A Boy and his Genie - Chapter 12

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In the year 2012, 15-year-old Sophie Swift was confused. She’d felt an irresistible compulsion to go inside a mansion, where she’d met a nude man and girl. The man had told her that this girl was his genie, and that he was giving her to him. And now all that was left was a lamp, sat on the floor. She approached it with caution, not really understanding what was happening. She reached out a hand to touch it. It felt cold. Dormant.

Sophie put the lamp in her bag, and walked home. Whatever this was, she wanted to be somewhere safe.
“You’re home late!” Shouted her mother to her as she walked in.
“Can’t talk. Busy,” Sophie said as she went straight upstairs.
“Oh, charming!” Mrs Swift said. “Dinner’ll be ready in half an hour!”
“Alright!” Sophie shouted back.

Sophie went to her room, and took the lamp out of her bag, setting it on her table. She sat down on her bed, and stared at the lamp. It looked so old, yet flawless. Not a scratch on it. Sophie reached out to it.
“I shouldn’t…” she said. She picked it up, and held it in her hands. Then, hesitantly, she rubbed it. She felt it grow warm in her hands, and she watched a cloud of light-blue smoke pour out.

“Oh finally,” Alexis said as she appeared on the bed next to her. “I was beginning to think you were gonna chicken out.”
“Oh my God, this is not real, this is not real…” Sophie said.
“Oh it’s quite real, I promise,” Alexis smiled. “So what will it be then? Eternal youth? Wealth beyond your wildest dreams? Or do you just wanna fuck?”
“What makes you think I want a genie?”
“Mistress, I’ve existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and I can honestly say that’s the best joke I’ve ever heard,” Alexis laughed. “In my entire life, I’ve never met a human who doesn’t want things they can’t have. Well, things they can’t have until they meet me.”

“I’m still not convinced you’re a genie.”
“I promise you I am. I can’t lie to you.”
“Prove it then. Cast a spell. Or does that count as one of my 3 wishes?”
“Honestly, Disney ruin everything, don’t they? There’s no 3 wishes. You get as many as you want. And none of that “evil genie” stuff. No wish misinterpretation. You get what you want. And if I mess up somehow, which I most definitely won’t, I’ll fix it for you. I give you my 100% satisfaction guarantee.”
“I’m still waiting for my proof.”

Alexis grinned.
“Your wish is my command, Mistress,” she said. She snapped her fingers, and Sophie was instantly nude.
“Hey, what are you doing!?” Sophie protested, grabbing her pillows to cover herself.
“Mistress, you commanded me to demonstrate my power, and I did so,” Alexis replied. She got behind her, and cuddled her closely, rubbing her stomach.
“Well what are you doing now?”
“Just a little present for you, Mistress. To say thank you for releasing me from my lamp,” Alexis replied, continuing her fondling. “Tell me Mistress, has anyone ever touched you…down there?”
“No…never…” Sophie replied. She then let out a little whelp, and she looked down to see Alexis rubbing her pussy. “Until now…”
“Mistress…” Alexis said seductively, kissing her neck. “I can tell you’re not exactly experienced in this regard. Do you wish for me to pleasure you?” Alexis rubbed Sophie’s clit, and she whimpered.
“Yes…yes…” She moaned.
“Then your wish is my command…”

Alexis stuck her tongue out, and licked her Mistress’ neck sensually. Sophie moaned, as, to her surprise, she felt the tongue begin to run down her skin.
“What the fuck…” She moaned. She looked, and watched as Alexis’ tongue got longer and longer, making its way down her skin. It reached her right breast, and Alexis began licking her nipple. “Oh my God…how the fuck are you doing that…”
“Why, magic of course,” Alexis replied, rolling her extended tongue over Sophie’s nipples, before allowing it to continue its journey down her body. It reached her pubic hair, which is caressed briefly, before it reached her entrance. Alexis moved her hands away from her groin, and began to play with her nipples. She did this until Sophie was about ready to get on her knees and beg for more.

“You know Mistress, my tongue can do more tricks,” Alexis whispered in her ear. Sophie then felt Alexis’ tongue shift, before it split into two separate tongues. One tongue licked around the outside of Sophie’s vagina, while the other slid into her slowly.
“Oh!” Sophie moaned. “Ohhhhhh….wow….”
“Just relax, and let your faithful genie grant your wish…” Alexis said, her magic ensuring she could still speak, even with her tongues busy.

Sophie’s moans grew louder, as she had her pussy eaten out for the first time in her life. She didn’t know how good it normally felt, but she had a funny feeling it was nothing like this. Alexis thrust one tongue in and out of her, while another rubbed her clit and the surrounding areas.
“Sophie!” Mrs Swift said as she knocked on her door. “Dinner’s ready!”
“Oh…” Sophie moaned. “I’m coming!”
“Oh you certainly are,” Alexis grinned. She increased her licking, and Sophie’s screaming filled the house.


Back in 2015, Matt Evans was currently in the process of firing his umpteenth load of the day into Anna’s pussy. His face was one of sheer delight. Sophie may have been his crush for years, but he’d spent many an evening masturbating to thoughts of Anna too, so to fuck her was like a dream come true. But to be fair, most of Matt’s life now was like a dream come true.

To Matt’s annoyance, he felt the warm wetness of Anna’s vagina pull off of his cock. He opened his eyes, and saw Sophie stood there with Alexis. Both of them were dressed.
“Come on Matt,” Sophie said.
“Whuh…what?” Matt asked through the horny haze that was clouding his mind. Sophie grabbed him, and pulled him onto his feet.
“Matt, we’ve been summoned to a meeting with the society,” Sophie said.
“But I’m having fun!” Matt complained.
“Come on,” Sophie said. “Get Lumiosa and we’ll go.”
“Oh fine!” Matt agreed, despite every fibre of his being wanting to rip Sophie’s clothes off and fuck her on the table. “Where is she, anyway?”
“I’m here, Master!”

The 3 of them turned to look in the direction of the voice. Lumiosa was sat on a chair, with her legs wrapped around Sam, who was fucking her hard. Meanwhile, she was making out with Cindy, who was frantically fingering herself.
“Lumiosa, I wish for you to undo our horniness, and get us dressed,” Matt commanded.
“Your wish is my command!” Lumiosa moaned in pleasure. She snapped her fingers, and Matt felt as though a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders, in that he no longer wanted to fuck to death everyone he saw. Lumiosa appeared next to him, dressed back in her clothes.
“What the fuck Matt!?” Sam moaned. “You’re such a cock-block! I was about to cum!”
“Oh shut up and just fuck Cindy,” Sophie said. Sam’s body instantly responded to the command by moving over to Cindy, and ramming into her pussy. She wasn’t complaining.

The 4 of them left the classroom, and headed back to Sophie’s Ferrari.
“What do you think they want?” Matt asked his girlfriend as they cuddled in the back of the car.
“I dunno,” Sophie replied. “But judging by Neil’s tone, I doubt it’s good.”
“We’ll be fine though. No-one can hurt us. Not now we’re free from the rules.”
“I know, but I still don’t like talking to them.”
“We’ll get through it, whatever it is.”

They arrived at Sophie’s house, and walked in. The other members of the society were reclined on various sofas and armchairs, some of which were normally there, and some of which had been conjured up.
“Sit down,” Neil said sternly. The 4 of them sat down on one of the sofas, without a word. “What are you?”
“What on Earth are you talking about?” Sophie asked, clearly not wanting to give answers.
“Ophelia, play the footage,” Neil ordered.
“Yes Master.”

Ophelia bowed her head, and snapped her fingers. Sophie’s TV turned on magically, to a news story.
“A man was arrested today in the home of billionaire businessman Alex Brookman,” said the news reader. “The elderly man has not been identified, but we are hearing reports that he is claiming to be Alex Brookman himself, despite Mr Brookman being known as appearing much more youthful than this man. Whoever this man is, the police have charged him with several hundred counts of and , after the bodies of several hundred nude girls were found in the house with him.”

“Care to explain?” Brian said.
“Not really,” Matt replied.
“When we saw this, we went to visit Alex in prison,” Sarah said. “He told us about how you two turned up, undid his wishes, and took his genie away from him. Which is of course, impossible.”
“And your point is?” Sophie asked.
“Tell us how you did it!” Neil shouted. “If you two can break the rules, then tell us how you do it!”
“And why should we?” Sophie asked. “What could you possibly do to us if we refuse?”

The group stayed silent.
“Fine then,” Neil said. “We’ll ask you nicely. Please tell us how you can do it.”
“If you two can indeed break the rules, then we can fulfil our goal!” Jürgen said. “We can do what we have always sought to do; rule this world! Control it for the betterment of all humankind!”
“And for yourselves,” Alexis said. “Actually, mostly for yourselves.”
“No one asked for your opinions, genie,” Sarah said to her.
“Actually, if you want us to stay friendly towards you, assuming we even are at the moment, it’d be wise for you to be nice to our genies,” Sophie said threateningly. “They’re our friends.”
“Genies are tools for our pleasure, nothing more,” Brian said. “Observe. Lexia, I wish for an amazing blowjob.”
“Your wish is my command, Master,” Lexia obeyed. She bowed her head, and then pulled Brian’s trousers down, before taking his cock in her mouth.

“We genies have feelings too, you know,” Alexis said.
“Not that they matter,” Sarah said. “This world has a pecking order. At the top are us Masters. Next come normal humans. And finally, there’s the genies. You exist only to grant our wishes.”
“That is not true!” Lumiosa shouted. “I’m sorry, Miss Sarah, but…I used to agree with you. I really did. But Master Matt has been so kind to me. He treats me like an equal. He wants me to be more than just a servant.”
“Then he is foolish,” Jürgen said.

“And yet you’re the ones talking down to the ones who have the power to cause you unspeakable horrors,” Sophie said.
“Sophie dear, you are both far too kind-hearted for that,” Sarah laughed.
“Perhaps we are. But we’re not too kind-hearted to punish you like we punished Alex,” Matt said.
“The two of you dislike how we consider ourselves higher than other humans, and yet you seek to judge us?” Neil said. “We may seek Godhood, but at least we have the courage to admit it.”
“We don’t want Godhood,” Sophie said. “We just want to allow people to live in peace. We use Alexis and Lumiosa’s magic for fun, but no-one gets hurt. Everyone we use our magic on enjoys it. Whereas you lot enslave people and keep them serving you for decades. We give pleasure to our friends. Your only friends are each-other, probably because they’re the only people you can’t enslave.”

“Kraft macht Spaß,” Jürgen said. “Power is fun. You know what else is fun? Dominating other people. Ruling over them. It’s why we want to control the world. To control the universe. We want everyone to do as we command.”
“And you believe that this so-called “maker” would allow that?”
“He’s allowed you two more power, clearly,” Neil said. “Surely giving us the same power would be better? 6 heads are better than 2.”
“You 4 could never work together,” Matt said to them. “You’d all be fighting over power. Sophie and I are in love. We’d work together to rule the world at least.”
“Matt, it’s clear we’re not getting through to these people,” Sophie said. “I think we need to do something about them.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I was thinking we could…”


Sarah woke up in an uncomfortable bed. She opened her eyes, and realised the ceiling she was looking at was not the ceiling she was used to in her mansion. She sat up, and realised her body was far chubbier than it was, with much smaller boobs. It was the body she’d had in her youth, before becoming a Mistress.

She looked around, and realised that she most definitely was not in her mansion. She was in the bedroom she’d had when she lived with her parents. Her abusive parents. The ones who hated her because her existence meant they couldn’t pamper her older brother as much. The ones whom she’d wished up an eternity of suffering for at the earliest opportunity.

She looked over at the calendar on the wall. Friday the 13th of March, 1959. The day she found Iago’s lamp. It had just been sitting there in a bird’s nest, at the top of a tree. She’d gotten her more-athletic friend, Maggie, to climb up there and get it for her. Funny, if Maggie hadn’t thrown the lamp down to her, it might have been her instead that would have rubbed it, and gained Iago’s power.

Sarah thought about Maggie. She was the only person who was ever really nice to her. After she’d given Hell to her parents and brother, she’d had Iago create a little alternate dimension for Maggie, where she could live out eternity in happiness. Her own personal Heaven. Now that Sarah thought of it, Maggie was probably the only “normal” she’d ever done anything nice for.

“Hey, wake up bitch!” Shouted her brother, Hank, who was knocking on the door. “We’re gonna be late for school, and I ain’t waiting around for your lazy ass! 10 minutes or you’re walking!”
“Oh….alright…” Sarah said in response. This was really weird. Why was she dreaming of her past? Was it a dream? It felt so real. If it was a dream, surely she should be waking up, now that she’s realised it’s a dream? So why wasn’t she?
“Iago!” She shouted. “Are you there? Can you hear me?” No response. Something wasn’t right.

Sarah got dressed, not enjoying the feeling of her overweight teenage body. She headed downstairs quickly, figuring that if she didn’t go now she wouldn’t get any breakfast before she had to leave for school.

“Hank, Sarah, get in here now!” Sarah father shouted. She went into the living room, where she saw her parents sat on the sofa.
“What the fuck do you want?” Hank asked them. “I was busy.” Sarah looked at her parents, and her eyes widened, for she saw that her father was holding what appeared to be Iago’s lamp.
“s, your father has something to show you,” said Sarah’s mother. “Something which will change our lives forever.”
Hank then did something which worried Sarah. He rubbed the lamp. Sarah watched as clouds of red smoke poured out, something which she’d seen thousands of times before, only this time, it filled her with worry. She watched as the clouds of smoke formed into the naked genie. Her naked genie. Or was he her father’s?
“Oh my God…” Hank said.
“This is my genie, Iago,” said Sarah’s father. “I found him on the way home from work yesterday. He will grant my every wish.”
“We certainly had fun with him last night, didn’t we honey?” Sarah’s mother giggled. “My pussy’s still tingling.”

“This can’t be happening!” Sarah exclaimed.
“Oh shut up girl!” Her father shouted. “Actually, I’ve just had an idea of how to demonstrate Iago’s power to Hank. Iago, I wish for Sarah to have sex with Hank.”
“Your wish is my command, Master,” Iago obeyed. He snapped his fingers, and Sarah began to feel her body move.
“What’s happening!?” She exclaimed. She walked over to Hank, and gave him a kiss.
“Woah…” Hank said.
“Iago, stop this right now!” Sarah shouted. “That’s an order!”
“Sarah, he won’t obey anyone but me,” her father said. “Have fun. Hank I mean, not you, Sarah.”


1974. 29-year-old Neil was walking home from work, happy with his life. He’d just told all his co-workers that he and his wife Mary were to be married in the autumn, and they’d all congratulated him. They’d picked out a little house in the countryside where they could move and raise the s they planned to have. It was all going to be great.

As he walked past an alley, he heard a woman scream. He turned and saw a man with a gun, pointing it at the woman, demanding her handbag.
“Hey, what are you doing!?” Neil shouted. “Get away from her!”
“Oh, and you’re going to stop me?” The robber laughed. Neil ran up to him, and, not really thinking, he punched him, knocking him down onto the floor.
“Get out of here!” Neil shouted at the woman, she nodded, before trying to run off. Before Neil could do anything else, however, he heard several bangs, and felt agony in his legs. The robber had fired all his bullets into Neil’s legs, before running off, grabbing the woman’s handbag as he did. Neil collapsed on the floor, crying out in pain.
“Oh my God!” The woman exclaimed. “Hang on, let me go and get an ambulance!”

The woman ran off as quickly as she could, leaving Neil laid there, slowly ing to death. He looked over at a rubbish bin, and remembered something. This had happened to him before. This wasn’t 1974, it was 2015. Was this a dream? But it felt so real…He remembered how, the first time this had happened, he’d knocked over that bin, and in amongst the rubbish was a golden lamp, which, inside, had contained Ophelia.

In desperation, Neil knocked over the bin, and rummaged through its contents, desperately trying to find the lamp. There was no lamp. How? It was there last time, so why not now? He needed Ophelia. Last time, she’d fixed his legs, and told him that, without her, the doctors would have had to amputate his legs. But he couldn’t have them amputated. How could he and his wife cope?


In 1949, in the town of Darmstadt, 12-year-old Jürgen had gotten up for school, and walked downstairs, where he’d found his mother buttering some toast for him.
“Nein Mutti, ich habe kein Hunger! (No mum, I’m not hungry!)” he protested.
“Ohne zu frühstücken hat man keine Stärke für den Tag, (Without breakfast you won’t have enough strength for the day,)” she replied, the plate into his hand. Jürgen’s father had been ed 9 years prior in the war, and his mother had struggled to cope without him. She was pretty protective of him, even more so than she would naturally be.

Jürgen reluctantly ate the toast, and even more reluctantly accepted a goodbye kiss on the cheek from his mother, before he took his bag, and left for school. He went next door, to knock on his friend Lars’ front door.
“Oh, Jürgen,” said Lars’ mother as she opened the door.
“Guten Morgen, Frau Schneider, (Good morning, Mrs Schneider,)” Jürgen said. “Ist der Lars bereit für die Schule? (Is Lars ready for school?)”
“Ich komme jetzt! (I’m coming now!)” Lars shouted as he ran down the stairs. “Komm, wir gehen. (Come on, let’s go.)”

The two boys walked to school, discussing the sorts of things young boys do.
“Hast du die Hausaufgaben gemacht? (Have you done the homework?)” Lars asked his friend.
“Ja natürlich, Dummkopf, (Of course I have, you moron),” Jürgen replied. “Meine Mutter würde nichts Anderes erlauben. (My mother wouldn’t allow me not to.)”
“Darf ich-(Can I-)”
“Ja. Aber nach der Schule kaufst du mir etwas Süßes. (Yes. But after school you’re buying me something sweet.)”

The boys’ school day went as normal, and they walked back home together, Lars buying Jürgen a little bit of chocolate on the way home. They didn’t even take notice of the fire engine that sped by as they walked through the town. They didn’t take any notice until they got to their street, and saw that both of their houses, as well as several of the others around them, had been burned to the ground. Jürgen looked around, and he saw no trace of his mother.

“Mutti…Mutti!? (Mum…Mum!?)” he shouted. No response. “Mutti!?” He ran towards the rubble of his house, desperate to find his mother.
“Jung, warte! (, wait!)” Someone shouted. “Ist da noch zu heiß! (It’s still too hot over there!)”
Jürgen didn’t care. He ran onto the rubble, which felt warm, but not unbearably so. He started looking around for any trace of his mother.
“Mutti! Mutti! Ich bin’s! (Mum! Mum! It’s me!)” He moved things around as best he could, desperate to find some sign that his mother was alive. He didn’t like what he found. Moving one piece of rubble, he found, sticking out from under something else, an arm and a hand, both badly singed.
“Mutti…nein…” Jürgen started crying.

Through his tears, he saw something glistening under another piece of rubble, like metal. It was then that memories came flooding back to him. He’d lived this before. Last time this had happened, he’d found, under the rubble, a magic lamp, with a genie called Marcio inside it. Jürgen reached to the piece of rubble that was covering the metal object. He pulled it off, and found…a cooking pot.


In 1993, a 43-year-old Brian was depressed. Really depressed. Last week, his wife had filed for divorce, after Brian had caught her in bed with another man. And another one. Even worse, today he’d lost his job, after his boss had announced they were making cutbacks. Brian had had enough. He was going to end it all. He was sat on a bridge over a small cliff, with a fast-moving river underneath it. Honestly, he wasn’t sure if it was big enough to him, but he’d give it a go regardless.

“What on Earth are you doing young man!?” An old man shouted. He came up to him, and tried to pull him back. “Get off of there this instant!”
“Why should I? My wife’s gone, my job’s gone, and I’ve got no friends. There’s nothing left for me in this world.”
“Now now, that’s not right. Whenever you hit rock bottom, just remember that things can only get better.”
“Can, not will. The sweet release of death has surely got to be better than this.”

The old man sighed.
“Listen to me, young man,” he said. “I’m dying. I’ve not got long left. Minutes maybe, if that. I have something which has kept me happy for many years. I was going to just let fate decide who gets it next, but I can tell you need something.”
“What on Earth are you talking about?”
“I assume you know what a genie is?”
“Of course I do. I’ve seen Aladdin. They give you three wishes.”
“Not 3, as many as you want. It could solve all your problems.”
“Sure it could. If genies existed.”
“Why, of course they do.”
“Old man, I’m about to myself. Cheap jokes aren’t going to stop me.”
“No, but this might.”

The man reached into his coat, and pulled out a metal lamp.
“Inside this lamp is a genie named Lexia,” the man explained. “She can grant your every wish.” Brian looked at the lamp, and remembered. He remembered doing this before. He remembered the future. He remembered being given this lamp, releasing Lexia, and sorting his life out. He needed this lamp. He reached out to get it, but as he did, the old man collapsed forward. He lost his grip on the lamp, and it fell off the bridge, into the river below.
“Nooooo!” Brian shouted. “I need that lamp!”


“Do you think we’ve done the right thing?” Sophie asked Matt, as they watched what was going on from her living room. Matt nodded.
“They needed to be punished,” Matt said. “And it’s not like they’ll be like this forever. Alex is in prison, and the other 4 are trapped in alternate versions of their pasts. But they’ll all eventually die, and pass on to whatever comes next. That’s better than how they’ve treated people before.”
“I guess you’re right. It’s for the best I suppose. We couldn’t let people like them keep on going in the world.”
“Come on Sophie, let’s go to bed.” Sophie nodded, and the two of them walked upstairs to her bedroom, hand-in-hand.

“Alexis…” Lumiosa said. “What do you think of what they’ve done?”
“I honestly don’t know,” Alexis replied. “I mean, I wanted them to suffer a little bit for everyone they’ve ever hurt. All the humans, Ophelia, Lexia, Iago, and hell, even Marcio. But now, I honestly don’t know. I decided long ago not to hold grudges against my bad Masters. I decided it was better to just live and let die. Once they’re gone, they’re gone, and I just let my life go on, with all the good Masters I’ve had. What about you?”
“I do not know either. I should be fully supportive of my Master’s wishes, and it is nice to see my brothers and sisters liberated, but…I have been the victim of much cruelty over my life. I do not enjoy watching people suffer.”
“Don’t worry,” Alexis said, picking up Ophelia’s lamp, which was sat with the others. “I trust them both. I don’t think they’ll end up like the society. I think they’ll stay true to themselves.”


Author's message: So with this chapter, I wanted to show that the society weren't totally evil. That they came from sad pasts, which their genies had helped them to overcome. I wanted to show that their evil had come from nurture, not nature. I hope I managed that.

I hope my German was good enough, but if it wasn't, dann korrigieren Sie mich bitte. Ich möchte's verbessern!

We're really approaching the endgame now. I anticipate the story ending in the next couple of chapters, it's just a matter of how we get there, which I'm still not sure about. But to be fair, I'm not really sure what will happen in a chapter until I write it. This particular method of punishing the society didn't come about until today, and I started writing the chapter a couple of days ago. So while I know the general gist of the story's ending, I don't know the bits around it yet. That will come later.

Incidentally, I mentioned before that I also post this on Literotica, but you're getting the better version. When I submit this chapter to Literotica, I'm going to have to remove the sex scene between 15-year-old Sophie and Alexis, since Literotica has this bizarre policy of "no sex for under 18s". So you guys are getting the uncensored version of this chapter!

Someone mentioned in the comments of the last chapter that they were hoping Alexis would turn out to be the Mona Lisa. Honestly, that crossed my mind while writing it, but I didn't cover it because I wanted to cover Leonardo's early years. I might put a throwaway line in a later chapter about it, but if I don't, feel free to keep assuming it.

Anyway, I'm off to bed now because it's nearly 1am and I'm tired.

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000