to improvise; to go with the flow. He asked himself the question: What happens if I just do what I thought would be right in a certain situation for an extended period of time. What happens, if I live my life as a video game and I am merely the third person that is playing it.

That he could do. Video games are his expertise and he decided to try it for a day. Only a day because he knew he could do it. It was perfect and he prolonged it for another day and another. It worked for him and soon he went along with it for a whole month. His life has changed for the better.

After a year or so he didn’t even need to do this video game routine. It all came naturally to him. How to act, what to say. He had learned two things over the year. First, his real problem was his fear of doing something wrong. It blocked out any decent thought and prevented him to have fun at living. Second: at first, he thought that he doesn't have the instinct to interpret people's body language so he tried to learn as much about it as possible. He read numerous books just so he could understand the people around him. Now he found this missing instinct. But still, in most of his face to face interactions, he relies on his knowledge rather than instinct. It’s better.

It’s logical and that’s what he likes about it. To some it might seem strange; some would even consider him a psychopath or so. But the opposite is true. He is as much human as anybody else and enjoys life in all its forms. Especially the little moments.

The song ends. And while the last word still halls in his head “centuriiiiees“ he rolls on his back, to do some sit-ups. The next song starts. “I’m through with standin’ in line to …”

Steve lives together with his father Kater, his step-mom Diana, and her daughter Jenny. His real mom left them when he was just a baby. For many, it would be horrible to know that their mother left them but not for Steve. He has a mother, Diana.

It wasn’t just Diana. She already had a daughter when she met his father. Her name was Jenny. Like Steve, she is nineteen years old, one month older than him and she can’t stop reminding him about it.

With that, his workout ends. The third point on his morning routine is a shower. It’s 7 o’clock and his sister is still asleep. Steve tiptoes down the hallway. After entering the bathroom, he gets out of his sweaty shirt and throws it into the laundry basket as if he would throw a basketball. He smiles when he scored. The shower cabin is pretty nice. It’s big and the walls are made of glass. Normally, he would take his time to enjoy the water that runs down his skin but today isn’t a normal day.

Today it’s just him and his stepsister. His parents are on vacation for two very long weeks. He really loves and respects them but sometimes he just can’t understand why they do the things how they do. Before they left Sunday afternoon they’ve put his sister in charge because she is the older one. One month! That’s all she has.

He realized that it will be some interesting two weeks when he saw Jenny’s evil smile while his father was talking to her. He said she should keep an eye on her little brother and if he does something stupid, she should call him immediately.

That’s so typical. Steve is definitely more trustworthy than his sister but for his parents, there is just no such thing as a nineteen-year-old boy that doesn’t destroy everything he touches.

And if that wasn’t enough, right after his father talked to Jenny he went to Steve and said:

“Steve, I expect you to behave yourself, or you can say goodbye to your computer.”

His computer, really?

Ok, he has to admit that it would bother him a little bit but he is no longer the nerd he was five years ago. Back then it would be horrible for him to lose his pc, his only source of fun, but today it’s nothing he can’t live without for one or two months.

The thing is, as far as he can tell, his sister doesn’t know that. It took only five minutes after their parents left to find Steve and make him her offer he can’t refuse. It’s very simple.

As long as he does what she says, she makes sure that he can keep his beloved computer.

It’s like he already realized, it will be some interesting two weeks for him … This offer was ridiculous. Even back in the old days, he would rather have given up his computer than to become his sister’s personal servant.

But he played along, curious how far she would go.

Acting like he was shocked, gasping for air, he said “It’s unbelievable. You’re blackmailing me? Your own brother?”

Jenny replied in a harsh tone “Stepbrother” but then her voice became as sweet as honey "No. blackmail is such a strong word. I make you an offer and if you ask me, it’s not a bad one.” He, let me be the judge of this :D

That’s it. Yesterday she just him to make dinner but today he will see how far she’ll go with the hole servant thing.

After his shower, Steve finishes his routine with the last point on his list. Coffee and breakfast. It’s a great day. The sun is already shining bright and in the blue sky isn’t a single cloud. It will be a wonderful summer day. Steve stands in the middle of the kitchen, waiting for his coffee and toast to be ready while making himself a sunny side up egg. He hears footsteps and because there is nobody else, it must be his sister. Playfully, he asks “Good morning. What can I do for you today? Anything special for break…”

He didn’t get any further. His jaw dropped when he saw his sister. She entered the kitchen just wearing a smile, some shorts, and a top which appears to be … see-through? Of course, Steve is surprised. He has never seen her tits since they started to grow 8 years ago. Like probably every boy at school, he pictured her naked from time to time but let’s say, his imagination didn’t do her justice. Her nice breasts absorbed so much of his mind, he didn’t even realize at first what was going on. She tries to play with him. Wearing a see-through top for the first time, just the day their parents went on vacation combined with the ridiculous offer she made him yesterday is definitely no coincidence. She is teasing him. But why?

“br…brea…breakfast?” Steve says finishing his question. Jenny seems to enjoy the whole situation “What’s that, little brother” She says laughing “Your falling back into old habits? Being a nerd, unable to talk properly to a girl?”

Steve doesn’t respond, but not for the reason Jenny thinks.

Yeah, her tits are great but something else took his interest. She has hard nipples. He knows that there can be various reasons for that but it’s still a sign of arousal. She is turned on? By him?

“Has seeing your big sisters’ breasts took your tongue? You should see yourself. You look priceless.”

Steve gets back to his normal confidence, meets her gaze, and responds as nothing has happened.

“No sis, I’m fine, thanks for worrying. But you haven’t answered my question.”

Jenny is confused, she clearly didn’t expect such elegance from her brother. “eh” she clears her throat “What question?”

“Do you want anything special for breakfast today?” Steve repeated himself with a calm voice. Thank god, he learned how to put on an act over the years. Standing in front of his hot sister, having a clear view of her beautiful boobs gets him more distracted than he is willing to show. He already knows that he will get a boner eventually. And it is more likely to happen sooner than later.

Jenny needs to think for a few seconds. She blushes and looks down at the floor. It's been only a short gesture, a moment she wasn't completely in control of her body, and Steve saw it.

“I see you remember.” She answers with her honey-voice. “I thought, I needed to remind you of your pc but it seems you know your place.”

She is a pretty good actress herself, but Steve knows by now it’s just that. An act.

“And no. An egg and toast will be fine. I take a shower and I expect breakfast to be ready when I come back.”

After finishing her sentence, she looked down at Steve's shorts, smiling like she wants to say "I love it when a plan comes together" Jenny turns around and leaves the kitchen, swinging her ass a bit more than necessary.

That was a better performance of her than Steve had expected. She would fool almost everybody but Steve is a master in interpreting body language. He already read a dozen books about it. At first, he looked into that topic because he needed to but now he does it just for fun. He loves to know what people really think.

Just a week ago he started a new book. It explains mimics in all its variations. Even going into details, like muscle contractions. Steve hasn't learned everything this book has to offer and chances are he never will. It’s a pretty dry read but for this situation with his sister, he didn’t need it anyway.

Steve knows her for almost his entire life. She was never a very dominant person.

And he is sure, that didn’t change lately.

Steve still needs to complete the puzzle in his head, fill in some gaps, but by now he has a pretty good idea why his sister is acting that way:

She’s as much of a kinky pervert as he is. Seems to run in the family.

Last summer she read fifty shades of grey … twice and Steve is sure she read the whole trilogy.

He knew she is into some kinky stuff, probably something with a power dynamic and it seems like she is also into him. Her own brother.

Luckily for him, she isn’t the dom. He knows that. But does she know it too or does she really think she is the one calling the shots?

Later at school. Steve was sitting on a bench in front of his next classroom as Marie approaches him.

She is a good-looking girl, even if she certainly doesn’t think so herself. Timid and a bit insecure. With her big glasses and her shy body language, she is the stereotype of a hot nerdy girl. She is constantly happy and thinks about everything in a positive way, except herself.

She also has a huge crush on Steve which makes the whole thing interesting. Steve doesn’t know what to think of it. Yeah, he likes her a lot. But opening up to her, showing his true self would change her for sure. Not that he has a skeleton buried in his backyard. For him, Marie is just too innocent and he is as much of a kinky pervert as his sister seems to be.

No, he won’t ruin her. It’s just so hard to keep ignoring the sings she is trying to give him. Especially Steve can see that she wants them to be more than just friends. Her body language is crying out: I like you, ask me out!

It’s getting harder every day.

“Hey, Steve! How are you?” she asks while coming closer. Marie takes a seat right next to him. Steve replies, "I'm fine, thanks, Marie." With a big smile on her face Marie says, “I need to ask you something,” She leans in and whispers behind her hand so only he can hear it, “Is it true, that Jenny showed you her tits?”

Steve is practically a genius but that question took him by surprise. Especially asked by Marie. He turns his head to her and just raises his eyebrows. That’s his way of asking her a question. The nice thing is, Marie understands this language quite well. The only thing is, she doesn’t want to answer it.

Playing dumb she asks, “What?”

Steve keeps it up waiting for her to explain herself further. Marie begins to bite on her lip. She looks so sexy when she does that. It’s always a good indicator that Marie has something she’d rather hide, though. She is a terrible liar. Only one of her character traits Steve likes so much.

Finally, she gives in and says, “You know. I was just curious. Some of your sister’s friends have a crush on you and today, they talked about … eh, you know girls’ stuff”

Marie gets red like a tomato and doesn’t continue with her story. A bit annoyed but mostly encouraging Steve says, “Spit it out, Marie.”

“Ok, they wondered which type of girl you prefer and then they asked themselves, how long your penis is. But your sister clearly didn’t want to talk about your cock, so she tried to stop the conversation by telling them you have a big cock. 8 inches, probably 9. And then the girls wanted to know, how she knew. They didn’t believe her, then she explained she saw your boner just this morning after you got hard by seeing her tits. And you know. It made me curious, did she really show you her breasts? After all, she is your sister. Step-sister though but still you two grew up together.” Marie awaits his reaction. While doing so she starts to bite on her lip again.

Well, that explains a lot. And now Steve can tell why Marie asked him this strange question. If it’s true what Jenny said about showing him her tits, it would be likely she also told the truth about him having a 9-inch cock.Or maybe she is jealous of Jenny? Doesn’t matter much. It’s another sign that she is into him.

Marie knew, she probably won’t get an answer out of him. It didn’t stop her from asking anyway. There was a chance that he would tell her and pushing her luck is better than having no chance at all. “Come on tell me. Did they look good?”

the school clock rings

Steve stands up and says “Well, I think I should go to class. See you around, Marie” And he enters the room with a smile. Knowing that he left her even more curious than before. In a way it’s cruel but in reality, Steve knows she likes it. The mysterious boy and the innocent girl. That would make a great story. :D

It's Monday afternoon and although it's warm and sunny as expected, Steve spends his time in front of a desktop. In general, there is nothing wrong with this situation. Steve sitting in his room, rather playing computer games than to go out having fun with friends. But today something is off. He isn’t even sitting in his own room and therefor the computer he is looking at isn’t his too. It’s Jenny’s and of course, Steve doesn’t play computer games. He is doing some research. Research on his sister.

Luckily for Steve, Jenny isn’t home. As usual, she has her weekly volleyball practice. His sister joined the school team five years ago. At first, she only went because her friends played too and they convinced her to try it but now she learned to love that sport.

Back to Steve. He thinks in puzzles and mind maps. He has grids in his head that just wait to be filled. His power is logic. With this power combined with his knowledge of human body language, he is a master in figuring people out. That's why he is roughly 95% sure what he'll find on his sister's pc. But it’s as Diana his stepmother always says:

‘better safe than sorry’

Jenny likes her privacy, but it took Steve less than 5 minutes to crack her password and to enter her computer. At first, he tried to guess it …







It’s been worth a shot but he had no success.

In the end, it turned out that she used her name spelled backward to lock her account. Steve needs to admit she is creative. The only thing is that it’s practically useless. A normal computer could hack her account in less than a minute. Steve has some basic knowledge about programming, but he has no idea how to hack, so that’s also not the way he got the password.

It bothers him a bit that it wasn't his reasoning what got him access to his sister’s computer. At least it wasn’t his own logic. In a drawer, hidden under some of her T-shirts, Jenny keeps a small black book, containing all the passwords to every account she has.

As if it would make it any better, they are listed under the headline:

better safe than sorry

Computer: ynneJ

Smartphone: 0852

Instagram: Jen15ny

By now Steve is looking at her browser history:

how to seduce a boy

how to be dominant


video game addiction

Just to name a few of the things she googled in the last few days.


Steve has proven to himself that he was right in the first place.

His sister wants to seduce him. She is sexually attracted to him and combined with her interest in Dom-Sub relationships, she is clearly trying to build one up between him and herself.

Worth to mention is that Steve really likes this idea. He already fantasied about his hot Sister but he never even dared to dream about something happening between them in reality. There is just one problem. He isn’t particularly submissive.

In fact, he isn’t submissive at all. Giving up power would mean giving up a big part of his identity.

That’s why he already thought up a plan to make sure he stays in control. He knows Jenny is a natural submissive and he knows that she gets turned on by either blackmailing someone or being blackmailed. It’s another thing he found out while looking into her browser history. Maybe he should show her how to delete it sometimes.

Now the fun part starts. It seems like she isn’t sure about being top or bottom. Probably a submissive or switch that doesn’t want to admit that she isn’t very dominant. Guess it’s up to Steve to show that to her.

To do that he will blackmail her. He’ll humiliate her and the moment she breaks, the moment she got pushed over the edge when he could do anything with her, he will stop. If it was a game of chess, he would take most of her figures so it’s painfully obviouse that he is winning but then he ends with a stalemate on purpose. It’s not about getting her to be his personal slave but to show her her place. If you play with fire …

First of all, he needs some leverage. He could search her computer for something, maybe a nude or so, but he doesn’t want her to know that he found her password-book. Could be useful soon. Therefore he decides that a video of her showering should do the trick just fine. For the fun of it, he connects her webcam to his pc and covers the lamp that shows ‘the webcam is running’ with some black tape. Also, he installs his own webcam in the bathroom. Hidden between the deco, she gives a nice view of the shower.

He tests if both webcams are working, by filming some test-videos. It’s not the best quality but it’ll do the trick. Maybe a bit of an over but he wants to make sure that even if his plan doesn’t work out as planned he still gets some good enough leverage so he can teach her this lesson.

Time to wait. His sister shouldn’t come home for another 30 minutes which means, Steve can productively use the time. He masturbates, so he will stay cool later on while confronting his step-sister.

Showtime. The doorbell ringsSteve opens the door with a smile, Jenny, on the other hand, looks a bit exhausted. “Ow … you smell awful, what happened? You fought a skunk on your way home?” He says teasingly while holding his nose as if it was unbearable. Yeah, he smells her sweat. But of course, he is just joking. He even kind of likes the smell, fucking pervert, but he needs her to take a shower or his plan won’t work. Her response is as cold as ice. “got a deathwish?” Jenny is definitely not in the mood for jokes. He expects the hallway to freeze by her entering but the opposite is true. Jenny softens up a little and adds, “Just … eh … shut up.” She is still wearing her sports clothes. It seems that she went to school by bike and now she needs five minutes to calm down before you should talk to her. Steve doesn’t mind her attitude. It would be very unusual for her to not take a shower after driving home by bike. He goes back upstairs into his room and waits for his sister to enter the bathroom.

Even before he actually sees her on the camera feed, he hears his step-sister walking down the hallway and entering the bathroom. Steve starts the recording.

Jenny is wearing lazy black shorts and a black T-Shirt which creates a nice contrast to her natural blond hair. Playing volleyball she always wears a hair tie, so her hair won't bother her for the time being. Losing it while shaking her head, she lets her hair fall naturally over her shoulders. She is facing the shower when she crosses her harms to take off her shirt. It seems like it all happens in slow motion. Jenny is sliding it over her head, giving Steve a wonderful view of her naked lower back.

And it’s true. He didn’t imagine the slow-mo. She is really undressing that way. It’s probably just some kind of training for her crush or so but it still looks awesome. There is no way she could know about the camera behind her. His sister is still wearing her sports bra and shorts but Steve is already so turned on. It’s amazing. She is amazing.

While getting out of her shorts, she leaves her legs extended, bending over, as a porn star would do. And she repeats the whole procedure for her bra and her panties.

Wiggling her ass, while stepping into the shower, turning to the side to start the water…

Unbelievably hot. Nobody that sees that video will think, she didn’t know she was filmed. Perfect leverage.

He sent himself the Video per e-mail, copied it on a USB-Stick, and downloaded it onto his Smartphone. Now he has the Video saved at enough different places so his sister can't just destroy it. On his pc, his Smartphone and a USB-Stick. No way of losing his leverage. Just in case it's also saved on a server of his e-mail provider. Better safe than sorry. Not that he’ll need it. He won’t go all-in with the blackmailing part but Jenny would get suspicious if he wouldn’t give it 100%.


Surprisingly enough, Jenny didn't call for her brother in the afternoon. Maybe she tries to take the whole thing slowly. When the sun begins to touch the horizon Steve's sister is watching TV downstairs. He on the other hand thinks it's time to get into the next phase of his plan. Hopefully, he doesn't mess up now. Would be a real pain in the ass to get things rolling if he did.

While Jenny is downstairs, Steve has a look around her room. It’s quite interesting that his sister is still sleeping with two plush animals, one Teddy, and a sweet little penguin. Steve takes a seat on her bed right between the two of them.

Jenny was never very fond of the idea of her brother even being in her room, let alone him touching stuff. Well, it will probably work out to his advantage. Let's get her pissed before dropping the bomb he thinks.

As expected, only five minutes later Steve can hear his sister screaming, “Hey, Steve! Time to make me some dinner!” It’s the same thing she said yesterday and Steve was only waiting for it.

The show is on. Steve is still sitting on his sister's bed, not moving an inch even though he perfectly understood what Jenny wanted him to do. If she wants it so bad, let her come and get it then, he thinks. With that in mind, he hears the footsteps as she walks up the stairs. “Steve?!?”

Trying to find her brother, Jenny opens the door to Steve's room. “Steve!?!”

No luck there. Steve gives her a hint, “In here, sis.” Jenny turns around and sees her brother relaxing on her bed. It appears like she doesn’t even comprehend the fact that he shouldn’t be in her room because she only gets inside and begins to yell at Steve, “Didn’t you hear me? Idiot, I called you like a thousand times!”

Her brother isn’t very impressed, he deliberately tries to stay calm and not to mirror her tone. “Oh, I heard you. I mean the whole block heard you for that matter.” He says and waits for Jenny to work the situation out on her own. It seems like she did or at least she understood that Steve has no business being in her room.

“Get out!” She screams. Damn, does she ever chill a bit? It plays right into his hands but he didn’t expect things to go this smooth. The pissing her off part is definitely working. Let’s go on and add a bit confusion to her situation.

“You came up here just to tell me to leave your room? You didn’t even know I was in here in the first place.” Steve says. The anger on his sisters face vanishes for a second, “Eh, No … I mean I wanted but …” She is slurring her words. The good brother Steve is he tries to help her out. “You wanted me to make dinner for the two of us, right?”

“Yes but … You get out of my room immediately and make me something to eat or I will make sure you can kiss your computer goodbye!" After the first two words, Jenny found back to her original anger. That's what an order should sound like, Steve thinks, but it still plays into his hands.

“Chill out girl, I go.” He says while looking at something on his phone. “I just saw this video and wanted to show it to you before I sent it to our friends.” Steve stands up and walks out of her room, apparently following her order but he doesn’t even think about making dinner. On the way out he sends the video to her.

With crossed arms, his sister says, "Yeah, whatever." As Steve walks down the hallway he hears the familiar sound of Jenny's phone receiving a message.



___ What the fuck Steve! Get back

__to my room!!

What now? Dinner or talking?

Both isn’t possible if you

Stay upstairs, sis.

___ Move your lazy ass up here


-chat end-

Steve walks down the hallway and sneaks a look into his sister’s bedroom before entering. Jenny is sitting on the chair next to her computer. Great, the place on her bed is still available. It was so comfortable earlier. The sound of running water lies in the air. She is watching herself shower. The video absorbed so much of her brainpower that Jenny didn’t even realize her brother is already standing in her doorframe. He knocks on the open door.

Jenny looks up from her phone and Steve can see anger written all over her face. Guess she is experiencing a whole mixture of emotions right now but covers them up unconsciously. She holds up her phone with the still-running video and orders her brother to explain himself.

He could make his move right here and now but he likes to play with her a little bit more. Playing like he’s a bit self-conscious he says, “Oh sorry. Did I send you this video? I wanted to send the one with the baby cat. The cute one. She is trying to climb some stairs. Sorry."

That did the trick. If Steve pisses her off even more she’d probably him in his sleep tonight. “Listen asshole!” His sister screams, trying to take control over the situation again, “You better delete this video from your phone or I make sure that daddy makes your life a living hell!”

Steve says nothing, so Jenny stands up tries to get her point across a bit more clearly. She was about to point with her finger at his chest repeating herself, “Look me in the eyes and listen to me! You will … ” But she doesn’t come any further because Steve grabbed her hand before she could reach him.

Finally, her brother raises his voice, “No! You listen to me! You know as good as do that you are fucked. I could send that beautiful little video of you showering to all your friends or maybe I just put it on the web! I bet it wouldn’t even fall under the category amature on the next best porn site. I mean you basically gave a strip tease beforehand. Either way, things change around here!”

Jenny is stunned. She can’t remember the last time Steve got real angry and back then it was nothing like what she witnesses here and now. “What?” Steve adds, “Seeing your brother lose his Patience got your tongue?"

His sister tries to grab the last straw she can reach. For the first time this evening, her voice is calm and almost seems a little reasonable, “Please Steve, You can’t do that. Just delete the Video and I promise I will stop bugging you about your computer. But please, nobody can see this video."

Mirroring her tone Steve says, “Yeah no problem.” He takes out his phone and on Jenny's face forms a hint of hope. “Really?” she asks.

“Yeah, I got lots of copies anyway.” He replies. As fast as the hope on her face came it vanishes again and her expression transforms into fear. It comes to her that her brother might be serious about this. Steve thinks he saw a slight hint of a smile on Jennie's face but it was probably nothing. She might enjoy this looking back on it but right now she is just stunned by the sudden change of their power dynamic.

“I guess you haven’t understood what I’m telling you. You played with fire and we both know what might happen when you do so. Worse, you didn’t just play with it, you tried to control it but you were in over your head from the beginning. And come on! My computer? You tried to keep me on a short leash over the fear of losing my pc for a month or so? Do I need to spell it out to you? I – don’t – care!”

Steve takes a seat on the edge of her bed, leaving his sister confused in the middle of the room. It is so fun to watch how she is trying to comprehend it all. After a few seconds, the only thing she says is a whispered, “Asshole”

“Watch your tongue!” Steve says, “If you have something to say, slut, go on. If not, shut the fuck up!” Jenny flinches when her brother calls her a slut. She knows well enough that testing his patience would be pretty dumb in her situation. Instead, she asks, "What do you want?"

Right question.

In a newly formed dom-voice, he orders her to take off her clothes. Jenny notices the change in him. His frightening appearance transformed into something else. She has never seen him that way. Calm and dark. Seeing him like that leaves Jenny even more frightened than when he screamed at her. It's like he has put on a façade. Or off? There is no telling what is going on in him.

She knows she shouldn’t but after a short pause she asks, “Why?”

Steve’s face leaves no doubt about the fact that she should have stayed quiet. He is staring her down until she starts undressing. Jenny no longer thinks she’ll get an answer but then Steve says, “You teased me this morning by wearing this shirt. I liked what I saw.”

Her reaction is too cute. Jenny stops in her motion, “Oh” and her cheeks turn red. All in all her face says something among the lines 'mission successful’.

She doesn’t have time to think about it too much. Jenny gets out of her shirt and reveals that she isn’t wearing a bra. Her beautiful breasts especially in the light of evening sun are a sight to be remembered. But other than this morning, Steve has no problem staying focused. Everything came naturally the moment he got control over the situation.

Timidly his sister moves her hands to her shorts, quietly asking if she should take them off too. Steve only nods. He doesn't move a muscle while watching his sister bend over, getting out of her shorts the same way as earlier, before showering.

Jenny’s body language tells her brother that she is uncomfortable standing only in her panties in front of him. With her left hand grabbing her other arms wrist, positioned right in front of her sweet spot she is waiting for Steve to make the next move.

She knows that he wanted her to take off the panties too but maybe she gets away with it. Steve knows what she tried but lets it slide.

"Drop your panties," he says, and as she doesn't immediately comply he adds, “or do you prefer me taking them off by myself?” It appears that Jenny really had to think about his proposal but eventually got out of her panties by herself. And back to her original pose, denying Steve a good view on her pussy. Needless to say that his sister is red as a tomato and unable to look at her brother.

“Is that all?” Jenny asks sheepishly.

“No. You know you are already naked but still, I can’t see all of you. What does that tell us?” Jenny doesn’t respond, “It tells me, that you are clearly in the wrong position. Hands behind your head, chest out, legs spread and keep your chin up, I want to see your beautiful face.”

She follows his orders like the natural submissive his sister is. Steve had never even dreamed of the sight he sees right now. You think her tits are great, look at her completely naked in the perfect pose to show off her curves in the perfect lighting. She looks amazing.

He takes his time to admire her. Then he stands up and as he moves closer to his step-sister a tear rolls down her cheek. He leans in and whispers in her ear, “I think you like this situation. Being so exposed, so helpless.” His sister begins to shiver as Steve continues, “Tell me, if I’d touch you now, down there. Would my fingers get wet, or stay dry?”

He doesn't do it. He's not willing to go this far. Instead, he lets his fingers slide over Jenny’s naked back, following her spine. The shivering stops for the time being. Steve thinks he achieved what he wanted. He moves around her, leans in again, and whispers in her other ear, "Stalemate." With that he goes out of her room, leaving her confused, thankful, excited but also thinking that she had dodged a bullet. For now. She doesn’t know what to do. For a minute or so she even stays in position, fearing her brother expects her to do so.

Tears start rolling. She doesn’t know why but there she was, crying in her pillow.

Her phone says, she’d received a message. It’s from Steve. Dinner is ready. She gets up to look at her reflection in the mirror. He can’t see me like this …

Steve is sitting at the dinner table as he receives her reply. Five minutes. He begins to eat. There is no need to wait. He won’t go any further. Bringing her to the edge, teaching her a lesson; he has already achieved all that. Now it’s time to wait. He’ll probably let her in suspense until tomorrow, just for the fun of it. And of course, because she deserves it.

Steve made the two of them chicken wings with French fries, one of the few things he actually knows how to make and that doesn’t taste awful.

Jenny enters the room, she doesn’t know what to expect. For all she knows, her brother is holding all the cards and she is at his mercy. She tried to hide the fact that she cried by putting some make-up on. Didn't got her very far.

Steve saw the way she walks, the way she sat down, and even the way she looks at him or, to be precise, not looks at him. It’s almost unbearable for him to not drop the act on the spot. The joy his sister normally brings into the room, he misses it already. Right now, he’d love to see her smile again.

“I won’t go through with it, you know.” Steve says, “Blackmail is wrong, even though you started it. You just made me angry for even trying. So I decided to teach you a lesson. I mean what were you thinking? That I would just roll over?” His sister looks up her plate, "I'm sorry." Her voice is shaky, it's too much. Should she be happy, should she be sad. A part of her got pretty excited about being at the mercy of her brother. Well, he still has leverage over her, so what is he saying?

"Let me get something," Steve says and leaves the room. A few minutes later he returns with a small USB-stick.

“I just deleted the video on my pc, Jenny.” Steve sits back down at the table and adds, “I’m serious when I say that I won’t go through with anything, let me show you.”

Jenny just watches as her brother takes out his phone, deletes the video, opens his e-mail, deletes the mail twice. Once in sent, once in received.

“On this flash drive is the last copy I have of you in the shower.” He says and hands it over to his sister, “You can do whatever you want with it, maybe save it for a future boyfriend at least you can be sure that I don’t have it any longer.”

There it is. The smile Steve wanted to see again. But something is still bugging her. One of her deepest fantasies has just ended.

“Did you plan it all along?” she asks.

“Yes,” he says, there is no reason to lie to her anymore.

“So, you just pretended to … eh … like me?” She is too sweet right now. Just an insecure girl. Steve didn’t even know she had this side to her. “You want to know if I’m attracted to you, sexually?” he asks in return. Jenny only nods.

"Listen, sis. You are crazily hot. Everyone would be lucky to have you and having you as my slave … Man, I would have really enjoyed that."

It made her curious, “then why did you end it all?”

It's unbelievable, even after going through the experience of getting blackmailed, his sister can't understand why someone might refrain from his step-sister to have sex with him. Higher morals never heard of it …

“Don’t think I’m just too much of a prude or that I don't have the balls to do it. I just really like to have some of this thing, you know consent when it comes to my sexual partners. You could call it a fetish or maybe just human decency.”

That got her even more curious, “So if you had my consent, you’d be ok with having some fun?”

Steve asks himself if she is implying what he thinks she is. He nods. Jenny reaches over the table to take his hand. She puts the flash drive in and looks up into his smiling eyes. “batonag” she says and realizes that even though her brother is the smartest person she knows he can’t figure out what she means by that.

“My safeword,” she explains, “batonag.”

She smiles, takes her empty plate, and brings it into the kitchen …

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