A Boy and his Genie - Chapter 15 - END

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Moune Agrison stepped off the ship, and looked up at the sky. It was so much different from the one at home. More blue. The breeze on her skin felt weird. It was a sensation she’d only experienced in the artificial garden chambers back home. To be outside without a protective suit was strange. She’d have to get used to it on this planet.

It didn’t take long for Moune to reach her accommodation; just a 5-minute flight in a bus to get to the university campus. She’d be sharing a flat with a boy and a girl, which would be a change from her single-quarters back home, but it was worth it. She was the only person from her colony sector to ever be admitted into the Oxford-Cambridge University Alliance. It was the most prestigious university in the whole Empire, so she wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity.

She checked into her student accommodation, and headed up to the flat, her luggage due to be delivered later that evening. She opened the door to the flat.
“Hello?” She shouted. “Anyone here?” No reply. Assuming she must be the first, she put her bag down, and looked around. The living room seemed reasonably large, with all the latest gadgets. Outside the window, Moune got a wonderful view of the city below; a sprawling metropolis, like many on the Imperial Capital planet. It was certainly a sight you didn’t see back home.

Moune turned around, and saw, sat on one of the tables, a metal object. Moune didn’t recognise what it was. It certainly didn’t look like anything she’d ever seen before. She walked over to it with intrigue, and reached out to pick it up…

She regretted that. The instant she touched it, she felt an incredible pain in her hands, as it burned her skin with its incredible heat. It was strange though, since she’s felt no heat radiating from it, and it did not seem to be damaging the table.

“Cressida, is that you?” A male voice shouted. “I told you to stay in your lamp!” Moune turned around, and saw a nude boy emerge from one of the bedrooms, yawning and stretching. He had a large erection, which was at least 3, maybe 4 Standard Length Units long. His muscles were well-defined, and his skin was flawless. He looked at Moune, and smiled. “You’re not Cressida.”
“That thing just burned me!” Moune shouted, holding up her hands to show her burnt palms.
“Well that’s just terrible,” the boy said. “Why don’t you strip off and sit down on the sofa?”
“Strip off!?” Moune shouted. “What are you, some sort of…Okay, I will.” Moune had felt as though she HAD to obey this boy. She WANTED to obey him. She walked over to the sofa, and began pulling her clothes off. While she was doing that, she didn’t notice the boy go over to the lamp, pick it up, and rub it.

The now naked Moune sat down on the sofa, and the naked boy sat down next to her.
“Are you going to tell me what that thing is now?” Moune asked, the burns on her hands still hurting.
“Something that I’m deeply sorry about,” The boy replied, smiling as he looked down her body. “A pretty girl like you doesn’t deserve to have that happen to you. I wish that your hands would heal.”
“Your wish is my command.”

Moune looked to her side in surprise, and saw a beautiful, naked girl, stood there in the room.
“Who are you?” Moune asked her.
“This is Cressida,” The boy replied. “She’s my…flatmate.”
“Where did she come fro-Oh my God…they’re healed!” Moune shouted when she saw her hands. The boy just smiled, and stroked her leg sensually. “Hey, what are you-”
“You don’t mind me touching you. You enjoy having me touch you. You feel safe and secure with me.”
“Yes…I do…”

“So then, what’s your name?” The boy asked her.
“Moune,” she replied, enjoying feeling him stroke her leg. “I’m your new flatmate.”
“I like your accent. Are you from Mars?”
“Yes, from colony 23.”
“First time on Earth?” Moune nodded.
“I wanted to see my ancestors’ homeworld. It’s beautiful here.”
“Not as beautiful as you are,” the boy said, kissing her. “I’m from right here on Earth, in the capital. The name’s Bothro.”
“Master, do you wish for some privacy?” Cressida asked.
“Yes, that would be nice,” Bothro replied.


In the year 30BC, the genie Lumiosa was following her Master Ahmose around, as he performed his daily duties in the Library of Alexandria. They could hear a large racket outside, and wondered what it was.
“What’s that noise?” Ahmose asked.
“Would you like me to go and check, Master?” Lumiosa asked him.
“No no, I like having you here for company,” Ahmose replied. “Instead, I wish for you to get under the desk and suck me off while I work.”
“Your wish is my command, Master,” Lumiosa smiled, before she climbed under the desk, and got to work on pleasuring her Master.

Unfortunately, Ahmose was so enthralled by his work and the pleasure his genie was giving him that he didn’t notice two armed soldiers walk into his office. He didn’t notice it at all until one of them slit his throat.
“Master!” Lumiosa cried out, emerging from under the desk. The soldier was about to attack her too, before the other one stopped him.
“Are you heartless or something!?” He shouted. “We don’t attack women!”
“Oh fine…” The first soldier groaned. “But some advice girl, get out of here before it’s too late.”

The soldiers left, and Lumiosa tended to her wounded Master.
“Master! Master!” She shouted. He tried to speak, but could not. “Master, do you wish me to heal you? Please Master, I cannot heal you without your consent!” Ahmose simply continued to struggle, unable to speak. Lumiosa started crying as her Master died in her arms.

In the room with them, completely invisible, were Sophie and Matt, watching them.
“She must have really liked him,” Matt said. “She’s crying.”
“She loved all her Masters,” Sophie said. “Probably more than any other genie.”
“I just wish we could help her.”
“We can’t. We know what happens now. Lumiosa returns to her lamp, where she remains for 2000 years until Alex finds her lamp, and then we recover it to give to you.”
“I suppose so. It’s still very sad though.”


In the year 2021, Jamie Thereford held his new baby boy in his arms. His wife Becky looked on happily, after a painless birth.
“It is beautiful, Mistress,” Amia smiled. “Perfectly healthy as well, just as you wished.”
“I love him already,” Jamie said, almost in tears.
“Give him to me, I wanna hold him,” Becky said, and Jamie handed their baby to her.
“What will you call him, Mistress?” Amia asked. The two humans looked at each-other, and nodded.
“Matt,” Becky replied.


In 2022, world-famous movie stars Max Walker and Sam Jenkins were leaving the premiere of their latest movie, walking down the red carpet, as hordes of girls tried to get up close to them. Two twin teenage girls jumped over the barriers, and ran up to them.
“Oh my God, it’s really you!” One of them shouted.
“Can we have your autographs!?” The other one shouted, holding up one of their posters. “And a picture!?”
“Why of course,” Max smiled. The two boys signed the poster, before the girls pulled out their phones to take selfies with their idols. The boys gave them kisses, which left them practically catatonic.

The boys got into their fancy car, sitting with their managers/genies.
“Ophelia, I wish that when those girls get home, they’ll find their bedrooms full of our merchandise,” Sam ordered. “Well, more than what they’ve no doubt got at the moment.”
“Your wish is my command, Master,” Ophelia said, snapping her fingers. “How was the premiere?”
“I enjoyed it,” Sam replied. “The audience loved our nude scene.”
“Hey Sam, how about instead of just giving those girls a load of merchandise, we give them another sort of load,” Max suggested.
“You mean…?” Sam asked, and Max nodded.
“Lexia, I wish for you to drive us to those girls’ house,” Max ordered. “Let’s give them a night to remember.”


Back in the year 3183, Moune walked into the first lecture of her university course, ‘The History of Earth and her colonies: 2000-Present’. Well, she tried to walk, but she was finding it rather difficult. Her vagina was still tingling pleasantly from the intense fucking that Bothro had given her last night, and her body was rather off balance, by way of her breasts and bottom being much larger than they’d been the previous day.

Moune sat down at her place, and pulled out her tablet, which was filled with all the teaching resources that their lecturer, Professor Swift, would be using.
“Hello everyone, sorry I’m late,” Alexis said as she walked into the room, and took her place at the front. “I’m Professor Swift, but you can call me Alexis. I do hate formality.”
“Yes, you’ve never been particularly fond of that, have you?” Everyone turned to see two naked people, who looked no older than teenagers, appear at the front with Alexis.
“Sophie, Matt!” Alexis exclaimed happily. “Um…class dismissed.”
“But we’ve only just started!” Someone shouted.
“That’s great, but I’ve got more important things to do,” Alexis told them.

The three of them teleported back to Alexis’ home, which was one of the largest and most magnificent homes on the planet, with the exception of the homes of the Imperial Family themselves.
“So where’s Lumiosa?” Matt asked as he laid down on the sofa. “I wanna see her.”
“She’s probably in her lamp,” Alexis replied. “She tends to hang out in there a lot.”
“Well let’s bring her here,” Matt said. He raised his hand, and Lumiosa’s lamp flew out of one of the rooms and into his hands. “Wow, I’ve not done this in a while.” Matt then slowly rubbed the lamp, and clouds of pink smoke poured out, forming Lumiosa.

“Alexis, what have I told you about interr-” Lumiosa began, before she saw their visitors. “Master! Miss Sophie!”
“Hello Lumiosa,” Matt smiled as the three of them embraced, Alexis soon joining it.
“We’ve missed you both so much,” Alexis said. “How long’s it been since we last saw you? 300 years?”
“291,” Lumiosa corrected her.
“It’s been even longer for us,” Sophie said. “Close to 10,000 years since we last visited you I think.”
“10,000 years!?” Alexis exclaimed. “What have you two been doing!?”
“Oh, lots of stuff,” Sophie replied. “We visited the 12 moons of the planet Jalifrax. We made love in orbit around a dying star. We shared a milk bath with Cleopatra.”
“That girl knows how to suck cock,” Matt smiled.

“We did do other things though,” Sophie continued. “We visited Earth a few times. Our Earth, not this interplanetary Empire that it’s become. We watched Matt rub Lumiosa’s lamp for the first time. The look on his face was priceless.”
“I remember that,” Lumiosa said. “You were most confused, Master.”
“I can’t help it, I’d never expected genies to be real!” Matt shouted.
“And I never expected to be a God, yet here we are,” Sophie said.
“We’re not Gods!” Matt insisted. “We’re just omnipotent. There’s a difference.”
“That’s not what other people think. How many cultures have worshipped us now? 12? Those people on Ribos were cute. I loved those statues they made of us.”
“Alright, so maybe we’re Gods. Or at least, some people consider us Gods.”

“This is all sounds so fascinating and exciting,” Lumiosa said.
“It is, but life on Earth’s good too,” Sophie said. “I’m always thinking back to the times we spent together. Those 3 years where Alexis and I were BFFs, and those few weeks after Matt got his lamp. I’ll have those memories with me forever.”
“As will I,” Alexis said. “I’ll always be grateful to you for giving me this freedom.”
“Yes, and you’ve been one of my kindest Masters ever, Master,” Lumiosa said.
“I’m glad of this life we’ve got,” Sophie said. “We’re more privileged than anyone else. Even the other Masters.”
“And I wouldn’t trade it for the world,” Matt smiled, kissing Sophie.


Author's message: So here we are then. 34 days after Chapter 1 was posted, we've reached the end, and I'm touched by how well-received this story has been. I really didn't expect more than a couple of thousand views for the story, but just look at it. I'd like to use this section here to talk about the process of writing this story, and what's changed in the process.

First of all, when I originally wrote chapters 1 and 2 (I didn't post anything until I was half way through Chapter 3), Matt and Sophie were 16. They remained this way until posting, but unfortunately, Literotica got in the way. I've posted this story on Literotica too, but Literotica has a rule where sex for under-18s is forbidden (You know, despite that not reflecting both the laws of most of the world and people's actual behaviour), so I had to change it. I considered making them 16 on this site and 18 on Literotica, but I decided I'd only end up confusing myself. It does mean that a planned sex scene for chapter 2 was cut (It was Alexis eating out the 13-year-old Sophie after she got her), and the sex scenes between 15-year-old Sophie and Alexis and the one between David Brookman and the slave girls were removed from the Literotica version, but them's the breaks.

I didn't actually decide on the title for the story until I posted it, and in fact until recently it was stored on my memory stick as simply "Genie". Looking back, the title's not really relevant any more, because the story is as much about Sophie as it is about Matt.

In terms of how the plot developed, that was mostly not planned. When I started out, this was going to be a typical "Guy gets genie and uses it to get laid" story, with very little plot. All I really knew was that I wanted to introduce a girl who also had a genie. I never intended to reveal who sent Lumiosa to Matt. It was always going to be a just a convenient plot device and nothing more. Even when it was revealed in Chapter 5 that Lumiosa's lamp came from Alex Brookman's collection, I didn't know who sent it to Matt.

Plot development honestly happened because people requested it, and it's probably helped the story to last as long as it has. All I've ever written before is Interactive Stories and Fanfiction; this is the first "proper" story I've ever written, and if it didn't have a plot, I couldn't have kept it going this long. The first time I sort of knew where the story was going was in Chapter 7, when the concept of the maker was introduced. Right from then, I knew that Matt and Sophie would turn out to be the makers. It was just a case of filling chapters to get to that point.

I had a lot of problems with Lumiosa in this story. As nice a girl as she is, plot wise she's not very interesting. In a conversation, she's not likely to take charge very much, unlike Alexis, which is why she mostly just becomes a way of Matt getting wishes once Alexis and Sophie turn up. I don't hate Lumiosa, I just don't feel I utilised her well.

Now then, my plans for the future. First of all, I'm going to go back and correct a load of typos in previous chapters, before I post the story on a few more sites. Before I wrote this, I was actually writing another story that I didn't get very far on. I was then reading some genie stories online (And there are some very good ones) and I thought I'd like to take a crack at it, so I did. I'd like to go back to that first story (Which I won't talk in detail about here) and finish it (Which would probably involve re-writing the pages I wrote because it's so rushed), so that'll probably be my next story. I'd like it to be set in the same universe as this one, but honestly, the concept of it would make that very difficult. We'll have to see.

On that note, and I hope I'm not being too presumptuous here, but I was wondering if anyone else would want to write a story in this universe. There are plenty of good writers out there, so if one of you liked my story enough to want to write about it yourself, then by all means do. I do ask that you allow me to read it first before posting though, so I can check it out before I allow it to be considered "official", if that's even the right word. I've put together some documents to act as a little bit of a reference guide, mostly just for continuity's sake, which can be found here: https://mega.co.nz/#F!xFgymCST!c3sm2rfvfpjBWz5UeHRSyA
They're incredibly basic, so as to not stifle creativity, and are there purely to make sure that you don't contradict stuff I've already established.

Now it's time for a self-plug. As I mentioned before, while this is my first "proper" story, I've written fanfics and Interactive Stories before. While I'm not linking to the fanfics, I would like to draw your attention to the Interactives. They've been going for nearly 3 years now, and have seen the contributions of many talented authors. They've pretty much died in recent months, but if anyone here is feeling up for it, maybe you'd consider making an addition? It's so sad when you're the only contributor to an interactive story, especially when there used to be so many regular posters. If you're interested (Or if you just want to read them, and I do recommend it, not as a personal plug, but as a plug to other talented writers who made it possible), then you can find them here: http://www.writing.com/main/portfolio/view/howlingsnail

So that's it then. I can't think of anything else to say. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them, and I'll either comment back an answer or edit it into here. But can I just say once again how happy I am at the response to this story. You're all wonderful, and I wish I had a genie just so I could wish up some decent thanks to you all for supporting me. Thank you, and goodbye.

P.S. This chapter has 2 Doctor Who references and one Super Sentai reference. Can you spot them?

This website is for sale. If you're interested, contact us. Email ID: [email protected]. Starting price: $2,000