The Trials of Valeriya: Back in Bonds; Chapter 2/15

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All rights reserved. No part of this text may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.

Copyright © 2014 by High Smut

All characters and events in this story are fictitious.
Any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Full story first appeared in


Eldest, The Third

Chapter 2

Valeriya awoke from her sleep but remained lying on her side for a while longer. Between a belly filled with mead and a gratifyingly grueling shagging, the blonde had somehow managed to sleep rather serenely. A good fucking always kept the nightmares away, she had noticed long ago. But now her bladder was full to bursting—Valeriya needed to urinate desperately. But it felt so good lying there motionless on the bed! I wish I was still a babe, she thought idly. That way I could just let go where I slept! But then again, being a again would’ve meant that her parents would’ve still been living. She cursed her chain of thought.

The sword-maiden sat up with a groan. Her thighs were glued together with her last night’s earnings, and it stung when she spread them apart. Valeriya could tell it was morning from the light streaming through the cracks on the window, but still very early. She opened the window and let the cool morning air pour in. The room didn’t have much, but the things she required were there.

After relieving herself on the chamber pot, Valeriya poured some water in the washbasin and scrubbed her body clean with a wet washcloth. She redid her hair, donned her weapon and “armor”, and went downstairs. She would break her fast and start early on her way to Wahrendahl. Valeriya hoped to cover a great distance before the day heated up. She had managed to save up some coin to buy a couple of spell tomes. It would be nice to see her old teachers again as well.

And then the day got a whole lot interesting. What’s this fool still doing here? The Cincuman from last night was dining, cavalier as a prince, on a table near the fireplace. The hall was empty except for her, the Cincuman and a maid sweeping the floor. Valeriya rushed to the man. “Are you addled in here, man?” she said irritatedly, touching her temple with a dainty forefinger. “Why have you come back?”

The Cincuman looked up from his trencher. “Ah! The fortuitous drunken wench from yesternight!” He had a refined, yet, a bit nasal accent. “Come! Sit! Let me buy you breakfast.” The way he talked, and the way he looked at her—despite his diminutive stature, it felt to Valeriya like the man was looking down on her, right beneath his pointy nose. She liked it not.

“Watch it little man!” Valeriya chewed her words, clenching her fists. “I saved you from a beating or worse last night. Don’t make me amend my error.”

“Peace, lady! I jest,” the Cincuman raised his hands defensively, palms forward, fingers extended. “I meant nothing by it. Please sit.”

Valeriya pulled out a chair and seated herself. The little one had piqued her interest. “Why have you come back?” she asked. “Why are you in Alfeld in the first place?”

The Cincuman raised a hand and signaled the maid, then took another bite of his bread before replying. “I haven’t come back,” he said. “I spent the night here. Took a room upstairs beside yours. …You were quite loud.”

Valeriya felt her cheeks burning. “You are brave Cincuman, I’ll give you that.” The maid set down a fresh trencher of bread and cheese, and a bowl of stew in front of her. Hmm, I’ve had worse. She noticed the maid’s disapproving look. Women in general disliked her. “So why are you here?” she asked after the maid had retreated.

“Well, I suppose I have to tell someone,” the Cincuman said after chewing on his bread for a while. “Must beat around some bushes before I find … what I’m looking for.” They ate silently for a while. “I’m looking for a man.”

Valeriya waited for a while, then inquired, “What sort of man?”

The Cincuman looked left and right conspiringly, then lowering his voice, he answered, “The sneaky sort, you know … quick with a dagger?”

Aah… So this explains … well, not much really. If he’s looking for an assassin, he’s clearly come to the wrong place, Valeriya pondered. Dolne is the place where you hire assassins, or Stece. And Laski is also friendly towards Cincu, where the Alfelders hate their guts. “So you want someone ed,” she broke the uncomfortable silence.

“Yes!” the man hissed. “…A terrible monster! He would see thousands of innocent Cincumen dead just so he could have another cubit of land,” he added, as if to vindicate his evil purpose.

Valeriya was sure it was more complicated than that. “I see,” she said. “So why brave Alfeld? You could’ve hired assassins from Laski easily enough.”

The Cincuman didn’t answer right away. He looked rather perturbed. “It’s complicated,” he said.

I’m sure it is! “Well, thanks for the food,” Valeriya said. “And good luck with your pursuit.” She started to rise.

“Well, wait a second!” the Cincuman almost yelled. He leaned forward, trying to grab her hand. “I trusted you with my secret! Can’t you help me? Point me to the right direction?” He calmed down when the brazenly dressed beauty seated herself again.

“I told you,” said Valeriya. “You are unlikely to find any assassins here. Alfelders are a warlike people. But they have little love for thieves and assassins. They like settling their differences in a more … face to face manner—though if you have the coin, you can hire warriors aplenty here.

“But if you’re hell-bent on hiring a sneaky er, your best bet is to cross the Langenrieth and make your way to Laski. Any innkeeper in Dolne or Stece should be able to hook you up with the assassin’s guild.” Valeriya wetted her throat with a gulp of mead, then continued, “Or, if you can convince me that the man you want offed so badly really deserve to die, and you make it worth my time, then maybe you need search no longer.”

“Don’t you worry about coin dearie, but I don’t think you’re the sort of woman I—” He jerked back violently as Valeriya thrust her left hand in front of his face, palm up and fingers curled. Then his eyes lit up and his thin lips curved into a wicked smile. He gleefully eyed the fiery vortex clutched within her fingers. “Oh yes … yes. You’d do. You’d do nicely.”

“I’m not doing anything until you satisfy my conditions.” Valeriya retrieved her hand, letting the firebolt dissipate.

“Conditions…?” The Cincuman looked blankly at her for a moment before grasping her meaning. “Oh yes. As I said, don’t worry about the coin. And as for the cause, King Durriken himself will tell you about that.”

* * *

So, Durriken! Valeriya wondered. The marsh-king himself! The Cincuman—Danior, he said his name was—had turned out to be one of Durriken’s lackeys. Whatever the little man really was, his hands were proving to be very distracting on her flanks. As Danior didn’t have a pony, or even a mule or a donkey, Valeriya had decided to ride double on Norbet for now. But the little man was clearly enjoying himself more than he should. She would give him a clout in the ear if he hadn’t already had her hooked so.

Danior had hinted that Durriken could be prepared to pay handsomely for her services—perhaps as handsomely as 25 dragons. With this kind of coin I could hire a score of soldiers for a month! No more ing trolls and thieving gnomes for pittance! Valeriya wasn’t comfortable with the idea of ing a man in cold for coin. But again, she did people before, and had accepted coin for it. The least she could do was go to Tanacu and talk to the king. Besides, she could ill afford to turn her back to an amount this large.

Valeriya and Danior would first travel northeast to Neeken, then further east to Dinklage and try to take a riverboat to Tanacu, capital of Cincu. If there was no boat, the Cincuman would have to buy his own four legs … or slog it for the rest of the way.

After the first day’s ride, they made camp under the open sky. They helped the bread and cheese down with gulps of watered wine, then set their blankets near the fire and went to sleep. After about half an hour, Valeriya noticed the peculiar movement of Danior’s elbow. The Cincuman was lying on his side on the other side of the fire, with his back turned towards her … and spanking his monkey, as they say. Huh. So a day spent feeling her up was too much for him. Tough luck! Valeriya felt no inclination toward giving him a helping hand.

The second evening Valeriya and Danior reached Neeken—a small town on the north-eastern part of Alfeld—and spent the night at an inn. After two more days, they reached Dinklage—a bustling port-town farther east by the river Langenrieth. They waited a whole day, but couldn’t find a boat that’d take her destrier onboard. Danior begged her to sell off Norbet and take a boat to Tanacu, but Valeriya refused peremptorily. Hence the Cincuman grudgingly paid for the fleet-footed pony Valeriya had picked out for him. And then they took to the road again.

That night when they made camp, Danior miraculously produced a bottle of Ilimniri vodka from his pack. A drink from her homeland, Valeriya knew it well—cheap and powerful, strong enough to knock out a horse. The little man’s been preparing well, she observed. The ‘little man’ was obviously trying to get her intoxicated and have his way with her. So, you’ve decided to take the shorter route, did you? Valeriya thought amusedly. But worry not! I’ll give you a fair game…

After she’d let the Cincuman sweet talk her into draining half the content of the bottle, Valeriya proposed in her most provocative voice, “Hey Danior, if you can finish off the rest of this bottle, I’ll suck your dick.” The playful blonde pressed her right breast against the left one with her arm while she proffered him the bottle, causing her cleavage to swell to near spillage.

So unexpected and lewd was her suggestion that it caused the little guy to almost jump out of his skin. But he couldn’t just tear his eyes away from her breasts. To his credit, the Cincuman gave a good account of himself before toppling over unconscious. During his later stage of drunkenness, Valeriya had allowed him controlled access to her breasts to egg him on.

The belle rolled the passed out Cincuman onto his back and pulled down his breeches. Then she fetched her razor from her saddle bags and shaved his bushy pubis bare, taking care not to let her hand slip in her vodka induced dizziness and give him something to really complain about. With a shaved little penis, Danior truly looked like a little boy. His slim 4 inch worm vomited in her hands while Valeriya was handling him, but she forgave him for this particular impudence.

Danior didn’t try anything funny after that. He would blush and look away every time they made eye contact. Though it was funny at first, Valeriya began to feel a bit sorry for him after a couple of days. She couldn’t fault the man for desiring her. Valeriya had disliked him at first because of the way he talked, but though she hadn’t suddenly become fond of him, the busty blonde now found him quite tolerable.

The day after that night, Valeriya and Danior crossed the border and entered Cincu territory. And two more days later, they reached Letca—the largest Cincu-port on Langenrieth. They had been following the wide, elder river north and east. From Letca, Tanacu is a mere two day’s straight ride further northeast—if they hurried up a little, which they did.

After the first day, when the daylight was beginning to fade, Valeriya and Danior were looking for a suitable spot to make camp. Valeriya spotted a large hare. She pointed it out to the quiet Cincuman and said playfully, “Hey Danior, if you can knock it down with your sling and cook me dinner, I’ll let you fuck me.” Although this time she didn’t press her tits together.

Danior looked at her and blushed again. This is getting ridiculous! But she also noticed the sudden light in his eyes. He had recognized his opportunity. Valeriya knew the marsh-folk were generally good with their slings—one can only eat so much fish; birds and rabbits does add some variation to the table—but that’s okay. She wanted him to win. She wanted to make up with him, nearing the end of their journey as they were. But nothing’s more humiliating for a man than to be offered pity sex. It would be best if he had the illusion of having earned his right to share her blankets for the night. Besides, that hare did look rather delicious.

The Cincuman took long and careful aim. He whirled his sling for so long that Valeriya feared the hare might just get bored and give up on dying for the day. But it didn’t. For when Danior finally let the egg-size missile fly, it struck true. The little man quickly ran to his quarry to make sure it was dead. He skinned and gutted it expertly while Valeriya set up camp.

That night they dined like kings—figuratively speaking of course. Danior cooked meat well for a marsh-man. Of course, not all Cincuman caught fish for a living. “What is it that you do, Danior?” Valeriya inquired, taking a swig of wine from her skin. “That is, when you aren’t looking for assassins to hire.”

“Oh this and that,” he shrugged airily. “Small tasks for the king—until he deems me fit for greater duties.” Danior was about 5 feet tall, neither tall nor short for a Cincuman. He had an average build too. He had dark shaggy hair and blue eyes. Valeriya would say he was of her age, give or take a year. Clean shaved, he looked more like a boy than grown man.

Valeriya waited in awkward silence for a while. But Danior didn’t make a move to collect on her promise. He speaks haughtily, but is a chicken through and through when it comes to handling ladies, she thought. Valeriya got up on her hands and knees and crawled sinuously towards the tense Cincuman, rump raised in the air and swaying left and right invitingly.

The alluring blonde rose to her knees in front of him. Reaching behind with her hands, Valeriya unhooked the leather strap across her back and slid the bikini top down the length of her arms, revealing her soft and supple, slightly bottom-heavy breasts to him. She could tell Danior was having trouble breathing. He was leaning back on his pallet of blankets, trembling hands supporting his weight—mouth agape, struck motionless in awe.

Valeriya bit her juicy bottom lip and moaned seductively. She placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed him back, then straddled his hips, sitting over his trapped phallus. Valeriya ground her lush buttocks on his diamond-hard erection, making the man groan with desire. She took his hands and placed them on her fun-bags. The blonde didn’t have to encourage Danior further as he began to play with her tits—squeezing, pinching … feeling their weight in his clammy hands.

Valeriya kept stroking his crotch with her ass as he slowly gained confidence and got bolder. He pinched her nipples harder, making her moan with the sharp pleasure. Valeriya got off Danior when she sensed him getting too fidgety, not wanting him to cum without even getting the chance to penetrate her.

Valeriya unlaced his breeches and freed his poker. A light stubble had grown on his pubis in the last couple of days, but it still looked rather boyish to her. She leaned down and took his erection in her mouth. A sound escaped Danior’s throat as the heavenly warmth of Valeriya’s mouth surrounded his manhood. He tasted salty and smelled of sweat, nothing unpleasant.

The sword-maiden wielded her tongue and lips expertly and slurped on his stiff member for a while, then shifted her position, presenting her ass to him. “Finger my pussy, lover,” she urged before resuming her fellating.

Danior hooked his fingers around the leather straps and pulled her mail panties down to her knees. He let out a hissing gasp at the sight of her fleshy folds. Valeriya was dripping. He placed his fingers on her swollen nether lips and caressed them, searching for her vagina, eliciting more slurping moans of pleasure from her. Locating it successfully, he pushed two of his digits into her warm slippery hole.

Valeriya moaned louder and sucked harder on his smooth uncut cock as he fingered her honey pot. The cock was four inch long and an inch thick. Although Valeriya liked her toys big, she didn’t condemn it. Four inches are enough to service a tight, young woman. And she knew just the place to put it.

Valeriya spat a thick gob of saliva and pre-cum on her fingers and reaching behind, pushed her wet fingers in the deep crevice between her buttocks. She began messaging her puckered anus, moistening and preparing it for penetration. Danior moaned with shock and desire when he saw a couple of her fingers slip through her anal ring.

Valeriya sucked on his pecker enthusiastically for another couple of minutes while loosening up her asshole with two of her slender fingers—pulling away reluctantly only when she judged him too close. Then she turned her face to him and purred, “How’d you like to put it in my ass, Cincuman?”

Danior’s round eyes almost popped out of their sockets, so profound was his shock. He hurriedly sat up. “Yes please,” he answered diminutively, like an obedient little boy. All his haughtiness had long vanished.

“Would you like to take me from behind? Like a bitch in heat?” Valeriya purred, swaying her lush rear end in front of his face. Danior nodded vigorously. “Well, go ahead then. Take it, you’ve earned it.” Valeriya wiggled her ass, causing her firm, rounded globes to jiggle gently.

Danior got to his feet as quickly as possible and stepped out of his breeches. Valeriya positioned herself more comfortably on his blankets. She spat on her fingers again and applied more lubrication to her anal opening. Then she dropped down on her elbows and arched her back, causing her ass to stick out further in the air.

Danior took position behind her and placed his knob-end at her asshole. He pushed in gently and Valeriya felt her sphincter stretch and swallow him smoothly. The Cincuman grabbed her hips and began to thrust himself in and out of her—slowly at first, but gathering speed gradually.

Valeriya matched him stroke for stroke. She’d push her ass back and gobble up his erection whole, then grind her heavenly mounds on his belly before tightening her sphincter and rectum around his hardness and pulling back, effectively milking him. Valeriya could tell Danior didn’t want to rush things. He wanted to savor her. And she respected that. She was enjoying herself too. He gripped her hips harder, fingernails unintentionally biting into her skin, but that only heightened her pleasure.

Valeriya moaned and kept milking his stick. “You like that?” she looked back at him over her shoulder and asked in her huskily melodious voice. “Like my ass?” The Cincuman nodded heartily. He was sweating profusely. “Ever put it in a girl’s fanny before?” she cooed.

Danior shook his head. His eyes were glued to the spot where his manhood kept disappearing inside the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. “I always wanted to. But not one would let me.” He bit his lips in concentration, not wanting to ejaculate too soon and shame himself.

“Are you going to tell your friends about what you did to me?” Valeriya asked, still bouncing her ass on the bottom of his abdomen.

“No!” the Cincuman cried indignantly, finally breaking his gaze from her ass and looking at her face.

“Why? Are you ashamed of me?” Valeriya teased. “You don’t think I’m pretty?”

“No!” again he cried, this time rather wretchedly. “You are the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.” He had stopped thrusting.

“Oh? And you’ve seen many pretty girls?” Valeriya pulled her ass back and slammed it back on his groin, goading him into motion again. His scratchy pubes felt wonderfully itchy on her sweaty skin. Valeriya reached between her legs with a hand to seek out her pleasure-pearl. She started rubbing her sopping pussy with frantic fingers.

Danior tightened his grip on the lissome blonde’s hips and proceeded to skewer her rear end again. He was a smart lad; he had picked up on her game. “I’ve been to Dolne a couple of times … walked the streets of the red-lantern district at the night of King Maxim’s Day.” He grunted and slammed into her hard. He was fucking her harder now. “I think I’ve seen a few.”

Dolne’s red-lantern district, where the most exquisite and exotic beauties of the known world are available for rent—or sale, if you despise your paternal fortune so—for an hour or a day, whatever you wish. And the night of King Maxim’s Day—Laski’s national day—was when only the very best are displayed on the bordello windows. ’Tis quite a complement if the titch spoke the truth. And not to sound too conceited, Valeriya thought he did.

“So—” Valeriya grunted, tits flying in every direction at the impact of his groin crashing onto her jiggling buns, “—tell everyone that!” Danior was pumping her ass so fast that she couldn’t match his strokes anymore. All she could do was to clench her stink-hole around his shaft and milk him every time he pulled back. “Tell everyone … that you’ve fucked—” her fingers worked furiously on her clit “—the prettiest piece-of-ass you’ve seen … right in her dirty ass!” Valeriya dropped her shoulder onto the blanket, hiding her face in its folds, and came with a muffled scream.

When she regained her bearings again, Valeriya found Danior leaning down, bent over her ass, rubbing his face on her sweaty, titillatingly muscular back—his cock throbbing sporadically in her rectum. He dismounted her when his dick shrunk and withdrew from her creamy hole. Valeriya collapsed onto the blanket and the Cincuman followed suit.

After a couple of minutes of panting silence, Valeriya felt her pint-size lover reach around her and grab her left breast. “So, did you just walk the streets of the red-lantern district?” she asked, rolling onto her back to give him better access to her water balloons.

“What do you think?” Danior replied, then leaned over her and took her left nipple in his mouth. “Every time I go to a Laski city, I return home penniless,” he pulled up from her tit just long enough to add before going back to his nursing.

Danior, lying along her left side, had raised himself on his right elbow and was fervently sucking away on her left breast. He had sucked in her succulent raisin of a nipple, the large areola, and also a big mouthful of her soft tit-flesh inside his mouth, and was eagerly chewing and sucking on them. Valeriya moaned with pleasure and parted her legs. Taking the cue, the Cincuman pushed his left hand between her thighs and felt her hot, moist pussy under his palm.

The wanton beauty moaned louder as she felt two of his fingers smoothly enter her vagina. “Yes … finger me…” She grabbed his wrist and repositioned his hand so his palm was rubbing her engorged pearl. “…make me cum!” Danior’s mouth was doing wonders to her tit. His fingers worked her pussy brilliantly. Valeriya became aware of his erect-again pecker poking her on the hip. She took it in her grip and held it tightly without stroking.

Danior’s hand was a moisture spraying blur between her thighs. Valeriya couldn’t take it anymore. Her thighs closed around his hand—back arching, creating a half-moon over the blankets, then she gasped, and howled soundlessly at the twin moons.

Danior slid his stiff hand from between her slippery thighs. “I want to fuck your pussy now…” he murmured lustfully to her ear.

After a hard day’s ride and two strong orgasms, Valeriya was exhausted. But she still nodded her assent. If he was willing to do the work, she wasn’t going to snub him. The trim young woman spread her legs and raised her knees a little, placing the soles of her booted feet on the blankets.

The Cincuman climbed in between her thighs. He fumbled with his poker on her fleshy folds, trying to locate her vagina. He pushed in with a sigh of contentment and dropped his head to her dairy pillows. He noticed the bruises and bite marks on her left breast, so this time he concentrated on her right one.

Danior gyrated his hips between her thighs, exploring her snug canal. Valeriya moaned in languid pleasure and grabbed his head by his shaggy hair. He had one again sucked in a substantial amount of her supple flesh inside his mouth. He pawed her other breast and pumped her baby-chute. Valeriya ran her fingers through his hair and clawed his back lightly. She concentrated on her pussy, squeezing and relaxing her cock-sleeve to give him maximum pleasure.

This was the most pleasurable experience of young Danior’s life. And he tried hard to make it a long one. He slobbered on her titties and skewered his beautiful trophy’s tight cunt. He would ease off every time he thought he was close. But every time he slowed down, the wicked angel of a woman contracted around his cock even harder. He knew he couldn’t hold off any longer. He cried. Actual tears steamed his eyes, so intense was his pleasure.

Danior buried his face in the valley between Valeriya’s breasts and came. His spasmodic worm burrowed inside her honey pot and laid its eggs. Then he lay motionless. Valeriya fell asleep cradling her pro tem lover’s head on her large and youthful, cushy breasts.

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